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Just a reminder that these two come as a set stated by Ishida himself so if one of them dies, the other dies too cuz now they are a part of each other forever and always!!
Ken Kaneki, protect your precious waifu!!!

I come to you in pieces So you can make me whole.

(In Gollum’s voice): MY PRECIOUS.
@harleyquilt, that description tho.

(In Gollum’s voice): MY PRECIOUS.

My body is prepared for his berserk mode

poor souls

you can break my soul, take my life away, beat me, hurt me, kill me.
but for the love of god don’t touch her.
Can I just say that touka means everything to kaneki, especially now.
She’s his biggest supporter

The one he wanted to spend his life with

The one he seeks out for

And his source of strength

Hope you reunite with your wife soon, you crazy centipede.

different shades of touka’s hair

What could’ve been..
Summary: Sequel to Dreich, where you will see some insight of different moments of significance to the plot.
Notes: Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback we received with Dreich. We appreciated it so much and decided to give you a little extra kindness with this fic that was meant to be a ficlet. HA. Anyway, it was great working with my partner in crime, @arvendell , and once again, worked so hard on this fic to make it as amazing as it is. I hope you enjoy our work!
Words: 10k…again.
Rating: Some mellow smut and not so mellow angst, as always. (Best combination)
Touka stared at the ceiling, her contemplative gaze lost in stupor as she battled her own desire to be selfish and selfless. Her intuition told her that something wasn’t quite right, that something was amiss – and somehow it felt like they had been given a brief moment of happiness because something was boiling on its way to them.
“Ugh, this is stupid,” she murmured, turning and burrowing her face on the pillow. She had been tossing over and over in her bed for quite a while now, her own thoughts sending her in disarray as it wandered on what was to come. There were many things at stake here, as well as lives, and yet she couldn’t help but shake the feeling that there was more to lose than to gain.
‘I really should just get some sleep,’ she thought.
She had been trying for a while now, lounging in the comfort of her bed since an hour ago. Everything was quiet, save for the sound of her own breathing; and people must have retired to their own quarters as well.
‘Fucking mind, let me get some sleep, will you?’
No matter how many times she told herself to let her relentless feelings go, her intuition told her otherwise, which only made her annoying restlessness worse. It felt like the shadow of death loomed before her, enriching her with a heavy feeling of unease that shrouded her thoughts, its cold breath was near her ear as it whispered unnerving doubts and qualms.
She sighed, surrendering to the fact that she wouldn’t be able to rest at all, especially with all the worry that ate her. “I need to get out.”
With quiet but determined steps, Touka wandered aimlessly around the base, inhaling the cool earthen air that surrounded its thick midst. It wasn’t quite as bad living here, she thought, even though she missed being on the surface – being normal. Or at least, as normal as she could’ve been. But there was a larger pang in her heart that exceeded that wish – a small, hollow hole in her heart that she needed to invalidate.
She found herself walking towards his room, apprehensive about the fact that he would be leaving soon. There was a great insecurity that welled inside her when she thought about what they could be facing from here onward. She really wanted to send him away with a smile, but all she could do was mask her own fears and behind this mask, she couldn’t help but drown herself in nightmarish imaginings of what could happen as a strong nausea swelled in her stomach. There were many unfathomable mages that had crossed her mind during these vulnerable moments.
Keep reading
Through Sickness
Pairing: Touken
Words: 2304
Scenario: Touka has a cold after being out in the rain. Ken tries to take care of her. Drabble and fluff.
I wrote this cause @harleyquilt wrote so much angst that the idiot wound up sick. So I hope that this small fluff piece can help you out. Get better soon.
“I warned you not to go into the rain” Ken said concerned and fretful.
“Well if you weren’t the one who left out our stuff I wouldn’t have had to ya know. So technically this is your fault” Touka remarked playing with her hair,
She lets out a mighty sneeze. Causing her entire body to shake and bringing in her hands to cover her mouth. She’d been getting weaker ever since the pregnancy started but right now she was at her weakest.
“Stupid cold!” She exclaimed petulantly.
Ken while handing a tissue to her said sarcastically,
“On yeah, you getting sick is my fault. off course”
“Oh, it always is” she says playfully cleaning off the snot and asking for another tissue to wipe the sweat.
“Remember the time you kissed me while you were sick?”
Ken looked at her ashamed and pouted, “Okay sure that one time was my fault.” Pointing his finger and moving his arms.
Ken sat by her side, his face drenched in worry and fear. He had begun to worry for her more and more. Ever since the incident, worried that he wouldn’t be there for her. Or that he couldn’t help her when she needed him. He took her free hand into his and placed kisses all over it, gently massaging it as he did.
