Ken Kaneki As Boyfriend - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Ken Kaneki X Black.FemReader

One's Regrets

Ken Kaneki X Black.FemReader
Ken Kaneki X Black.FemReader
Ken Kaneki X Black.FemReader

Warnings ⚠️: Blood, Mentions of flesh, 'I Hate You' Pain inflicted onto reader, Lover's Quarrel, Fight and Make-Up, Potential spelling errors!

Wordcount: 1,500 ♡

Link to part 2

Link to part 3

Ken Kaneki X Black.FemReader
Ken Kaneki X Black.FemReader

"I hate you!" You sharply cried before you ran off into the rainy night.

You and Kaneki had gotten in a fight, over something so small. He only wanted the best for you, however you didn't want to hear it.

You thought he was being a bit unreasonable, he made you feel unloved, you thought he was falling out of love with you. Like he didn't consider your feelings about the recent deaths on the rise.

Always wanting to keep you indoors, and hidden from the world. It all escalated from there–

You cried, your eyes flooded with tears; naturally and with the help of the rain. Running to the nearest gas station you could find to get out of the rain.

You were drenched, stairing at your feet. Thinking to yourself,'Y/n- you idiot..why did you run out, at a time like this?'

You grabbed your skirt and twisted it to wring it out when you were approached by a familiar face.

"Y/n L/n? Is that you?" You looked up, though you couldn't see very well due to the dark sky, the voice sounded familiar.

"Who's there?" An laughter surfaced,"Seriously? You don't recognize me?" The voice soon, hovered into the light giving him a vessel to go with the voice.

"Oh! Nishio!" "In the Flesh~." The sophomore stood next to you smiling gently,"Why on earth are you out here in the rain and so late at night at that?"

You scratch the back of your neck,"Well I- I kinda got in a fight with my boyfriend. I guess I just needed some fresh air.."

"I see-",there was a mischievous glint in his eyes,"Do you need a ride anywhere? Back to your home? To the campus maybe?"

"What? Seriously! I'd really appreciate that, you don't have to! I'll give you gas money!"

"Oh no need, here just follow me my ride is a little over this way." He hand jesters his hand while walking ahead of you, to signal you to come on.

"Right.." You jogged to catch up to him, slowing down once you get beside him.

"Nishio, why are you out here anyway?" He looks at you,"Well I was drawn here by a sweet scent."

You looked around while the ground was still visible,"Nishio? I don't see nor smell anything. I didn't smell anything back at the gas station either-."

A quiet laughter surfaced,"Oh my dear, You wouldn't understand."

Your brow raised curiosity,"Really? I beg to differ, come on! What was it you smelled?" "I smelled...meat—"

"Oh? What kind?" You looked up at the sky as the softly falls upon your face. Something seemed off- why is this corner so dark?

It was like a wall?' You thought to yourself-

"O-Oh really? What kind of meat?"

"Nothing in particular, just Human Flesh~",He cooed. Your heart sank, you soon realized you couldn't see forward or rather in front of you anymore because there was an ally.

A dead end at that! You turned around to see Nishio standing there. His brown eyes changed drastically, from white sclera to black– And the brown of his Iris changed to a red.

"N-Nishio, y-you!" "Hm? Like it? You aren't scared are you?" He slowly walked towards you eyeing you, undressing you with his eyes.

"Y-Your a Ghoul."

"I am, is there a problem? Y/n?"

You shook your head telling him 'no' attempting to swiftly run past him, only to be thrown back against the wall by your waist. It was quite a hard collision between your back and the wall, thus causing the wind to get knocked out of you.

"Aw, look at you~ I wonder what it is with you today? You smell sweeter than usual Y/n! Im not complaining though!"

A sinister laughter echos and bounces off the walls of the alley.

"N-Nishio, Let's talk about this!"

"What is there to chat about? Im starving!" His Kagune's (ghoul organ) grip tightening against your waist as it pinned you to the wall.

You groaned in pain, attempting to push him off of you or at least loosen the grip.

