Khonshu Drabble - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

The Loyal Priestess || Khonshu x fem!reader

The Loyal Priestess || Khonshu X Fem!reader

Summary: as a newly appointed priestess in Khonshu's temple, you hold a great deal of responsibility. On one night, the God of the Moon decides to visit his followers in response to their profound prayers 

Warnings: smut (deflowering)🔞 & the body of Marc is being taken over and fronted by Khonshu 

Word count: 3575

Author: Cass & Rouge

A/N: the green sentences refer to Khonshu's speaking

The Loyal Priestess || Khonshu X Fem!reader

It's an ancient ritual performed mostly by high priestesses because it was a skill that took a lot of practice, but you knew exactly what to do and weren't afraid of doing something wrong. Being a newly marked priestess in Khonshu's temple demanded a great deal of self-assurance, skill, and interior renunciation.

You had the honor of leading the opening prayer to the god himself that evening. "Our Lord, hear us out," you began, head bowed and hands pressed together in front of a massive stone figure depicting Khonshu standing proudly with his staff in his left hand. "We have gathered here to seek your protection, our Lord, and your enlightenment."

Marc could feel cold, unpleasant creeps running down his spine, causing him to shake and hiss visibly. "What the hell was that?" He exclaimed, perplexed as never before.

Of course, Khonshu was there with him, unconcerned by Marc's remark. "My followers are praying to me."

"Followers? Praying? To you? Do you still have them?" Marc inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course I do, worm! Who do you think I am?" snarled Khonshu.

"Excellent. I was simply inquiring. There's no need to be so aggressive," Marc sighed and rolled his eyes. "I just hope they're over soon. I don't like the way it feels," the man muttered, uncomfortably rolling his shoulders.

"They will as soon as I acknowledge their presence."

Marc didn't have time to react before the robes encircled him and he swooped up into the night sky, going to the source of chanting. He didn't like what he saw when he landed. This was the temple. The one where he lost his normal life and self.

Candles and incense filled the room with a soft glow and the scent of olive and lilac. Few wicked baskets filled with things like fruits, dates and furs were placed on the stone altar.

Khonshu's followers in the chamber were humming an old melody that matched the words of your fervent prayer. "Our Lord, Master of the Night Sky, please listen to us. Send us your light and wisdom, keep us safe from evildoers. We're offering our modest sacrifices for you, our Lord."

"Modest sacrifices? That sounds intriguing, I'm curious what those are," a loud voice could be heard echoing off the walls. Khonshu entered the chamber in Marc's body, overtaken by the god; Marc's eyes glistened with white light.

All of the followers knelt and bowed their heads to the person who entered the chamber.

You were the only one who raised your head slightly to look the creature in the eyes; eyes gleaming with light that highlighted the god's nature. In the process, you bowed your head and knelt on the sand as well. "My Lord, we are honored that you have chosen to illuminate us with your presence tonight. Long live, Khonshu!"

The greeting was loudly chanted by the rest of the followers.

"Finally, someone who understands how to respect me," Khonshu hummed proudly, smiling at everyone. "However, I think I should punish you all."

Chanting ended as soon as it started; the silence filled the chamber.

You dared to raise your head up, looking at the man with glistening eyes. "Did we do anything wrong, my Lord? If yes, please, say a word and we'll do our best to fix the error."

Khonshu chuckled deeply as he approached you. He grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him. "You want to know what your blunder is? Where have you been all these centuries? I can hear every prayer, and it has been quiet for many years."

A cold shiver jolted your body to its core, and you began to wonder if calling Khonsh was a good idea. "My Lord," you said as you looked into his glistening eyes, "We'd been praying to you all the time, on a regular basis. We'd never forgotten you or your deeds, my Lord, and we'd always admired your wisdom."

He squeezed your chin between his fingers. "Human, don't lie to me!" He yelled. "I couldn't hear any of you praying for years! You've dared to arrive at my temple and now you're selling me a lie!"

