Jungkookbangtan Boys - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

Owner - Part II


You couldn’t believe you’d said it.

 Reality was settling in very quickly. You’d taken in a hybrid boy that was no doubt younger than you. He’d told you his rough beginnings and how he was used to being taken advantage of, and here you were, taking advantage of him and his situation.

 Guilt washed over you, however Jungkook didn’t seem nearly as effected as you were.

 “How long for?”

 You thought about it.

“Maybe three months or so? Just to get my mother off my tail until her next vacation.”

 He nodded thoughtfully.

 “What does she know about your boyfriend so far?”

 “Just that he exists,” you said, placing your head on your hand.

 Jungkook nodded and leaned back against your counter, crossing his arms comfortably.

 “Makes my job a lot easier then,” he stated. “Although, if you don’t mind my asking, why do you need a pretend boyfriend in the first place. You’re not unattractive, so, what’s the deal?”

 “Your flattery is noted, but, honestly? My ex cheated on me. Got another girl knocked up and he left me to deal with his mess. Never seen the fucker look so happy,” you growled, clenching the water bottle in your hands.

 Jungkook seemed to notice your unease as he started to tense.

 “Sorry to hear that,” he said awkwardly, shuffling around, not focusing on you.

 “It’s done and over with now, not much I can do about it. He seems happier anyways,” you stated, ready to get off the topic of your ex.

 You walked over and approached him, looking at his injuries in a better light.

 “We need to clean these up, I don’t want them getting infected,” you mentioned, heading towards the bathroom. Jungkook followed you quickly, looking for an excuse to stay longer.

 You had him get on the kitchen counter and you got between his legs. You began to clean up the more minute cuts that didn’t need that much attention before going towards the larger ones. Jungkook sat quietly, only flinching a few times when you touched a bruise or swiped a cut with fresh alcohol.

 Seeing someone like this hurt you normally, but seeing someone who had a tough life to begin with being beaten up in such a manner didn’t sit well with you. You wanted to protect him, something very unlike you in the first place. You weren’t a protector; you were a coaster. Coasting through life and trying to make it mean something, or not, you didn’t really care anymore. Too many people had taken advantage of you in your life for you to care anymore.

 However, Jungkook was younger than you. It was plain as day in his eyes. And there was something to be said about the innocence and ignorance of youth.

 You finished cleaning up the rest of his injuries and started putting things away. Jungkook remained sat on the counter and silent, almost as if he was afraid to say anything else.

 “Where are you staying?”

 You asked to break the awkward silence that was almost suffocating you.

 When he didn’t respond you looked back at him and noticed he was looking down at the bandage on his hand with a distant look on his face. You approached him slowly and snapped your fingers in front of his eyes. Jungkook quickly looked up and around, almost as if he had forgotten where he was for a moment, but then he found your face and seemingly relaxed.

 “I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention, what did you say?”

 You cleared your throat, “I asked where you were staying.”

 Jungkook sighed and hopped off the counter, you were surprised how close you were in height. Your ex was shorter than you, most of them were, but Jungkook probably stood a few inches higher than yourself.

 “Currently? A bench, maybe a motel if I can scrape the money together in time to go in for a few nights or so. But generally I sleep wherever I happen to pass out. I’ll get woken up by somebody tapping me on the leg and handing me a few dollars to get myself something to eat. These good looks do get me something at least,” he smiled.

 How could someone who was homeless be smiling like that? Sleeping on a bench or some shitty motel for a week? What the fuck kind of life was that?

 “How about a deal then?”

 This seemed to pique his interest.

“What kind of deal,” he pressed, leaning forward on the counter that separated the two of you.

 “You be my fake boyfriend, don’t get into any trouble and behave around here, you can stay,” you said, placing your hand on your hip, letting him reason with the offer.

 Jungkook was silent for a few moments.

 “Do you mean that I get to live here, with you if I pretend to be your boyfriend?”

 You nodded.

 “If you impress my mom this weekend then you can stay,” you said. Jungkook’s butt started to move rather quickly. You took notice. “Um, what’s that?”

 You pointed towards Jungkook’s behind. He turned and looked down and flushed slightly.

