Just A Bunch Of Vore Thoughts Lmao - Tumblr Posts
A really specific idea for a fic I have that I want to share,, excuse me if it’s a bit messy,,, I’ve been having too many thoughts about this honestly.
I didn’t put any character names here when writing this idea out- but it does indeed have specific characters in mind.
Contains: sfw oral vore, implied digestion (not described really), reformation/ respawn mechanics
Prey is a potion maker who works on different kinds of magic all the time. They are trying to do some experiments after drinking a shrinking potion, but accidentally spill another potion on themself. Second potion was made to help them eat things they don’t like the taste/smell of, so it gives them just a. A really enticing smell.
They panic a little, trying to get themself cleaned up before one of their roommates find them. In comedic timing, one of them (specifically their best friend) walk in not even a minute after. They are hit with such a tantalising smell- their pupils even seem to dilate a bit from how good it is. They just stop and stand there in shock for a moment.
As soon as the pred walks in, the prey immediately knows what’s gonna happen to them. They just stand there awkwardly, eyes shut, waiting for the pred to figure out where the smell comes from and snap them up.
But the pred is deadly quiet. They ask where the smell is coming from, they are rooted in the spot. (They know where it’s coming from, they try to distract themself). Prey explains what happened and the effects of the potion, and the pred spins on their heel to leave- but find themself immobile.
The potion was made to force the prey to be able to eat the foods they despise (baked potatoes specifically, my brain says), it can hurt physically if ignored… which the pred doesn’t know. So the prey calls out to the pred, urging them not to leave. The pred walks over to the table the prey is standing on, so so nervous and so so careful. The pred kneels down as the prey explains the last few details… and they smack their forehead down onto the table in frustration.
The prey is a bit scared, but doesn’t want their friend to be in pain. They pat the pred on their head gently and reassure them that it’s okay to eat them- reminding them that they can just respawn after, no biggie. The pred looks up, horrified that the prey would even suggest that- but eventually accepts with much hesitation and reassurance.
As soon as they start to eat the prey however, their attitude takes a complete turn from nervous wreck to ‘I’m really enjoying this and I know exactly what I’m doing’. The pred rlly takes their time enjoying the taste- which flusters the prey alot. Eventually they finally swallow, and let out a satisfied sigh. After this, they just go lie down and take a nap as the prey digests (completely painless, more like a gooey digestion I think). When they wake up, their prey is pack to normal size and they both awkwardly decide not to talk about what happened ever again (this is a lie, they will do it again).
Sorry if this is kinda all over the place >< it’s not rlly supposed to be a proper story here yet, just me scrambling together all my thoughts for this specific scenario hehe. I might post some proper writings soon, as well as o/c stuff too ^^
Vore with friend groups is just so so nice I think >///< eating a few of your buddies and one stays out to give you belly rubs… hnnnggg,,,,