"My Lord," you said quietly, trying not to aggravate the deity, "How could I lie to you in your temple? I would never do so. Some of your older priestesses have passed away, they were old and died of old age or were killed in the civil war going on," you elaborated. "My Lord, I and those gathered here tonight are from a new generation. Perhaps our prayers were not loud enough for you to hear."

"Maybe they weren't. You will all try to do better from now on," Khonshu demanded. "What about the offerings? I'm interested in what mortals like you brought me."

You waited for him to let go of your chin, and when he did, you went to the altar and pointed to the wicked baskets. "We don't have much to offer you, my Lord, but we'd like to give you our best. Our crops provide the fruits and dates, and our animals provide the furs. We also have the best wine in Egypt, fresh olives, and gold, all for you, our Lord Khonshu."

"That's all?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Some poor fruits and old wine?”

You bowed your head and knelt again. "This is all we have, my Lord. As I said, we can't offer you much more than our faith in you."

"And what do you think I'm going to do with it?" Khonshu inquired, looking at you. "I am the god! Not some pitiful, mortal being like you all or that meat puppet I had to use to see you. I'm not interested in wine or food."

You bowed your head even more, being afraid to look at the god. "Forgive us, my Lord. Please, have mercy!"

"You dare to refer to yourself as my follower? My old priestess, they were the ones who always knew what to offer!" Khonshu yelled angrily, his voice echoing off the walls.

A single tear rolled down your cheek; you were truly terrified with the god being angry with you. "Forgive me, my Lord. What can I do to fix this?"

He gave you a low chuckle as he looked at you. You were a lovely, little thing as for a priestess. He could make good use of his ability to gain complete control over Marc. "I'll tell you what I want as a gift, and you'll grant it to me."

"Of course, my Lord, I'm here to fulfill all of your wishes."

"Clean the altar," Khonshu ordered, waving his hand.

As he wished, you took all the baskets off the altar.

Khonshu turned to face the others. "Tonight, you all let me down. I have nothing else to say to you, worms, no blessings or encouraging words. Leave. Everyone except you," his gaze fixed on you again.

His strong voice echoing off the stone walls made you shiver once more as you watched your fellow citizens get up and leave with bowed heads.

You dared to look at God after everyone else had left the chamber except you. "Your wish, my Lord, is my command."

Khonshu was overjoyed. Finally, someone was listening to him and acting in accordance with his wishes. "I want you as an offering."

You tilted your head and blinked few times. "Excuse me, my Lord? You want me? In what meaning?"

"You good know. You seem like a smart girl."

Your brow furrowed. "Oh, Lord... I think I know what you're thinking about, but I can't give you what you want because I've never done those things before, and I don't want to disappoint you. We have a lot of lovely ladies, just say the word and I'll bring one over."

"I want no one else but you," Khonshu said, gently taking a lock of your hair between his fingers. "You are young and attractive."

"My Lord," you whispered and closed your eyes at the touch of his warm, calloused hand. "I see. Your wish is my command, but I'm scared of letting you down."

"You'll do fantastic, I'm confident you will, little priestess," Khonshu gave you his assurance. "Now. Remove those robes."

You nodded and began taking off your clothes. You began by slipping the sleeves of your long, beige gown, revealing your bare chest and round breasts. Second, you pushed the silky material of the dress down your body, allowing it to fall to your ankles. You stood fully naked in front of the god in human form with hesitation.

One of his hands boldly cupped your breast. "So soft and pleasant," he claimed as his thumb rubbed your nipple, which hardened within the seconds. "My precious, little priestess. Little, innocent thing, you belong to me."

You gasped quietly when his calloused palm cupped your breast, squeezing it. You looked up at the man with your eyes wide open, sighing. "Whatever you order, my Lord. I'm yours."

Khonshu nodded before grabbing one of the furs brought as an offering and tossing it over the stone altar. "Lay down."

You climbed the altar and did as he asked - you laid on your back, rubbing your thighs together, attempting to cover your breasts with your arms crossed lightly across your chest. As you looked up at him with sparkles in your eyes, your Y/H/C hair spilled over the fur.

Khonshu smiled and gently kissed your lips before moving the kisses to your neck and then collarbone.

