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Whumptober: Just A Scratch
Leonardo swept one of his katanas down in a graceful arc, tearing open skin like paper and watching the blood spray. His enemy howled in pain, stumbled back, and gripped their injury to try and stem the bleeding, casting a glare at him. They were some werewolf looking group of mutants, nothing too bad as long as none of them-
Apparently, while he was dealing with one, the other two had circled around to his sides, and one had decided to sink its teeth deep into her arm. He grit his teeth, dug his heels into the ground, and slashed at its face as an effective method to dislodge it.
"Get!" He yelled and made a wide gesture with his arms.
The rogue mutants yelped and scrambled to get away, bouncing over each other in their efforts to run back into their hiding places.
Leonardo huffed. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to see or hear about them for a long time.
He turned his attention to the bite wound on his arm and examined it carefully. It wasn't too deep, more like a surface wound then anything. A thin stream of blood trickled down his forearm. He raised an eye ridge, unimpressed by the injuries his enemies had given to him. Reaching down to the little medical pouch he had, Leonardo pulled out some antiseptic and dressed the bite mark before wrapping it tightly. It would heal quickly.
When he got home, Leonardo spent some time with his family. A promised spar with Raphael, a conference with Donatello to help him with a project he had been struggling with, some gaming with Michelangelo.
As the late hours came along, though, there was a faint feeling of misplacement that didn't belong. He said goodnight and went to bed early, hoping that would do something for his health.
Michelangelo didn't usually wake up early, but sometimes, that sixth sense specifically meant for finding danger started going off in the middle of the night. That was usually worth listening to.
So that was how he found himself waking up in the dead of night to Leonardo standing over his bedside, holding a tanto blade high above his head, and visibly trembling.
"Don't do it," Michelangelo whispered to Leonardo's shadow, "Please, don't do it. This isn't funny, Leo." Of course it wasn't funny. Leonardo didn't make jokes often, but when he did, they were nothing like this.
Suddenly, Leonardo fell backwards and dropped the blade, thankfully not on Michelangelo. He scooched backwards, and in the darkness, Michelangelo could vaguely see him curling up.
The youngest sat up, squinting. "Are- Are you okay? Leo, are you-"
"I don't know what's going on." His voice was soft, so impossibly soft that he had to strain to hear it.
"Yeah, I can- I can tell."
"Don't tell them, please. I think I can handle this, just- Don't tell them."
Michelangelo hesitated. On one hand, Leonardo was going to kill him, whether he realized it or not. He had been hovering over his bedside with a knife, ready to release him to death.
On the other hand, it almost reminded him of when they were just little children, whispering in the dark not to tell Splinter about something they had done wrong. In the end-
"Just lock my door on the way out, don’t pick the lock, and we'll be good until I wake up."
"Okay. I- Okay."
Leonardo didn't stay. He left the lair entirely. He didn't want to risk hurting Michelangelo again, or any of his brothers.
"He still hasn't moved?"
"Nope," Raphael popped the p, looking Leonardo over.
Two hours, and he still hadn't moved from the seiza position. Unless he was under some extreme stress, Leonardo didn't meditate for over half an hour in the morning. Michelangelo still wasn't awake, so he wasn't of any help either.
“You should poke him.”
“Why me?”
“Because if he gets upset or startled, you have a lesser chance of getting taken down.”
Raphael crept towards Leonardo, wary of startling the older turtle, and gave him a gentle tap on the shoulder.
“Leo, bro? You good?”
Leonardo remained unmoving for a long minute, not responding to Raphael’s prodding. Raphael raised a single eye ridge, getting concerned. Had he fallen asleep? That was very unlike the oldest, who was usually so studious and alert. He moved to give Leonardo a rougher push, maybe that would get him out of it.
“Hey, Leo-”
His eyes slid open, and Raphael let go. There he was, finally awake-
Suddenly, Leonardo lunged forward, drawing his katanas and slamming into Raphael full force. Raphael brought his arms up just in time to block the hit, but still skidded backwards, eyes wide from shock. Did- Did he just-?
There was no time to think, Leonardo was already moving to make his next attack. Raphael drew his sai.
“Dude, what is this?! Snap out of it!”
Donatello ran into the unexpected fight to help Raphael, trying not to hurt Leonardo while still keeping him back. Still, Leonardo was definitely a lot stronger than expected, and Raphael got the feeling that the “prodigal son” hadn’t really been using everything he learned until just now. Shoot. Leonardo knocked Donatello down, sending him across the room, and turned to Raphael with a predator’s gaze. Shoot.
He rolled out of the way as Leonardo came running at him, only for it to be a fake move and get shoved to the ground, efficiently pinned by the older (and apparently strong) of the two. Donatello, having recovered from his stunned state, came running back and gave Leonardo a hard shove, throwing him off if only for a second.
Then Michelangelo joined, slightly disheveled and looking like he had just woken up, but at least he was there.
Blood sprayed and for a moment, everybody (including Leonardo, Raphael noted) froze. Then the battle continued.
Raphael regretted not asking Leonardo before about if he was holding back on them, because now? Now it was definitely clear, and he really wished that he had known about it sooner. Leonardo easily overpowered them, beating them down and aiming for a killing blow whenever he got the chance.
“Leo!” Michelangelo called out, “Bro, it’s us! Calm down-!” He swung the nunchuks, trying to wrap the chains around his oldest brother and restrain him for the time being. Instead, he accidentally hooked one of the blades in Leonardo’s skin.
Leonardo froze. Of course it wasn’t from pain, he was Leonardo “Supernatural Pain Tolerance” Hamato. Raphael hoped it was him coming back to them, but he still had to be wary, just in case this was some kind of trick to make them let their guard down.