"Aww, did you want me to be gentle? You could've just asked",he cooed.

His glowing kagune released you, letting you slide down the wall. You attempt to take off running, only getting so far before Nishio toying with you.

His blue tail slithered against the wet ground, wrapping itself around your ankle; dragging you to the ground. Dazed as your forehead makes contact with the ground when you fell.

"Did you really think Id let my food go? Especially after it smelling so delectable?"

The gound bloody from your gash on your forehead– he dragged you by your ankle towards him, along the wet cement.

You lookes for some sort of object to grab onto to keep yourself from falling even more into his clutches.

Though, nothing worked and you soon had to face the music– you were about to be Ghoul feed.

He lifted you up by your ankles as if you were shackles to a ceiling.

With blood drizzling from your head, your vision started to get blurred. Nishio's Laughter once more bounces along the walls of the alley.

"You'll make a beautiful snack, my precious Y/n–" Just then, you dropped to the ground.

Nishio's voice got cut off from what he was saying as he didn't finish his sentence.

There was a groan. There was a cracking noise, immediately what followed afterwards was ruckus of rumbling, falling and breaking.

After the noise died down the alley way was silent. You crawled to the wall in attempt to use it to help you get up.

You had succeeded at that, you looked around to find Nishio on the ground, and angrier than before.

This time blood trickles down his head as he huffs and puffs angrily. Howerver to your left, there was another being, who stood there in the entrance of the alley.

"A-Another one?",you nervously cried. There was a low tone which rang through the walls,"Nishiki, you should know better than to go after what I love."

"She's not yours, I found her! Finders keepers, Ken."

"Huh? Ken?"

You turned from Nishio, to face the other end of the alley. In whats left of a dim light, he looks at you and smiles softly. His left eye shows a red iris and black sclera as well as Nishio's.

His black hair which was black the last time you seen him, was now white. Your boyfriend, you'd been in a serious relationship with, had been non-human this whole time and you had no idea!

"Kaneki- Y-You...You're one too?" He didn't expect you to do more than scream and run at the sight, but you were still calm quite a good amount.

"Yes, Im sorry you had to find out like this, Let me get you to safety first." His eyes smiled softly at you.

Though you were scared shitless, you soon realized if Kaneki wanted you dead he would've done so a long time ago, instead of stringing you along this whole time.

Seeing him, regretting the words you said to him about an hour ago. Kaneki slowly makes his way to you holding his hand out to you.

You hesitated before reaching out your hand still using the wall as aid to keep yourself up.

"No, you're not taking my food away from me!" Nishio growls, sprinting full speed towards you, not knowing what to do– it was like your body froze from fear, you could no loger move!

Before you knew it, you were swooped up in familiar arms. Kaneki quickly moved you away amd out of sight, holding you close to him and pressed up against his chest.

That quiet, and shy gaze was no longer there—Like his personality did a whole 180°. He looked down at you, still though, that enduring look in his eyes remained.

"My dearest, I don't wan't you to see or hear what Im about to do."

Kaneki lowers himself before you kneeling down, arms wrapped around his neck pulling him closer to you, and Kaneki grabs you by the back of your thighs; hoisting you up onto his back and wrapping your legs along his waist.

He grabbed his earbuds,"Good Girl Y/n. I'll keep you safe, just keep your head down. Don't look princess."

He hands you the earbuds and to place in your ears.

You do and Kaneki turns up the music just enough to not hear anything. Past this point...everything was a blur.

You could only remember the weight of you left the ground, like gravity had left and you were in space.

Warm substance from Nishio getting impaled spashed on the both of you, though you didn't pay too much attention, for you thought it was nothing but the rain.

You didn't care what happened to Nishiki, you didn't care that Kaneki was a Ghoul– You were just glad to be back in his arms again.

Ken Kaneki X Black.FemReader

I know! You may not like it! Im sorry– I've only read the first 3 manga's of Tokyo Ghoul that my college had. I came up with the plot during class lol, so bare with me!

Date Written: Mar 22nd

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