"My Lord," you whispered lightly, your head rolled back a little, providing him with better access. "Can I touch you?"

"You can," he whispered into your ear.

You gasped quietly and put your hands to his arms, your heart beated faster when you sensed his tensed muscles under the shirt he was wearing. Soon, you moved one of your arms around his neck and begged him for another kiss.

"Little priestess, you're so needy. Your desires will be granted tonight," Khonshu hummed and gladly pressed his lips against your cheek, cupping one of your cheeks.

You shifted in his arms, giving the kiss back, letting your tongue slip past his lips, tasting him and imagining all of the things he was about to do to you.

Soon after, he drew back and began undressing himself before joining you on the altar.

You watched his perfectly shaped body, wondering if the man he picked for his avatar was someone random. If yes, Khonshu had a very good taste.

"Do you like what you're seeing, little one? I wouldn't choose a random mortal as my avatar," Khonshu reassured you, just as he would be able to hear your thoughts, and kissed your neck again, this time moving down to your chest and wrapping his mouth around one of your nipples.

You grabbed by the edge of the altar and arched your back a little, moaning at the feeling. With a little, hesitant smile, you nodded your head. "Yes, my Master, I like everything I see," your tone was nothing more than a whisper. "My Lord Khonshu, please."

"Please what? Use your words."

"I want you to..." Your voice cracked as you blushed hardly; realization hit your mind clouded already with overwhelming pleasure. "I want you."

"So now you want me? I was sure you're terrified of this. You're not anymore?" He hummed as he moved his hand down your body.

"I've never been so scared in my life, my Lord, but I trust in you, I trust in everything you do," you assured Khonshu, your cheeks flushed.

Khonshu moved between your legs with a low laugh. He picked your legs up and set them on his shoulders, then began to place kisses and bites on the inside of your thighs.

You moaned quietly, arching your back slightly and sucking your lower lip in. You initially felt compelled to run your hands through his hair, but quickly dismissed the thought as too daring. His lips on your thighs felt like a blazing fire, and you couldn't stop being vocal about how good he made you feel. "Please, My Lord, I need to feel you," you pleaded quietly.

He decided to grant your wish and gently sucked his lips around your clit, observing your reaction carefully.

Your back arched even more as a loud moan escaped your lips. Your hands slid down instinctively to meet his palms on your hips; you placed your hands on top of his rough ones. "I've never felt anything like it..."

His fingers intertwined with yours, squeezing your hand. Khonshu didn't respond to your words, but he continued to eat you like a starving man.

Your moans became louder; you barely could bear the tight knot forming in your abdomen. "Khonshu, my Lord, please, I want more!" You begged, holding stronger onto his palms.

"Is that so, my little priestess? And what do you want?"

You bit your lip. "I want to do this, but I've never... You'll have to guide me, my Lord."

"Do what? Use your words or I won't please you," Khonshu continued the teasing.

You propped yourself on elbows and looked at him; he looked perfectly sweet with his head between your thighs. "I want you to take me, my Lord."

He got off the altar and began to completely undress himself, tossing the pants and Marc's boxers to the side. Then he returned to you and wrapped your legs around his waist tightly.

Of course, you watched him with your heart beating fast and strong within your chest, like a tiny animal trapped in a cage trying to escape danger. When he removed his boxer shorts, his already rock-hard cock sprung free and stood proudly against his abdomen, making you blush and gasp. You did just what he expected you to do. With a moan, you pulled him into a kiss. "My Lord..." You whispered. "I'm all yours."

"Of course you are. You're my sweet, little priestess," Khonshu agreed, gently pushing inside of you so as not to injure you too much with his force.

You rolled your eyes back and let out a quiet scream mixed with a moan, your eyes close shut and you hissed at the sudden feeling of being stretched out painfully. "Ah!"

Khonshu smiled wryly as he observed your body's reaction to him. Your little whimpers and arched back were adorable. He'll definitely miss it once Marc is back in charge.

You wrapped your palm around one of his hands placed by either of your sides, then looked up at him, right into his eyes. "It.... hurts and stings..."

His palm moved over your belly and lover. "Hush. Just breathe, relax."