“I didn’t know you’d developed a kink for sweaty pregnant women. Good to know” Touka remarks still wiping off the sweat.
He doesn’t respond continuing to kiss her hand, it was cold and felt frail. He had never imagined that they’d be able to share moments like this. Moments that shouldn’t matter but for him every moment with her did.
She laid on their bed wearing one of ken’s old t-shirts, a dark blue full sleeved shirt and yoga pants. Covered in a thin film of sweat her body glistened. Her nose was stuffy and her eyes red and teary, she was running a low fever.
“You know you should try to get some sleep you were sneezing all night” Ken said in as assuring a voice he could put on, he had to make sure not to worry her too much. He wanted to put on this façade of control as if he had any idea of how to take care of another person.
“Oh I’m sorry! I can’t control when I sneeze” she bit back a bit too forcefully, sassy and snappy in her response, regretting her words almost immediately.
Before she could even say anything, he spoke
“Don’t worry about it just rest, try taking a nap. I’ll be out there if you need anything. I’ll bring in some medicine and a sleeping pill and I’ve made sure someone will take care of the cafe.”
He gets off their bed planting a sweet kiss on her still sweaty forehead.
“Thanks” she whispers, embarrassed about her tone earlier.
She didn’t know what else she could say at this moment, but she knew she wasn’t that sleepy nor was she in the mood to just lay in bed. This was the part she hated most about being sick. Forced into bed. First it was Arata now Ken, constantly asking, constantly checking. She knew it came from a good place, but it could all get so damn irritating sometimes.
Ken had been coddling her ever since he’d been back. It had gotten really bad during the second trimester. He was adamant about her asking him for every little thing. Making coffee, taking her to the bathroom, helping her bathe, that last one he particularly enjoyed cause it always led to more not that she could complain.
Even at the cafe he told everyone to not let her do any work too stressful. It felt as if he was doing it again. Taking away her choice. Trying to protect her for no God damn reason. But somehow this time it felt more genuine and honest. As if this wasn’t about his misplaced sense of responsibility. As if he was trying to make up for all the times he’d left her alone, of all the times he actually wasn’t there for her. What made it way worse was Nishki’s talk that had left him a mess when he had tried to explain the problems that might happen during the pregnancy. Rocking back and forward as Nishki laid out in great detail every slight issue that might happen no matter how improbable. Thinking about it shitty-glasses was probably having a lot of fun fucking with her husband.
Ken was at the door looking back at her with his usual kind smile, still distraught, his face drenched in concern.
“Ya know what. I’d like it if you read to me.” Touka said softly, surprised at the words that had escaped her lips. Even she didn’t know where that came from.
He had begun reading to the baby at night. For reasons she never understood. The baby cant hear you idiot she had thought to herself many times. But she had begun to find his soft and steady voice soothing. Being guilty of falling asleep multiple times as he read to her only for her to wake up the next day nuzzled in his arms.
“Are you sure? You don’t really like my books? I could read on of your mangas, but you always say I can’t do all the voices right.” He joked.
“No, no, it’s fine just about anything will do.” Touka said quickly, almost as if to make sure he did read to her.
She could see him perk up. His smile growing large and his eyes widening. Was he this excited to read to her? She was always amused how so many mundane things seemed to make him so happy. Was it because of her she wondered? The answer seemed so obvious but at the same time the thought that she had such a profound effect on him was kinda horrifying.
“Ahh… Sure…let me just get the medicines and some water okay I’ll be back soon.”
He left the room I n a hurry closing the door gently.
She felt a steady and constant pain in her head, spread evenly. Her hands, and feet were cold she was trying to warm them up by rubbing them but that was a bust. Even the large and warm quilt she had wasn’t enough to warm her up. This was the worst. Somehow having a cold was worse than being stabbed by knives, cause apparently a Ghoul body can heal from that but can still get a fucking cold. She thought about how stupid and irritating it was to be in this state. She tried to think about other things as she waited for his return.
As she did she found herself patting her swollen belly and moving her hand in small circles around it. She had begun to do that more often even without realising it. It was somehow the most stressful thing that has happened to her but also a source of comfort knowing that no matter how fucked up the world was, she had him and she had their baby inside of her. A baby neither of them was ready for but were more than happy to accept. A baby they were both willing to sacrifice everything for.
She found herself thinking of baby names again. So far Ken had vetoed everything she came up with except Kazuki, and Mai. She found herself pouting at the thought. Who does he think he is? I can come up with better names than he can. I’ll show him. She picked up her phone and made a note,