 “Sorry, it happens when I get excited…”

 He reached around and grabbed onto something.

 That something just happened to be a tail.

 “Oh my God, you’re kidding me,” you said, walking over to look at the appendage.

 “Well, what did you think? A hybrid just had the ears. No no, we have all sorts of things in common with dogs. I can smell super well, and I’m pretty strong as well. Not to mention endurance,” he winked. You simply rolled your eyes and listened to him go on. “Can’t eat a lot of chocolate either… It makes me sick. Other than that, I’m just like your average human-oh…”

 At some point in the middle of him talking about himself you had focused on his tail. You wondered if it felt soft. It certainly looked like it did. So, you reached out and placed your hand on it.

 The fur there was silky smooth and so soft. It was like petting a fur rug! You smiled and continued to rub along his tail, slowly moving your fingers through the tendrils of fur.

 Jungkook was silent. You were curious as to why he shut up, you were imagining he wasn’t going to be the silent kind of person when he started chatting.

 “Are you going to continue?”

 You asked, wondering why he finally had become quiet.

 “M-My tai-l… F-Feels good,” he groaned, resting his head on his forearms against the counters, you saw his hips rutting slightly towards the wood of your island. It was then you noticed that he was whimpering. You thought maybe you were hurting him, but he just said it felt good.

 Confusion swirled in your mind as you slowly kept running your fingers along his tail.

 “If you k-keep doing that, I won’t b-be-ah! Be able to control mys-self,” he said, shaking ever so slightly.

 “What do you mean?”

 You turned and you saw his eyes filled with lust.

 “It means I might fuck you right against this counter,” he growled.

 You yanked your hand away from his tail like it was on fire.

 “Yeah, let’s avoid that happening like the plague,” you said, putting your hands behind your back awkwardly. Jungkook simply rested his head on the counter and tried to calm himself down.

 Not knowing what to do you simply stood there, waiting for him to say something.

 If he had the ability to speak, that is.

 “Fuck,” he groaned, rubbing his temples.

 “What is it?” you asked, approaching him.

 “I’m still hard as a rock,” he said, keeping his hips towards the counter. You tried to keep your face neutral, but it was hard to do so.

 “Um, well, do you want to uh, use my shower? I’m sure a cold shower would help,” you said. Jungkook nodded and went to walk past you. You accidentally collided with his front as you both went in the same direction at the same time.

 And boom.

 It happened.

 You kneed him in the nuts.

 “Oh my fuck!”

 He shouted, falling to the ground holding his now shrinking hard on as he went down.


 You shouted, quickly crouching down to see if he was alright. You placed your hands on his shoulders and tried to assess the damage you had caused.

 “Oh my God, you literally are going to kill me,” he coughed, tears in his eyes.

 “I’m really sorry! I didn’t mean to hit you,” you said, rubbing his shoulder.

 After a few minutes of breathing and trying to not throw up, Jungkook was feeling like himself again.

 Guilt washed over you again during that night. It was becoming to feel like an old friend in Jungkook’s presence. You watched over him as he seemed to recover, getting him a glass of water to help with the pain.

 “Are you feeling a little bit better?” You asked, rubbing his shoulder.

 “I think so, my God, if that’s what you’re like in the bedroom I’m going to have to pass,” he said, holding himself still in a protective manner.

 You rolled your eyes and concluded that if he was feeling well enough to sass you, then he must be fine.

 “You can still use the shower if you need to,” you said, standing up.

“Trust me, there’s no longer a need for that.”

 You stifled your laugh at his sour tone. However, you remained neutral in the situation and tried your best to keep from embarrassing or injuring him any further.

 “There’s a room down the hall if you want it. I normally use it for whenever my mom comes over, but, she hardly stays the night, so… If you want it, it’s yours,” you said, finally getting off your heels from the day.

 A thumping sound echoed throughout the house.

 You turned to see Jungkook’s tail thumping on the ground excitedly as he peered down the hall, examining what would be his own space.

 “Really? I’ve never had my own room before,” he said, cocking his head to the side.

 A bad taste lingered in your mouth at how he was so accustomed to being a second class citizen.

