: KGRP - Tumblr Posts
Ive always been super curious abour how killing game rps work! Do people discuss with each other ahead of time if they want to kill that persons character? I was just wondering this morning if red herrings from other characaters end up being coincidences etc with so many different minds working on one thing >_< you can just ignore this if you dont feel like answering btw ^_^ Maybe I'll find out by joining one someday(however ppl find them)
It varies from server to server, but in a GOOD one everything is planned in advance. Here's the tl;dr of the traditional discord kgrp format:
A server advertises somewhere (tumblr, disboard, the nexus, etc) you join if the premise interests you, send in an application for your character before the deadline, then the mod team chooses a cast. Most servers accept about 16-20 players but I've seen more. The accepted characters are announced in some sort of cast reveal, and the game begins - like in any rp, the bulk of the game is just people doing threads with each other, furthering character dynamics, progressing their own plots, and getting up to their own hijinks. Then there's usually some sort of event for a motive drop, like in the danganronpa games - sometimes the motive is lifted right from a game, other times they're original. This shakes things up, people go back to doing threads but this time with the motive at play.
After the motive drops, the mods start privately planning a case with the killer & victim, who are usually volunteers. They plan the details of the murder, evidence, and get everything ready for the body to be discovered, the trial to take place, and the killer to be executed.
Once it's all ready, the mods let players know, the body discovery is roleplayed out and so is looking for evidence, then there's a trial. They're really fun! Nobody knows who the killer is aside from the mods, so it's everyone actually talking and discussing the evidence/their theories to get to the answer like in a dr game.
Then voting takes place, the killer is executed, and you're back to step one - threads and hijinks until the next motive and the next BDA and so on.
Idk how much sense this makes. A lot of it is very easy to pick up on once you start rping, provided you're in a well run server. Red herrings/alibis/twists/etc. can both be preplanned AND come up naturally. I can think of a lot of fun examples from past games I've been in but at that point I'm just rambling on about very specific niche content nobody but me and my usual rp circle cares about LOL