Kaits 1000 - Tumblr Posts
luv's 1k follower celebration!

first and foremost, i want to thank you all for 1000 followers! i've had this blog for nearly 3 years now and it still blows my mind that people willingly read the things i write. so thank you.
now, onto the good stuff!
i'll be hosting a writing event in celebration of this milestone! below you can find a set of 15 different prompts to choose from. though they're categorized as platonic/romantic or fluff/angst, you can do whatever you want with the prompts!
to claim a prompt (i'm sure you all know the drill) but just in case you don't:
send me an ask with the genre, prompt number and the mcyt character or cc you want to write for it!
i'll keep this post up-to-date with what's been taken! prompts will max at 3 participants each, first come first serve!
claiming prompts closes on june 13th! writing will not have a deadline though so take as much time as you need!
anyone is welcome to join in, just please make sure you tag me once you post!

1. “hold my hand?”
⇾ cc!george - @heyskeppy
↳ click here to read!
2. “i can’t stop thinking about you.”
3. “wow, you look amazing”
4. “why haven’t you kissed me yet?”
5. “i bet i can make you blush.”
⇾ c!karlnapity - @blanknamed
6. "has anyone ever told you how cute you are?"
⇾ cc!wilbur - @basilly
↳ click here to read!
7. "my mom thinks we're dating."
⇾ cc!dream - @mcytmushroom
↳ click here to read!
8. "dance with me!"
⇾ cc!karl - @cherios
9. "i saw this and thought of you."
⇾ cc!quackity - @scare-crowed
↳ click here to read!
⇾ c!techno - @inniterhq
↳ click here to read!
10. "make a wish!"
1. “i don’t want to make a promise i can’t keep”
2. “because i love you!”
3. “please don’t leave me”
⇾ cc!karl - @ttakinou
4. "i've missed you."
⇾ cc!dream - @bozowrites
5. “it’s okay, i’ve got you”
6. "i didn't mean for any of this to happen"
7. "i wish i never met you"
⇾ c!dream - @tuvblog
8. "i'm sorry i let you down"
9. "i wish i could take it back"
10. "you're too good for me."
1. “what are friends for?”
2. “how the hell did you manage that?”
⇾ c!tommy - @voidgonemissing
3. “please don’t burn my house down.”
⇾ cc!ranboo - @szckolii
↳ click here to read!
4. “i wasn’t being reckless, i was thinking quickly!”
⇾ cc!tommy - @stxrwrites
5. “i'm coming to get you, be ready in 5."

tagging some of my favourite writing blogs!
sorry for the tag, of course there's absolutely no pressure to join in! <3
tags: @blanknamed @basilly @esylwen @etherealexsistence @dreamcatcherrs @bozowrites @b3l0v3ds @cr0wswriting @scare-crowed @sleepyteddies @cherios @im-quite-a-mess @ilecil @korinawastaken @ttakinou @mcytmushroom @inniterhq @a-simp-for-block-people
scare this is the cutest thing ever, i love it!!
Psyduck : quackity
pairing: quackity x gn!reader
note: this is part of @hufflepuff-writings 1k writing event!! congrats once again honey!! <3
genre: fluff
warnings: cursing
prompt: “i saw this and thought of you.”

