Jude Bellingham Fanfic - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

tell my girlfriend i love her.

jude bellingham x fem!reader. fluff jude has something to say to the public, clearly.

The city of Madrid was crying out loud in white and happiness while you were quietly suffering with your thesis paper, the ultimate killer of your life.

Your heart was already sinking, knowing you were not able to go to the stadium to cheer your boyfriend after his first biggest win of the season but Jude was more understanding than anyone as he kept saying it was alright and it just made your day way worse.

("I am so sorry, I wish I could come but this paper . . it is killing me." You muttered through your phone, as the other line heard you in silence.

Jude sighed, and your heart broke a little. It will be his big day, his club's big day, and you, being his girlfriend, could not attend. Your thoughts lingered toward the trolls on the internet who would be after the status of your relationship.

"It is alright, my love. You will call me after we finish the game, innit? I would just love to hear your voice after we win." Jude softly said, in his voice settled a calmness and a sense of assurance.

You nodded furiously. "I will call you, of course, I will. I love you," You sighed in defeat. "I love you so much." You said it once again, more clearly to hear, more firmly to believe. You could just envision Jude sitting on his bed, biting his lips in slight disappointment with his shoulder completely down like a baby.

"I love you too." He chuckled, trying to make you feel better about the whole situation. "Your boyfriend will make you proud."

"My boyfriend always makes me proud.")

So you decided to take a break from the paper and see the live broadcast of Real Madrid through your large television that Jude gifted claiming to watch him play while you do your little assignment. Switching the television on the news was already covering the win of Real Madrid in the Champions League. After his fresh win with his club, you had already called Jude but it was impossible to pick up since he was happily celebrating with his family and his teammates.

And you did not mind.

His bright smile and the happiness that twinkled through his eyes as he proudly showed off his badge and its accomplishment was warming your heart. Proud was an understatement with Jude, but it was all worth it.

Traveling around Madrid with his teammates on the upper deck of the bus. Your eyes lingered on Jude through the live broadcast as he quietly sipped his cup. You shook your head, laughing since his drunk behavior is quite questionable and now he has decided to show off to the world.

This would be fun, you thought.

"Jude, how do you feel about the win in your first season?" The reporter gently forwarded the mic to Jude who had a red cup holding on his hand. He laughed, grabbing the mic.

"Being in Real Madrid was already a great pleasure, but winning with the club and for the people who support Real Madrid was another beautiful moment of my life and I do not think I will ever forget. But I," He caught a breather for a moment, "I honestly do not know but like, I miss my girlfriend." He rambled through his words. You laughed on your couch, confused and slightly nervous about his behavior. "So I do not know, maybe I am happy but I am sad too." He confessed at the end.

With all the fixed pieces of your heart, it broke piece by piece with his confession at the end.

The reporter took the mic from Jude, but he frantically grabbed it back as if he still had something to say. Clearing his throat, he waved the cameraman to come closer, "Please come here. No, please stay back. No need. I have a mic. Please stay back. I need to look presentable." He laughed.

You mentally note to never let his lips touch any form of alcohol whatsoever. Well, his mother will do the part too. "Can you please tell my girlfriend I love her? Oh wait, I have a mic." Jude whispered to the reporter whilst still holding the mic.

You cupped your mouth, not wanting to laugh at him. Your heart clenched out in adoration at the boy standing in front of a sports broadcast confessing out loud that he simply misses his girlfriend.

"Jude, I think you told her that just now." The reporter laughed. The camera shook in a degree noticing that the cameraman was laughing alongside. The heat crept through your neck but your eyes could not leave him, and his expression for the whole nation to see, he furrowed his eyebrows, shaking his head.

"No, I need to tell her properly again." Jude expressed his words through his pouted lips and his eyes darted at the camera.

"We won, baby. I love you, I love you so much, I will call you after this, I promise and I will fly to you and my heart will still be yours." Jude smiled, staring at the camera with his eyes still sad, yet his smile gave enough of how much he simply wanted to be with you right now.

"I love you too." You whispered softly . . for nobody to hear but most likely the ghost, yet it was enough to know he is coming home to you.

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9 months ago

Who are you? - Jude Bellingham x reader

Who Are You? - Jude Bellingham X Reader

Summary: Reader is a sports journalist at TNT Sports for a few months. In a post match interview, another interviewer criticises reader and Jude springs to defend her. Inspired by that clip of Lando Norris đŸ€

A/n: requests are open while I have the motivation + check out my masterlist


The match had just ended. Real Madrid and Manchester City both with one goal each, Madrid winning on penalties.

The atmosphere in the Etihad louder than normal, the city fans quieter than the away fans like they normally are in Premier League games.

The Madridistas sounded like they were having a party in their end, music playing, crowds screaming and chanting as the players were celebrating alongside them.

You were down pitch side having been moved their from the media box during the penalty shootout.

There were about ten journalists, including yourself, all with official lanyards, notebooks, your questions you’d prepared for every player as you still didn’t know who you were to interview.

You were overall in a good mood, but the nerves were eating at you. It was your first sports journalism job since you got the apprenticeship with TNT sports during the Champions League. You weren’t supposed to be the one interviewing, you were just supposed to shadow someone from the company but they were ill and no one else was available to do it. So to say the pressure is on, is no exaggeration.

These nerves only worsened when you realised the other nine journalists were male, old and all stood a few metres away in a little group.

You felt like you were back in school with all their little whispers and glances at you.

You bit the inside of your cheek as you thought about how pathetic they were as grown men leaving out a young woman.

If you weren’t in an apprenticeship and you weren’t professional, you would’ve said something, but you told yourself to bite your tongue.

You decided to take the time you had by yourself to read over your questions and review your notes on the match seeing if there’s anything you need to change.

After a few minutes and floods of city fans exiting the stadium, a member of the stadium team comes over to you.

“You’ll be interviewing Jude Bellingham first, but that’s the only interview we can give you today I’m afraid.” The older man says to you sweetly.

“Okay, no worries. How long?” You smile.

“The interview will be in a few minutes after they get the media set up ready and keep it between 2-3 minutes please” he says before walking away and going over to the group of the other journalists, all looking over at you.

You smile and wave at them sarcastically, in response to their hostile glances. You said you’d be profession, not that you wouldn’t be petty.

You head over the the edge of the pitch, set up with a board of all the sponsors logos and a huge camera a metre or two in front of it, there are wires all over the floor leading to a generator behind the barricades at the edge of the pitch.

“Y/n y/l/n?” The engineers ask your name.

“That’s me” you affirm while holding up your lanyard with proof.

“Here’s your microphone” the lady says while handing a mic to you with TNT sports on it.

“Thank you” you reply with a smile and take the microphone in your hand, placing everything but your questions for Jude on the floor by the media set up.

You’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to interview Jude, you weren’t blind and from previous interviews you’d watched, he gives good answers.

You read over your questions one last time before you see a talk figure heading your way.

“Rolling in one minute” an engineer says as you meet Jude’s eye.

He grabs the other microphone from the engineer and takes his place between the camera and the sponsor board.

He looks at you, a hint of curiosity in his eye.

“I’ve not seen you before. I’m Jude” he says and holds his hand out for you to shake. You smile in return before reaching your hand out and making contact with his.

You felt your cheeks heat up under his gaze and your hands stay enclosed for a few seconds before you realise you still haven’t said your name.

“Oh, I’m y/n y/L/n. I’m on an apprenticeship currently, my first interview. It’s nice to meet you” you explain as he lets go of your hand, slightly laughing at you.

“Yeah, you too” he smiles.

“Well played today” you say, hating awkward silences.

“Thank you, it was a good game” he seems very attentive and engaged in whatever you had to say, something you hadn’t seen with other players and interviewers. It was nice to feel heard in an industry where women are often hushed.

“Okay, whenever your ready” the interviewer says, and in an instant, your nervous demeanour switched to one solely of professionalism, something Jude noticed and was largely intrigued by.

“Hi, Jude. So, you’ve had a bit of time to reflect on the match now. Hod do you feel about the team’s overall performance?” You ask him.

He nods during your question, absorbing every word you say.

“Yeah, I think the team put a good shift in overall. Manchester City is a difficult team to play against, you know when you think you’re through on goal you’ve got more defenders running at you. So in a goal scoring sense, we probably good have done better and not miss so many chances but defensively I think we were quite strong.” He says, it’s interesting how his maturer personality comes out during interviews as opposed to his boyish persona beforehand.

“Other than their goal, of course.” He slightly smiles, like feeling much better about it in hindsight than he did during the moment.

“Sure” you politely laugh at his joke, “as a result of that goal, obviously, it ended up going to penalties, how confident were you going into that?”

He purses his lips as he thinks about his answer, his eyes wondering around the crowd of Madridistas behind you.

“I had no doubt that we had some incredible penalty takers. Experienced ones as well with good heads on them so in terms of our capabilities, I was confident. On the other hand, we were against City, a team with various goal scorers and arguably one of the best keepers in the world at the moment so of course we couldn’t underestimate them.” He nods at you.

“Okay, thank you, Jude. One more question before I have to go, going into the Semi-final, you’re playing against Bayern Munich, a side which you’re largely familiar playing against of course. You’re main rivals last season at Dortmund. Is there anything you picked up on in your performance tonight that you know Bayern will capitalise on if repeated?” You ask, one thing you always pride yourself on is how in depth your research is before an interview, the person you’re shadowing has taken a few of your questions during your apprenticeship.

Jude seems impressed as the corners of his eyes crinkle slightly in a smile.

“You ask the best questions, they’re making me have to think” he says with a laugh.

Before you can thank him, a rough and deep voice startles you from behind, “no she doesn’t”

You turn your head to see one of the other journalists, your heart starts to beat quicker and the nerves kick back in. You start to think you need to defend yourself but you can’t find the words, shocked at how rude he was.

“Sorry, who are you?” Jude looks past you and says the man, his face scrunched up in anger, he can’t even fathom how someone could be so rude and have no shame about it.

You turn to Jude to look at him, his posture and body language changing to a defensive one. You silently thank him as the man retreats, his fave dropping as he senses no humour in Jude’s tone.

Jude glares at him for a little bit longer before turning back to you with concern in his eyes.

“Are you alright? I meant what I said” he tells you and you smile before nodding.

“Reckon I could get an answer to that question?” You ask, poking fun at the altercation.

“Yeah sure” he laughs with you.

“I think if we aren’t more clinical in front of goal then Bayern can obviously punish us with that now they have Harry Kane up front” he replies and you nod, agreeing with him.

“Perfect, thank you so much.” You say smiling at him before the camera is cut.

“Okay, this way please” the engineer says to you, ushering you away from the media spot.

You follow her, smiling one last time at Jude before heading towards the exit.

“Wait” you hear Jude call from behind you, you stop in your tracks and slowly turn around.

“Jude, you need to do another interview” the engineer calls to him as he jogs over to you.

“I don’t want to have one with him anyway” he replies back, referencing the man that insulted you.

You laugh at him as he finally reaches you.

“Can i have your instagram please?” He asks, he seems shy now and you have to bite your lip so as to not smile.

“Instagram?” You tease him.

“My mum doesn’t let me give people my number, only family and friends can have it” he says, his hand rubbing the back of his neck shyly.

“My username is just my name” you say before you turn to walk away.

“Okay! Look out for my follow” he shouts as he runs back to the media set up.

The both of you are left with a smile on your face and a warm feeling in your stomach.

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9 months ago

can you plz do suby!jude x reader when he is injured and horny:/

nsfw, jude bellingham

♡⾝⾝ jude's arm had been in a cast for a good week now, meaning he hadn't been able to touch you or himself, and it was tortuous. he could use his nondominant hand, but you had told him to rest and relax, too much movement might get him in the hospital again.

but one night he just couldn't take it anymore. he could swear you were wearing less and less clothing every day, and he just needed to get off. so, he came to you, his cock already rock hard and leaking, a wet patch forming at the front of his boxers.

without a word he smashed his lips onto yours, pushing you until the back of your knees hit the couch and you sat down, jude taking his spot next to you. his healthy hand came up to gently hold your head in place, his voice soft as he spoke against your lips, "need you so bad, please"

and how could you say no when he was asking so nicely. you let your hand stray down to his hard on, smiling against the skin of his jaw where you had been trailing kisses when you felt just how wet he was. a whimper escaped his throat as he gently humped your palm, "already so hard and wet for me. such a good boy, baby. coming to me hard and ready"

he frantically nodded, his hips moving faster against your palm, making you tsk as you pulled it away, muttering a quiet "lay down, baby". and once he was laying down with you between his thighs, you started mouthing at his cock over the fabric of his boxers.

"please- shit- please, no more teasing. please" the moans leaving his throat were unchecked as he begged for you to just take him into the heat of your mouth.

you pulled his cock out, not even bothering to strip him of his clothing, before letting your mouth find his tip. you sucked vigorously on it, tearing him between the pleasure and sharp pain of being simulated so directly. you let yourself sink down to the base of his cock, allowing yourself to gag on it, knowing how much he liked the feeling of your throat constricting around him.

and you were right because he was cumming right away, shooting his load down your throat and whining loudly, his thighs trembling violently next to your head. you pulled up so his tip was left in your mouth and sucked, letting your tongue run all over it, overstimulating him. he started whimpering, his voice high as he told you just how much it hurt, tears rimming his pretty eyes, but he wasn't the one to run the show here.

