Kinda Cool - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Something I think about a normal amount is the fact that Pico has his own charting style in FNF. And what I mean by that is that in most every Pico song -- Week 3 and Weekend 1 -- his charts consist of a lot of back and forths. I'd say it's easiest to spot in songs like Blammed, since that song's main things is back and forths, but it's in most every song that he sings in. It's ESPECIALLY noticeable in Weekend 1 since Pico tends to not copy the opponent as much as Boyfriend does, making his back and forth pattern so much more apparent when compared to Darnell's chart, which is more double and trail note heavy (I don't know the proper terminology). Uhh, the repetition of a certain note in quick succession, those are trail notes. Darnell does a lot of those, especially in 2Hot.

Actually! The songs in Weekend 1 almost have a sort or progression with Darnell's charting, where in "Darnell", his charting is very similar to Pico's, back and forths and all. In Lit Up, his charting starts to vary a lot from Pico's though, and that's when we see his usual trail notes. Then, finally, in 2Hot, we see Darnell fully slip into his own style, with the doubles and trails.

I could make a character analysis out of this, hold on-

All of Weekend 1 sorta feels like them poking fun at Pico in a way. They're rap battling cuz that's what Pico chose to do with BF instead of killing him. So Darnell sorta copying Pico's style of singing at the beginning prolly lends towards that. He's mocking him. But as the week progresses, Darnell's getting more into it, and starts having a lil more fun with it, slipping into his own style. Cuz there was never any real ill will, as seen with how he's all buddy buddy with Pico still at the end of the week.

Anyways, other characters do utilize back and forths but I don't think any of them use them as much as Pico does. I dunno, I just think it's neat.

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