You followed God's instructions and went a little quiet. It didn't last long though - the pleasure and knot developing in your abdomen were impossible to ignore, igniting the lust in your soul. Your palm squeezed his hand, and other one wrapped around his neck as he kept on thrusting into you. Soon, you were moaning for him like all those whores you've heard about from your friends visiting public houses.

"You're a good girl. My dear priestess. You will be the only person to ever experience this," Khonshu murmured as he began to move his hips carefully while still stroking your belly with his calloused palm.

You looked at his face; the man whose body the god was using was dangerously handsome, with dark, brown eyes and fluffy, dark hair. "Kiss me," you whispered.

He couldn't say no to you, so he pressed his lips to yours, swallowing your whimpers and moans as he quickened his pace.

With a loud moan and overwhelming dizziness, you rolled head back when the kiss broke and let him fuck you the way he wanted. You wrapped your legs around his waist to guide him deeper into your dripping cunt.

He continued to fuck you hard and deep, kissing you on the neck. "My tiny priestess. You're taking good care of your god."

Holding tightly onto his neck, you moaned loudly. "Can we, ah! Try some else? I want to be on top."

Khonshu chuckled proudly before flipping you both over so you were on top of him. His hands were pressed against your hips, squeezing the tender flesh.

You began rolling your hips, smacking them back and forth, resting both hands against his broad chest, quietly moaning whenever his cock hit the right spot within you. "It feels divine, so good."

"Good. Excellent work. Please me, little priestess," Khonshu praised you, moving his body slightly to match your movements.

You increased your movements, moaning louder and louder. After leaning forward, you placed your palm to one of his cheeks and kissed him deeply, your tongues dancing together in a slow, passionate dance. "I feel so full, it's unbelievable."

"This is insignificant. I will continue to fill you up, little human. You'll be so full of me that you'll never forget how it feels," Khonshu assuredly moved his hand to your clitoral region. He began to play with your bundle of nerves, watching your reaction.

Your curses filled the chamber; your head rolled back and your pace quickened. His clit teasing didn't help at all, it only heightened the sensation. With a loud scream, the knot in your abdomen ruptured, and incredible wetness floated down, coating his member still buried within your tight cunt. "Oh, fuck!"

Khonshu continued to praise you while thrusting into you in order to quickly fill your nice, tight cunt with his hot load. He used all of his strength to flip the two of you again, to pick up the pace even more, chasing his own release; he hadn't felt so needy and desperate in centuries. When your pussy was still clenching around his shaft rhythmically, his cock throbbed painfully, triggering his orgasm, and he spilled all of his warm seed deep into you with nothing but a curse rolling off his parted lips. ”Fuck. Fantastic. My precious, little priestess. You made your god happy."

You tried to raise your body to kiss him once again. The wetness in you was unbearable and you didn't really want to move to not get rid of the pleasant feeling of warmth and thickness.

While returning the kiss, he almost purred into it. His arm wrapped around your waist with a soft hum, his hand gently tucking some of your hair behind your ear, and he grabbed your chin to take one more good look at you. "You're a lovely, little thing. Even though it was your first time, you did not let me down."

"Did I do well, my Lord?" You asked in a soft tone, putting your head to his chest; his cock still buried in you. "You've made me the happiest person alive, my Lord. I'm grateful and I will never forget it. Can I just have one question?"

"What is it, my beautiful?”

"Can you take me with you? I will give my life to serve you in the afterlife."

"This isn't going to happen," he said simply, playing with your hair. "There are some things I need to take care of myself. Besides, I require the presence of my priestess here."

"My Lord, will I ever see you again then? Or was I daydreaming?"

"If you serve me well, priestess, I will visit you again, and you weren't daydreaming, I assure," Khonshu said as he kissed your cheek. "You are mine now."

"I've been yours since the day I was born, my Lord," you shivered, grumping quietly at the emptiness as he pulled his dick out. As quickly as possible, you put your robes on, gaze lowered to not bother Khonshu.

Khonshu slowly sat up and began gathering his belongings in preparation for dressing up. "Are there any more requests, little one?"