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8 months ago

Campeones - Jude Bellingham x reader

Campeones - Jude Bellingham X Reader
Campeones - Jude Bellingham X Reader
Campeones - Jude Bellingham X Reader

Summary: reader wants to remain professional as she interviews Jude after he’s just won the Champions League with Real Madrid, but all he wants to do, is kiss her.

Part 2 of ‘Who are you?’ (Read part 1 here)đŸ‘ˆđŸ». Can be read as a stand alone but I’d suggest reading part one first.

A/n: I’m so proud I could cry. My Jude Bellingham Masterlist <-


White shirts poured onto the pitch the very moment that final whistle blew.

Cheers erupted all around Wembley stadium as you were escorted by a security guard from the media pen and all the way down to the pitch side within a minute of Real Madrid winning the Champions League.

Following your interview with Jude a month ago, you’d been calling each other almost everyday after he finally gave up texting you on instagram and gave you his number.

You were enamoured with each other, utterly obsessed even, to the point where you’d found yourself well acquainted with his family as whenever you’d be on FaceTime, they quite often would walk into frame and speak to you, especially his little brother, Jobe.

It was only a matter of days before you’d developed romantic feelings for him, and even less for him to like you.

So naturally, the two of you had entered a relationship shortly after Jude had confessed his feelings to you while drunk following the La Liga trophy parade.

Whilst your romantic life was blooming, so was your career.

You’d caught the attention of TNT Sports in the way that you’d handled yourself in the face of criticism and how well you’d come across as a result of the excellence of your questions in the post match interview where you and Jude had met.

They offered you a full-time job there next season, as long as you agreed to do the post-match interviews after the Champions League final.

The moment you’d told Jude about his offer, he was screaming down the phone in excitement over the prospect of you being there for him, so long as Real Madrid beat Bayern Munich in the Semi-finals.

They, of course, did.

So here you are, stood pitch side while you watch your new boyfriend jump around with his teammates after winning his first UCL.

Had you not been working and attempting to save professional face, you would’ve been crying just like Jude is.

“One minute until we are live on air” you hear a sound engineer say in your ear piece, a microphone pack having been attached to you moments ago.

“Copy that” you affirm as you hold two TNT sports labelled microphones in your hands, just waiting for the moment you get the green light to go and interview some players.

Your eyes never leave Jude as you watch him with pride, your team noticing.

“Try to keep it professional, okay? The fans loved the two of you after your last interview but they’d love you more if they got to hear from Jude properly” a man you’d grown familiar with recently jests with you.

You laugh at him and nod your head, “I’ll try”.

“Okay, you can enter the pitch now” you hear in your ear and all of a sudden, journalists flood the pitch just begging for a few seconds with the players in white.

“Who am I aiming for?” You ask your team as the camera man follows you onto the pitch.

“Who do you think?” They chuckle and you know who instantly.


Professional. Professional. Professional.

You chant in your head, but it’s not you you’re worried about, it’s him.

The world had found out about the two of you as Jude had posted a picture of his garden on his story a few weeks ago, the only problem? It had the reflection of you cuddled into his side in the glass door.

You walk up to him, not having to walk far as he’d been looking for you the moment that whistle blew.

“Jude, may i get a few words from you?” You ask him, the camera having started rolling as he’d made his way over to you.

“For you, of course” he smiles as you hand him one of the two microphones you had. As you did, you subtly tapped his hand and widened your eyes at him, silently scolding him.

He laughs, of course.

“Jude Bellingham, Champions League winner. How does that feel?” You ask him, choosing simpler questions as it’s clear his head is foggy with emotion.

At your words, his eyes glass over and a new wave of tears fights to fall.

He opens his mouth, closes it again. And repeats that a few times while looking over your head, trying to avoid eye contact.

He’s speechless, that’s all there was to say. But you didn’t want to push him, you wanted to let him take the moment in.

“Y/n” you hear in your ear piece, but you ignore it.

“Sorry” he turns back to you, “I’ve just seen my mum, dad and brother in the crowd and honestly
I can’t describe the feeling. It’s all we’ve ever dreamed of. They’ve done so much for me, sacrificed so much for me. I just hope I’ve made it up to them” he says, his voice thick with emotion.

“I know you have” oops. “Everyone knows you have. You’ve had an incredible debut season with Madrid and made a name for yourself amongst the stars. What does this mean for you?” You recover.

But Jude hasn’t, he’s smirking.

Smirking so wide and obnoxiously at your little slip up that you want to kiss that little grin away. But alas, you can’t.

“Yeah, I mean it’s obviously incredible for my first season, for the team” he says and he can’t hold back his laugh. When he sees your stern gaze, he attempts to get the ball rolling again.

“Sorry, yeah but i can’t wait for next season. Getting back on it and hopefully winning more trophies” he says and you can tell that’s all you’re getting out of him in this moment in time.

“Thank you so much, Jude. Enjoy your celebrations this evening” you say nodding at him and turning away from him after reclaiming the microphone.

The camera man pans to the crowd for a moment and before you can finish scanning the crowd of players and media on the pitch for your next victim, you feel hands gripping your waist.

You squeal, your head whipping over your shoulder to see Jude, that same smirk on his face.

His hands slide across your stomach until he is simply hugging you from behind, you’d normally be grossed out by his sweat but you think you can ignore it just this once.

“Trying to get rid of me that quickly, baby” he says, his voice filled with humour.

“I told you to keep it professional” you said as you turn around in his arms, picking a little piece of grass out of his hair as he admires you adoringly.

“I’m sorry, I’m just so happy and excited and then seeing you
I just wanted to kiss you the whole time” he says, he looks so sweet and innocent and happy.

Your heart melts at the sight as you smile, letting your hands drift across the expanse of his broad shoulders and up around the back of his neck as his arms remain around your waist.

“So kiss me then” you whisper, and he needs to more encouragement.

His lips are soft and plump in contrast with the passion in which he is kissing you as you hear cheers from his teammates at the two of you.

You both smile and break out of the kiss as Jude raises his middle finger up at Vini, Cama and Tchouameni.

As that was happening however, the camera man had turned back to where he thought you were before he had panned the camera to the crowd, and with that, the camera turned as well

Right on the two of you embracing in a heated kiss in the middle of the pitch at Wembley stadium.

A fact you become all too aware of when you hear your in-ear piece activate again.

“Whatever happened to professional?” Your team says and before you can even think about replying, Jude has ripped the ear piece out and embraced you in an even deeper kiss.

You just hope you have a job after this, although nothing could make you any happier than how you feel right now, in the arms of the boy you love. A champions league winner.

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7 months ago

no pressure but imo we should get a winners fic today đŸ€­

Every night - Jude Bellingham

No Pressure But Imo We Should Get A Winners Fic Today
No Pressure But Imo We Should Get A Winners Fic Today
No Pressure But Imo We Should Get A Winners Fic Today

SUMMARY: Your boyfriend’s real reward is at home, waiting for him to make their night unforgettable

GENRE: smut, reward sex

WARNINGS: smut (+18), fingering, jerking off, unprotected sex, crampie

AUTHOR’S NOTE: of course i had to write this
especially with him looking so hot tonight😌

˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗

If there’s one thing Jude loved more than winning a game, it was what came after.

Sure, the roar of the crowd, the thrill of the match, and the praise of being called the best on the pitch was a rush like no other. But what really got him, what he craved most, was knowing that you were waiting for him at home with that smile, the one that told him he’d more than earned his reward.

Tonight was no different.

“Oi, Jude, you comin’ out to celebrate?” Vinícius called out, his grin infectious.

“Nah, man, got somethin’ special planned,” Jude replied, a sly smile playing on his lips. The lads teased him, but he didn’t care. He knew they’d understand.

It was when he opened the door of his hotel’s room that he saw his real reward, a little smirk playing on his lips.

“Look who finally decided to show up,” you teased.

Jude’s grin matched yours as he dropped his bag by the door, his eyes never leaving yours. “You know I had to, right? Can’t leave my biggest fan waitin’.”

He led you to the couch, where you comfortably sat on his lap, still looking at him.He kissed you slowly, like he was savoring every second of it, every taste of you. You could feel the tension in his body, the way he held you just a little tighter, his fingers gripping you like he never wanted to let go.

” you breathed out, barely able to form words as his hands roamed your body, exploring, claiming.

“Mhm?” he hummed against your lips, his eyes half-lidded, full of that fiery intensity you loved so much.

“You were so good out there baby
” You whispered against his lips, which curved into a satisfied smile as he felt your breath against his skin.

“Yeah?” Jude’s voice was a low growl against your ear, his breath hot and teasing. “You know I do it all for you, right?”

You shivered under his touch, fingers tangling in his hair. “I know, baby.”

His hands roamed down your back, gripping your waist with a possessive intensity, his mouth leaving wet kisses down your neck. Soft moans escaped your lips.

“Don’t ever stop making that sound, yeah?” he murmured between kisses. You silently nodded, doing exactly as he requested.

Jude’s hands moved with purpose, tracing the curve of your body until his fingers brushed against the delicate lace of your panties. He pressed a finger against the fabric, feeling the heat and wetness beneath.

“Fuck, you’re so ready for me,” he growled, his voice thick. He slid your panties aside, his fingers teasing your entrance before slipping inside, making you gasp.

” you moaned, clutching at his shoulders, your hips rocking against his hand. His thumb found your clit, circling it with just the right pressure, making you see stars.

“You like that?” he whispered, his breath hot against your ear. “Tell me how good it feels.”

“So good, Jude
 don’t stop,” you panted, your nails digging into his back.

He smiled against your neck, adding another finger and thrusting them deeper, his pace relentless. “Gonna make you come, love. Gonna make you scream my name.”

You could feel the tension building, your body trembling with the need for release. Jude’s fingers moved faster, his thumb pressing harder against your clit, pushing you closer and closer to the edge.

“Come for me, baby,” he commanded, his voice rough and urgent. “Let go.”

With a cry, you did, but Jude didn’t stop, his fingers working you through your orgasm until you were a trembling, panting mess in his arms.

“Good girl,” he murmured, kissing you deeply, his hand still teasing your oversensitive flesh. “But we’re not done yet.”

You gently pushed him back, your eyes locked with his as you slid down his body. He watched you with a mix of surprise and hunger as you unbuttoned his pants, freeing his hard length.

“You want to be rewarded too, right?” you whispered, your voice sultry.

Jude could only nod, his eyes dark with desire. “I’m all yours.”

You wrapped your hand around him, your tongue flicking over the tip before taking him into your mouth. His groan was deep and guttural, his hands finding their way to your hair, guiding you as you moved.

“Fuck, that feels so good,” he muttered, his hips thrusting gently. You took him deeper, your tongue swirling around him, your hand working in tandem with your mouth. His grip tightened in your hair as you increased your pace, the sounds of your sucking and his moans filling the room.

“Baby, I’m close,” he warned, his voice strained. You pulled back slightly, your eyes meeting his as you continued to stroke him, your mouth working the tip with focused intensity.

With a shuddering groan, he came, his release filling your mouth. You swallowed every drop, licking him clean before looking up at him with a satisfied smile.

Jude pulled you up, kissing you deeply, tasting himself on your lips.

He climbed over you, positioning himself between your legs. He grabbed your hips, pulling you closer as he lined himself up with your entrance. The anticipation was almost too much to bear, and you closed your eyes at the feeling.

“Nu-uh, let me look at these pretty eyes,” Jude murmured, his voice rough.

You did as he asked, opening your ‘pretty eyes’ and grabbing his hand, squeezing and caressing it

As he entered you, he started moving his hips slowly at first, savoring every moment. You moaned softly, the sensation overwhelming.

“Fuck, you feel so good,” he groaned, his eyes never leaving yours. “So tight, so perfect.”

You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper. “Jude
 faster, please.”

He obliged, his thrusts becoming more urgent, each one driving you closer to the edge.Your gasps and moans filled the room .

“Your legs are shaking so much, baby,” he whispered, a wicked grin playing on his lips. “You like it when I fuck you like this?”

“God- Don’t stop please,” you whimpered , your nails digging into his shoulders.

He increased his pace, his thrusts hitting deeper and harder. “I never thought I’d hear you say this. Fuck, you’re so hot.”

You moaned louder, your body arching into his. “Jude
 I’m so close

“Me too, baby,” he groaned, his voice thick with pleasure. “I’m gonna come.”

The intensity of his thrusts, combined with the pressure of his thumb on your clit, pushed you over the edge once more.As he spilled inside you, he messily kissed you,moving your hair from your face.

He collapsed beside you, pulling you into his arms, both of you breathing heavily, hearts pounding.

You turned to face him, blushing a bit.

“Why are you looking at me like this?”you asked, trying to catch your breath, a playful grin on your face.

