Jungxk - Tumblr Posts
filed under: i should be embarrassed but i’m not
notes: opposing hotshot player hobi uses some vulgar language when talking about you during play and jungkook doesn’t like that. at all.
warnings: making out, grinding, partial nudity (bare chest), sweaty kook

“what,” your hands smack down on the walls of the penalty box. “was that?”
jungkook won’t look at you, won’t even acknowledge the edge in your voice, and it only makes your anger sky rocket that much higher.
he’s never been that rough of a player, which is why you couldn’t help but recoil when you watched him blatantly tackle the opposing defence into the ice, putting him in the beginnings of a headlock before being ripped apart by security. he all but started beating the guy with his $200 stick.
“have you lost your mind or something? do you want to be benched for the rest of the fucking season?” you hiss, watching your manager stomp over in the distance.
jungkook still won’t make eye contact and only now do you register his clenched jaw, temple dipping in and out with the way he grinds it, face sheathed in sweat so the tips of his bangs are soaked. he’s hunched over with his elbows planted on his knees, too big in his gear, gloves twisting his stick incessantly to the point where you fear it’ll snap.
you wait desperately for an answer he won’t give, line of vision focused on the match he’s not watching. those big almond eyes you adore are hidden by his furrowed brow, angry and cold and petty and nothing like the jungkook you lov-know.
you stalk away with a huff once his manager starts scolding, gloved hands fisted in your pockets. whatever was wrong with him, he picked the wrong girl to reveal his asshole persona to.
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Shit these two are so sweet with each other gosh darn it. That description of the incongruente between logic and love was so relatable and that little extra something - that je ne sais quoi - ties it all together wistfully well.
I love how intricate the relations of each boy are playing out. And oooo yes the slow build to the reveal of y/n’s past was laid out so perfectly. And speaking of beautifully done slow builds I’m itching to knew what Jimin’s stake is in all of this. And building. Hal’s character line on top of it all too? Whewwww talk about layered, rich writing 💜
The text flirting 👀 chefs kiss banter. Thank you for this lovely fic thus far!!!
just one (iii)

notes: the only guy on campus who’s track record trumped that of your best friend’s - park jimin - was jeon jungkook. not that that was a problem…until he set his sights on you.
warnings: eventual smut, swearing, bad habits (mentions of drinking, smoking etc)
genre: humour, drama, romance, college!au
wordcount: 7.3k
part i // part ii // part iii // part iv // part v // part vi // part vii // part viii // part ix // part x
contrary to popular belief, jungkook does set some rules for himself. he doesn’t have many, but the ones he does have he’s strict about.
the first was no drunks in his jeep. he already broke that rule by allowing you and your friend seulgi in, so maybe that was out the window. impressive too, because he hasn’t let anyone in his truck that hammered since jimin after taehyung’s 21st. he threw up all over the dashboard and jungkook could swear he smelt vomit in there for months. even though he’s sensitive to smell and hates repeating the same mistakes, jungkook decided you were worth the risk.
which brings him to his second rule: messing around with girls was just that. messing around. every time he needs reminding of that jungkook remembers the cactus plant taehyung gave him back during his very first semester. he killed that thing in record timing to the point where even taehyung wondered if there was a malevolent spirit in the place, because how else could you kill a cactus? it perfectly depicted jungkook’s most telling trait: he can’t look after things. look out for things, sure. he can step into a fight if his friend needed help or walk an old lady to her car with groceries. because those were a one off, in-the moment things that jungkook is good at navigating. but long term things? investing himself? he could barely stomach his own emotions for a weekend let alone someone else’s, so it really was a recipe for disaster for everyone involved. get in, get out, get going onto the next. that way everybody wins.
and that neatly bleeds into his final rule: no bringing girls back to his place (if he can help it). jungkook preferred to keep his personal and personal personal life separate, so the less girls knew about him outside the bedroom the better. besides, it’s not like he’s totally unreasonable - if his place was closest and the situation called for it, then fair enough. but that was hardly ever the case.
which is why he’s here: stumbling around the park in the middle of the day, totally and utterly lost. he was sure he had taken this shortcut once or twice before but apparently he was wrong, because he didn’t even know this half of the park existed.
“the fuck is this place,” jungkook mutters to himself, shifting as best as he can through a patch of long grass. he’s pretty sure he’s got a twig in his shirt somewhere and he doesn’t even want to think about that squishy thing he just stepped in. his dick may have had a blast last night (and this morning) but the timbs on his feet had definitely seen better days.
jungkook had been wandering around for so long now he considers calling the girl who’s place he’d just left in hopes of getting some directions…but then realised he didn’t have her number. and even if he did, what would he say? i made you cum faster than you could spell out my name but now i need you to fish me out of the park like a lost dog? and then the next hurdle: what was her name again? jane? joy? jill? it quickly becomes irrelevant when jungkook gets through the end of weeds and broken branches to an open plain of grass again. it’s a cloudy day so it wasn’t particularly beautiful to look at, but he’s just happy to be out of the mess of trees. looking out to the large pond of water just where the steepness of a hill stops, he double-takes when he sees that the person sitting atop it is…you.
you. bundled up in a hoodie, no makeup, tongue sticking out while you work to get the shading of that wilted tree just right. it’s a public place, there are people out on the streets, cars whizzing past, but jungkook still feels like he’s stumbled upon something private, intimate even - so beautiful do you look, so simple and candid. just you in your own little world. his fingers practically itch for a camera.
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Wow....that was some kiss
Reblogging for the breakup scene: the beautiful saids and unsaids
“why does no one ever talk about the feeling of knowing that you could've loved someone?”
just one (iv)

