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The truth behind the finale of Uncontrollably Fond
I am not sure if I made a mistake watching the finale. The way Joon Young screamed out over the sea at the universe, his loved ones were all just becoming happy and he wanted to live and stay with them.
The heart wrenching scenes of him not recognizing No Eul or Ji Tae then his mother. The simplicity of him watching his mother cook in the kitchen, how he waits to approach her and when she asks him to sample the food, he agrees. He finds the food delicious, initially, not recognizing her and eventually he does as he tastes the familiarity.
The trackless scenes between Shin Joon Young and his mother. How she tells him to visit her when he feels lonely and she’ll take the signs of the wind and spring as his presence. How realistic the last moments were. If death was something we remembered was coming in a short span of time, if we were told how many days we had left, my how we would live. How we choose not to say things, we run in fear to be honest, we can’t be who we are but if we had only a moment to live, would we live differently? What would we say to one another? How would we treat one another and would we regret anything, would we want to relive our lives again? It leaves you with all of these questions. What would we all be like if the people we loved had seen there time, and rested there head on our shoulders and fell asleep in death? That scene was dope by the way as she tells him he looks tired and he says he is, almost as if he’s been hanging in for a long time.
Part of me wishes I hadn’t watched it as I understood it too clearly.

Uncontrollably Fond, Written by Lee Kyoung Hee 이경희 , Directed by Park Hyun Suk 박현석