"How could I request anything from you, my Lord? Your wisdom and presence is the best thing that happened to me, my Lord Khonshu. I, your faithful priestess, will preach your word even harder."

"And this shall grant you my visit again," Khonshu's laughter spilled all over the chamber.

The Loyal Priestess || Khonshu X Fem!reader

Marc awoke in his bed, perplexed as he had never been before. He was uneasy and felt bad in general.

He remembered going to see Khonshu's followers, but there was a gap in his memory. "Khonshu! What the fuck?! How come I can't remember anything!"

The god appeared, sitting on the bed, holding the staff. "We came across my followers, led by a dedicated, young priestess. What did you expect?"

"That I will remember a fucking thing!" Marc growled loudly.

"We took part in a little ritual. Don't bother yourself with that. Did you rest?"

"I guess," Spector muttered, rubbing his forehead. ”Shall I be worried?"


"I have no recollection of anything. Who knows what you did while in control of my body."

"Who do you take me for, Marc? Have you forgotten? Your body is mine, you agreed to that on your own."

"Still, you took control of my body and played with it like a puppet," Marc shrugged and flopped back onto the bed, slipping hands under his head.

"As I said, your body belongs to me. And if you only saw her," Khonshu said quietly to himself. "We'll get back there eventually. To keep my followers focused, I must remind them from time to time who they worship."

The Loyal Priestess || Khonshu X Fem!reader

Tags :
2 years ago

𝓓𝓪𝔂 8 - A Concept Of Desire || Khonshu x fem!reader


 8 - A Concept Of Desire || Khonshu X Fem!reader

Summary: In the wake of centuries of longing, Khonshu realizes that the girl who works with his avatar, Jake Lockley, is responsible for rekindling his hidden desires.

Warnings: smut (unprotected p in v, hair pulling)

Word count: 1757

Author: Rouge

A/N: the prompt for today is: Hair Pulling orange italics - Jake speaking Spanish

 8 - A Concept Of Desire || Khonshu X Fem!reader

The concept of desire was defined as a psychological force that ultimately fabricates a need, a craving, or lust, most commonly and aptly associated with a sexual longing.

Khonshu's situation was no different. He could say with great certainty that nearly all males have experienced this torment. The unbridled desire for sexual pleasure ran through his veins. A burning sensation in Khonshu's stomach, a reminder of the hunger he could not satiate, the thirst he could not quench. Khosnhu sometimes felt woeful - he always thought he was above the basic human instincts, the primal needs that people eagerly sought. Yet there he was, engrossed in his own desires, centuries old longings still unfulfilled.

As you walked into the bar each week to meet Jake Lockley, 8 pm - his nostrils flared, his pulse soared - physiological reminders of Khonshu's desires and cacoethes.

This week was no different, Khonshu was at the bar, invisible to all but Jake. The week was like all others that came before, that evening was no different; but when you and Jake locked eyes like you did those many moons ago, the fire in Khonshu resurged - he was never to have you as you were just a mortal being, but he couldn't deny his inner desires, burning himself like a blazing fire, his imagination running wild as his glance moved along the curves of your figure.

You were a smaller woman, you were perhaps 160 centimeters tall, but the heels you wore were so deceptive - and Khonshu realized with astonishment that he was quite attracted to women of smaller stature.

The shoes paired perfectly with your seductive black, garter leg wraps. The tight leg straps highlighted your healthy skin, your perfectly toned legs flowed into a stunning red-velvet corset-dress that hugged your bust and curves perfectly. He looked up at your matte, red lips; your smoky eyeshadow highlighted your beautiful Y/E/C eyes, which transported him to a place of ecstasy, a realm of euphoria. In a way, it was as if you had fallen from heavens and reminded mere mortals what it would be like to be sculpted by the Gods. Beauty is, and forever will be in the eye of the beholder, Khonshu reminded himself.

Khonshu knew that lust could last for months, years, even centuries. In spite of this, his passion seemed to have been brewing for only a few weeks, five, maybe six - when his mind was torturing him, he lost track of time. Despite not brewing for that long, his concoction of lust was explosive and effervescent. 

