Jungkookau - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

the rebound girl

status: ongoing

rebound girl (n)

the girl you decide to hook-up with post break-up to heal your broken heart. usually a one time fling.

Ever since your first year of university, you've been branded as the go-to for a rebound and all it has done is bring you heartbreak. You swear each time to never let yourself go through this again and to try being single for a little longer.

But what happens when the sweet younger brother of your childhood best friend runs into you at a bar and you wake up in his bed the next morning?

contents and warnings: explicit sexual content (smut related tags will be specified in the chapter), nerd gamer!jk x experienced oc, jk is really nice, loss of virginity, best friend’s younger brother trope, jk is literally a walking green flag, oc has daddy issues, minimal angst, fluff,  corruption kink, sex lessons, kink exploration, college setting.

visuals (updated each chapter) 

chapters *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

chapter one

chapter two

chapter three

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7 years ago

Owner - Part III

Owner - Part III

Jungkook looked at you with a funny sort of grimace on his face.

 “Why do I need training, I know what dating is,” he said indignantly. You gave him a soft smile, but looked at him directly.

 “My mother will destroy you before you even walk up to say hello, we need to make sure she has nothing to complain about,” you said. Jungkook gave a sour expression. But, put his hands up in compliance You nodded and walked up to him, looking at his dirty clothing. You turned up your nose at the way he smelled. “You seriously need a bath. How can you stand to smell like that?” you announced, holding you hand to your nose dramatically. Jungkook scoofed and looked at you with prideful eyes.

 “It’s my natural musk, the ladies go crazy for it,” he said with his chest puffed out. It was your turn to scoff now.

 “If your natural musk smells like that you’ll be lucky to get me in the same room as you,” you said. Jungkook’s eyes darkened.

 “I love a challenge babe,” he said. Without warning you pulled a water bottle off the counter and sprayed him swuare in the face. Jungkook yelped and sputtered in response to your attack. A smile spread across your face as you watched him flail. “What the fuck!?” he asked after the initial shock of the situation had worn off.

 “Anytime you make a mistake or do something my mother wouldn’t like, you get sprayed,” you said with a happy smile on your face.

 “You’re a freakin’ sadist!” he exclaimed wiping at his face with displeasure.

 “Shall we start? Or does that bench look more appealing now?” you teased. Jungkook shook his head and sat down at the table. “First things first,” you started, sitting down as well. “You need to know everything about me,” you stated. Jungkook nodded in agreement before setting his hands down on the table.

 “Like what?” he asked.

 “You need to know my favorite things, like food, tv shows colors,” you started bringing out a notebook with your likes and dislikes scribbled down. Jungkook eyed the book like it was his enemy, but remained silent otherwise. “My favorite color is the same blue as the lake near my childhood home,” you started.

 “That’s oddly specific. Sure you aren’t trying to sabotage me?” he questioned.

 “You catch on fast, but, that is my favorite color,” you confirmed. Jungkook sighed and put his feet up on the chair next to him. You quickly lifted the spray bottle and nailed him right in the shoulder. Jungkook jumped and his feet landed directly on the floor. A triumphant grin crept across your face.

 “What did I do? I didn’t even say anything that time!” he yelled in frustration.

 “Don’t put your feet on the furniture, it’s rude,” you chastised without lifting your eyes from the book in front of you. Jungkook huffed and pulled at his damp shirt, exasperated by your idea of ‘training’.

 “This is horseshit.”

 Another spray.

 “Really?” he asked, his fringe now damp from all the moisture in his hair.

 “Swearing is rude in the presence of a lady,” you said, again, without looking up.

 “Maybe that bench wasn’t so bad…”

 You couldn’t help the soft giggle that fell from your lips. He kept his feet off the furniture as you continued down your list. He was a fast learner; you’d give him that. He listened as you went throughout your booklet and kept the information flowing. However, you wouldn’t miss those snide remarks and soft comments that he tried to keep to himself.


 “Come on! I definitely didn’t say anything that time!” he shouted. You shrugged and kept your eyes trained downwards.

 “Warning shot,” you said.

 “Warning shots aren’t supposed to hit the person you’re warning,” he complained.

 “Must’ve missed that part,” you announced. “Now, onto medical knowledge,” you said, grabbing some pills and what not and placing them before Jungkook. He eyed them with curiosity.

 “Why do I need to know your medical background?” he said in a whining tone. “Can’t we be done with training for today?”

 “Incase an emergency happens and my mom is around It’s look good for you to swoop in and save the day. Plus, if you’re living with me for three months, I think you have a right to know. What if something happens and I need your help?” you said, giving him a glance. Jungkook nodded, acknowledging your statement. You gathered up your medical records and handed them over. “I’m known to work myself sick, if you notice any of these symptoms, please get me to a hospital,” you said. Jungkook, surprisingly, took his time and read through the signs and causes carefully. “Also,” you remembered. “I’m sure we won’t encounter this, but might as well mention it anyways. I am deathly allergic to mangos.”

 Jungkook snorted.

 “What did the poor tropical fruit ever do to you?” he said. “Do you have any Benadryl or anything like that on hand just in case?”

 You shook your head. “I’ve kept it away from myself for years. So I don’t see the need,” you reasoned. Jungkook nodded and looked at the rest of your medications. He blushed when he came across birth control, but he quickly moved on.