you couldn’t help, but stare at it. it’s beady little pupils peering back into your own (e/c) ones, a million words and phrases screaming behind the blob of grungy yellow. the psyduck was defiantly worn, the previously bright fur of the toy now dulled to a dark, grayish canary. it was limp as well, the previous stiffness it once had broken down to its now relaxed form. the head much too large for it’s actual body flopped over from its weight, giving the stuffed animal a much more dumb appearance.
you blinked at it, your abandoned cart parked next to you as you had a staring contest with the plush pokémon. it was perfect, the absolute perfect thing to give alex. you literally couldn’t walk out of the store without it. you needed to buy this ugly ass duck.
your movements held no hesitant when you grabbed it, allowing yourself toss the psyduck into the bed of your cart with the rest of your belongings. you couldn’t wait to see alex’s reaction to it. to you, it was just too perfect to pass up, the silliness of it reminding you wholeheartedly of your duck-loving boyfriend.
you needed to give it to him, and there was no way in hell you weren’t.
you rushed through the self-check out, deeming it to be a much faster way so you can get home to alex much quicker. it didn’t take long before you found yourself in your car, your bagged groceries and necessities packed tightly in the back seat.
the psyduck, however, managed to escape the plastic and was currently sitting in your hands. you noticed that despite how awful the texture of the doll seemed, it was rather soft under your fingertips. you didn’t want to risk the possibility of the plushie getting damaged or lost, so you did the next best thing: sat it in the passenger’s seat and buckled it.
to any other passerby, you might’ve looked a bit crazy, but you could care less than give two shits. getting this psyduck home was important to you and nothing was going to stop you from that.
the drive home felt like forever to you, your adrenaline and excitement for alex’s reaction making time pass even slower, but you managed.
you couldn’t help but snatch the pokémon back up, not even bothering to undo the belt before bolting inside his house, abandoning your other purchases in your car.
thankfully, alex wasn’t busy at the moment, and was rather perched up on his kitchen counter and goofing off on his phone. the sound of his front door slamming open made him jump slightly, his eyes wide in surprise as he noticed you rush in with what appeared to be a yellow blob clutched tightly in your hold.
“woah, woah, okay. i didn’t know you wanted to see me that badly.” he teased, hopping off the surface to approach you.
“here,” you shoved out your left hand, placing the psyduck gently in alex’s grasp.
alex glanced at you for a moment before peering down at the stuffed animal. the same black pupils stared back at him, making him snicker slightly at the way the duck flopped over.
“what the fuck is this?” he giggled, turning the toy around to examine it.
“i saw this and thought of you.” you stated, the situation finally dawning on you. you literally sped to alex’s house to give him this ugly ass psyduck plush because it reminded you of him. you felt the heat of your embarrassment finally get to you, crawling up your neck to your cheeks. “it seems kinda stupid now that i think about it.”
alex turned to you, noticing how you were now looking at anything besides him.
“hey, baby.” he called, placing the psyduck down next to him before stepping closer, wrapping his arms around your waist. “nothing you give me is stupid, you hear? in fact,” he pulled away to lift the pokémon back up to your line of sight. “i happen to love him.”
his words made you chuckle, your focus bouncing between the psyduck and alex’s brown hues. “are you sure? he’s a bit ugly.”
“oh, yeah, it’s very fucking ugly, but he’s still our son and there’s no way i’ll love him any less.” he stated, smiling slightly at the yellow bird.
“just like i won’t love you any less.” he added, his cheesiness making you cringe slightly, but, nevertheless make your heart flutter.
“i love you, too, but please never say that again.” your request made alex cackle before he leaned down and placed a gentle peck to your hairline.
“but, thank you, though. seriously. it makes me happy that you can look at an ugly little duck and think of me.” you grinned at his words, leaning up and giving him his own kiss to his cheek.
“no problem, darling. i love our new little family more than life itself.”