Thoughts of the good, the bad, and the naughty whirred through Khonshu's mind as a sense of controlled panic overcame him as he finally locked onto a more clear-cut image in his own subconscious and plunged into his own imagination as he remained trancened by your hypnotic gaze.

If Khonshu were mortal, he would love nothing more than to sink his inquisitive fingers, adventurous tongue, and plump lips between your legs.

With his venous and vascular hands, Khonshu would stroke one of your breasts, kissing the trail from your navel to your abdomen. Besides twirling your nipple between his thumb and forefinger, he would wrap his lips around your other nipple, flick it, and swirl your areola clockwise with his tongue. After incorporating some teeth, Khonshu will continue ascending towards your neck. Your hair would be brushed aside in a loving and caring manner. Khonshu would nibble on your earlobes while moaning and whispering in your ear; sweet nothings and dirty talks echoing in your ear canal.

Taking another deep breath, Khonshu reabsorbed himself into his vivid imagination once more after a brief lapse in concentration as he listened to your conversation with Lockley about yet another target. The god was thinking about the morning after.

It would be heaven spooning you. His cock would be squeezed between your legs tightly due to its stiffness and fatness. 

You would send shivers down his spine as you scratched his abdomen with your velvet, red, and freshly manicured nails. During the time that his lips would feel comfortable on yours, the veiny ridges on his cock would stimulate your pussy, allowing your tight, little, sweet-nectar slit to do its job and coat his hardened shaft with your slick wetness. Khonshu would gently pull back your hair, a good clump in his tight fisted hands; he would tug at it harder and harder if you didn't protest. The stout lips of his mouth would trace the back and side of your neck as he kissed you, once again whispering sweet nothings and dirty teases - what he was going to do to you, how he was going to enjoy you and your gorgeous body.

Khonshu would detach his hips from you after a while to angle his body to tease the slit with his swollen cock, already glistening in his pre-cum. In slow motion, his digits would explore every curve around your waist, rubbing your clit occasionally as well. "Do you think you deserve this?" Khonshu would whisper softly into your ear. Determined to get as deep as possible, he would pick up your smaller frame and throw you passionately onto the bed again. While your legs rested over Khonshu's broad shoulders, he would kiss down the inside of your thighs. His one hand would be placed at the base of his shaft, angled downward to push his cock inside you slowly, while his other hand would be placed on your clit to rub it gently.

He would push deeply into your pussy, then trace his fingers up your neck, wrapping them around it possessively, before leaning forward to change the angle of penetration and pushing even harder. He would reach up and grab a handful of your hair. By wrapping it around his hand and holding your hips in the other, he would drive his dick into your waiting pussy. After pulling out his shaft, he would slap it on your pussy lips, which would elicit a grunt from your parted lips. A delicious, wet echo would emanate from Khonshu's hefty cock in harmony with your beautiful slit.

Khonshu would then turn you over and push you to your knees. Pushing your head into a pillow, you would try to muffle the whimper of pleasure as he again slipped his length into you. Khonshu would lean forward to yank his arm around your waist, to play with your nipples, as his torso rested on your arched back. In the process, he would grab your hair and pull it tightly into a ponytail, causing you to roll your eyes while a moan escaped your lips as he pounded into your pussy from behind. Khonshu would pull your hair harder the harder he thrust. You would try to escape the position for a pleasure so primal and intense would overwhelm your body, setting a knot in your abdomen that was so tight it was only a matter of time before it snapped. You would be drawn to Khonshu by his hand in your hair, hardly tugging. “And where do you think you’re going, Y/N?” He would groan angrily. “Better be a good girl and stick your ass more to me, otherwise I’ll have to rip your hair off.”

His lower torso would smash into your magnificent arse as he grasped your hip tightly with one hand. He would use his hands not only to compliment each thrust and pull you in deeper, but also to create red handprints on your ass. Khonshu would pull at your hair and spank your ass occasionally. Whenever you tried to lay your chest on the bed, he would tug on your ponytail, urging you back into a position that would allow him to penetrate deeper into your pussy. 

