Jotaro Unfortunately - Tumblr Posts
A new friend trying to learn more about me: Oh, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure! I’ve heard of that show, who’s your favourite Jojo?
Me, rewinding Ocean Man for the eighth time since starting this conversation: Uh
He has to be perfect he has to be perfect he has to be perfect

Wait no he doesn’t. . .

Actually I could make him worse

I love the artist progress of he has to be perfect he has to be perfect he had to be pe r fe wait no he doesn’t. . . Actually I could make him worse
Ah yes Sadao Kujo and his giant fucking son
I have questioned, because we don’t actually ever see Holly again after part three, if she ends up passing away near the events of part six, but then I realize how silly that would be because Jotaro would have fucking lost it and wouldn’t have even been out of bed let alone fighting the powers of GOD.
But I have an image in my head of Jotaro, with a big storage crate of VHS tapes, sitting crosslegged on the floor in front an old box tv in his and Holly’s house. He’s watching one of his fourth birthday, where he made such a fuss about being filmed she had to stop the tape for a minute to persuade him. When it kicks back on again, there’s Jotaro, with navy blue shorts and little suspenders, with a party hat on. He’s glaring into the lense, but he doesn’t glare up at his mother. Instead, he looks down at the grass.
“Oh Jojo, you’ve grown up so much already. Slow down! Stop it!” She’s giggling, and the camera is shaking with it. Kid Jotaro can’t help but join in, and this Jotaro, sitting there in the empty house, rewinds the tape.
“Oh Jojo, you’ve grown up so much already. Slow down! Stop it!” She’s giggling, and the camera shakes with it.
“Oh Jojo, you’ve grown up so much already. Slow down! Stop it—!”
“Oh Jojo, you’ve grown up so much already. Slow—!”
“Oh Jojo, you’ve grown up so much already—”
“Oh Jojo. . .”
I love it when I see fanart of Jotaro right in the midst of his fight with Dio where Dio’s gloating or something and the artist depicts Jotaro like this

Dio tries to get Jotaro canceled on twitter like, he hates me because he’s homophobic!!! And Jotaro’s in some dive bar trying to track his location like ‘you killed my fucking boyfriend????’ He’s gripping the counter ‘My boyfriend???? The one you killed?????’
I love modern aus where everyone remembers their past timeline and are now duking it out in pandemic 2019 but also I love the idea of just Jotaro and Dio remembering. Like, WOW these two giant dudes REALLY HATE EACHOTHER lol I wonder why