Kailia The Lucky Tabby Hunter - Tumblr Posts
(Kalia talking seriously)Hmm it said yuu oh lied ok Hunten be HONEST are you ok?i just wanna protect you from any da-*Boulder go’s to Kalia*(she’s paralyzed with fear now)H-Hunten h-he-HELPPPPP

Hunten grabs the boulder and throws it away


(Kalia)Oh thank you Hunten!*turns ferel*There now I’m strong I’ll carry you on my back I take you to my rancher Amy’s lab *gets there*there we go you take a rest I’ll handle everything till you get your energy back wait how long does it take?

(Kalia)Well do you like cubeberries I’ll go get some *gets cubeberries*Here you go Hunten!

Buzz bot:
Looks like he's not waking up don't worry I will give him an electric shock.
Sigh sorry bud this might hurt a little
(Kalia)Oh no not the shock!but we’ll have to sorry big brother *shocks him* I-I’m sorry I-I had to *cries*

She’s sweating really hard

Ooh no

Hunten reference

Sigh and a kalia reference

And this picture
Click for better quality god damn it
(Kalia)Can you draw old Hunten like the really old hunten when you started your blog pls???if you don’t I will cry hard..

Oh this ol thing?
(Kalia)Hunten I kinda don’t like victor furry I prefer him normal and also can you make Kalia furry with limbs it’s ok if you don’t want to I acually made her hoomin before!

Don’t worry viktor can change back just like Hunten can
(Kalia the slime)oh ok!and can you draw ferel Me in color and don’t forget the grey eyes with x’s and also the tail isn’t fully black my stripes on there are red and my demon wings are black.

Before you ask. Her wings are just tucked in.
(Kalia the slime)So hunten Kalido’s my younger brother and I’m your sister does that mean Kalido’s your brother as well?Also are you still upset abt people calling you emo?
I guess
(Answer to both questions)
(Sus Kalia)AMONG US SUUUSSSS!!!!!!!!*Kalia vents cuz she’s the impostor*
(SUS Kalia) Hey Hunten you look a little SsUUuSsSSs (Sussy Kalido)Yea you do look a little SssUUuSSSsSsSSsS *I play among us too much and don’t juge me*
Hunten: Is it because I forgot to take me pills?
(SUS Kalia)Everyone I saw hunten vent!Vote him out!(Crewmate Marisa)Umm Kalia are you sure?*and my dads getting ready for work now*
*Hunten gives a very judgemental stare*
Buzz bot: Here we go again.
Hunten: Clearly, kalia is acting rather suspicious, judging by the way she called out first in a way where I sense different layers of anxiety and and she has no evidence in what she was saying as she emedioutly stated a rather defensive state that I apparently am the imposter and otherwise.
*Votes u*
*Buzz bot Votes u*
(SUS Kalia)Wait no Wait!!!*Kalia was the imposter* * one imposter remains*
The meeting is over dew to time limit hunten walk of doing tasks while keeping an eye on kailido.
(Sussy Kalido)*in his mind*oh no hunten is right over there I can’t let him see me vent I need to sabotage but I need to go somewhere to get away from him!(Crewmate Luckira)Hey Kalido!
Hunten keeps focusing his ears, faces your direction, h then spots a fellow crewmate, but does his loose focus on you.

Slime art dump feel free to use