The urge to release his load would tighten his balls and make his cock twitch.

Your moans would become louder. "Harder! Fuck me harder!" You would plead.

Having no choice but to obey his desires, the dam would be broken and his cum would be released; his seed filling your pussy, dripping from your body when he pulled his cock out.

After the intercourse, Khonshu would cuddle your face against his chest.

Khonshu's reverie was interrupted by Jake's thick accent, "Khonshu? Are you even listening?"

The Egyptian God of the Moon tilted his skull head slightly, looking at Lockley. "Could you please rephrase that, Jake?"

As Jake frowned, he put his hand on his gear lever as the idiot driving in front abruptly braked. “Por Dios, ¿y ahora qué te pasa?”

Despite not even intending to reply to Jake, Khonshu asked simply, "What was your question again?"

After Jake parked the limo in front of his apartment, he turned off the engine and placed his arm around the headrest of Khonshu's seat. "I was wondering if it would be okay if Y/N stayed here for a day or two. Since we're working together on that guy, it would be easier, you know, ol' bird."

Khonshu poked Jake with his beak on the shoulder. “You can trust me when I say I have no objection to Y/N visiting us, my friend. She might stay as long as she needs to."

The frown on Jake's face deepened; he could not persuade Khonshu to let him bring a girl into the apartment for a date or just a friendly meeting. The situation is dangerous, more for her than for us, Khonshu would argue. Jake pulled the keys out of the ignition switch, asking, "Since when are you so willing to let extraños into nuestro apartamento?"

Khonshu shrugged his shoulders in response, exiting the car quickly. "If we want to deliver the vengeance soon, we've got a lot of planning to do."Jake watched the tall, lanky figure enter the apartment and disappear into the darkness. A smile spread across Lockley's face. In spite of being Khonshu's avatar and not much else, he knew things. It was little known to Khonshu that Jake was able to sense god's true, hidden feelings, especially those that were so intense. The smirk on Jake's lips did not fade as he stepped out of the limo to join Khonshu. In order to complete the job, Jake was willing to do whatever it took to lure you into his apartment. In addition to planning, this was also a way of releasing Jake’s own male greed. Perhaps Khonshu would also be able to make use of his hidden lust.

 8 - A Concept Of Desire || Khonshu X Fem!reader

Tags :
2 years ago

𝓓𝓪𝔂 30 - A Second Round May Be Possible || Khonshu x fem!reader x Jake Lockley


 30 - A Second Round May Be Possible || Khonshu X Fem!reader X Jake Lockley

Summary: Jake was invited over by you. It is a surprise for Lockley to see Khonshu in your bed

Warnings: smut without plot (unprotected)

Word count: ~ 1075

Author: Fenrir

A/N: The prompt for today is: Threesome

 30 - A Second Round May Be Possible || Khonshu X Fem!reader X Jake Lockley

Jake wasn't sure why he agreed to come over, but he somehow knew he wouldn't regret it. Jake felt a little anxious as he knocked on your door with a bottle of red wine and a bouquet of flowers in his hands - Marc had told him never to show up empty handed.

As you answered the door wearing little more than a sheer nightgown, Jake wondered if he had gotten the best possible date ever. You met at a group therapy session without knowing much about each other, and one thing led to another and here Jake was.

It wasn't long before Jake was feeling a bit more relaxed after a couple glasses of wine.

After getting up from the couch, you glanced over your shoulder and asked, "You coming?"

Taking advantage of the wonderful view of your ass, Jake quickly followed. Jake entered the room only to see Khonshu lying on the bed alone. “What the fuck?”

As Khonshu turned his beak, he looked directly at the man. "Well, Y/N and I have known each other for quite some time," he replied. "I can say we have a very deep understanding of each other."

Taking a look at you, Lockley frowned. "What the fuck, Y/N?"