“I’m just imagining how amazing it would be to celebrate like this every night.”

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6 months ago

What type of boyfriend do you think jude would be?

omg i wanted to write this for so longđŸ„čđŸ„čđŸ„č

Jude is the kind of boyfriend who’s always looking for excuses to be close to you. He loves wrapping his arms around your waist from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder, and planting soft kisses on your neck when you least expect it. He LOVES physical touch.

Jude spoils you in every way he can. The moment you mention liking something, he’s already planning how to surprise you with it. It’s his way of showing that he listens and cares about every little thing that makes you happy.

Jude is the kind of boyfriend who remembers the little things. He’ll surprise you with your favorite snack when you’re having a bad day or put on the playlist you love when you’re driving together.

He loves to tease you and he’s got the best humor. He sends you LOTS of memes everyday and he gets so mad when you don’t watch themđŸ„čđŸ„č

“why didn’t you watch the videos i sent you??”

“Sorry baby i forgot


Jude is the kind of boyfriend who’ll stay up late with you, even if he’s tired, just to talk about anything and everything. 

Baby are you sleepy? We can sleep and talk tomorrow”

“No no, baby. Please just talk and i’ll listen”

He would do anything not to fall asleep but he would end up doing it when he is very tired, and that’s so cute

He doesn’t really know how to cook, but whenever you want to bake something, he’s right there to support you. He’ll grab whatever you need from the fridge and, even if he’s not cooking, he’ll wear the kitchen apron and hat just for you. It’s adorable.đŸ™đŸ»đŸ„č

He loves giving you flowers and takes genuine joy in taking care of them. You can imagine how excited he gets when it’s time to water them, making sure they’re okayđŸŒ±

Jude is the kind of boyfriend who only gets jealous when it truly matters. He’s not the type to control what you wear or dictate your choices but when he sees someone else catching your attention, he’ll quietly slip his hand into yours, pulling you closer as if to remind you that you’re his. 

Tags :
6 months ago

Pretending - Jude Bellingham

Pretending - Jude Bellingham
Pretending - Jude Bellingham
Pretending - Jude Bellingham

Warnings: none, maybe a bit smut (?)

Summary: Why moving on needs to be so hard?

Author's note: i don't know about this...let me know if you like it! masterlist

Genre: reader x Ex!JudeBellingham (wordcount: 1425)

☟ ⋆*:⋆*☟ ⋆*:⋆*☟ ⋆*:⋆*☟ ⋆*:⋆*☟ ⋆*:⋆*☟ ⋆*:⋆*

I could hardly believe my eyes.

Just when I thought I’d moved on, ready to start a new chapter and forget about him, there he was, looking like an angel descended to earth, a living Michelangelo masterpiece.

Was it the alcohol, or had he always been like this?

The sad truth was that I missed him more than I was willing to admit, and deep down, I hoped he missed me too.

When his eyes met mine, panic surged through me. I quickly turned away, pretending I hadn’t noticed him, as if that could somehow shield me from the storm of emotions brewing inside. I was terrified to face him, to meet his gaze, to exchange even a simple hello.

If I had truly moved on, I wouldn’t be feeling this way. No nervous fluttering in my stomach, no racing thoughts. But let’s be honest, this wasn’t just anyone. This was Jude Bellingham.

I could pretend I only noticed some of his teammates, but that would be a lie. He was surrounded by girls, their eager eyes betraying their desperation. Not that he paid them much attention, but they were ready to do anything to get close to him.

Before I met him, I had never been a jealous person, but what I loved most about him was his loyalty. Now, even though our relationship was over and I should have moved on, a pang hit my heart.

I had sworn to my friends that I wouldn’t fall for him again, no matter what. At the time, it seemed easy enough. I was confident, even defiant. But then I saw him, and all the walls I’d built crumbled in an instant. The progress I’d made was undone with a single glance.

“Show that you’ve moved on, you’re a fuckin’ independent girl.”

“He’s such a loser thinking he can get you back.”

What they didn’t know was that if I could, I would have jumped into his arms the moment I walked into the place. But I couldn’t. Maybe because my ego is as high as a mountain, and I’ve always followed this fundamental rule: Don’t go back to your exes.

Little did I know that soon this rule was going to be forgotten.

With my back still turned to him, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Before turning around, I tried to imagine who it could be. I hoped with all my heart that it was him, but all my hopes were shattered the moment I turned around.

There stood a man, visibly older than me, with a dazzling smile as he offered me his hand.

“Would you like to dance?”

☟ ⋆*:⋆*☟ ⋆*:⋆*☟ ⋆*:⋆*☟ ⋆*:⋆*☟ ⋆*:⋆*☟ ⋆*:⋆*

Jude has always been the jealous type, the kind of guy who feels the need to protect his territory. And I loved that protective side of him to death.

Ever since that guy asked me to dance, Jude hasn’t been able to take his eyes off me. I smiled slightly to myself because I knew the effect I had on him. I could see that irritated expression of his, the one that said, “I don’t like what I’m watching,” and butterflies fluttered in my stomach at the thought that maybe, just maybe, he still wanted me.

The guy had gone to get drinks, and while I was waiting, I heard a voice behind me, a voice too familiar to ignore.

“Were you trying to catch my attention? ‘Cause you did.”

My heart skipped a beat as I turned slowly, almost afraid of what I might find. There he was, closer than I expected, his eyes locked onto mine.

“I’m just trying to move on, like you should too,” I lied, my voice barely steady.

“Oh, sure you are,” Jude replied, his tone laced with sarcasm, but his eyes told a different story. They were searching mine, as if trying to find some truth behind my words.

“I saw how you were looking at me before, pretending not to notice,” he continued, stepping closer, my hands trembling harder than before.

“And I saw how you looked at me,” I shot back, my breath catching in my throat.

He smirked, the kind of smirk that made my knees weak. “So, what now? We keep pretending? Or are we going to talk about the fact that neither of us has moved on?”

I didn’t know what to say. I knew this night was going to be a long one.

His eyes and that little smirk. My heart was beating faster than it should have. Why was moving on so hard? My desire to jump into his arms was stronger than ever.

“Stop looking at me like that,” his voice pulled me back to reality. His gaze flickered away, a lazy smile tugging at his lips as he ran a hand through his hair.

“Like what?” I asked, my voice barely a whisper.

He leaned in closer, his breath warm against my skin, sending shivers down my spine. “Like you always did before.” He hesitated, then continued, “I miss you so fuckin’ much.”

His words hung in the air between us, the kind of tension that made it hard to breathe. “I miss you so fuckin’ much,” he repeated, his voice rough, as if the confession had taken everything out of him. His eyes, dark and intense, locked onto mine, searching for any hint of what I might be feeling.

I opened my mouth to say something, anything, but the words caught in my throat. It was impossible to think straight with him standing so close, looking at me like I was the only person in the room.

“Tell me you don’t miss me,” he whispered, his voice barely above a murmur, “and I’ll walk away right now. But if you do, even a little
” He trailed off, his gaze flickering down to my lips before meeting my eyes again. “Then let’s stop pretending.”

My heart pounded in my chest. I wanted to deny it, to tell him that I didn’t miss him, that I was perfectly fine on my own. But you know what the truth was.

“You’re making this really hard,” I finally managed to say, my voice shaky but laced with the frustration of someone who was desperately trying to hold it together.

He reached out, his fingers lightly tracing the curve of my jaw, sending a shiver down my spine. He closed the gap between us, his lips brushing against my ear as he spoke, each word sending butterflies to my stomach. "I know you want me. I can see it in your eyes. You can't hide from me, not now."

He pressed a soft kiss on my jaw, making me grip the bottom of his shirt. His hand then took my wrist, a grip much stronger and demanding. His fingers intertwined with mine.

I timidly sought his eyes, which immediately met my gaze.

“Am I going to regret this?” Words came out in a whisper. Enough to be heard but not enough to hide myself from him. I could never.

“Not if you want to.”

And there it was. In that moment, I was fucked.

I pulled him by his shirt to bring my lips closer to his, first just brushing against them, then Jude's hand slid around my hips, pulling me closer as his lips finally moved against mine with a fervor that took my breath away. I responded eagerly, wrapping my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss with a hunger that matched his own.

As his kisses traveled from my lips to my neck, the sensation of his warm breath and soft, tantalizing kisses made it hard to think. His lips brushed against my collarbone, moving lower, each kiss sending shivers down my spine, like always.

“I think we should take this to my place, yeah?”

Tags :
6 months ago

I'm proud of you - Jude Bellingham

I'm Proud Of You - Jude Bellingham

Summary: Comforting sad and defeated Jude after England's loss. Warning: Sad moment, comforting Words: <1k

I'm Proud Of You - Jude Bellingham

The referee blows the final whistle.

It was over. England lost. It all happened too quickly. Spain scoring in the last minutes didn't even give us time to process the situation.

I was sitting in the stands with Jude's family. We all shed a tear once the Spanish players started celebrating. Seeing Jude go off to the bench and kick something was a heartbreaking yet scary sight for me. Instantly, I knew that was going to be a sight for the media.

He's not like that at all. He just really wanted this win. With people being all over him, critiquing him, he really wanted to prove them wrong, to make England proud. I couldn't be more proud of him, though. He achieved amazing things in this competition.

As I watched him from afar, I wished I could just run down and hold him, tell him it was okay. I knew how much he had invested in this tournament, how much he had sacrificed. His dedication and his passio were the qualities that made him extraordinary. Those were the reasons why I fell in love with him.

Feeling an overwhelming urge to be closer to him, I excused myself from his family and made my way down to the lower stands, closer to the field. As I approached the edge, I saw Jude pacing back and forth, his frustration evident in every step. When he finally noticed me, our eyes locked. He hesitated for a moment, then walked over.

With his help, I crossed the barrier and immediately fell into his arms, holding his head tightly into my neck. I could feel him shaking from all the emotions he was going through.

"I messed up," he muttered, his voice muffled against my shoulder.

"No, you didn't," I said firmly, my hand gently running through his hair. "You were incredible, baby. You gave it your all." He pulled back slightly, his eyes filled with tears. "It wasn't enough. It wasn't fucking enough." "Hey," I cupped his face gently, putting my forehead against his. "Listen to me. You were amazing out there. You fought so hard, and everyone saw it."

He didn't know what to say. I could see he wanted to let go of everything he was feeling, but the words wouldn't come.

"Just stay calm, baby," I tried to comfort him, reminding him that losing is part of the game and keeping his composure is important. "You can use this to come back even stronger."

I knew my words might not have a big impact on him in that moment. It was all still raw and fresh for him, so I simply held him tighter in my arms. He pulled back slightly, his eyes still glistening. "I have to go, baby. They're going to do the ceremony."

"I know," I said softly. He kissed my forehead.

"I'll meet you afterwards," I told him, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.

He nodded, giving me one last look before turning and walking towards his teammates. As I walked up the stands to where his family was, I felt a mix of pride and heartache.

After England had their moment, Jude walked up to us and hugged his family. They all expressed how proud they were of him, trying not to show any sadness in front of him.

He sat down with his head low. I gently lifted his chin, earning a small, faint smile from him.

"I'm sorry for disappointing you guys," he managed to say to them.

I sat on his lap, holding him close to my chest. It pained me to see him like this, unable to erase his sadness.

"You never disappoint us, Jude," his mom reassured him, holding his hand tightly.

I'm Proud Of You - Jude Bellingham

I arrived at my hotel room feeling exhausted and heartbroken for Jude. He had to return to the hotel with the team. There was nothing I wanted more than to have him in my arms and try to ease his sadness, even just a little. I was about to get into bed after finishing my nighttime routine when I heard a faint knock on the door. I opened it to find Jude standing there, his shoulders slumped and a tired look on his face. "They told me it's okay," he said quickly, grabbing my hand and leading me to the bed.

He took off his shirt and sweatpants and collapsed onto the bed, pulling me with him. His head immediately rested on my chest as he hugged me tightly.

"It's going to be okay, baby," I whispered, wrapping my arms around his head and kissing his forehead repeatedly. "These bad feelings will pass, trust me."

I ran my fingers through his hair, knowing it helped him relax and fall asleep. I kept kissing his forehead and cuddling him until I felt his grip around my waist loosen slightly, indicating he had fallen asleep.

"You'll always be my champion, baby," I whispered softly." I love you so much, Jude Bellingham."

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9 months ago

Singing heart

Part 2

Pairing: Jude Bellingham x Reader

Summary: You work in a club in London, where you meet Jude, who is celebrating a Champions League victory with his teammates. Jude is a true alpha, handsome, rich, famous, living a life of comfort and luxury that others can only dream of. He was a man from head to toe, down to the smallest detail. He towered almost two heads above you, looking down at you from the clouds with his radiant eyes. Every movement of his muscular body, a wry smile flashing at the corner of his mouth, a wink drove his fans and opponents alike crazy. You wanted to touch him, hug him tight. Hearing his voice, tingling with his breath flipping over your skin. You wanted to laugh. To kiss. Lying next to him, waiting for your heartbeat to return to normal. You were happy because he didn't need anyone else. Only you. For a while.

a/n: This is my first time writing about Jude , so hope you’ll like it

( english isn't my first language )

Jude stood clutching the railing of the upstairs balcony as he surveyed the realm below. It was one of the most extravagant places he had ever been, at least in England. Lots of glitter for those who can really dig deep into their pockets. Tonight, the events took place under the sparkling light of crystal chandeliers, greed mixed with beauty and depravity, dressed in gold and diamonds, sipping free drinks.

