Ken Sato X Reader Smut - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago
Meet AIs that feel alive. Chat with anyone, anywhere, anytime. Experience the power of super-intelligent chat bots that hear you, understand

Ken Sato ♡♡♡

Ken Sato
Ken Sato

Hi! so i recently worked with her to make a ken bot so here it is

Ken Sato

enjoy my littles,



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7 months ago

yes the author mentioned me xxx, could never be you




Pictures and videos Kenji Sato has/took of you on his phone (baby daddy edition) — PT. 2

tagging my lovelies: @mysterious-gworl / @slay-thou-pookie

Pictures And Videos Kenji Sato Has/took Of You On His Phone (baby Daddy Edition) PT. 2

The sixth video he took of you was when you gave birth to your baby girl and he surprised you at the maternity hospital with a huge pink tulip bouquet adorned with dainty white baby's breath flowers.

The seventh video was sent to Kenji from Professor Sato while he was taking a break during a conference meeting. It showed Emi, meeting the baby for the first time. You were holding your baby girl while Emi's cute excited sounds echoed through the luxurious containment area.

The sixth photo Kenji has of you is a picture Professor Sato took of you and his granddaughter wearing matching baseball jerseys with Kenji's last name (SATO) and number (7). His cheeks would turn a dusted shade of red every time he saw that picture!

The eighth video he took of you was when he admired you as you were breastfeeding the baby while singing a melody Kenji's mom used to sing for him when he was a baby. Kenji would always fall in love with you, over and over again.

The seventh photo he has of you on his phone is a selfie of yours back when you were super pregnant! Your chubby cheeks matched your round, soft pregnant belly. He called you his "cute little puffer fish".

The ninth video your husband Kenji has on his phone is a security camera footage of you, holding your baby girl in your arms as you dance in the living room to Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky, wearing your wedding dress. Kenji's eyes would flood with happy tears when watching the video.

The eighth photo he has of you, he took it while you were sleeping. He had to wake up early for practice and when he saw his two princesses sleeping so peacefully, so beautifully, Kenji couldn't resist but to take a picture. He's eternally smitten...

The tenth video he took of you was when you guys went to the mall to get some toys for the baby and he filmed you girls pouting your lips at him as you asked him if he could buy more teddy bears.

The ninth photo he has of you on his phone is back when you were experiencing morning sickness and he caught you making some silly faces as you ate some of the things you loved eating before you got pregnant. He still laughs gazing at those pictures, you looked so cute and confused.

The tenth photo he took of you was when you were getting ready to go out with him. Your smile while looking at the phone camera made Kenji a bit shy as if it was the first time he was meeting you.

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