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12 years ago

The Walking Dead, Season 3 Episode 4, "Killer Within"

The Walking Dead, Season 3 Episode 4, "Killer Within"

So this pretty much sums up my whole reaction to this episode. But I'll write a few things anyway.

- First let me say that I was really beginning to come around to Lori. Though some of the stuff she did was pretty fucked up, she came through for her family in the end. For the baby that's a pretty fucked up way to come into the world, but its a fucked up world so I guess it balances out. I'm actually gonna miss Lori.

- Carl being the one to have to shoot Lori broke my heart, that poor kid is having to grow up so fast and Rick's reaction at the end just made it worse. He never even got to fix things with her and that's probably gonna eat at him.

- T-Dog NOOOO! My favorite black man. Why the hell did he have to die, I've liked him since Season 1. He went out like a fighter, giving his life for Carol. I'm gonna miss you man. Anybody think it kinda ironic that one of the moral voices of the group is gone now?

- I really hope Carol is alive just because of the look that was on Daryl's face when he found her head scarf.

- I don't even know what to say about Maggie. Just I feel for her and she's probably even more traumatized than she was before. But if it wasn't for her, the baby would be dead and she did what she had to.

- Finally, I want it to be next Sunday already so I can see what happens next.

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