In front of the men, you dropped the nightgown and stood naked. "Don't be so prude, Lockley." As you motioned to the blankets and pillows placed on some spot on the bed, you said, "Lay on your back and get comfortable. I'm sure you know exactly what I want you to do to me first.” Afterwards, you were lowering your sex down over Jake's face and his tongue began exploring you, figuring out what worked and what didn't, listening to how your body responded. Jake's tongue snaked out, searching for your clit and working it slowly until you started moaning and grinding your hips to get more stimulation. With full length strokes at different pressures, Jake began lapping at your slit as soon as his tongue flattened out. As he pulled you against his face and shaked his head side to side slowly at first, then faster as time went on, you squirmed and squealed, all just for him. The grinding of his tongue against your clit caused you to buck involuntarily to get your first orgasm. Before he tapped your thigh, Jake worked you to the point of no return a couple more times. “Time’s up, cariño.”

You reluctantly lifted yourself off his face.

When Jake got up from his spot, he was greeted with the sight of you happily sucking off Khonshu.

Jake commented, "No wonder you got so quiet."

Khonshu's gloved hands slipped through your hair as he controlled the bobbing of your head. He grunted occasionally, "That's it, bug."

As soon as Khonshu pulled on your hair, his cock slipped out of your mouth with a loud pop sound.

Immediately, you straddled him, grabbed his massive shaft, and lined it up with your entrance. “Oh, I can’t wait to finally have you in again.”

Jake lost himself in the show of watching you sinking down inch by wondrous inch until you're fully impaled on Khonshu's cock. The whole situation was still a bit overwhelming for him. There was as much chance of winning the lottery as he would assume you knew Khonshu.

When you caught sight of Jake almost teetering in a stupor, you began rocking back and forth as you worked Khonshu's cock against your hot depths. “Look at you, Lockley, you’re quite an observer, aren’t you?”Leaning forward, you gently grabbed Jake by the balls and directed his cock toward your mouth. At first, you worked just the head, synchronising the bobs of your head with the suction in your mouth.

Jake's knees nearly buckled under the intensity of the feeling, but he recovered his footing to let you continue.

Your hips rocked in time to the shared sexual rhythm you and Khonshu had learned previously.

While letting out a soft grunt, Jake observed your tits bouncing in the most erotic manner possible. It was impossible for him not to reach down and rub his thumb over your nipple.

As you sucked on Jake's cock, Khonshu looked at you with both lust and adoration. "The little bug did a decent job tonight, that's all I can say."

After releasing Jake's cock, a deviant grin spread across your face; soon you moaned when Khonshu milked your pussy with his cum. Having reluctantly dismounted Khonshu, you laid on your back and seductively motioned Jake over with one curling finger, telling him, "Get that mouth back to work, Lockley."

As if on cue, Lockley eagerly threw his head back between your legs and devoured your divine pussy. This time he could taste you, but it was slightly different since Khonshu had released his cum into you when you were riding him.

You tugged on his thick locks again and ordered him to lay down; he obeyed without complaining.

After straddling him, just as you had done with Khonshu, you started bucking your hips and moaning Jake's name over and over.

While slowly stroking his still swollen shaft, Khosnhu observed the whole situation. "I see you are enjoying my friend, don't you, Jake?" 

Jake rested his hands on your hips and massaged the soft flesh of yours; his head rolled back on the mattress of your bed. "Yeah, she's fucking hot."

He was not able to resist your slick, hot core for long, and soon he milked your cunt, groaning.

As he milked your pussy with thick ropes of his seed, you groaned, "Oh, fuck, Jake!" A smirk spread across your face as you noticed Khonshu had come for the second time; the white cum dripping down his gloved hand as he stared at you intensely. “Well, well, I achieved my goal, as I can see, I made you both cum," you said proudly, slowly getting off Jake who let out a sad whimper as his flattened cock slipped out of your warm core.

Khonshu and Jake exchanged glances.

After getting out of bed, you put on your nightgown and wrapped it around your figure, smiling at the mix releases of Khonshu, Jake, and yours streaming down your inner thighs. "If you need me, I'll be downstairs, I need to make myself a cup of coffee," you said, leaving the room. "Who knows, maybe we'll have the second round later if you both behave."

 30 - A Second Round May Be Possible || Khonshu X Fem!reader X Jake Lockley

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