 “Can you make me copies of theses?” he asked in such an innocent tone it made your heart jump slightly. You quickly regained control of your emotions with a clear of your throat.

 “Sure, I’ll do it at work on Monday,” you said, taking the papers back from him. Jungkook stretched, making his back make a grotesque popping sound. You cringed slightly, but forged ahead. So, anything I should know about you? Any oddly specific allergies?” Jungkook leaned forwards on the table. There was an intense gaze in his eyes and you briefly felt your heart rate increase.

 “I really don’t like spinach, haven’t ever since I was young,” he started. “No allergies I can think of. Not going to die if you feed me anything. I like going on walks. And, as clichéd as it sounds, I fucking hate cats. So please, keep them as far away from me as possible.” You were rushing to write these things down. Although, Jungkook kept prattling on. “There’s one medical thing, I guess if you could call it medical. Hybrids have these things called heat cycles. Once every three to four years we have roughly around a week where we’re incredibly horny. Just so you know, since I’m male, they happen more frequently. About every two years, and I didn’t go into heat last year…”

 You flushed at the statement. “So what does that mean?” you asked, playing coy. Jungkook didn’t seem to want to join in your game.

 “It means exactly what I hid in between the lines for you to find. However, since you want to play innocent, I’ll bite. It means that at one point this year I’ll have to leave and have a massive fuckfest. Either that or you could help me out,” he said, raising his eyebrows comically. You reached for the spray bottle and Jungkook lifted his hands in defeat. “Sorry, never mind. But anyways, I can generally feel when I’m about to go into heat so, I’ll be sure to give you a heads up.”

 You nodded and made a note in your book. “So what are things you do like? Besides walks?” you asked, readying your pen. Jungkook thought for a moment.

 “Well, I like meat. Any kind really. Watching movies, generally actions flicks. But under the right persuasion I’ll watch just about anything.” Jungkook continued naming all sorts of random things. Sometimes making you laugh, other times earning him yet another spritz. Although, you had to admit, he was very funny.

 Finally, Jungkook’s plethora of information came to an end. You nodded at the notebook, covered in your scrawl, You stood up, Jungkook followed suit.

 “Come on,” you said, heading towards the bathroom. Jungkook trotted after you, curiosity burned him as he followed you.

 “What are you doing?” he asked, peaking his head in the bathroom door.

 “Drawing you a bath, you stink,” you said, grabbing your bubble bath and throwing it in the tub. Jungkook eyed you.

 “Is this code for something?” he asked, walking inside the room.

 “I wish I had brought that spray bottle with me,” you breathed. Not waiting for you to leave or anything of the like, he began to strip. You shrieked and covered your eyes before turning your back to the man.

 Once you heard the splashing of water, you risked the glance. Jungkook was inside, his head almost fully submerged in the warm water. Thankfully there were so many bubbles, your eyes were safe from any surprises.

 “Ah! This feels amazing! The last time I had a bubble bath had to have been when I was a pup!”

 You watched as he enjoyed the water. You grabbed some of your favorite male scents that you had collected over the years. Jungkook saw you approaching and he looked at the bottles in your hands with interest.

 “What are those for?” he asked.

 “To make you smell nice so you don’t offend anyone when we go shopping later,” you said grabbing the shampoo and pouring a decent amount into your hand before lathering it and applying it to his head. Jungkook turned and your nearly got soap in his eye from the fast movement.

 “What are you doing?” I can do it myself,” he said, giving you an odd look. You flushed and awkwardly stood up.

 “Sorry, it’s a habit… Mom used to want me to wash her hair while she relaxed,” you said, heading towards the door. Jungkook seemed unfazed, however, while you tried to keep your composure.

 “Why are you leaving?” he asked, raising his eyebrows. You froze just before the threshold to your freedom. Your turned slowly and directed your gaze at his head.

 “Because you’re in the tub?” you said, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible.

 “That doesn’t mean you have to leave,” he said, send you a little wink. You shot him a glare that you hoped didn’t look ridiculous before getting ready to storm out. Unfortunately, you hadn’t realized how wet the floor was before you had started to move faster.

 “Y/N, slow down!” Jungkook shouted. But the warning didn’t slow your fall. A sickening ‘smack’ resonated throughout the room before you slowly faded into blackness…

  “Y/N! Y/N! Hey, can you hear me?” Jungkook’s worried voice filled your ears. Your head hurt and it was hard to see straight.

 “Ow…” you groaned, placing your hand on your head. Jungkook exhaled in relief at the sound of you speaking.

 “Christ, didn’t anyone ever teach you not to run on a wet floor? You scared the shit outta me!” he said, pulling you into an awkwardly damp hug. It didn’t register in your mind quite yet that he was naked.

 “Sorry,” you said, unable to really father your thoughts.

 “I’m just glad you aren’t dead!” he said.

 Suddenly, you heard the door in your apartment opening.

 “Y/N! I’m here early! I thought we could go to that little café around the corner for some tea and you can tell me all about your boyfriend before I meet him,” your mother’s shrill voice sounded from the hall. You glanced at Jungkook’s state of undress and quickly averted your eyes. Jungkook’s eyes widened and both of you look at the other and whispered…


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