hello! i hope you enjoyed this little piece! it’s part of kait’s 1000 follower event! congrats again lovely!!! apologies for how short it is though! i hope you enjoyed!
"my mom thinks we're dating"
A/N: YOOOOO this is my entry for @hufflepuff-writings 1K writing event! She is such an amazing writer and I'm happy to be a part of her celebration. Go check her out and also check out all of the other entries for this event!
CC!Dreamwastaken x GN!Reader
Summary: Dream in a desperate attempt to get his mom off his back asks you to be his date to a family reunion.
Content warnings: Use of Dream's real name, swearing, mentions of depression
"You want me to what?" You stare at Clay as Sapnap laughs from his place on the couch.
"Please be my date to my family reunion." You raised an eyebrow at his desperate state. "Look it'll only be for a few hours, I just need to get my aunts and my mom off my back."
"You think your family is really gonna believe that? We've been friends since elementary school Clay." You turn around and walk towards the kitchen to get started on lunch. Clay trails behind you still whining.
"Y/N! My mom already thinks we're dating! She has since you moved in. Just this once! I'll never ask you to be my fake partner again." You look at him where he sits on the counter and you smirk slightly.
"What?" Clay laughs slightly.
"Get on your knees and grovel. You're asking a lot from me and I'm getting nothing in return so I want you to beg." Sapnap laughs from the couch.
"They're totally topping you right now Clay."
"Shut the fuck up man!" Clay pouts slightly but gets down on the kitchen tiles and looks up at you pouting. "Please go to this party with me. I need your help and you are the best person I know. Have mercy on me and suffer for 3 hours with me at my Aunt's house."
"You have to do the dishes for a month and give me 100 gifted on my next stream." You smirk down at him.
'Why did I agree to this.' Is all you can think while Clay's relatives ask you all about how you met, what your first date was, and when the wedding was. Clay got the big idea to tell his mom that you two had been dating since you moved in 7 months ago and right now you were paying the price while he sat and watched football with his uncles and cousins.
"Y/N I must say I'm surprised Clay was able to get such a beautiful partner. I thought that boy was never gonna move on after you know who." Clay's mom had been sat next to you at the counter since you arrived and hadn't let you leave the conversation.
"Well it kinda just happened," You smile awkwardly. I know Clay and his ex had ended on a rough note but he was never the type to talk bad about her.
"I was sure when he told me he was bringing someone home he meant you cause you two had such chemistry when you were younger." She rambled.
"Oh yeah! I remember the first time he brought you to my house to help with the kids you two couldn't keep your eyes off each other." Clay's Aunt chimed in.
You blushed slightly cause that was about the time when you had developed a crush on Clay. You had fallen head over heels for him and were about to confess your feelings to him but the next day the introduced you to her and it all fell through. You look into the living room and see Clay with one of his cousins hanging from his neck. You smile as they spin and laugh.
"Then you moved for a year or so and him and his ex fell apart. He really missed you for those couple of months."
You frowned softly, he missed you? Funny how he never called until you started your streaming career. Then the friendship continued like nothing ever happened. You jumped slightly when you felt an arm around your shoulder.
"That was almost a year ago mom. We're better than ever now, aren't we baby?" He presses a kiss to your cheek and whispers to you, "Do you need a break from them?"
You look up at him and nod. He takes your hand and begins to lead you out of the house.
"We're gonna head down to the lake for a bit mom." He pulls you outside and leads you down the trail you both know too well. "Sorry about them, I didn't know they'd be like that."
"It's ok. They're just making sure I know how lucky I am to fake have you." You laugh slightly and look at your still joined hands.
Clay stops just at the edge of the lake and looks out at the sunset. "I guess we were here longer than we meant to be, huh?"
"Yeah, but I don't mind. I missed your mom and it was nice catching up with her." You turn to him. "She just wants you to be happy you know."
"What do you mean?" He looks at you, eyebrows knitted together.
"She was telling me about how after, you know who, you were in a rut. Not eating, drinking, or talking to anyone. She wanted so badly to help you but nothing she was doing could break through to you." You look back to the lake. "She said even once you seemed like you were better it felt like you were wearing a mask."
"I was," He sighs. "Until you."
"What?" Clay tugs you down to sit on the sand with him.
"After the breakup nothing could get me out of bed. Sapnap was texting nonstop to hop on and play but I just couldn't. I felt stuck and empty. My mom did her best. She was the only person who could get me to shower and eat. I felt like everything, everyone, had just fallen away from me."
"Clay you could have called me,"
"No I couldn't! You were up in New York living your best life. I saw you posting pictures of your adventures with your new friends and you looked so happy, I couldn't ruin that." You went to speak but he held up a finger to stop you. "I didn't want you to feel bad for me and come home. But, one day I saw that you posted a link on your twitter. You had changed all your usernames and you had started streaming. I clicked on your stream and there you were. Smiling and laughing talking to chat. It felt like you were talking to me again. You remember your old channel points redemption goals?"
"Drink water, stretch, food break, and.." You blanked on the last one.
"Text someone you love. And you always said 'Chat if I'm doing this you have to.' I followed that to a T and you helped me get better. I was showering and eating with you. It felt like you had never left. But one day someone redeemed those fucking 10,000 points and you said to text someone you love, and I did it. I always did your stupid goals with you but this time, I texted you."
"I remember that day," You smiled recalling that moment. You were about to text Sapnap to thank him for checking up on you when your screen lit up with a notification "Message from: Clay Blockhead" and your whole day was changed.
"I messaged you and never looked back. My smile was back, I started streaming and posting on YouTube again, you and I were talking on discord everyday and playing games together, and you helped me and George start the SMP. My life had been completely saved by you and I'll never be able to repay you for that."
You hadn't realized you started crying until Clay reached up and cupped your cheek gently wiping your tears away. "Clay, I had no clue. I wish I had made you one of my people to text but I-"
"I know," You shake your head.
"No you don't. That day when you introduced me to her, I was going to tell you something and you looked so happy with her I couldn't bring myself to ruin it for you." He moves his hands to hold yours making you face him. "So instead of continuing to be your friend I ran and I hid from you."
"I liked you too." You look at him in surprise. "I still like you. Probably love you even. It's stupid but I thought if I could just pretend to be with you for one day that would be enough for me. That's why I asked you to fake date me but-"
"I don't want it to be fake," You finish for him.
"Even after all of the bull shit I put you through today?" He laughs and looks back towards the house.
"Hey, I've always loved your crazy family. And I love you just as much Clay."
You swear the smile he gives you is so bright it could light up the whole world. He pulls you onto his lap and hugs you tightly.
"You've always been my forever, I never thought it would be like this as a kid but I could never give you up." You kiss his forehead and laugh softly.
"Now how are we gonna explain to your mom why our anniversary is off?"
this is so cute i love how u write wilbur :,)
tire swings || cc!wilbur x reader