 “Are you hungry?” You asked, setting a pot on the stove, conceding that you probably weren’t going to get any sleep tonight.


 He slowly pulled himself to his feet, seeing how badly his business was damaged. Jungkook strolled over and looked over your shoulder to see you making some ramen. You could feel air rushing over your legs and you noticed yet again that his tail was wagging.

 “Are you going to control that thing or do I have to grab it again?”

 He winced at the thought.

 “That might be the most painful boner I will ever experience, but if you want to touch it I’m not going to stop you,” he said, playfully.

 The room settled into silence, and you would have forgotten he was there if not for the air chilling your legs under your skirt.

  “Have you ever had a girlfriend before Jungkook?” You asked as the two of you were sat at the dinner table.

 It was cute to watch him hoover down something so enthusiastically. You weren’t sure when he ate last, but he was acting as if it had been forever. Even if it was something as simple as ramen.

 Jungkook slurped up some more noodles before answering you. With a full mouth.

 “Nope, but I’ve fucked plenty of women so, what else is there to know?” he asked, looking up at you with broth dribbling down his face. It was like looking after a child, almost. Except this child was mouthy and perverted.

 And undeniably attractive.

 You reached forward with a cloth and wiped his chin, not being able to help your obsessive nature for cleanliness.

 “There’s a lot more to dating than having sex, Jungkook. There’s dates that you go on, sweet things you do to show your love for one another and things of the like. You need to know the person inside and out. And not in the weird way I know you’re thinking of,” you reprimanded.

 He snorted and finished his third bowl of ramen for the night. Or, should you say, early morning.

 “So, what kind of woman is your mom?” he asked, nursing a glass of water you had given him.

 “She’s kind enough, not particularly rude. She’s used to getting what she wants and doing next to anything to achieve that. I hardly had a say in what I did while growing up, but I know she only did it because she wanted what’s best for me, although I’ve never really forgiven her for that,” Jungkook nodded thoughtfully while you continued. “She enjoys the fancier things and being impressed. Manners are a must around her. She loves seeing someone who is infatuated with me, because then she knows that I am being cared for. Although, make no mistake, my mother is no fool. You don’t get to where she is by being an idiot, so tread lightly,” you said, placing your hands on a coffee mug that sat in front of you, staving off the exhaustion that was creeping into your bones.

 “Do I have to hide the fact that I’m a hybrid?”

 You shook your head.

 “My mother isn’t one to judge on appearances in people, only places. If there’s one thing about my mother I will commend her on, it’s that she isn’t racist,” you said, sipping the scalding liquid with mild interest.

 “Cool,” he answered. “So, how long have we been together?”

 “Seven months,” you responded with, trying to remember how long you and your ex had been together before he went and ruined it all.

 “That’s a long time,” he said off-handedly. You weren’t sure if it was or not, but, you decided that it was indeed a long time. You forgot how much time you actually spent with your ex… How long he had been in your life for.

 “It sure is…”

  You woke up the next afternoon in your bed sweating bullets.

 Honestly, it was stifling in the room.

 You moved to get up, but felt yourself unable to move. Panic settled underneath your skin as you started to thrash and push away from whatever was holding you down.

 “Aish, would you quit moving?”

 A voice from behind you made your whole body go still. It was then you realized what was keeping you on the bed. An arm, wrapped securely around your waist. You turned to see Jungkook, nestled into your bed happily.



 Jungkook yelped as he hit the floor. He groaned and sat up, rubbing his head in muttled confusion.

“What the fuck?” he asked, slowly waking up.

 “That’s what I should be asking! What the fuck do you think you’re doing sleeping in my bed, with me!” You shouted, holding the pillow up as a weapon.

 “You fell asleep at the table this morning so I brought you in here. I was so tired from everything I must’ve fallen asleep next to you, Jesus Christ, do you have a kink for hurting people?” he accused, standing up.

 You looked down and saw that all of your clothing was still on and so were his.

 “Well, I hope you slept enough because today is the day it starts,” you said, getting out of bed and walking around to help pull him off the ground.

 “The day what starts?” he asked, looking into your eyes with curiosity.

 “Boyfriend training.”

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