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wylan and parem tailoring
ok so i was having a chat with a friend and she said "i wonder if wylan slowly starts looking like kuwei again" because regular tailoring faded over time and we have come to no conclusion and are very confused
we are also confused as to if any of these things would happen
parem may or may not be permanent (effected person and anyone altered by it as well)
wylan could end up looking like kuwei and back to wylan (if parem fades over years)
could fade over the years might not though
nina powers could fade as well
is jurda parem permanent
can regualr tailoring be permanent
would wylan have his features touched up every once and a while
was wylans tailoring A: removed B: re tailored again C: a tiny bit of both
if he did end up looking like kuwei would it fade
is only cosmetics tailoring unpermanent because its not original