Vini appeared next to him at the railing, grinning and pressing another glass of whiskey into his hand.

- I think I should congratulate you on a successful evening, kid - Grinning, he patted him on the back a few times, and Jude had to be careful not to spill the precious juice. It would have been a great shame for him.

- I can't complain - he nodded, but he didn't pay attention to his friend, he was still thinking about the young girl hiding behind the dressing room door, meaning you.

- My friend, I am extremely grateful that you thought of the team - Vini grinned at him, Jude just waved.

- This is the least.

- Yes for you, but it's a gold mine for us - The Brazilian soccer player's attention wandered. "Or heaven.

Yes, he was right. Heaven. Camavinga was standing next to one of the tables, his black jacket had already been left somewhere, his white shirt stretched over his muscular body. Next to the French man stood Dutch model Laura Celia Valk in a piece of fabric that could hardly be called a dress. They were talking to a couple. The man had short brown hair and a well-kept beard, covering a pale, middle-aged face and a sneer-smiling mouth that was clearly visible even from a distance.

- Rhys Ifans.

- What do you know about it?

- He is a famous actor. I'm not surprised to see it here.

- Blessed Gods! - Jude hit Vini on the shoulder. - I'm curious about the young woman!

- That would be me too. Good, good... Forgive me! - Jude's look could kill. His eyes, which were usually brown in color, thickened to black.

All the women in the club were the same, there was nothing unique about them. They are exotic and sweetly enticing, just like the black-haired beauty at his side before. He knew it was all just an appearance. Members of their kind have already flooded the streets of London, dressed in cheap clothes, bejeweled with fake jewelry, the paint on their faces a thick, colorful plaster. The superficiality of the sultry whispers burning his ears bored him to death. Finally there he was. Ifans had his arm around the waist of a stunning red haired woman. Jude couldn't take his eyes off her. Those full red lips and damn that silver scale covered body with full breasts and shapely butt.

And then you looked up as if you sensed someone staring. You held his gaze for a moment before turning back to rejoin the conversation. You were breathtaking, a real beauty and you knew that about yourself. You could have wrapped anyone around your finger, but not even one man caught your attention tonight. Until now. You already noticed him before, the English national team player, the savior of Real Madrid, he was the devilishly beautiful Jude Bellingham. You caught the eyes promising a thousand pleasures again, and you immediately knew how much your body and soul thirsted for him. You would helplessly accept the attack of his lips, the curious roaming of his palm on your sensitive body.

Rhys Ifans' arm was still clinging like a snake to the beautiful woman standing next to him, his fingers pressed deep into her hip. Jude beckoned the passing waiter over for another glass. He pushed it up quickly, wanting to dull his mind for the short time his groin took over alongside his heart. He wanted to kiss your soft lips, run his fingers through your fine hair, feel your arms wrapped around his neck and legs around his waist.

You would helplessly accept the attack of his lips, a strange but familiar tingle would run through you at the invitation of your tongue to dance, thickening as a knot in your stomach, only to rage like a storm later. Your breathing would become more and more frequent. Obeying your burning body, you would watch as Jude's fingers tore the flimsy material of your dress to shreds.

- Hold on to me! - would pick you up, to which you wouldn't even have the strength to react in your stupor. He would sink into you without any tenderness as he nibbled on the sensitive skin of your neck, marking it as well. You would be his property! You would move with pleasure, panting loudly, above you the wondering moon and the envious stars, under your feet the blessed mother earth red with your passions.

You were so engrossed in the promising brown eyes that you completely forgot about the people standing next to you. You only woke up to a blood boiling smile and a warm palm caressing your waist.

Tags :
9 months ago


Pairing: Jude Bellingham x Reader

- What did you do? - I roared down Dom's head.

- Minna! Everything will be fine. I will win - my friend tried to calm me down. We usually get along, but now he did something stupid.

- Don't worry - my girlfriend hugged me. Should I be calm? Should I not worry?

- He didn't offer you as a prize... I'd rather not say what it is! - Different shades of red danced on my face, from my neck to my burning ears. I tried to calm down with deep inhalations and exhalations, but I couldn't.

After partially regulating my pulse, I curiously glanced over to the far end of the pub. There, among his laughing friends, my pushed friend's opponent, Jude Bellingham, is the savior of the Real Madrid football team, the black-haired demigod of the Galacticos. The competition between them has been going on since his arrival, which they tried to keep within normal limits, their fight was never really bloody. Until now. I don't even understand how Jude could agree to the bet, why he allowed this challenge to my drunk friend.

If he wins, I mean Jude, I'll be his for a night. The thought of it touching me gave me chills, in a good way, of course. Like others, I was not left cold by his magical aura, which made most of the girls willing to do anything. Well, I really liked the guy, but I didn't want to be another name in his crowded notebook. As before, I couldn't take my eyes off him. My gaze wandered over his muscular figure, his narrow hips and long legs hidden in black jeans.

As much as I didn't mean to, it definitely had an effect on me. I envied the red and black arrows as he twirled them between his fingers, while his all-knowing eyes bore into mine. I answered his flash of a smile with a grimace, then turned back to my friend with a grunt, ignoring Jude's nod as he tried to greet me.

- Then let's start! - Dom waved at his opponent with a drunken grin. - There will be nothing wrong - he pressed a kiss on my cheek. Of course! The smell of alcohol, which could be felt from kilometers away, followed him like a shadow as he walked with uncertain steps to the throwing line.

- Minna - I trembled, she appeared behind me so unexpectedly.

- Jude.

- Don't you wish me luck? - My nose was hit by her acrid, citrus scent and the pulsation of energy that came from her body. I had a strong desire to snuggle up to Jude, hug him and never let him go. But I was able to resist the temptation, I pushed it away.

- I'm rooting for my friend, don't be angry.

-I'm not angry - he whispered. - How crampy you are today. I know a sure fire way to get you unstuck.

- Try a cold shower - I retorted.

- It can only be considered as a temporary solution.

- My body is not for sale.

- I'm glad. You know, I've never paid for sex before.

- Let's go! - Vini, one of the demigod's best friends, interrupted our verbal duel. - My stars! Work first, then fun.

At the beginning, everything went fine, but somewhere along the way, Dom lost control, the alcohol took over him. He made more and more mistakes and finally lost. And I turned around and walked away. I didn't want to see my friend's desperate face, nor Jude's smug look. I ran away, leaving the noisy pub behind. Neither the fresh, early spring air could soothe him, nor the beloved city of Madrid, whose streets were resplendent in the silvery light of the full moon shining in the sky. In my favorite nightclub, I was greeted by a gentle twilight, a lot of people and a fast rhythm. He was familiar behind the bar, he would have filled my usual drink immediately.

- No, thanks - I motioned to him. I didn't want the drink now, I was in a mess anyway, I didn't want to knock myself out completely. Rather, I gave in to the uncontrollable rumbling that hurt ears accustomed to silence, that the bass became one with my heartbeat. With arms raised high, hips swaying to the tune of the music, I raged for who knows how long. This night was different.

My skin heated up as the hand slid to my waist, my back pressed against the hard muscles. Glancing back over my shoulder, I detected a slight rebuke in the gaze framed by thick, dark eyelashes. I knew that no matter how much I resisted, I would only feel truly at home in his arms.

- You're bad, Minna. Very, very bad.

- Jude...

- We both have an unfinished business that...

- What?

- What we need to close. Now. Immediately - There was no escape.

- Well then, love me, Jude Bellingham! - I gave the order.

- Yes ma'am! - he leaned closer. - I will love you my beauty until the end of time.

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8 months ago

Gunpowder kiss


Pairing: Jude Bellingham x Reader

Summary: Minna is working for an aid organization when she is captured. Her soldier friend Jude rescues her from captivity, only to punish her in his own way.

I felt like I was in a galaxy far, far away. I was standing right in the middle of the vast desert, in a small village isolated from the world. Here, the wind blew hot during the day and cold at night along the few narrow streets that could be crossed in a few steps to get to the even smaller main square. The glistening grains of sand, from tiny pebbles to larger boulders, waged a fierce battle with the hectic weather. My mouth was often dry, my teeth gnashed from the dryness, my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth. I would have gladly doused myself with the water in my plastic bottle, but I had to reserve it, since my life could depend on the drops of liquid in it.

As the fiery celestial body ruling the sky began to take its short rest, the air immediately began to soften, and people hiding between the protective walls of the houses appeared. Sad eyes watched my every move from sun-burnt, sunken faces, begging for a little smile, a touch, and the weekly food package. With shuffling steps, they approached the hastily erected tent, the canvas wings of which protected the cans full of water that had recently been put out, and the crates hiding the cans from the rising grains of sand. Of course, the effort was futile, everything was covered in a finger-sized layer in no time. I could have written a novel in the dust.

It has been a year since I breathed in the not-so-boring minutes of the countryside, while my companion standing next to me had been wearing the soles of his boots for a long time. This time seemed like an eternity.

- Where is Jules? Is he still at camp? - Gabriel nodded.

- He wants to beg the boss for the next shipment of medicine. Needless to say, he won't get permission for it. Those greedy pigs! - He closed his eyes for a few moments, took a deep breath, and shook off his nervousness like an invisible cloak. - Minna! Do you feel it?

- What? - I looked at him questioningly.

- This wonderful smell. - I turned my gaze towards the sky. Gabriel laughed, he knew I wasn't taking it seriously. - I love this country and I love the people here.

- Great - I snarled to annoy a little - Let's ignore the rose scent spreading around us, pleasing to your delicate Canadian nose, for a moment and move on to more serious matters.

- Enough dreaming! Come help, they're bringing an injured person! - The cry came from a cloud of dust stirred up by a lorry braking at that moment. Two armed men came forward and supported their wounded comrade. Gabriel was already there, he and Vargas took over the injured man, when the man, who was bleeding from several wounds, recovered with admirable speed. He knocked the Portuguese on his right to the ground with a sudden blow, only to do the same to Gabriel on his other side.

- Gabe! - I screamed. Unfortunately, neither I nor the villagers have enough time or opportunity to escape. The sharp hiss of a barrage of bullets cut into the evening, killing those nearby. By some miracle, the shots were avoided me. My escape attempt was unsuccessful, I ran into the arms of a masked figure dressed in black.

- God bless the queen! - The sudden silence was broken by painful moans and a scratchy voice from alcohol and smoking. As the cloth covering his face moved out of the way, I immediately recognized the brown-skinned, burly-looking soldier. His expressionless, death-kissed features were not softened in the slightest by his words — That rotting country produced such sweet fruit as you! My breath always stops when I look at you, my beauty. Normally, I would blush at what I heard, but now I would have preferred to send him to hell. He couldn't be impressed by the incomplete set of teeth waving in his one-sided grin. He, on the other hand, was not happy about the rejection and the kick to his royal jewels, which caused my bound body to be thrown into the trunk of a car. My mouth was sealed with duct tape. Luckily I could breathe through my nose.

I don't know how much time could have passed, maybe minutes, but it could also have been hours that went behind my back. As my wrists and the leather strap that is not on friendly terms with them at all. I wanted to free myself, but no matter how hard I pulled the strap, it got tighter and tighter, cutting deep into my skin, my dripping blood soaking the blanket beneath me. I did gymnastics on my back, my hands hurt more, so I tried to kick the trunk lid. The car had been parked for a while, but I still did it very lamely.

Damn it! I had to get out of here!

In the midst of my agony, I thought of those who stayed there, my fellow aid workers and the residents of the village. Victims of the bloodthirsty terrorist. Tears came to my eyes, I felt more helpless, even more than average.

I finally managed to somehow rub off the patch on my mouth. I took a sudden breath, it didn't do me any good. I tried to switch to calm breathing. Slow inhalation, slow exhalation. Slow inhalation, slow exhalation. It was hard, very hard, because it was getting hotter and hotter in the trunk, and my lungs were getting even less oxygen.

I was already sweating profusely, the salty liquid was flowing everywhere and towards everything. Sweat stung my eyes, unfortunately I couldn't wipe them. I could have screamed in my helplessness. And I yelled too! In vain. No one heard me.

The heat was getting more and more unbearable.

I was praying hoarsely from shouting. I know that not even God could help me. Although, who knows?! Maybe he can hear the hoarse voice that ripped from my throat.

No, he didn't hear it.

In my mind, I say goodbye to everyone, my parents, my friends, and my non-existent husband. And I also forgive my cheating boyfriends. No way! May the devil take them away!

Well, then it's a good world! Close your eyes, close the window, close the door.

