Kind Of Funny - Tumblr Posts
Can you do “Hunter x Hunter characters finding out somethings were happening in school because child was scared to tell them” I genuinely wanna see if they care
OMFGGGG yall this is my first ever legit actual request!!! thank you so so so so so so much to this person!!!
By the way, I am so sorry if any grammar is fucked up in this, I recently got a new phone the iPhone 12 to be exact and auto correct is pissing me off and I don’t have nearly enough patience to go back and read everything so just deal with it!
By the way, the only thing that I could think of was bullies because a lot of kids are scared to tell their parents that they have a bully because the parents normally think that the kids are over reacting or something like that or they are just scared of the situation itself but if you are talking about them failing school or something like that I already have a post out about that!
Hello everybody and in today’s scenario, we will be doing with the hunter X hunter/Hxh characters, would do if they found out that their kid was being bullied at school…
Full credit to la-squadra1234
Feitan-at first he definitely would not understand and he would just not care but then eventually when he sees the extent that his kid is getting bullied too, he would step in real quick and stop the bullying. He would make sure the kid is traumatized for life and as well as the parents and if somehow, the bullying keeps going on you best believe the parents are getting tortured , maybe even to death…
Phinks-when he finds out that his kid has a bully he’s beating the kid up so what is a kid he has no chill and he shows no mercy not even for a child so you best believe that kid will be getting beat up and so will the parents, and if any teacher tries to interfere, they will get beat up as well (and by beat up, I mean bones broken,)
Nobunaga-he would glare at the kids parents and he would definitely pull the kids parents aside and have a talk with the parents about it and he would make sure that the parents have a talk with the bully child about it and if it continues on well. All I Gotta say, is that you better? Hope he shows some damn mercy but he’s not pretty known for that so good luck with it…
Illumi-a bully?? His kid??? getting bullied???? yeah no that’s NOT happening he will beat the hell out of the teacher, the kid and both of the parents and he will find out the entire family and beat the hell out of all of them, so what if it was just a kid the family gets a beating too for raising such a damn asshole!
Hisoka-he honestly wouldn’t care that much and he would just tell his kid to figure it out themselves and that it’s not worth his time but when he sees how sad his kid is getting, and when he sees how upset his kid is getting, then he will step in. He will have a talk with the parents and a “ gentle and friendly” talk with the kid oh, and don’t worry his child never got bullied again
Silva-none of his kids have ever gotten bullied, so why is this the first ever time he wouldn’t really know how to deal with it without using violence, so he made one of the butlers take care of it, and his child never got bullied again!!!
Chrollo-(it’s honestly surprising enough that any member of the phantom troupe  would be sending their kids to school but here we are) he would go straight into the classroom with his kid by his side and he would yell at the kid right in front of everybody and he would make sure the teacher heard exactly everything that he said, and he would go to the office and demand a meeting with the parents immediately and well. What can I say no bullies ever existed in his kids life again so I guess you could say it paid off!!!
This is the end of this scenario everybody I hope you enjoyed!!!
Got it. Feels like it’s been a hot minute since I have done a scenario. I am so happy that I have finally received my first request. I am sorry that it seems a bit half assed well at least to me it’s 2:45AM and I don’t have too much energy and auto correct is also so annoying and there is no way that I’m going back and reading everything all over again sometimes I cringe at my work because I just don’t think it’s good enough but then when I see all the support that I am getting, I realize why I do this!!!
Again, thank you so much everybody and especially to the person who requested this bye now!
You know, that's the first time I've heard that excuse...

Okay, so I don't take art classes or draw for fun or anything like that. I just got bored and while listening to some music decided to sketch something. So I'm trying to work on a wolf or dog and I get bored of that. After a while, I start doing this hand trick I saw on Tiktok. Halfway through I take a moment to try and figure out why I feel like something is off. I look at the hand and try to rationalize why I feel like the hand is wrong. I try mimicking the hand movements to see why it felt off. It was at that moment I felt like laughing at myself because for this person to have a hand like this their hand would have to be snapped and turn 180! I don't know why but I found this hilarious and decided to share my stupidity with Tumblr.