{just Another La Devotee} - Tumblr Posts

The Raven Cycle Challenge | 4/10 Quotes
he fell to his knees - a soundless gesture for a boy with no real body

Emperors of Tomorrow Aeron Kingsley
“Fake people don’t surprise me anymore - loyal people do.“
more here

"Just another L A devotee.."
Character redraw since I haven't drawn Believe properly in ages.
"Quite like the old times,
Without any worries or whatsoever
Just songs or nothing at all... "

//enjoy some rough warm up muse sketches and Beyond as well

Cold. Hard. Excruciating.
As though the day would never come that Luke Marquis would ever hold a gun to save his damn life.
However, what if it becomes an ally?...

//Comes back from the dead to post this instead of apologising for being inactive.
//Well, I'm not even gonna have an excuse now since I've actually been active, only by scrolling through posts and searches.
//Have some Beyond (first/left) and oc(second/right) sketches. Also excuse the whole arrangement cause I'm using mobile