I could almost hear my limbs sigh with pleasure. We are freed from our shackles! The trunk was open, figures dressed in camouflage were leaning over me, lifting me out. - He's got it, he's still alive! - I heard the roar. Its owner held me close and did not let me pass it on to anyone else. I missed a few minutes and only regained consciousness in the loud helicopter. Jude was very attached to me, he also bandaged my wounds. He smoothed the stuck hairs from my sweaty forehead and pressed an encouraging kiss to my temple. - You're over it - Easy to say! All my bones hurt, and it was hard to blink.

Although the helmet covered his short, black hair, it wasn't the weird baseball cap he wore in his spare time at the base, and his muscular, tattooed body clad in military uniform, I still recognized him. Not 32, but at least 64 teeth flashed from his beard-framed face with his smile, but even that couldn't take my attention away from his gaze. Ice cubes floated in a sea of worried brown eyes and melted in the heat as he whispered in my ear.

- As soon as we get to safety, I'll put you on my knees and beat your rear red. I will punish you!

- Why?

- I want to hear my name on your soft lips, your scream when I bury my face in your pussy.

( english isn't my first language )

Tags :
8 months ago

I'm empty without you

I'm Empty Without You

Pairing: Jude Bellingham x you/ femReader /Minna/ or whoever you want

Warnings: I do not know. Does anyone need a warning?

"My hand, without your hand, like a flower without fragrance.

My lips without your lips are like dawn without dew.

I'm empty without you, like the seas without water.”

Left-right, left-right, left-right. My legs did their work automatically despite my fatigue, which covered my body like an invisible shroud. I could barely keep my eyes open, not even the lights shining in the darkness of the street made it easier. It was three o'clock in the morning, and besides me, a few lonely passers-by were hurrying home or wherever they had to go. The weather wasn't in my favor either, I couldn't even see my nose in the thick fog. As if I were blind, I tripped over a piece of concrete.

And which was the peak of peaks... Valentine's Day was getting closer, and at my workplace, in a cafe, more and more couples in love appeared wanting to cuddle. I didn't hate this day, I just had bad memories of it. I don't like it, huh! My cell phone rang in the depths of my bag, and I stopped right where I was, digging into my bag up to my elbows. I completely forgot about research, I didn't hear the roar of the fast approaching engine. It appeared practically out of nowhere, and the wind caused by the two-wheeler blew me away. I found myself on the hard asphalt, my head hit hard, the contents of my bag scattered in all directions of the world.

The worried face of the tall figure cast a spell before me. Maybe from the world of fairy tales? The dark prince on the machine horse.

- My God! Are you okay? - he knelt down to me. His deep voice even made me swoon, it hit me like a lightning strike, just like his touch. The furrows of his fingertips burned tortuous labyrinths into my skin through my clothes, his brown eyes darkening even more with worry. My God! That face is too familiar! My stomach clenched like a ball, and my heart jumped up and down alternately.

- Yes, thank you - I would have gotten up, but he didn't go alone. He reached under my arm, supported my back and willingly helped. His touch burned, and I expected my clothes to end up like ashes next to my shoes. Just like long ago, maybe back in the Stone Age, on those wonderful nights in Madrid. He was JB, i.e. Jude Bellingham, a football player of the Real Madrid football team. But I didn't want to think about the feelings of that time, so I escaped from the biker's arms. I made a hasty decision, I felt dizzy. I would have fallen backwards, but he caught me and pulled me to his chest. Our faces were millimeters apart, I could feel his hot breath on my cheek. He didn't remain indifferent to my proximity either, his dilated pupils and increased breathing showed it. I suddenly pushed him away, but pain shot through my elbow. I caught it, my palm touched a bloody wound.

- Minna! You're hurt! - the cry burst from Jude's throat.

- It's nothing, it just needs a patch - I shrugged, but then I hissed, my sensitive joints indicated the problem.

- It's nothing! - he disparaged, his forehead covered in a sea of ​​wrinkles, while he stroked my side looking for painful areas. The fog couldn't hide the redness of my face, and he noticed it too. - You are still beautiful! - his mouth stretched into a smile, his gaze fixed on my lips. Will you kiss me? My eyes closed involuntarily. The silent spell between us was broken by a screeching brake.

- Is something wrong? - an unknown man ran up to us.

- Nothing happened, I just tripped and fell - I tried to reassure him. I bent down for my scattered things, tried to avoid sudden movements.

- He should be seen by a doctor - Jude's worried voice made me look at him more carefully. Nothing has changed. He towered almost a head and a half above me, his long legs covered in jeans and his broad shoulders in a leather jacket. For a moment, our eyes merged again, we even forgot about the people standing next to us.

- No need, no problem! - I protested.

- Then let me bandage your wounds - Like before, I couldn't resist his request, no matter what it was. - Come! - And I willingly followed him to his motorcycle, then looked in amazement at the other crash helmet conjured up from somewhere. - I always have one more, just in case

I hugged his waist and sat on the motorcycle behind him. A thousand thoughts were swirling in my head, so I didn't even look where we were going. We stopped at a house closed off from the outside world and prying eyes by a high fence, the electric gate slammed shut behind us. Jude greeted the security man who suddenly appeared with just a nod, then pressed the lock key into his hand.

- Whose house is this?- I turned to him.

- Mine. I bought it back then... - When we were still together, I added in my mind. Would this palace have been there for 2 years? - But... Why didn't you sell it? - Silently, without answering, he went through the door, I hastily followed him. He sat me down in what looked like a living room. I looked around curiously until he came back with the first aid kit.

- It will sting a little - Jude broke the silence as he approached my elbow with the antiseptic cotton. A bit? I'm going to scrape the wall! Biting my bottom lip hard, I tried to stifle my hiss. Failed. - I'm sorry.

- It didn't hurt at all - The waves of his laughter bounced off the walls, my sensitive ears greeted him as familiar. A pleasant shiver ran through me. - Please, Jude! Do not do it!

- What? - Those wonderful brown eyes widened in a moment of wonder, then narrowed to slyness in recognition. The vibrations coming from him and his touch made the muscles of my body twitch in wailing. The pounding of my heart in my chest shifted into a higher gear. - My Dear! Just give me one, one kiss! - he sighed into my mouth, sucking the air and my remaining energy from him. - Just one - That's all i want, just one. Nothing else.

I, too, could never count well.

When he kissed me, everything stopped. Involuntarily, I wrapped my arms around his neck, helplessly succumbing to the attacks of his lips.

- Jude, let's stop it! - I gasped for air. - This is not allowed, it is not right.

- Why? - he clung to me again, his hand on my back, then he grabbed my bottom and pulled me to him, his erection giving bright evidence of how much he wanted. His mouth was already on the hunt for my neck, burning a glistening trail of saliva into my skin. - Mine! You're mine! - he bit my shoulder, marking me with his teeth. By tomorrow, my skin will surely heal. - Only mine!

- Don't! - I moaned one last time, protesting a little.

As much as I had decided earlier that I would not give in, I must admit that I collapsed at the touch of him.

I clung to him tightly, wrapping my legs around his waist without thinking.

In the next moment, already in the semi-darkness of the bedroom, I felt the soft material of the blanket on my naked back, the possessive grip of his fingers on my hips, his satisfied growl in my ear.

- I missed you! - I heard his choked, wheezing voice later. - Every night I dreamed that you were lying next to me. Then, startled, I looked around and you were nowhere to be found. I'm empty without you.

- I love you, honey! - I leaned over him, he pulled me down by the back of my head.

( just the usual : english is not my first language )

Tags :
8 months ago

Stay with me

Stay With Me

Pairing: Jude Bellingham x femreader/ you or whoever you want

Warnings: I think 18+, vowels and consonants, commas and periods and lots of love

- There was a tiny spider - I felt his hoarse voice in my ear, his kisses touched my neck and my collarbone. His bites left small, rapidly lilting spots on my skin, sealing his property for the night. His fingers playfully ran along my sides, up and down, down and up, until they were tied under my shirt, which barely covered anything. His touch made my already sensitive skin tingle even more. - he ran onto the ice - I left his masterful play on my numb spine with bated breath, while his tongue caressed my neck with complete devotion. My hands sunk into the soft carpet, I didn't have the strength to move. The small labyrinths of his fingers probed the inside of my thigh, hungrily exploring the unknown landscape.

Screw you, Jude Bellingham! You will be the death of me! I couldn't control my voice. Instead of my previous moans, a loud moan escaped from my throat. - he wasn't wearing small boots, the poor thing was cold - While his nails dug into my hips, leaving a mark for posterity, he leaned back to my mouth, deepening his kiss more and more. It tasted like hot summer nights, warm and seductive and spicy, like the sweet wine consumed at dinner. - he raised his paws.

Damn it! When did the clothes come off? And about me? - it's cold too - I kissed the pulsating veins on his lower abdomen, taking a bite or two. A pleasant growl erupted from him, making my heart beat even harder as I grabbed his cock. But he was very selfish. He wouldn't let me take over. - it's cold too - He flashed his bright smile earlier, distracting my wandering attention. Jude towered over me again, so I lingered on every little detail of his face for a fleeting moment. - this too, that too – The pair of brown eyes narrowed for a moment, their lips pulled into a sly grin.

- What now? What do you want to do? - I looked at him with a slowly misty look, but Jude laughed and shook his head. The little brat! You will regret this later! Or sometime. - and that too - Jude finally yielded to my soft plea and slid two fingers into me. A shiver ran through me as he worked in and out, taking my breath away. - the little spider went home and didn't come out until spring.

- Yes - I tried to get meaningful words out of my mouth. My arms wrapped around his neck, I pressed my lips to his. His thumb rolled over my clit and my head immediately fell back. Evil, rogue scoundrel! You will get this back! His kiss was less intense this time, becoming deep and slow until my lungs started begging for air. His features gradually relaxed as he thrust his hand into me, enjoying every sound I made. I almost whimpered when he bit my earlobe.

- You're mine! - Yes, yours - I agreed with him between two long kisses. Jude Bellingham is a master of seduction and carnal love. He was better at it than I was, and it didn't take long for me to pant heavily from the movements of his fingers. - Let me see! - he looked at me, and I was unable to refuse his request. His thumb rubbed my clit harder and the tension in my body broke, I wrapped my arms around his body, holding him close. Jude's fingers kept moving inside me until the heat flooded me and I fell back with a dazed mess in my head.

I breathed in the scent of his skin little by little, trying to slow down the crazy beating of my heart. I couldn't hide my disappointment when his hand disappeared from me. I immediately felt a sense of loss. Jude rose from the floor beside me, reached out helpfully and led me over to the bed. I leaned back, my hips moving impatiently, and a moment later he was inside me. He hissed sharply, but he couldn't stop the rolling of my hips, which made me pull his cock deeper.

- Behave! - Jude scolded, but neither annoyance nor anger could be felt in his voice. His mouth craved mine as he guided my arms up, pinning my wrists above my head. - Keep calm! - I couldn't lie still, I had to squirm when his warm palm barely touched the twin mounds of my breast. He stared at me with raw hunger, setting me on fire. I felt myself burning from the warmth of his hot body.

I flexed my arms impatiently, but obediently held them where he put them. His cock throbbed inside me and a harsh moan escaped his lips. Without thinking, I reached for him, running my nails along his back, before he grabbed my wrists and pushed me harder into the bed, not caring how much I squirmed under him. - I said behave! - he reminded me sternly, but his scolding only made me even tighter around him.

- Please, Jude! - I whined, and Jude knew what I wanted and nodded in agreement. I reached for her again and grabbed her black locks and pulled her back into another kiss. I clung to him tightly when he tried to pull away. I pressed my chest to his, whispering his name like a prayer. What did I whisper? I screamed his name as he pressed himself deeper and deeper into me, and the tension ran through me like fire. I couldn't do anything else but to tremble and twitch under him. Jude's breathing was ragged, his pupils wide with his own arousal as I clenched around his aching cock. I tried to pull it in even more.

- Minna! - He tried to divert me from my intention with his rough kisses, then bit my lower lip. He moaned and I felt his cock twitch for release. It was absolutely beautiful as Jude threw his head back and his mouth slightly parted as a shiver ran through his body. He slowly pulled out of me and turned onto his back. I turned towards him with aching muscles and collapsed on his sweaty body.

- Is there anything else you need, my prince? - Jude turned his head towards me, looked at me glowingly and blushing. With a serious expression on his face. The silence was becoming uncomfortable.

- Stay with me.

( english isn't my first language ) - just the usual

Tags :
8 months ago

Let's savor the moment

Let's Savor The Moment

Pairing: Jude Bellingham x femreader/ you or whoever you want

Warnings: I think 18+, vowels and consonants, commas and periods and lots of love, unprotected sex

It was morning, there was endless silence around me. I stretched sleepily on the fluffy carpet spread in front of the fireplace, my fingers hid in the snow-white fluff with a pleasant feeling. I felt a muscle fever in every part of me, a smile appeared on my face thinking about the events of the past night.

He was worried about me, but I returned home safely.

My son and I luckily escaped the car skidding on the icy road. My hands and my already happy thoughts slid to my slightly bulging stomach. Yes! I am sure that I will present my beloved soccer player with a boy.

