Kengan Ashura Imagine - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago


Perv!Ohma, +18 MDNI!!

CW: pantie stealing, dirty thoughts, small mentions of riding, afab, reader mentioned to have a vagina


Before meeting you, Ohma was never one to think about sex or anything that came with sex for that matter. He didn’t feel like it was important to him, not the way kicking ass and eating a good steak was. So when he met you his whole view on sex had changed. 

Thinking of things he never even thought of before, most, if not all of them gross and beyond the line of perverted. He had never thought of anyone in this way before so he wasn’t sure where all of these thoughts and needs had come from.

Especially the sickening need to steal your dirty panties from the laundry bin at your place. Smelling them, putting them in his mouth while furiously pumping his cock. He couldn’t care less about where the urge came from while he was fisting his painfully hard cock with what happened to be your cutest and most favorite pair of panties. 

Ohma just happened to know that this specific pair was your favorite, you asked him if he had seen them a few days prior to this current moment. He lied straight to your face, and he didn’t feel bad at all about it either. Sitting on the couch in the living room, feet kicked up onto your nice coffee table mindlessly surfing the tv guide for anything remotely interesting. 

Telling you he hadn’t a single idea and moved on like it was nothing. Knowing he had them in his pocket while you were standing there talking to him about them. The cutest pout on your face about your missing lingerie as you left to continue your search, even retracing your steps from when you took them off. 

Ohma smiled and kept to himself silently on the couch watching you wander from room to room looking behind and under various items of furniture and other places they might’ve gotten lost. He continued to move his eyes from the tv to you until you eventually gave up. You disappeared into the bedroom and came out wearing a clean pair of clothes, he vaguely remembers you saying something about going to the store to get stuff you needed to make dinner.

He gave a small wave of acknowledgement and waited with baited breath for you to finally leave the house. Once the door closed and he was sure the car had left, he pulled your missing panties out of his pants pocket. He made quick work to pull down his sweats. His cock sprang out once the waistband was low enough. He gave his dick a few shallow pumps, just enough to get some blood flow. He wrapped your panties around his cock and pumped himself at a steady pace. 

He threw his head back, landing on the back of the couch with his eyes closed from pleasure. His breathing started to become erratic as he continued his pace, thinking about you. Imagining you nestled securely on his dick, riding him. His pace quickened and he could feel himself getting closer to his orgasam. He started to think about your warm, wet walls and the sound of your moans. 

He finally reached his climax when he thought about you moaning his name and cumming with him. He gave a few deep grunts and came inside your panties, he pumped himself until he was sure he was done. He pulled his sweats back up and dropped your panties back into your dirty laundry hamper, just in time to hear your car pull into the driveway.

You found him sitting in the same place he was when you left as you put the groceries on the countertop, you walked over and greeted him with a small kiss to the cheek and went to put the groceries away. 

“By the way, I found that pair of panties you were missing.” His tone held slight mischief but you weren’t able to understand why.

“Oh yeah? Where were they?” He could hear you putting things in the fridge.

“They were in the hamper.”  


find this and the rest of the masterlist here!

top divider made by @/xxbimbobunny

bottom divider made by @/saradika

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7 months ago

Yummy Sight

CW: slightly suggestive, small ass groping mention.

Yummy Sight

It was hard to not stare at Ohma while he trained, while he fought; while he used every physical fiber of his being to make sure he won during his matches or warmed up enough to do so. The way his hair bounced in sync with the rest of his body while he moved. Or the sweat that rolled and dripped down his chiseled muscles.

The way his veins popped out from under his skin, especially in his hands and his arms. God how you wished for one of his hands to be wrapped around your neck, or holding both of your hands in only one of his bigger ones. 

One of the best sights you’ve probably ever seen is your boyfriend in his grey training sweats and a hoodie on as he gets ready to train for the day. Standing a few feet away from him, making quiet conversation with Kaede about his upcoming matches in the next few days. You watch him and Kazuo interact, his hands in his pockets while he does very little to seem interested in what Kazuo has to say. 

He turns his head and catches you staring, he looks you up and down very noticeably and gives a slight smirk to himself and turns back to the rambling conversation. You swallow thickly and start to feel your mouth salivate a little. Kaede notices you no longer paying attention to the conversation and huffs a little with annoyance.

“Are you ever going at stop acting like a girl in grade school with a crush? He’s your boyfriend after all.” She pops her hip out and puts her hand on it, looking at you while scoffing. You give a small laugh and shake your head.

“I can’t help that he makes me feel all giggly when he looks at me like that.” You start to make your way to a chair over by the wall where you and Kaede sit and wait for him and Kazuo can finish talking and Ohma to start training. 

