Jwct Kenji - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Blud became a Hapsburg šŸ’€šŸ’€

Blud Became A Hapsburg
Blud Became A Hapsburg

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8 months ago

My friend begged me to make a guy version of this so here we are :|

Kenji: (Points at Ben and Darius) The three of us together are Drop Dead Gorgeous. Apart though, Darius is on the ground, Ben is dead, and Iā€™m still handsome as ever

Ben: (To Darius) How do you live with this???

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8 months ago
Yassified Kenji

Yassified kenji

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7 months ago

Jwcc/ct texting headcanons:

Darius: Pretty nirmal honestly, the occasional typos here and there. He punctuates his sentences and types everything in one or two bigger messages unless heā€™s excoted or something.

Ben: Hed probs use a lot of abbrevs, first to save time, then bcz itā€™s a part of his brand. Only the numb3r ones if hes feeling s1lly.

Brooklyn: Sheā€™d use all the text slang in casual conversation, lots of ā€œrealā€s and reaction emojis šŸ’™šŸ’™. Sheā€™d be lowkey brainrotted tbfr šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

Kenji: His favorite emoji is šŸ˜Ž. He signs off every text with šŸ˜Ž. And where the periods here are šŸ˜Ž. Are individual texts šŸ˜Ž.

Sammy: Sheā€™d be the one friend who texts like a suburban mom, using šŸ˜‚ and šŸ˜€ unironically. Sheā€™d also be asking what literally every abbreviation means because sheā€™s the least chronically online of the six

Yaz: Impeccable spelling. Her messages take a little longer to send because she goes back and fixes whatever her autocorrect didnā€™t fix for her. She also forgets to respond to people sometimesĀ 

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9 months ago

āš ļøTrigger warning:mentions of suicide āš ļø

Alright so here is the back story I made for miss.kon I made this back story a few years ago and I have also changed a few things too also I maybe head canon that her name is asami

(This isnā€™t really good in my opinion but itā€™s what I made)

Trigger Warning:mentions Of Suicide

I donā€™t remember what website I got this but this helped me write miss.kon back story

So asami is an expert of the sea and also being able to drive most boats and knows about sea animals and just anything that has to do with the sea

So Daniel & asami werenā€™t a couple at first their parents were planing a force marriage for them.

The reasoning on the marriage is that Danielā€™s parents wanted their son to continue their. legacy and asamiā€™s parents wanted her to find a husband and just have a Child or children so they can have a grandchild or grandchildren.

So then they had kenji their child and the child thatā€™s supposed to be the next owner of Danielā€™s companyā€™s and after that they almost actually get married and but they waited a bit since wedding planing can take a while to plan and also they now have child so after a while they get married when kenji was 6-8 years old.

Nobody was aware that Daniel was a cheater until the day that asami discoveres it at a business party where she saw one. of Danielā€™s mistresses (she didnā€™t know she was a mistress but she just thought that was a random woman flirting with Daniel) so the both of the were being bit close to each other but not in a friendly way

after that she found out that she was a mistress but then she also found out she was also one of Danielā€™s mistress and one of the woman who got to be his. supposed to be wife after that Daniel just manipulated , lied , gaslit (like every cheater) that he isnā€™t a cheater

So after she found out about Daniel cheating she didnā€™t do anything since

1.their are already married after years of faking it and if they announce that their getting a divorce for no reason since they donā€™t show any hintā€™s that they werenā€™t in love in public

(They just acted like they were in love but in reality they werenā€™t at all since the beginning)

(And asami would be bombarded with question form both sides of the family , friends , coworkers and on what made her decide to divorce Daniel)

2. Daniel would probably get custody of kenji and there would be a good chance that wouldnā€™t let asami to be with her son and that kenji would turn into a asshole like his father or (that heā€ll just let babysitters just do all the parenting)

3. If asami got custody of kenji Daniel wouldnā€™t be paying child support or be in his lifeā€™s at all since he was a neglectful father before the divorce he will be a neglectful father after the divorce

Since Daniel is a neglectful husband & father he just left asami do to all parenting kenji left her also dealing with guilt. that Daniel isnā€™t in his life or hers life as a husband & father and also that Daniel is just giving her the money to spend on raising kenji and money for asami to spend on her self.

But asami discovers another of Danielā€™s mistresses and another reason on why heā€™s barely home after she find out about one of them she then finds out about all the mistresses that Daniel had from where she was pregnant to now when their married and they have a child (but like I said earlier they donā€™t get divorced

So asami copes with alcohol since the affairs that Daniel is having drove her off the rails into a state of stress and anger since now she and Daniel have arguments but only when kenji isnā€™t present in them so the marriage goes off south

After all I have two head cannons on how she isnā€™t in kenjiā€™s life

1. She just leaves kenji and Daniel at night because she canā€™t last another year in that house when she spend most of her years in a miserable marriage and not really being able to do anything about it so on one night when daniel isnā€™t at home and kenji is alseep she packs up her bags by gets on a boat and just leaves buttt she doesnā€™t check on kenji while she was packing her bags kenji wakes up and looks for his mom but instead finds her leaving them forever

(I didnā€™t make this head canon but a person I know made this I donā€™t remember how they told me but I think they wrote it like this but I do like it )

2. She just committed suicide while she was drunk she went outside for a swim in the swimming pool since she does enjoy being outside to get a break and just to see the sea & being in the pool but this time she went outside to get a break but also to drink as well but after a few drinks she just walks into the pool and drowned to he death

I wish we knew more about Kenjiā€™s mom, the way he talks about her makes it seem that she died when he was young, but not young enough to not have any established memories with her since he did include her in the drawing he did as a kid.

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