Wandering down the empty corridor of the hotel, Jobe let me into the room with a wide grin on his face and a gracious wave. Now I know where the brothers disappeared to after Jude arrived. The sides of the huge, hardy acacia tub were painted golden yellow by the fire in the fireplace. The steam completely filled the room. The heat stung my skin like sharp needles, but it had nothing to do with the warmth of the air.

Brown eyes decorated with gold flecks flashed at me as soon as he heard my footsteps on the worn stone floor. I stood next to him and knelt down.

- Hello, baby! - I greeted.

Jude stretched out in the tub and soaked himself. My hungry eyes ran over his face, then hungrily followed the line of his arms and chest. Many years of training carved flexible muscles on his body. To get my attention back, he took my hand. Our fingers intertwined, then he leaned towards me and pressed a soft kiss on my wrist.

- Jump my beauty! - Jude issued the order. - Come here next to me!

- But I'm dressed.

- In clothes, then - he nodded, and I, like a dutiful lady, got up and climbed into the tub next to him.

I slowly sunk into the water, resting my head on his shoulder and with a soft sigh I nestled into the embrace of my love's arms.

- I'm glad you're finally back - Burying my face into his neck, I inhaled the scent of his skin while drawing different shapes on his chest.

- What did you promise me? How do you take care of yourself, right? - Although he was whispering, his reproachful, rumbling voice still felt like a roar. The deep vibrations ran through my body, igniting the last spark hidden in my chest into heat, forcing the silently singing heart to move. - You're driving me crazy! - His long, slender fingers were on my face, his forehead pressed against mine. Her hair smelled like a memory, pine, rain-soaked earth and sky-splitting lightning. - I almost lost you - He reminded me of what I wanted to forget. I reached for his hand, and he let me hold it, and then I stroked the calluses of his fingertips.

- I'm not that fragile. Anyway, that great English prince of mine is looking after me - I looked at him. My fingers easily ran up his neck, following the sharp line of his jaw. - And fame obliges you - I continued with a smile. I pressed a kiss to the center of his palm before he could pull his hand back. The pair of chocolate eyes flashed and darkened.

- The little one is naughty. I'm about to teach you good manners! - he pulled his mouth into a grin.

I held my breath, waiting for our lips to touch as he leaned forward in the water. I felt like I would give Jude everything he wanted. I was getting more and more impatient, waiting for him to kiss me again, for his tongue to touch mine.

Jude grabbed my face with both hands to pull me back to him and stuck his tongue in my mouth. I felt trembling that he wanted me with his hands, his mouth and his whole body.

He ran one of his palms along my back to take off my bra. He was breathing almost as raggedly as I was as we kissed.

His mouth wandering over me wasn't enough to keep reality at bay. I wanted him completely.

- I'm a lucky man - he breathed into my mouth. - And I won't let anything stand in our way - he caressed my hips before grabbing my butt. - So help me take off this damned dress!

Grinning, I began to undress, my wet clothes landing on the floor with a loud thud as I ran my mouth over the tense muscles and tendons on his neck. I took off all the clothes I had on. I ran it down my leg, off my ankle and that's it. There's nothing left.

Jude gasped again as he scanned me. I was there naked and I wanted to die. His labored breathing pulsated in rhythm with mine. I rose with him, I fell with him - always together.

Before long I found myself on his cock, resting on his chest. My face was hot, burning with the emotions that rushed at me. I heard the soft words in my ears, felt his breath on my neck, the bite of his teeth on my collarbone. Staring at his beady face with beads of sweat, I rode Jude, sometimes fast, sometimes slowing down my movements. I felt it was a matter of minutes and we were done, but the dice had turned, meaning that our body, throbbing with lovemaking, could not yet receive the long-awaited release.

- We're not done yet - I heard Jude's voice from afar. Are we not ready? What more could you want? I could sense what he might want, as his stiff cock still filled me inside. - Yes, it's still me - a majestic smile spread across his face.

He helpfully reached out to me, helped me out of the tub and led me to the double bed.

After lifting my legs onto his shoulders, his hips went to work again. After a couple of quick thrusts, he was playing on my nerves, slowly, but pushing deeper and deeper.

- Faster! - I gritted my teeth, but he just laughed and shook his head.

- We'll get to it - Screw you, Jude Bellingham! Only you can do it, and I'm hanging here between hell and heaven. I reached for her shapely bottom to urge to move faster, but he grabbed my arms and pinned them to the covers above my head.

- Please! - I looked into the mercilessly grinning face. He wasn't really impressed by my pleading look. He didn't react to my protest, he pulled out of my pleasure-hungry body.

I almost sent him to hell when he turned me over and hit me on the bottom and penetrated me from behind. Holding my hip tightly, he started moving. After a while, I felt like a man on a stake. How true. He almost impaled me with his cock, he was moving so hard inside me. My body cried out for salvation, my arms began to shake, I could hardly hold myself. My brain went numb from the lustful intoxication that came over me. Jude made his final moves towering over me, our skin meeting with a loud snap. I fell into the deep chasm with my head thrown back, almost whimpering, my love followed me with a loud moan.

- Be sure to tell my mother if you need help! - It was always difficult to avoid Jude's searching gaze. The eternal mission impossible.

- Okay - I nodded forcedly. As he stood there facing me, his powerful figure, his pupils dilated, I saw a destructive storm in his eyes, swirling emotions behind the fire raging inside him. I tried to close my eyes and turn away, but I couldn't compete with the impossible. The heat from his body could even seep through his clothes and it made me feel very vulnerable. Just one look, and I immediately rubbed against him like a kitten longing to be touched by its owner.

- But really! - Before giving me one last hug, he kissed me on the temple and grinned as he told me the simple fact. - I love you.

Then my boyfriend was no longer there, his huge figure was swallowed up by the suddenly risen gray fog. And there was nothing left but crumpled chewing gum paper lying on the cobblestones.

( english isn't my first language ) - just the usual

stay with me-50 likes ,made me cry , thank you very much everyone

Tags :
7 months ago

Another one is coming

PĂĄrosĂ­tĂĄs: Jude Bellingham x olvasĂł / te vagy aki akarod

Another One Is Coming

It was cool in the living room, except for some embers flickering in the fireplace. Jude Bellingham still couldn't bring himself to put wood on the fire, even though the woodcutter was only an arm's length away. Even if he was locked in the hottest pot of hell, it wouldn't have warmed his soaked, ice-cold body. His head was heavy with wine and his body was empty without the heart and soul left in his home.

- Jude - Vinicius Jr. couldn't even get his friend's full attention with his voice.

- What? - muttered Jude in displeasure, looking at the empty bottle in the left hand of the ever-smiling Brazilian.

- When this cursed storm subsides somewhat, I will accompany you back to your wife. But until then, all we can do is wait.

- I don `t want to wait! - Even when he was drenched in water, in clothes that clung to his muscular, lean body, he radiated uncontrollable wildness. Pressing his lips together, he raised his head, a tension flared up in his brown eyes. - To hell with you! - He threw the towel in his hand to the other end of the room.

Even the monotonous hum of the television was drowned out by the sound of the approaching storm, lightning strikes shook the windows of the house.

The teammates also felt the same restlessness as Vini's dog. His body, covered with brown-black fur, trembled with nervousness, his breathing wavered along with his owner's heartbeat. Joy flashed in his yellow eyes as he heard the increasingly loud click of shoes approaching him and smelled the familiar scent of human flesh covered by wet clothes.

But Jude had other plans.

As he ran out into the yard, his foot slipped on the wet stones, but he managed to reach his impatient friend who was stumbling next to the car without injury. How embarrassing it would have been if one or two wet pebbles caused the loss of the fearless soccer player, the adored prince of Real Madrid.

Tchouaméni was the lucky one who managed to get the lock key , to take the driver's seat and start the car. When all four of them took their seats, the wheels of the car sped up and pebbles flew. Trent buckled his seat belt at the last minute.

The wind picked up, and the rain falling from the gloomy black clouds became as opaque as the densely woven curtains on the door of their bedroom balcony.

Jude's mouth twitched nervously, his chin tensed, his stomach clenched, his heart clenched by some unknown foreboding.

- Let's hurry! - His voice was only a faint whisper, like the gliding of a butterfly's wings in the colors of the rainbow, but the person to whom spoke to him, still understood.

If they had been walking in the rain around this time, if a ship steered by brave sailors had come up against the waves crashing on high, he would have seen a vision dressed in the light of yellow-red lightnings on the road shrouded in darkness, he would have thought only: Those are the gods!

- It's almost over - I would have liked to wrap my fingers around the balding doctor's thick neck and squeeze him until the last breath, until the last thought left him. How the hell can you say that! It's easy for him!

Laura, Antonio RĂŒdiger's wife, took my hand. I squeezed hers.

"I know you'd rather kill him," he grinned at me. I admit, as much as I hated Laura in the past, I have grown to like her in the last six months. In her worried eyes, I saw my shattered reflection, my face distorted from the pain of childbirth, my hair stuck to my pale skin wet from sweat.

- I'm ugly!

- You're beautiful! - he pressed a soothing kiss on my forehead. I was very tired. I would have preferred to close my eyes and sleep a little. A few minutes or a few hours.

- Does it always take this long?

- Not always. Every woman is different - said the nurse from the side, holding a wet cloth.

- I hate him! I hate Jude! - I squeezed out the words between my teeth. A sharp pain ripped through my body, spasming my muscles. - When he returns home, I will cut off his tail and feed it to the dog!

The two women laughed and said almost simultaneously:

- Believe us, you would later curse yourself for your earlier words.

Another contraction almost snapped my spine in half. I felt like my bones were falling apart.

- Please do something! I can not stand! - Laura gently, with slow movements, ran her hand several times along my enlarged, tense belly. She gathered her brown hair, which had previously covered her shoulders, pinned it up and looked at me with an encouraging smile.

- Get ready! They will arrive soon.

- I'll kill you anyway! - The pains were getting stronger, I cringed from the pain. I turned here and there, twisted, and buried my head in the pillow that had become a fighter. It was somehow easier with my eyes closed.

- Press it! - Laura said. - Press it! As before...

- To hell with you, Jude Bellingham! I hate you! - As if I had been hit with whiplash, the pains came more and more frequently and densely. - I will never spread my legs to you again!

- My beauty, don't make irresponsible statements - I heard the familiar chuckle next to my head. I got it towards his hand.

- You are here, in time - My palm slid into his ice-cold palm.

- Yes my love. As I promised. Now push, doe! It's time for the little dragons to arrive!

I barely had any strength, but somehow I managed to push.

It was like a lock on a door. However, when the lock was opened, my body felt so light.

- You did it, my love! - My beloved soccer player bowed his head to my forehead with eyes glistening with tears, then with a bright smile on his face, he took over from the doctor his son, William, who has black hair. The blonde girl, Denise, who arrived a few minutes after her brother, was wrapped in a warm, soft piece of fabric by Laura.

- They are so perfect! - I stretched out my hand towards them, when a strong pain ripped through my lower abdomen like a whiplash, then galloped along my back and thighs. I felt nauseous. - I need to throw up - I moaned.

- What's happening? - Fear ran down Jude's spine.

- My goodness! - the doctor wearing foggy glasses leaned over to me. - Another one is coming!

( english isn't my first language ) - just the usual

sorry for the mistakes

Tags :
7 months ago

I want it we do it again

I Want It We Do It Again

Pairing: Jude Bellingham x femreader/ you or whoever you want

Warnings: I think 18+, vowels and consonants, commas and periods and lots of love, unprotected sex

Jude Bellingham.

The rumor mills said that he knows all the pleasures that a man can give a girl. He never asked what a woman wanted, but as soon as he finished, he understood immediately. He had power, a lot of money, not a little intelligence, and he was able to manipulate people, even his peers, into doing what he wanted.

He stood between his two friends, Vini Jr. and Trent, by a table overflowing with champagne glasses, scanning the room like a starving predator stalking its prey. He hadn't chosen it yet, but he knew that in this room was the person he would be sharing the lavender-scented bed of his suite with for the next few hours.

While the thousands of thoughts were chasing me, I took small steps among the many French lace and Lyon silk dresses rustling around me. I quickly left the couples spinning with cheerful laughter in the distance, only to retreat into a corner with a sullen expression on my face. I hated dancing and I hated that came with this masquerade ball. I sat down into a lonely chair. No one near or far, everyone on the dance floor played the role of the devil of the dance.

The minutes spent being bored almost seemed like hours. I already knew how many people were in the room, how many chandeliers illuminated the crowd with a dark aura, how many shoes tapped on the mirror-smooth marble floor. I collected a thousand uninteresting pieces of information and one or two interesting pieces of information, but even that couldn't cheer me up. I was about to stand up, kicking off my high-heeled glass shoes and hobble home, when a tall figure came into view.

- Look at me!

I was not prepared for the sight.