note: this for for my moot @hufflepuff-writings ‘s event! tysm for letting me join kait <3
prompt: “has anyone ever told you how cute you are?”
pronouns/gender: none mentioned
edited by: @jschllatt

the night was a cool slate gray, effectively matching the atmosphere of the night. you walked along the sidewalk, hand conjoined with wilbur’s. the crisp air brought you peace, a breather from your stuffy home.
“wait y/n- there’s a park over there.”
you perk up, looking in the direction he had pointed out. in the darkness you made out the outline of a small playground, complete with a set of swings.
one thing that peaked your interest the most was a large horizontal tire swing that hung by chains.
“wil look! a tire swing- come on let’s go!”
dragging him along, you set your eyes on the swing. pulling your legs over to sit, you motion him to join you. wilbur could only grin at the playful sight in front of him, glad to see the excited sparkle in your eyes.
“y/n, we’re not both going to fit.” “oh come on, it’ll be fine.” “i think you’re forgetting how tall i am.”
after a bit of struggling, the two of you comfortably sat face to face, swinging lightly back and forth in the quiet playground.
the distance between the two of you was small, your noses almost touching. taking this as a chance, you observe all his features, down to his long lashes, perfect lips, and sculpted cheekbones. releasing the chains of the wing, you gently drag your fingers over his jaw, tickling wilbur.
“has anyone ever told you how cute you are wilbur?” ”mm maybe once or twice.” “well, you’re so pretty wilbur, i’m jealous.” “so it took us sitting a tire swing and me struggling to get in for you to tell me that?” “no you twat, it took us in a tire swing, you struggling, AND me tracing your features.” “idiot.” “love you too.”