notes: the only guy on campus who’s track record trumped that of your best friend’s - park jimin - was jeon jungkook. not that that was a problem…until he set his sights on you.
warnings: eventual smut, swearing, bad habits (mentions of drinking, smoking etc). trigger warnings: non-consensual touching/ sexual harrassment, verbal harrassment
genre: humour, drama, romance, college!au
wordcount: 10.3k
part i // part ii // part iii // part iv // part v // part vi // part vii // part viii // part ix // part x
jisoo blows a raspberry into your pillow. “do we have to invite taehyung?”
“yes,” you say definitively while she pouts. “he’s our friend, babe!”
“he’s your friend! for me he’s just the guy i’m playing chicken with and seulgi doesn’t even like him!”
“that’s not true,” the older girl weighs in. “he’s nice to look at. i can appreciate that,” she pokes jisoo in the side. “besides, we need him. jimin plus one of his friends have to be part time bouncers, and if he doesn’t bring taehyung he might bring jaebum again,” her face twists in annoyance just from saying his name. “and i won’t allow that. not at my birthday party.”
“jaebum,” jisoo’s face scrunches up thoughtfully. “who’s he again? the name rings a bell…”
you’re already rubbing the ache in your head at the memory. “my birthday from two years ago. he put his hand up my dress and seulgi kicked his balls up into his throat,” you pat jisoo’s back reassuringly because she still looks confused. “you don’t remember because you were throwing up in the kitchen sink.”
“and if i see his face in my house again i won’t hold back,” seulgi finishes, flipping some hair. “the nerve of that prick. i only stopped there because you asked me to, you know!”
“well yeah because with the size of those heels you were wearing you might have killed the guy! do you know how hard it would be to get blood out the carpet?” you explain. everything had happened so quickly you felt like you could barely recall the memory; jaebum had been sweet talking you all night and you’d only ever thrown him a polite smile. then the next thing you know your skirt went flying up but then suddenly he was on the floor crying, right under seulgi’s pointy heel. “now that i think about it, i don’t know why i didn’t see him coming…”
“because you never do,” seulgi says, laying her legs over your lap while she decorates the guest list with glitter penmanship. “you don’t know how many times i’ve sent a guy hightailing before he could get to you, ____. there’s just something about you, i don’t know what it is! like ants all over sugar, i’ve never seen anything like it!”
jisoo coos, smushing your cheeks. "our pretty flower all the bees want a piece of!”
“you’re both ridiculous,” you giggle, letting her pinch your face anyway.
“we should send her to every party with some garlic and a vial of holy water,” seulgi laughs, joining in to tickle you.
“well maybe we won’t have to,” jisoo says slyly. “now that you’ve got hoseok.”
“hoseok,” you repeat, blinking thoughtfully. “right, hoseok…! should i invite him?”
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