I caught my breath and for a few moments nothing came to mind. There was a smile hiding in the corner of the man's mouth, and the night black color of his hair was striking next to his well-defined chin. And her eyes... God have mercy on every innocent girl who looks into them! Her brown, liquid chocolate eyes were shaded by thick, black eyelashes, and her boldly lined eyebrows made her gaze even more irresistible. Her gaze was exotic, hypnotic, defiant, daring and infinitely sensual.

- Look at me!

I could only repeat myself. I wasn't prepared for Jude Bellingham.

It was difficult for me to recover from my astonishment, I felt like I couldn't breathe. Sighing slowly, I let out the air that escaped my worn lungs with a hiss. This is so unfair! They even warned me who he was and to be careful with him.

- Come with me! - My body sang when he reached out to me, a light sigh escaped my throat as his arms wrapped around my waist.

I could already feel his breath on my skin when the touch of his soft lips slowly reached mine. His long fingers slid into my locks and he gently pulled my head closer. I got goosebumps, I shuddered at this feeling.

- Come with me - his voice was soft, completely enchanted.

Jude put one hand on my shoulder, and when I tried to turn back, his other hand pinned me to the railing in the darkest corner of the huge terrace.

- Are you bored, baby? - He whispered in my ear. He grabbed my skirt with his hand on my waist and pulled it up until I could feel the cool breeze on my bottom. He grabbed my bottom and kept squeezing it, without any hesitation, firmly reaching for me. Just as I wanted. I tried to turn my head away, but he wouldn't let me. He wrapped one of his hands around my neck and pulled me to him, while I kept smelling his citrus-spicy, intoxicating scent. Then he let go of my neck, grabbed my hair and started pulling me to lean even closer to him. He nudged mine with one of his feet.

- Spread your legs! - he instructed. And I spread my legs for him voluntarily and singing.

- Please! - I moaned almost begging.

He let go of my hair and reached between my legs. My panties were already wet, my moisture running down my thighs. I was embarrassed, but I felt in my bottom that Jude liked it.

After that, he spared absolutely nothing, he didn't waste his time. He grabbed my panties and tore the delicate lace. He immediately started caressing my clit, then plugged one finger up, then another.

- Say my name!

- Jude...- When he stopped after hearing my sigh-filled moan, I began to urge him. "Please, continue!" - He moaned with satisfaction, then fingered me thoroughly while stroking and rubbing my clit more and more, and I still couldn't stand it. It was too good not to enjoy every minute of it. A few moments passed, my vision blurred, I gasped loudly. Then his hand disappeared for a moment, as if he wanted to punish me so that I wouldn't enjoy it.

The music coming from the room got louder now, but I didn't pay attention to it because I was completely focused on something else, someone else. Jude unzipped his pants and that made me lose my mind even more. With one hand, he pulled my skirt up to my back, and with the other hand, he brought his cock closer to my pussy.

- No woman has ever turned me on as much as you. I'm going to fuck you so hard you'll be begging for more.” As he managed to get it in, he kept pushing his cock deeper and deeper. "You're so tight," he moaned, his voice full of lust. I sighed heavily when his thick erection deepened

penetrated and continuously expanded. It almost hurt what he was doing, but the pleasure was more dominant. I almost cried when he let go of my dress and took my mouth as he pushed deeper and deeper. He bent down to my neck and bit the sensitive skin with his mouth, then began to suck my neck. When she finished sucking, I could feel orgasm approaching, but she continued to move actively.

- Be quiet, baby! - His hand was still on my mouth, while he could caress my clit with the other and thrust harder. Unfortunately, I couldn't stay completely quiet, but he did a great job. I made sure it echoed around the room when I yelled,

"Yes!" Very good! - The pleasure consumed my body from thrust to thrust, moan to moan, it was almost too much. I finally screamed from orgasm.

As he pushed deeper, my inner muscles tensed against his cock. I could feel him enjoying himself.

It was amazingly good.

- It was amazingly good - Jude echoed my thoughts and feelings.

When he pulled out of me, I lost my balance. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me so I wouldn't fall. I leaned against the railing and tried to breathe evenly while my mouth was up to my ears.

- Are you okay? he asked softly.

- I'm perfectly fine - I smiled at him - I want it we do it again.

Later, I fell on my bed dizzy. I giggled and hid in the blanket and with closed eyes called up the smell of my now favorite soccer player, the memory of his touch and kiss. In a daze, I allowed my senses to be dulled, to be filled with infinite satisfaction, and I was happy that I could finally get what I had wanted for a long time.

( english isn't my first language ) - just the usual

Thanks for visiting.

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2 years ago

àż ˚ . ✩ FLOUR. jude bellingham

 . FLOUR. Jude Bellingham

summary. what seemed to be a harmless night to bake turned out to be a disaster.

warnings. cursing

word count. 937


you yelled from across the house. it was getting late in your household, but you still hadn’t started on the cookies you were bringing to your friends’ dinner party tomorrow night. 

you really had no idea where to start; all you really knew was that you needed to get this done soon because of the short amount of time you had available tomorrow.

you could hear him stumble down the stairs while you were fishing through the pantry, trying to figure out where the flour was. 

“yes, love?” he murmured behind you, resting his head in the crook of your neck, his arms making their way toward your waist to pull you closer to him. 

"do you mind getting some stuff for the cookies from the fridge for me? i think they might be on the bottom shelf," you huffed, eventually retrieving the bag of flour that was hidden behind a few random jars. he nodded before kitchen into the kitchen, beginning to search the fridge, grabbing the basic ingredients needed for cookies.

you grabbed a few other things–measuring cups, sugar, and baking powder, to name a few—before meeting him with the ingredients disarranged on the counter. you quickly thanked him before quickly scrolling through your phone to find the recipe you saved from instagram and shuffled to find a mixing bowl to combine everything.

you put your phone down before starting the wet cookie mixture, mindlessly dumping the ingredients together and stirring as you go.

“do you need help?” he chirped. you had no idea he’d been watching this entire time, but the sudden murmur startled you. “jesus christ, jude.” you jumped.

“what were you doing? i thought you went back upstairs” you scolded him as he caught the bowl you slid from across the counter. he dashed alongside you, eager to learn about the new experience about which you had prior knowledge.

“where do i start?” queried the curious boy. pointing at the flour, you replied, “grab that first.” 

he grabbed the paper bag as you handed him a measuring cup, tapping at the line in the glass. "fill it up to here, okay?" you uttered as he grabbed the handle and slowly poured the bag. you switched your focus back to your bowl, reaching for the vanilla extract before you felt powder splatter on your face.

 what. the. fuck.” you gasped. you quickly wiped the powder off the side of your face to reveal him with his mouth agape, slowly pacing backward, holding back laughter. you clutched a fistful of flour before running toward him and smearing it across his face, leaving him stunned. “thought you could get away with that, didn’t you?” you chuckled, watching him process the mess you left on him that slowly dropped to the floor.

“nah, now you’re over” he snarled with a stern voice, approaching the bag of flour and snatching a chunk while you were running around the kitchen trying to dodge him.

"jude, please stop," you begged with your hands together like a prayer. You were on your way to the bathroom at this point, but as you approached the doorknob, he grabbed your waist and powdered the top of your head. you immediately winced; you thought that maybe you’d gotten away from the mess. you quickly turn around at the grinning face. you tried grabbing the bag to get revenge, but he’d already raised it above your head—so you couldn’t reach it if you tried to. you tried to jump, your legs wrapped around his hips, hoping to yank the bag, but he'd held it even higher; you were helpless.

"what’s the matter, baby? are you mad you can’t reach?" he was inching toward your face, teasing you. 

you sighed, pretending to be upset, walking back toward the kitchen, continuing where you left off. “y/n,” he muttered. “are you actually upset?” you could feel him inch towards you before secretly grabbing an egg. 

“you know i didn’t mean i-” he tried tugging at you for your attention before you smashed the egg on his head. you both quickly froze, and the room fell silent. the look on his face was priceless—he was astonished. “no way you actually
” he was clearly still trying to process what had happened. 

you knew you were in danger as soon as he started trailing towards you, so you quickly ran in the other direction before tripping on a rolling pin, which you had no idea was there in the first place. 

yelping, he quickly caught you in time before fixing his eyes on yours. there was a long stillness before he smeared the flour still on your head onto the rest of your face. you huffed—this was never going to end.

“you’re so annoying,” you muffled as he tucked a strand of hair behind your eye. “but
” he paused, “you love it.” he flashed a cheeky smile before pressing his lips onto yours. he picked you up and placed you on the counter, maintaining the kiss. your legs were wrapped around his waist as you stroked his ear. you could feel him smile through the kiss, softening at your caress. 

you pulled apart, leaving a small peck on his lips. the room was silent, yet comforting. “you don’t taste that bad with flour all over your lips,” he mumbled. you rolled your eyes as you jumped from the counter. “we should probably clean this mess up,” you said, scanning the floor as you snickered, “but not before we shower.” you glanced at him. 

“i mean
” he smirked before you grabbed his hand, signaling toward the bathroom.

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2 years ago

heyy can i request a fluff with jude where you guys go on a date to winter wonderland and hes really clingy <3

àż ˚ . ✩ WINTER WONDERLAND. jude bellingham

Heyy Can I Request A Fluff With Jude Where You Guys Go On A Date To Winter Wonderland And Hes Really

summary. your first time coming to winter wonderland w jude.

warnings. none

word count. 1164

a warm smile spread across your face as you and your boyfriend of 6 months were on the way to winter wonderland together for the first time. you'd been wanting to go since you two first started dating, and it felt surreal to finally be able to live the experience you'd been looking forward to for so long. you two had been engaging in conversation about the rides you’d go on, but knowing him, he’d probably—no, definitely chicken out.

“when we get there, we have to ride the hangover. i’m not leaving until we go on it at least once.” he prompted, quickly glancing at you before focusing back at the road. “ehh, i remember seeing someone get sick right after getting off a few years ago, though. it still freaks me out thinking about it.” mentioning the story made you feel a little jittery, but you’d be willing to get on it, as long as it was with him.

“it can’t be that bad. maybe they had an easy stomach, but i don’t. it’ll be fun,” he claimed, resulting in your eyes rolling as you fixed your gaze in front of you, watching as he steered into the entrance. watching all the pretty, bright lights made you feel in awe. all the energetic people jumping around as they got off their rides gave you goosebumps. you already knew how fun this would be. 

he quickly turned into a parking spot before turning the engine off. you were quick to open the passenger seat door, but he quickly stopped you—"stop right there," he demanded, before running to your side of the car and reopening the door. "now you can exit," he chirped, bending his knees a bit too much to seem gentlemanly. you giggled before replying, "well, thank you."

you stepped out, quickly inhaling the air around you, nostalgic of the vivid environment. hearing the kids chase each other around and the rustling steel of the rollercoasters made you eager to ride the rollercoasters again after it had been closed for a year. you quickly turned around, hearing his footsteps dart toward you. "let’s race to the entry, yeah?" he announced before lunging toward the ticket machines. "jude, no," you cried, chasing after him, knowing full and well you weren’t as fast as him. "i swear, you’ll be the death of me." you muttered under your breath, trying to catch up to the tall figure. "can’t hear you back there!" jude exclaimed.

you eventually approached him while he paid for the tickets. "took you long enough." he giggled as you were merely out of breath. you shot him a glare before jokingly walking back to the parking lot. "wait, you know i was just kidding, baby," he said as he took your hands into his and laced them together. "oh, let’s go on that one first!" he shouted in excitement, his finger darting toward a big green rollercoaster with a sign next to it named the 'euro coaster' he gave no time for a response before jogging toward the attraction. you matched his pace, following him toward the bright sign.

he paid the vendor before awaiting the ride. thankfully, it was a tuesday, so it wasn’t that busy to where there’d be a ten-minute line for ride entry. he dragged his arm around your shoulders, pulling you in, while staring at the people screaming on the ride in amusement. “aren’t you excited?” he watched him in awe as you simply nodded.

the ride eventually came to a halt, with the group of people exiting, giddy from the experience. you watched as he quickly scurried toward the gate. you sat next to him, taking in the final moments before the exhilarating ride.

the intercoms came on, and the inspectors began to click the belts, and before you knew it, the tracks began to click. “maybe this wasn’t the best idea,” his voice began to tremble as the ride neared the top. he quickly intertwined your fingers together in fear before the ride quickly declined, resulting in screams from both of you. you looked over at him to see him terrified for the next steep dip, giggling at the sight. 

at the end of the ride, you clicked off your belt and exited the seat, jumping up in excitement. "that was fun, wasn’t it? you watched as he struggled to process what had happened. "we should probably go on the merry-go-round next." he audibly swallowed, earning a chuckle from you. "yeah, no," you said as you took his hand in yours and walked toward the next ride.

as much as you wished to go on the hangover, he refused, claiming that his “stomach hurt even looking at it.” so, you just opted to go on a less intense ride. still, he gripped your hand like there was no tomorrow and screamed like a baby during the steep drops.

after getting off, you suggested going to the carousel to take pictures together. he was insistent on the idea, which wasn’t surprising considering how shaky he was after the actual rollercoasters. you two traced toward the ride before hopping onto the seat, admiring the atmosphere around you once again. 

he held his arm around you as your cheek occupied his shoulder. “it’s so pretty out,” you whispered. he nodded in agreement, “not as pretty as you, though.” you shook your head, giggling at his reply. “you’re so corny.” 

you admired the view around you before you heard a sudden camera click and looked up at him with his phone out. “what are you doing?” you muttered, sitting up. “you look pretty,” he replied, looking at the pictures on his screen. you looked in the other direction to prevent him from taking more. “why are you looking away? i’m trying to compliment my beautiful girlfriend,” he giggled, eyes fixed on you. you felt your heart skip a beat from the praise. you slowly looked back at the staring boy who was flashing a smile at you.

he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear before murmuring, “i’m so lucky.” you couldn’t help but flush at his exchange of words. you two gazed at each other for a while before he pecked your cheek, your giggles breaking the silence.