an: this one was so cute to write ahhhh
Keep reading
yooo i love this :D

the cookie jar
➻ c!tommy & reader
➻ cw: swearing
this is a contribution to @hufflepuff-writings 1k event! you should go follow them <3
platonic prompt number 2 : "how the hell did you manage that?"
❝ y/n!❞ tommy yelled from in the kitchen, nit caring how loud he was despite it being three in the morning. he knew y/n was already awake, having his older sibling was a big night owl and either pulled all nighters or slept until two in the afternoon.
"tommy what do you-" y/n stopped in their tracks when they noticed how tommy was stuck on top of the fidge, his hand seemingly still in the cookie jar they had. "what the fuck are you doing?"
tommy was quick to reply, his voice still pretty loud, "well you see n/n, i was trying to get myself some cookies, as a normal teenage boy would do, and somehow i got my hand stuck in the cookie jar! i also have no idea as to how i'm supposed to climb down!"
"how the hell did you manage that?!" y/n asked as they went to grab a chair so the boy could climb down again.
"wait how did- hello?" another voice said, startling y/n as they turned to look at the voice.
"ranboo? tommy why is ranboo here?!" y/n yelled as they noticed the multi-colored boy in the living room.
"he came here with me!" tubbo had made his way into the kitchen as he now held a tooth brush in his hand.
y/n stared at all of them before slapping a hand over their face, grumbling incoherent words as they made their way over to help tommy, who had finally climbed down, get his hand out of the jar.
"are- are you mad?" tommy hesitantly asked as he watched y/n inspect the jar.
"og course im mad but im not gonna do anything rash, knowing me i probably would've done the same thing when i was your age if i wasn't so awkward around people," y/n explained to him, trying to find the correct words to say. "plus i've gotten my hand stuck in a cookie jar a few times, myself."
"wait you have?" tommy laughed out as he watched them gently turn the jar.
"yes! now still laughing or i'll leave this jar stuck on your hand," y/n chuckled along with him as they did what they could.
"oh god, please don't! if that happens tubbo and ranboo would try to smash the jar with my hand still in it," tommy whispered, trying to keep his friends from hearing what he said.
y/n smirked as they decided to mess with the poor boy,"great idea! hey tubbo go-"
"DON'T LISTEN TO THEM TUBBO!" tommy yelled before they could finish their sentence, both tubbo and ranboo giving the two a confused look, seeing as tommy had a angry look on his face while h e stared at y/n, who was laughing their ass off.
"you're so easy to mess with!"
tommy huffed as he glared at them before looking away.
it was silent for a few minutes as the othe two teenagers made their way over to y/n and Tommy, watching as y/n eventually go tommy's hand out of the jar. "there you go. child"
"yay!" tommy shot his arms up above his head in happiness, happy to finally have freedom from the horrid clay object. "i'm a free man!"
everyone yelled in excitement as y/n watched with a smile on their face. they were happy for tommy, for he funky found people who actually saw him as a person.
heart: broken
𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐭 𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 | cc!karl x reader

→ prompt - “please don’t leave me” for 1k @hufflepuff-writings THANK YOU SM for letting me participate!! ^^ this was a lot of fun to write even though I went a sad route with this :,) <3 congrats again, kait! you’re wonderful and absolutely deserve it! hope you’re doing well!!
→ pairing - cc!karl x gn!reader
→ summery - sunsets are pretty, but karl thinks you’re even prettier. even after the sun is gone and only you, him and the cold night are left, karl still sees nothing but you. the only question is, did you ever even see him?
→ warnings - angst!!!
→ word count - 1.9K
taglist post for mcyt content [cur. open!]
©ttakinou2021 - do not repost, translate or claim as your own

▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🌇 ▬▬▬▬▬▬
It wasn’t the way your brain just happened to be adorably and confusingly all over the place that made him realise.
The soft tone in his voice that had and always will be reserved for your ears only was more of a whiny squeaky expression of displeasure than the usually stutter and kind of gentleness you were used to.
In defence of the boy though, you did really push his buttons today.
Not in the usual way he had sort of admitted to himself as a guilty pleasure, your lingering touches and slightly flirtatious smiles when the two of you would spend the whole day laying around in his room, the tips of your fingers sometimes brushing against yours as he felt his mind go blank for a moment, no it was a different kind of putting him on edge today.
“Come on,” you groaned, leaning your whole upper body back in the standing position you were in before clicking your tongue and snapping back up so quickly Karl was concerned for your back for a moment.
“You know how this is gonna end anyway.”
“No, I don’t,” he tried to argue, his voice wavery as he awkwardly crossed his arms and avoided your gaze for a split second, unable to stop himself from glancing at your slowly approaching form every once in a while, though.
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