It was no more than 5 minutes later when Kazuo made his way to you and Kaede to let Ohma do his thing. Watching Ohma throw kicks and punches and run laps, you tried your best to nonchalantly cross your legs to get a bit of friction to ease the dull ache from between your legs. 

He eventually threw off his hoodie after it got too hot and became borderline soaked with his sweat. The ache became stronger as you really zoned in on how his muscles flexed, glistening with a sheen of sweat under the lights. After about an hour of making conversation with Kaede and Kazuo over various things involving other fighters and Ohma, your boyfriend came over. 

Panting and wiping sweat from his brow he grabbed a bottle of water that Kaede handed him and guzzled it down. 

“I’m hungry, let's go get something to eat.” He grabbed the hoodie from the floor where he threw it at you and put it on. Kaede and Kazuo lead the 4 of you to the door. Ohma followed behind you silently, when the other 2 adults were far enough ahead Ohma came up beside you and grabbed a hearty handful of your ass. 

You gasped and smacked Ohma on the chest, silently cursing him out for doing that while in public. Ohma only gave your cheek another squeeze and laughed.

“Don’t act like you were giving me your ‘fuck me’ eyes while I was training. You’re not very good at hiding it.” He put his hands back into his pockets and continued walking, noticing you swallowing hard again. 

He leaned down to whisper in your ear lowly enough for only you to hear, “maybe if you’re good while we eat I’ll give you what you’ve been after when we get back home.”

Yummy Sight

If you guys want a second part to this let me know

Find the rest of the master list here!

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7 months ago

It Isn't That Bad

It Isn't That Bad

CW: slight angst-nothing too sad, fluff

Standing off to the sidelines watching Ohma take hit after hit, kicks flying straight to his forearms and legs. You bite your nails from anxiety while Kazuo stands next to you and shouts encouragement so hard that the veins pop out under the skin of his neck.

He throws a nasty right hook straight to the other guys cheek, blood pouring out from where his knuckles connected to the skin and bone of his opponent. Cringing to yourself you cheer for your lover hoping to keep him going. He snaps his leg up and connects to the other man's ribs so hard you and Kazuo could hear his ribs crunching from where you stood.

Ohma reaches and connects his hands around the man's neck and proceeds to pound knee kick after knee kick to his guts and sternum, hard enough for him to cough up blood. Ohma lets go and bounces back and away, giving space between the two of them. Watching and waiting to see what the man will do next. He collapses to his knees and falls forward face first onto the ground. 

The ref raises his hand and announces the match over. You and Kazuo cheer with excitement, Kazuo grabs you into a hug and you both bounce and cheer. Ohma stumbles over to where the two of you stand and you immediately break from the hug and run over to hug your boyfriend.

His skin is borderline slimy from his sweat and blood as you grasp him tightly in an embrace. He wraps his right arm around you in his form of a hug, you break from the hug and grab his hands to inspect them. You sigh at the sight of his already bruising knuckles, the skin cracked open and dripping blood onto the floor. 

“Let's go get you cleaned up and then we can get something to eat.” you smiled sweetly up at him considering the anxious look on your face didn’t match your tone. He grunted in response and followed you back to the locker room. 

You walk besides Ohma as he slightly stumbles to the locker room, when you get to the door you hold it open for him and he walks through. You sit him down on one of the benches in the middle of the room and immediately find a first aid kit in a closet. 

“I don’t think a bandaid is gonna help Y/N.” His tone was snarky and sarcastic, but he watched you walk over with the first aid anyway. 

“Well I’m not gonna let you sit and bleed all over the floor either. It’s gross.” You rummage through the stuff in the kit until you find what you’re looking for; a roll of bandages, gauze, alcohol pads and triple antibiotic ointment

He doesn’t have a comeback for your statement but let’s you grab his hand and get to work on his knuckles, you use the alcohol pads to wipe away the fresh and dried blood. Next you apply the triple antibiotic ointment to each one of his open knuckles, you place a thing of gauze padding to the knuckles. You tell him to hold the pads with the palm of his other hand, you grab the roll of gauze bandaging and open it. 

You place the beginning piece to one side of his knuckles and start to wrap around his knuckles enough for it to stay in place without him needing to hold it anymore. You wrap his knuckles tightly, but not too tight; enough for him to make a fist comfortably. 

You begin to do the same to his other hand, all while you begin the process again he sits and stares at you. Taking in your facial features, the way your hair falls and frames your face. How gently you hold his hands, how your fingertips dance across his skin. The fact that you take extra care to be as gentle as you can. No one has ever gone to take such consideration for how he feels. He finishes his thought and focuses back onto you when he sees you finished. He makes a fist with both of his hands. 