"i think i love you," he proclaimed. your eyebrows furrowed at the sudden speech. maybe he had the impression that the relationship wasn't that intense yet, apologizing quickly: "i mean—not to make you uncomfortable or anything." his words were interrupted by a prompt kiss. he paused before sinking into it.

you pulled away after a few seconds, looking into his soft, puppy dog eyes. “i love you, too, jude,” you confessed, slightly chuckling.

the carousel coincidentally came to a stop, and you two exited hand-in-hand. he led you out with a teethy smile plastered across his face. "ooh, is that a cocoa stand? i haven’t had one in forever," you said, dashing toward the concessions as he quickly followed.

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2 years ago

àż ˚ . ✩ BABY FEVER. jude bellingham

 . BABY FEVER. Jude Bellingham

summary. you and jude visit your sister who recently had a baby, and he (unsurprisingly) is more excited than you to meet the newborn.

cw. just fluff

word count. 1008

it was a foggy morning. you and jude were on your way to visit your sister who recently gave birth to your first niece. naturally, you were very excited. seeing her on facetime would make you giddy. since the beginning of the road trip, you’ve been thinking of the countless things you’d do with your new niece while staying over. 

the entire car ride, you and your boyfriend had been talking about life concerns—work, friendships, and, of course, how you two would react to the new baby. you were teasing him, claiming that he’d be more excited than you would be. and to be honest, seeing the way he’d immediately become infatuated when around his teammates’ kids made you melt inside—like, to the point of considering having children this young. 

“you seriously think i’ll be more excited than you?! that’s your niece, for god’s sake!” jude exclaimed, eyes widening in disbelief, as his hands brushed the leather of the wheel.

you knew you were going to be in love with the new addition to your family, but you always loved bantering with jude about things like these, knowing how irritated and unsure he’d be.

you chuckled, looking over at the distraught boy. “nah, i see how you get all cheery when you’re around kids. there’s no denying it, darling.”

“well, that’s different. especially cause this is your niece we’re talking about, y/n,” he ranted, darting a quick glare at you before returning his gaze back to the road.

you fixed your posture towards him, resting your elbow on the armrest, glancing at him. “well,” you paused, “you wanna bet?”

“what? that’s so stupid, babe.” he scoffed. his shoulders stiffened a little while replying to your hypothetical question. “jude, just say that you’ll love her more than me. i won’t be hurt.” he rolled his eyes as you continued to tease him.

“whatever, we’ll be there in somewhere around 15 minutes, so we’ll really see who’ll be more excited,” he sassed, shaking his head. you giggled before digressing into another random topic.

finally, you pulled into the driveway of your sister's home. you were ecstatic, immediately jumping out of the car and popping the trunk to grab your bags, as you were going to be staying for a few days. “what’s taking you so long, grandpa?” you yelled at jude, who was taking his sweet time to leave the car for whatever reason. his shoes shuffled as he lazily walked toward the back to collect the rest of the luggage. sure, he just drove 3 hours straight, but he just wasn’t walking quickly enough for your pace. he shot you a glare before grabbing some of the bags left in the car.

you dropped the luggage on the porch before firmly knocking on the door, which quickly opened, revealing your sister’s warm smile. you immediately greeted her, pulling her in for a tight hug before jude approached the two of you.

you and jude stepped into the foyer with your bags. you immediately took a deep inhale of the new environment, which is routine, of course. “i’m sure you want to see the baby already,” your sister paused, turning around “come follow me,” she signaled as she walked up the stairs. you glanced over at jude, eager to see the newborn. he exchanged your excitement, beaming at you.

“and here she is,” your sister opened the door, revealing a dainty nursery. you wobbled toward the crib, softening when facing the sleeping bundle of joy. you turned over at her, covering your mouth out of pure shock and admiration. she nodded, walking towards you. “you can hold her, just be gentle,” she whispered as you silently scooped your niece.

“she’s beautiful,” you murmured before bouncing the baby. looking at the faint face made your stomach coil. you were internally screaming out of joy. 

“i should probably go heat up her milk before she wakes up,” your sister spoke, breaking the silence, “i’ll leave you two alone for a sec, i’ll be back soon,” she said before the door clicked shut.

“isn’t she pretty?” you whispered, following a nod from jude.

"would you like to hold her, my love?" you paused before extending your arms slightly. he carefully held the baby from your arms without reluctance. his pretty, puppy dog eyes seemed so fascinated with the newborn in his arms. you watched as a faint smile spread on his face. it was impossible not to melt when you saw the two of them together.

“aren’t you the cutest baby ever?” he whispered. he looked back up at you, mouthing what seemed to be ‘i can’t,’ causing you to giggle. you scooted closer to the two before caressing the baby's chubby cheeks. the baby briefly yawned, causing you two to gasp from the cuteness.

after having dinner with your sister and brother-in-law, you were chatting with your boyfriend on the bed about casual topics, but you couldn’t help but notice the number of times he’d bring up how adorable the baby was, or how he’d immediately jump when the baby would cry. 

“jude, you really talk about that baby more than me,” you exclaimed.


“y/n, i can’t help it. she’s so adorable,” he winced, hiding in his hands. “see—this was exactly what i was talking about in the car and you denied every one of my words. you’re so predictable.” you sighed, glancing at the cheesing boy. 

he shrugged following your declarative. “you know—” he muttered with a suggestive tone.

“jude if you’re gonna say anything about us having a baby, i’m gonna shut you down. we’re teenagers, in case you forgot,” you interrupted.

“you know me so well,” he clicked his tongue, before glancing at the clock. “but, can we go back to see the baby before she falls asleep?” he squeaked, turning toward you with doe eyes.

“you’re so annoying,” you huffed before rolling off of the bed, where he immediately followed, chuckling. “you love me, though,” he whispered in your ear as you immediately shook your head.

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2 years ago

àż ˚ . ✩ FAMILIAR FACE. jude bellingham

summary. you stumble across your ex at a cafe.

cw. angst, cursing

word count. 1389

you let out a big exhale into the cool atmosphere, adjusting the backpack strap that weighed upon your shoulder. a soft guitar and the low hum of a feminine voice accompanied the headphones attached to your ears.

it was finals season. you’d been studying for long stretches of time throughout the past week or so, and stress was constantly piling upon your shoulders. and if that wasn’t enough, you’d been dealing with a recent breakup.

although it was a mutual breakup, you’d be lying if you said that this wasn’t a tough time for you. honestly, you’d do anything to speed up the time, but it’s been moving slower than ever.

it’s been a month since the separation, and you've been sulking in your room. dishes were piling up on your nightstand, and dirty laundry was piling up on the floor. as much as you've tried to convince yourself that it didn't hurt, it has had an impact on you in a variety of ways, big and small. you've tried to suppress the relics and decided to take a small leap and study at the cafe near your house instead of in your bedroom, surrounded by the mess that's been progressively collecting.

the cafe door immediately chimed as you pulled on the metal handle. you took in the familiar aroma of the coffee beans before walking toward the barista at the register, ordering your ‘regular,’ in other words, a vanilla latte—which perfectly paired with the snowy day outside. you paid before scanning the rest of the building. you come pretty often, so there wasn’t much to compare to the previous visit. however, you became immediately reminiscent of the times you and jude would spend here. he'd sometimes take you before class or on a casual date, and so forth. your eyes met the booth in which you two would always sit together, and you couldn’t help but stare. all the giggles, kisses, and snuggles that you’d share in that seat felt bittersweet as you began to recall the memories.

"y/n?" the barista called, setting the paper cup on the to-go ledge. your head prompted you toward the signal when you realized your coffee was ready. grabbing the cup, you drifted toward the booth you’d previously set your eyes upon. you set your things on the cushion next to you, beginning to study in the sanguine ambiance.

from noon on, you’d be occasionally distracted. sometimes by the chimes of the door, or the bright clothing of passersby. your mind couldn’t occupy the notebook in front of you for too long before wandering toward other happenings in the cafe. while taking a break from studying, a tan figure struck your eye, and it didn’t take you long to decipher who it was: your ex-boyfriend. your heart immediately skipped a beat before you heard the door jingle. fuck. you scrambled to figure out how to disguise yourself because the table wasn't far from the entrance. you pulled the hood of your jacket on, trying to seem engaged with your schoolwork. it felt as if your heart momentarily stopped before a gust of air traveled past you. you took a silent breath, relieved of the potential outcome that could've occurred if he'd seen you.

you tried to attend to your notes for the time being, but the familiar voice behind you was daunting you more than you’d like. the echo of his voice brought a sense of nostalgia. your chest became increasingly heavy as you listened to the small talk he and the barista shared as he placed his order. his voice was soft and faint, and there were glimpses of that damn laugh that you missed too much.

his sneakers squeaked upon the tile as he said his goodbyes to the baristas. you tried looking away again, hoping that your hoodie would hide you well enough. the voice chirped toward you as the figure passed, ending your awaited relief.

“y/n?” he murmured, “is that you?”

your shoulders sank; you didn’t think that he’d be able to see you, but here we are.

your head lifted, making eye contact with the figure ahead of you, “yeah, it’s me,” you replied, gazing at the eyes that you hadn’t seen in some time. “i’m surprised you’re here,” he muttered. “mind if i sit?” he asked, pointing toward the seat in front of you. you nodded, as he slumped into the seat, setting his coffee on the table.

there was a brief pause between your last exchange of words. you fixed your stare on the wall of the cafe as he scanned the table that held your school supplies. 

“how’s school?” he muttered, breaking the silence. “it’s been fine. just stressful.” you replied as he nodded. “how’s work?” you asked, reciprocating the same concern. he let out a big sigh, “yeah, it’s been,” he paused, “a lot, too.” 

this interaction had been awkward so far, to say the least, but it was a brief reminder of why you two had gone separate ways: the lack of communication following your hectic school and work lives.

"have you been taking care of yourself, y/n?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows. you shifted your gaze to him, who appeared concerned. you let out a small chuckle. "do i look that rough right now?" you replied, smiling at your cunning reply. "ah, no, not like that—it’s just, you seem tired, and we haven’t seen each other in so long, you know?" he let out a panicked reply as you laughed again.

"i know, i was just kidding, jude," you said, pausing, "i’ve been trying to keep myself together. it’s just been a little difficult, but i’m trying." he let out a hum as he nodded.

the sound of him taking small sips from his drink fell against the sequential wave of silence. 

you’d been thinking of things to say or even bring up to combat the quiet and to leave as fast as possible. you watched his face before breaking the silence, "i still have some of your things at my place if you want me to stop by and return them later to–" you said before he interrupted, "y/n, i don’t think i can do this without you." his voice cracked before his eyes darted toward yours. 

"hmm? what do you mean?" your head tilted at his sudden statement. "i just can’t," he huffed. "i can’t even explain how difficult it is to not wake up by your side anymore, or to see your face whenever i come home. it’s really weighing on me more than you think." you couldn’t help but blink at him, trying to process what he just said. judging by the look on his face, he seemed concerned—almost hopeless. "and i’m sorry if i ever hurt you. i never intended to. it pains me to see how tired you are—probably because of me."

"say something. anything," he prompted again. you tried to choke up a response, but nothing seemed to come out. your feelings before the breakup began to resurface. you were inseparable without him, and truthfully, you haven’t been yourself since the split. you tried to analyze yourself as much as possible before giving a genuine response.

"i," you paused, "i'm not sure, jude." you stammered, slightly shrugging your shoulders. you could tell he was apprehensive from your response. he looked down at his lap as you tried to come up with the right words to say. 

"you know i still love you with my entire heart, right?" you comforted him, who appeared to be upset. "and, i miss you so much, too. it’s been different since you left." you adjoined. "to be honest—i don’t think i can do this much longer without you, either, jude." you watched his head lift up, gaze fixed upon yours.

“so, what do you want to do?” you cocked your head, staring at the figure in front of you. he slightly shrugged his shoulders, “well, do you accept my apology, first of all?” he inquired, ensuing a nod from you. a smile fell on his face, “then, will you be my girlfriend
again? you swayed your head to the side, grinning at the question that resulted in some of the best experiences of your life together. you nodded your head, 

“of course, i’ll be your girlfriend. again.”

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