Kdmnation - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago
#kromelogic #onlythebest #nevercomplacent #umad #kdmfamily #kdmnation #kdmsociety #koreanmuscle #hyundaihumpday

#kromelogic #onlythebest #nevercomplacent #umad #kdmfamily #kdmnation #kdmsociety #koreanmuscle #hyundaihumpday #hyundai #genesis #gencoupe #boutdataction

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9 years ago
Finally Got My WANGS! (Not The Big One Tho... That'll Come With The Remake Kit I'll Get God Knows When)

Finally got my WANGS! (Not the big one tho... That'll come with the remake kit I'll get God knows when) #onlythebest #nevercomplacent #boutdataction #gencoupe #projectgenkucontinues #hyundai #genesis #coupe #redbullgivesyouwings #kdmfamily #kdmnation #kdmsociety #kromelogic #therealmvp #mumohanjaemi

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9 years ago
Lol Happy Valentines! #mumohanjaemi #nevercomplacent #onlythebest #different #hyundai #genesis #coupe

Lol Happy Valentines! #mumohanjaemi #nevercomplacent #onlythebest #different #hyundai #genesis #coupe #gencoupe #therealmvp #umad #kdmfamily #kdmnation #KoreanMade #KoreanMade #kromelogic #boutdataction

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9 years ago

Seriously..... #nevercomplacent #onlythebest #kromelogic #kdmnation #kdmfamily #hyundai #genesis #coupe #hadenoughflakesyet #snowday #presidentsday

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9 years ago
Seriously How Could They Not Have A BK2 Or 1 In That Game? Got Damn Near Everything Else... Even The

Seriously how could they not have a BK2 or 1 in that game? Got damn near everything else... Even the Swedes got more love!!! #kdmlivesmatter #onlythebest #nevercomplacent #subaru #brz #hyundai #genesis #coupe #kdmfamily #jdmfamily #gencoupe #nfs #2015 #kdmnation #kdmsociety #kromelogic #shotsfired #different #boutdataction

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9 years ago
"Went From 4 Wheels And A Scoot To 4 Wheels In A Coupe" Went For A Nice Ride To The Old Spot For Some

"Went from 4 wheels and a scoot to 4 wheels in a coupe" went for a nice ride to the old spot for some good memories. Been mad busy lately. Sometimes you just gotta coast on it... Be grateful for what you have now compared to what you have now. Progress comes in all types of ways. #boutdataction #different #kromelogic #kdmsociety #kdmfamily #kdmnation #onlythebest #nevercomplacent #projectgenkucontinues #therealmvp #mumohanjaemi #hyundai #genesis #coupe

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8 years ago

And with this being the last for tonight (because the battery said it was on 10% like... 8 mins ago Lls) had to save the last slot for the best car in the world, sexy beast is sexy AF! MUMOHAN JAEMI! And for the record? I have a fortified gearbox that won't crap out around 450 hp like the factory auto... Problem is... I opted for the 3.8 instead of the 2L Turbo... Anyone know where I can get a decent tune? Money is no problem either. #mumohanjaemi #hyundai #genesis #coupe #wtfthatsahyundai #savagelife #boutdataction #boutdemangles #carseason #carseason2016 #carlifestyle #importfaceoff2016 #importfaceoff #projectgenkucontinues #kdmfamily #kdmnation #kdmsociety #KoreanMade #kromelogic #noshame #nevercomplacent #onlythebest #therealmvp #different #flawless #genku

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8 years ago
"A Gen A Day Is The Only Way." Seriously Clean Red Gen Coupe Looking Right Proper! Wonder If The Owner

"A Gen a day is the only way." Seriously clean red Gen coupe looking right proper! Wonder if the owner has any plans, already did somethings, or just plans to keep it factory clean. Can't perfect what's already perfect ya know? #onlythebest #nevercomplacent #importfaceoff #importfaceoff2016 #croftonmaryland #carseason #carseason2016 #hyundai #genesis #coupe #kdmfamily #kdmnation #kdmsociety #kdmlivesmatter

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8 years ago
Friend: Why'd You Get A Genesis Cam? Cam: Because Booty Fam, Because Booty. #truestory Cleeeeaannnn Ass

Friend: why'd you get a Genesis Cam? Cam: Because booty fam, because booty. #truestory Cleeeeaannnn ass BK1 just chillin all nice like at the show! #hyundai #genesis #coupe #kdm #kdmfamily #kdmnation #kdmsociety #kdmlivesmatter #bigwanggang #importfaceoff #importfaceoff2016 #carseason #carseason2016

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