Kevin Turvey - Tumblr Posts
And since I tagged him, here's my boy Kev. π

Speaking of my boy Kev, is there a Voltaire connection? There absolutely is. π
Imagine Kevin trying to work up the nerve to ask you out
Kevin Turvey x GN!Reader
Warnings: none
Summary: A fun little imagine I conjured up about the cutest investigative reporter. Pretty much what the title says, Kevin working up the nerve to ask you out, enjoyπ

(Gif not mine, credit goes to whoever made it)
Pacing back and forth by the river for goodness knows how long, Kevin had been working up the nerve to ask out his crush and long time best friend, you. As well as rehearsing various lines and approaches for you. Which was tricky for him, to say the least.
Although he was somewhat confident initially, he quickly realizes that this is going to be a lot harder than he thought it'd be.
"Right". Kevin takes in a breath, straightening his posture before speaking,
"Hello Y/N, we've been friends for like a while, right and I've been wondering if you'd fancy going out...with me." Kevin only shakes his head. " I need to be more confident, they'd like that, I bet."
Taking a straighter stance and lifting his chin, slightly grimacing his face into a more serious expression, he starts again,
"Oy there love. I like you and you like me too, let's go out" he says in a comically cocky manner, wriggling his shoulders and bobbing his head a little when speaking.
Then he pauses, eyes moving to the ground in thought.
"Perhaps that's a bit too forceful." He says, relaxing his stance. "Right, more straight to the point then.."
Kevin takes in another breath before blurting out in a rapid pace "Hello Y/N, for some time now I've grown romantic feelings for you, like, I like you much more than a friend. Fancy a date with me?" He pierces his lips closed and visibly tenses up.
As if holding in a breath, he lets out a sharp exhale with a slight slouch of his back, brushing a hand through his hair in a mixture of deep thought and frustration.
"We've known each other for years now, why in the bloody hell is this so difficult!" He exclaims in utter annoyance. His voice slightly cracking at the end of his sentence.
Although it was hard for Kevin to recognize it, the reason he was stressing over this so much is because his feelings for you were deep and genuine and the last thing he wants to do is mess up the first step of confessing his feelings for you and yes, taking you out on a proper date. You were perfect to him, so this confession must be equally so. He's never felt this way about anybody before, not even about Theresa Kelly. No, these feelings were much more serious, Kevin couldn't stop thinking about you, your laugh, the way you'd listen to his ramblings about whatever mundane investigation he was fixated on without ridiculing or making fun of him, the way you'd smile at him when you when you'd greet him before a hang out, and the kindness you'd shown him was something that made his heart pitter-patter in a most wonderful way. He was downright smitten with you, although he didn't realize it right away, only expressing confusion at how he'd get butterflies when he saw you or how his heart sped up when you'd look him in the eye but when he finally does realize it, it hit him like a ton of bricks. Then came the overthinking and fussing over how to tell you, if he should tell you and the worry that this feeling would ruin your friendship because he truly didn't know if you even felt romantically towards him at all, let alone as strongly as he felt for you. Was this gamble of spilling his feelings out for you even worth it? He didn't know but what he did know is that he at least wanted to give it a shot. He was terrified of the idea of another man wooing you and taking you away from him. He couldn't even stomach the thought without feeling a little nauseous. And who knew! Maybe you felt the same for him as he did you! There was only one way to know for sure. Which brings us back to now.
"This is utterly useless!" He says with a small stomp.
"Forget the lines, forget the plans. I'll approach them and say whatever comes natural, in the moment. Improvisation." Head bobbing lightly and eyes gazing off into the water, his nerves eat away at him but Kevin's defiance overcomes the nervousness, if not a bit aggressively.
"Oh bugger it!" Fueled by determination alone, he sets off for your house.
@thegizardofmars here, have a crappy doodle of my Kevin crackship. π

"the other one" Rik fucking Mayall
hey moots, wanna join? @battlevann I know you got some Young Ones in ya. :D

And here it is! Submit some prompts, you bastards, and share this around!
Tagging @rjavenuru @believerindaydreams @miiiwu
What is YOUR favourite kind of fan fic/art? Help us pick prompts for our Complete Bastards Week!
It's Prompt Selection Time!

I've added everything that was submitted to the first form, though when two prompts were similar I've amalgamated them into one. Please share this around, scumbags! We'll need a lot more people to answer this one to get any kind of coherent results (and if we don't... we'll cross that bridge later π).
This form is anonymous too, so have no fear. Now: vote!
Tagging @rjavenuru @believerindaydreams @miiiwu
Complete Bastards Week!

Thank you to whoever was the last to vote yesterday - you fixed the ties! I can now reveal our seven NSFW and SFW prompts:
Loss of virginity
Cross dressing
Wet dreams
Edging/Orgasm denial
Exhibitionism/Public sex
Touch starved
Falling piano/Cartoon violence
Gender roles
Daddy/Mummy issues
First date
30 years later
Bonus prompts (for switching with one if it really doesn't appeal to you) ~
NSFW - Hurt/Comfort
SFW - Transformation
I can also reveal that the most popular prompts of each list were cross dressing, with 15 votes (to the shock of no one π), and drunk, with 12 votes.
So, what do we do next? Well, we need to agree on a week that will actually be Complete Bastards Week, like, officially. It shouldn't be too far away, but not too close either - we need to give people a hot second to actually create for this! Let me know if you guys want it to be before or after Christmas. I know the next few months are typically a busy time, so maybe this could be something to brighten up gloomy January? Let me know what you're thinking!
Some simple guidelines:
*Each day will be represented by a single prompt (one from each list in this case), but it doesn't really matter if you don't end up posting what you make to its allotted day. Posting at all is what counts!
*You don't have to commit to doing all seven if you're too busy or not all of them appeal to you.
*You can fill out all NSFW prompts, all SFW prompts, or a mix of both!
*Try to tag anything you post #complete bastards week so I can reblog it to a blog for curating this event (@completebastardsweek). Tagging the blog when you post would be a good idea too - especially if you make something NSFW, as Tumblr keeps hiding NSFW stuff from the tags. Of course, I'll mostly check the tags the week of the actual event, but I'll be keeping a cursory eye on things before and after, in case we have any early birds/latecomers.
*It goes without saying, but feel free to post whatever you make elsewhere too!
*You can make work for any of the shows/films featuring our favourite bastards. Feel free to stage crossovers too, if that's your thing! All ships (including X Reader and OCs) are welcome, as are no ships at all. Go mad!
I'll make another post with a fancypants graphic assigning the prompts to the days of the week once we've settled on a week. Thank you once again to everyone who voted! I hope some of the prompts you picked won and ideas are coming to you. π