Donatello and Michelangelo took the chance, unlike Raphael, and lunged forward, grabbing Leonardo and pinning him down while Michelangelo worked on wrapping the chains around him. Leonardo kicked and thrashed, honest to God hissing at them, and Raphael came to aid them in restraining him.
They pulled him back to a sturdy column, and tied him there, as uncomfortable as if made them. If it needed to be done, then, well...
"Is anybody hurt?" Donatello said at last, "Is anybody bit, or something like that? If this is anything like the time with those wasps, then it'll be good to know now rather than later."
Everyone took a moment to look themselves over. The only injuries seemed to be caused by something artificial, and Raphael swore that he would have noticed if he was bitten.
Donatello nodded, relieved, and crept down to Leonardo's side, moving away fresh bandages to look at the injuries underneath.
"Yeah, look here. Bite mark. Something infected him-"
Leonardo suddenly lunged forward, snapping at Donatello and making sounds that sounded almost inhuman. Raphael darted over to grab the chains because the last thing they needed was Leonardo getting loose.
Donatello froze, his breathing hitching for a second before he leaned back, grabbed a syringe, and leaned closer again.
"Keep holding him, I need a blood sample to try and figure out an antidote."
The oldest behaved actually rather well, going very still and not moving again until Donatello had pulled away. Maybe he was coming back? Even if if was just for a second, he stopped.
"He's gone!"
"Mikey, who?"
“What?! Did you get bit? Are there any scratches or anything?”
“No, but Leo’s loose! Raph went after him, but he got a little messed up on the way."
"Then we need to go! The antidote will be ready by the time we're back."
Michelangelo led the way, taking Donatello to where he had left Raphael and Leonardo, who were now battling it out. Well, more accurately, Leonardo was attacking a thoroughly injured Raphael who had to fall back on defense to stay alive.
Then, Leonardo noticed Michelangelo and Donatello. In one smooth, graceful movement, he had Michelangelo in his grip, holding a blade to his throat and backing up. A hostage. They didn't usually take hostages.
Donatello paused and didn't risk moving. Then, he started moving backwards. I'll be back, he mouthed, slowly moving home.
Once Donatello was gone, Michelangelo whined softly, “Raphie-”
Leonardo pushed the blade ever closer to Michelangelo’s throat. He wasn’t playing, that was clear enough. Raphael shivered in terror. He never thought that Leonardo wouldn’t threaten them, even under the influence of something that took him out of his right mind-
No, he wasn’t out of his mind. He was being controlled, moving against his will. It was obvious in the hesitation, the attempts to not attack them, all the times he had suddenly lapsed out of his aggressive behavior. It was all right there. He was right there, but Raphael just didn’t see it. Beneath the controlled state was still Leonardo, as protective as ever, fighting to keep them safe and losing.
At that moment, Leonardo needed Raphael to step up, not to return the hostile behavior. “Leo,” he murmured. “Leo, it’s us. Don’t- Don’t hurt him. You’ll be alright, just put the sword down.”
Raphael swallowed and hoped that his words were doing something. He didn’t think he could take losing one of his brothers.
Leonardo hesitated, actually hesitated, and lowered the blade just a bit, his gaze wavering as he regarded Raphael coldly. C’mon, Raphael silently screamed, Come back to us, idiot.
Then, Donatello reappeared, now behind Leonardo and jabbed a needle into his shoulder. Leonardo shuddered and twisted before collapse, releasing both the sword and Michelangelo in the process.
Donatello grabbed him and slowly lowered him to the ground. "I think it worked?" He called as Michelangelo joined Raphael at his side. “Give it a minute, I think we have him back.”
A few seconds passed before Leonardo gasped softly and blinked a few times. He looked around, grabbed Donatello’s hand, and almost immediately shrunk back.
He swore under his breath.
“I’m sorry. Oh my God I’m so sorry-”
Leonardo scrambled up to his feet and tore away, backing away from them.
“Leo, you weren’t aware of it.” Raphael soothed, even though Michelangelo was still hiding. “It was like the wasps all over again, alright? It wasn’t you doing it.”
"However,” Donatello interjected, “you will be telling us the whole story while I run some tests."
“Well,” Raphael said, wrinkling his beak and swishing around the contents in his mug, “That was actually lamer than I expected.”
“Yeah,” Leonardo laughed softly.
“Leo,” Donatello scolded and kicked Leonardo in the shin, “Tell someone next time, alright? This was like that stupid wasp all over again, somebody could have died.”
Leonardo flinched. He knew that all too well. He had seen that he was holding Michelangelo hostage, that he had tried to kill his family, but hadn’t been able to do anything to stop it. He was helpless, trapped in his own body and unable to fight back.
“Alright. Sorry, about all of this.”
Here are my 3 favorite whumpy animated shows that have a 10/10 plot for all my other picky whumpers out there
Cowboy bebop- my favorite show. released in the 90s, cowboy bebop is an incredibly cool and fun story about a scrappy handful of bounty hunters in space with a mind-blowing underlying plot. the mc very often ends up with gunshot wounds, broken ribs, stab wounds, and even a full body cast at one point.

Samurai champloo- very similar to cowboy bebop and from the same director. the whump is a little less frequent but the quality of it as well as the entertaining plot make up for it. LOTS of sword whump, some emotional whump, and a happy ending. (my banner is a scene from this show)

Invincible- dear god is this show gory. if you’re a fan of gruesome hurt with little comfort, I highly recommend it. the mc is your typical hero, complete with witty quips and a desire to succeed. but his whole persona is based on being able to take a beating, often landing him with broken bones, stab wounds, holes blown through his body, and enough trauma and daddy issues to last a lifetime