Find a better name for the baby than Ken could come up with in a hundred years
She started looking though all of her messages. She hadn’t picked her phone up since last night when the cold had gotten really bad. Hinami had sent her a cute little message asking how she was, she replied that she was okay and that Ken was taking care of her. Nishki had sent a message entitled,
Hey shit face I’m covering your shift get better quick, so I don’t have to
She couldn’t help but chuckle at that and devised a witty remark to fire back at him.
Ayato had sent her a flurry of messages,
How are you?
Are you sick?
Hinami told me
Is Kaneki taking care of you? That bastard!
Do you need anything?
Call me if you do OKAY.
She knew he was worried about her too but seeing this just made her feel happy. He was never one to talk about how he felt so seeing his concern for her was heart-warming seeing how much he’d grown made her proud. She began replying to him when suddenly Ken walked through the door carrying a tray of items. Some medicines, a glass of water, what seemed like coffee, a book, and a small rabbit plush?
“Hey what’s that?” She inquired gesturing at the plush.
Ken looked at her quizzically before realizing what she meant.
“Oh, this!” He exclaimed,
“Oh, Hinami dropped this off before heading over to the café everyone knows how much you love these rabbits but Hina’s the only one who knows about your stash.”
Touka’s eyes widened, a look of horror taking over her face. Sweating ferociously.
“Ah… I don’t know what you’re talking about?” She unconvincingly said.
Ken smirked putting down the tray on her bedside, planting a kiss on her nose as he did. He went over to their closet and from a badly concealed opening in the floor, took out a large box filled with stuffed rabbits of all sizes. White, black, pink and yellow were just some of the colours of the rabbits this box held. He brings out the box and places it on his thighs as he takes out a particular bunny. Its red in colour with bright violet eyes and beautiful gold chain around its neck.
“I really love this one”, he gushed.
Touka was sweating, her head in her hands, her face turning a shade of red she hadn’t felt since the day he told her he loved her.
“How did you even…”
“I saw you putting them away one day, you were so enamoured with them you didn’t notice me and you looked too cute for me to disturb you.”
“Just don’t tell anyone about it okay. You’ve already told Hinami. If you tell anyone else… Well…” her voice was breaking, hesitation and embarrassment taking over.
“Well What?” Ken smirked amused by how easy it was to fluster her.
“Well…NO sex for a week.”
What should have incited a sullen silence instead caused guffaws from Ken
“Oh really? YOU won’t have sex for a week? YOU?” he burst.
He couldn’t stop laughing at the absurdity of the proposition. Before he could feel too good about it however she remarked,
“Well, maybe not that but no cuddling for a week.”
Ken’s face turned oh so sad. His eyes dropping downwards and his brow frowning.
“Okay, okay I won’t tell anyone.”
His defeated look was so satisfying and the fact it wasn’t over sex but over cuddling made it all the better. He takes out a couple of meds and hands them to her along with the glass of water. As she takes the pills Ken gets up to put away the bunny plushies.
“Hey, don’t put away the one Hinami gave you okay,” Touka said hesitantly.
He had already left it by her side
“Yeah, yeah. it’s on your bedside.”
She picks it up and beings to trail her hands along the top and the ears, it was about as big as her hand. Pink and fluffy. So adorable, she mused.
“Hey one of those pills was a sleeping pill. Nishki-senpai told me to give it to you. It’s a very low dosage. It should help you sleep though.”
He walked over to his side of the bed book in hand and sat in the bed pulling up the quilt to his legs. He adjusted so that he could lean against the bed’s headboard. Touka moving close to him resting her head on his chest. He placed one hand on her head and with the other, he opened the book and began to read.
She really didn’t care what the book was about, the story or anything really. She just loved hearing his voice. His hands gently massaging her head, playing with her hair, he’d even let out a pat or two from time to time. He read to her slowly and thoughtfully neither of them was in a hurry, and even Ken wasn’t all that interested in the book it seemed he more interested in soothing her. He kept turning to her mid-sentence once for so long she had to pinch him on the arm, Ken winces while Touka inquires,
“Hey what happens next,” she asked playfully
“Oh yeah sorry.”
He did this a lot. Moments where he’d just be lost at the magnificence of her beauty, of her existence. At the idea that they were together. And at the thought that they were sharing their lives. That somehow through all the bullshit that they had endured they had found each other.
He didn’t realize when she had begun to drift off. She was out cold now, literally, a voice in his head chimed. He put aside the book and for a brief moment looked at her, oh he wishes she could see how he looked at her. She was beautiful even now. He slowly adjusted himself into the bed keeping her close to himself making sure not to move her too much. He wrapped his arm around her and began to drift away himself. Somehow today had become a wonderful day.