“How’s that feel? It’s not too tight is it?” You start to put the various supplies back into the brightly colored box. 

“It’s fine. You didn’t have to do that y’know. They would’ve healed and been fine in a few days from now. I’ve had worse before.” He doesn’t make a move to get off the bench, but instead watches you finish putting things away and get up to put the box back in the cabinet you got it from. 

You sigh and sit back down next to him, you place a hand on his knee lightly, you don’t say anything for a few seconds. You just sit next to him like that and he lets you. 

“Look Ohma, I know I don’t have to do anything to help you out, or bandage you up. Hell half the time I think that you’re going to tell me to get lost and leave it alone. But being with you means this is just as much my life now as it is yours, therefore as your girlfriend it’s my job to help you out. You don’t have to do it alone anymore, you have me and Kazuo and Kaede even.” You moved your hand from his knee to one of his hands, as gently as you could hold it. 

He only grunts in response, not really in the mood to be sentimental. All he wants is a shower and a big juicy steak. You get up and grab a washcloth from a shelf where the towels sat, you walked over to the faucet and turned on the warm water. You stuck the washcloth under it and made sure it was warm enough, when you decided it was, you rang out the cloth. You held it out to Ohma, he didn’t move to take it from you.

You stood in front of him, he spread his knees enough for you to get between them. You took the cloth and began to gently wipe and scrub away at the blood on his forehead and face. He took his hands and put them on both sides of your hips. He sat there like that until you were finished, you walked over and put the cloth in the dirty towels bin and came back. 

“Take a shower and put on some clean clothes, you stink and I’m starving.” You gave him a small kiss on the top of his head and walked out of the locker room, leaving Ohma to sit there.

It Isn't That Bad

Find the rest of the masterlist here!

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6 months ago

+18 MDNI!! Smut (oral both receiving)

It was nothing unusual for your Kengan fighter brother to bring his fighting buddies and partners over before or after his matches. None of them really worth your time and attention. But this time, this one was different.

Brothers best friend!Ohma who walks into your house trailing behind your brother and immediately stops to look around for food in the fridge

Brothers best friend!Ohma who only grunts In acknowledgement when your brother introduces you, but also catches himself staring a little too long at you. Noticing how you do the same for him

Brothers best friend!Ohma who finds himself asking your brother to come over more and more often. Claiming it’s all for sparring and training purposes. Not because he’s trying to secretly spend more time with you without being suspicious

Brothers best friend!Ohma who let’s his hands linger longer and longer each time you pass each other something and touch finger tips

Brothers best friend!Ohma who sits in his own room thinking about how he feels for you, trying to deny that he has feelings but just can’t for some odd reason

Brothers best friend!Ohma who realizes that no one has ever taken so much thought and consideration into how he feels. No one’s ever offered to share food the way you do. And everyone who knows him, knows that the way to his heart really is through his stomach

Brothers best friend!Ohma who knocks on your window late one night and asks if you wanna go on a walk with him and gets excited when you agree. But puts on his normal stoic expression and waits for you to climb through the window

Brothers best friend!Ohma who gives you his jacket when he notices you start to shiver and rub your arms for warmth. Who finds and bench at a nearby park and sits you down.

Brothers best friend!Ohma who opens up to you about stuff he doesn’t really tell anyone else and he isn’t quite sure why he feels so comfortable with you.

Brothers best friend!Ohma who leans in and kisses you after you put a hand on his arm and comfort him

Brothers best friend!Ohma who brings you home and tells you that he would like to see you again, who gets excited again when you agree

Brothers best friend!Ohma who ends up taking you on rides on the motorcycle no one knew he had. He gives you a spare helmet that fits perfectly. Wraps your arms around his waist probably tighter than you needed to but didn’t tell you that.

Brothers best friend!Ohma who eventually ends up with you sitting sideways on the back of his bike with your legs spread over his shoulders as he eats you out like a starved and crazed man.

Brothers best friend!Ohma who makes you cum harder than you ever have before, not expecting you to get on your knees and return the favor

Brothers best friend!Ohma who cums harder than he ever has just from the sight of your tears running down your face as you gag and choke on his cock. Struggling to take it all.

Brothers best friend!Ohma who helps you up off the ground and wipes your tears off your cheeks and smiles when you smile at him first

Brothers best friend!Ohma who tells you not to tell your brother. And you agree, not wanting your brother to tell ohma not to see you anymore

Brothers best friend!Ohma who keeps your relationship a secret for a good 6 months without your brother finding out, until you both accidentally let it slip that you were seeing each other. Your brother was hesitant at first but gave up knowing there was nothing he could do to stop how you felt

Kengan Ashura masterlist here

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