Kiba X Hinata - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

I've been reading a lot of Kiba x Hinata fanfic lately, and I think that I'm going to draw a short comic about them...

I've Been Reading A Lot Of Kiba X Hinata Fanfic Lately, And I Think That I'm Going To Draw A Short Comic

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2 years ago

Wait...what's going on???

Wait...what's Going On???

A Kiba x Hinata comic...soon...

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2 years ago

First kiss

It’s finally over! Here for you a Kiba x Hinata comic based on this amazing fanfic by @kiljoius (please, read it!)

Hope you like it!

First Kiss
First Kiss
First Kiss
First Kiss
First Kiss
First Kiss
First Kiss
First Kiss
First Kiss
First Kiss
First Kiss
First Kiss

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2 years ago

Heyyy chica!

Since your fave is Mr. Kiba... who do you think he would/should've ended up w/ in the series?

Ive seen abit about him and Hinata (I definitely ship that more than NaruHina but I'll save that for another day 😅💀).

If Hina how do you think they'd be as a couple?? 🤔

ok so this is just my opinion, but i'm a huge kibahina shipper, as well as one for narusaku!!

i mean c'mon, kiba and hinata would look so fucking cute together. tamaki was okay for him, i suppose, and naruhina never truly made much sense to me, but the rugged, rough-around-the-edges brute, in love and dating the soft-spoken, timid cutie? sign me up for that.

kiba was always caring towards hinata and super protective of her, but the thing that really stuck with me was that even though his protectiveness for her was potent, he at the same time respected her a lot and believed in her capabilities. like he was the first person to actually notice her and was her number one hype man; always cheering her on, pushing her to strive for the best version of herself she can be and to never settle for anything less or hold back when it came to fighting/using her powers.

he was such a meanie towards everyone but hinata. it's sooo obvious that he has a soft spot for her; always teasing her about her crush on naruto and holding onto her whenever she was close to fainting, oh my lord. they're just so precious, ahhhh!!

i remember him telling naruto [i think?] that she was "more than able to fend for herself", and i love that about kiba - he knew damn well that she was strong and fierce and made a point to make it clear for anybody who dared fuck with her.

i think their dynamic would be the "we're two completely different people, but it still works." like imagine them going to a party as a couple - the sly extrovert holding the shy, quiet girl by the waist, getting her a drink, teasing her, holding her close.

i feel like she'd blush at anything he'd do and he'd poke her cheek just to feel the warmth of her skin on the tip of his finger even though she'd flinch at the physical contact in public. he'd talk to friends, but try to ease her into the conversation gently [nothing too intense that'd overwhelm her, just like similar interests or random chatter], and he'd constantly ruffle her hair, and gossip into her ear, until she'd scold him that he's being rude.

he'd give her the biggest bear hugs, like sway her from side to side until she'd start to laugh. would nibble on her soft cheek just to see her smile when she's having a bad day. would compliment her cooking. braid her hair, because he'd learn to do it just for her. give her those wet, loving smooches all over her face that'd make her giggle. would always let her wear his jacket and sweaters because he knows she likes oversized clothing and it'd just make her smell like him anyway. would jokingly sink his teeth into her finger when she'd trace it over the tip of his nose when she'd think he was asleep.

she'd be really hesitant about trying any sort of thing in their relationship, but he'd make her feel comfortable and safe enough to the point where she'd actually want to initiate something first.

i think hinata would be able to finally relax around kiba, unlike with other people; like she'd show more of her personality and actually share her opinion on certain things she likes and the hobbies she enjoys indulging in. she'd open up like a bright sunflower because of him, and he'd be the sunshine that makes it grow.

despite being arrogant and rude at times, kiba's actually really sweet towards people he cares about and would be super open with her when it came to how he's feeling. i think it's the thing that would draw her to him in the first place; his ability to portray such raw, intense emotions without ever feeling ashamed or scared of people seeing them.

kiba would be like an anchor for her, he'd keep her grounded and safe, but would still help her grow into this confident person that has always been hiding underneath layers upon layers of shyness. he'd teach her how to enjoy life and live in the moment and just let loose from time to time and fucking breathe in the summer air before jumping into the icy sea completely butt-naked, because she'd know that he'd be waiting for her on the shore with a dry towel and a warm kiss right after she'd come running back.

hinata on the other hand, would teach him how to be patient and rational, and how to be more gentle and kind towards others. she'd show him how to be satisfied with the little pleasures in life and that less is more at times, and that he doesn't need to keep proving himself to her because he is enough - goddamn, he is enough. and he always will be enough for her.

he's the man that could sense when something would be off with her just by one look to her face, and that would give her hand a gentle squeeze to assure her that everything is all right. and when she'd look up into his eyes and see that dazzling, silly grin of his - she'd just know that everything really was going to be okay. that he'd make it be okay.

both of their hearts are so, so big and golden. sigh, i love them so much.

Heyyy Chica!

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