I found in you, what was lost in me In a world so cold and empty

“I have faith in him.”

TG:RE Chapter 149 - Touka Kirishima

Tonight, I belong to you Tonight, you are my monster

Hello, now, to you a passing by each other that couldn’t remove the time that passed

some more HCs for the college AU
Literally EVERYONE who witnesses their study sessions can feel the sexual tension between them, even Ayato, who once walks in on them and immediately gets all protective seeing how his sister acts around this white haired stranger, and he looks for excuses to be around and watch. Touka can’t concentrate and finally tells him to fuck off.
Kaneki progressively starts to sit closer and closer to Touka with each class, and he doesn’t even notice (poor boy is oblivious til the end -_-) but she does and she can hear her own blood pumping so loud in her ears at the scent of him.
They make a habit out of meeting up after Touka’s shift at the coffee shop is over, and sometimes Touka doesn’t even need his help but she pretends to need it so they can hang out. Kaneki also seems to rush his lesson and get it over with so they can talk a bit or so he can walk her to the train station.
College parties !!!!!! Kaneki gets SO drunk and Touka’s only a little buzzed but they still have ridiculous conversations and end up going for a walk so Kaneki can sober up a bit and have some fresh air. They’re gone for like an hour. Hide and Yoriko high five when they see them leave together lmao and when they find out nothing really happened they get so frustrated cause DAMN THEY’RE SO SLOW
Mutsuki, their classmate, finds out Kaneki is tutoring Touka and gets jealous as FUCK
Touka gets an A in her exam thanks to Kaneki and she looks so proud and happy that he wants to kiss her so, so bad, but she catches him off guard and kisses him first on the cheek. It’s quick and warm, and they don’t know what to say afterwards, so Touka grabs her stuff and leaves with a rushed goodbye. He thinks about it all day

I had this in my drafts cause I’d thought about a Touken College AU in which Kaneki helps Touka study and Hide and Yoriko spend 70% of their time teasing the fuck out of them