Kisamehalloween2021 - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

A Thief In The Night

Happy Halloween! (Or maybe not if you're in a different timezone) Sadly I wasn't able to finish a fic I liked for Day 1 of KisameWeen! But the prompt 'Bump in the Night" inspired me so much this was written no problem!

Summary: A bump in the night wakes the couple, but what could be the cause?

KisameWeen! Day 2 Prompt: Bump in the Night!

Kisame, for as long as he could remember, had been a light sleeper. So when he felt the light shaking of his shoulder, he awoke easily. Eyes still bleary with sleep he squinted into the dark of their bedroom, focusing on the agitated woman sitting up in bed beside him, trying to get his attention. “Whaddya need, Sweetheart?” He rasped out, voice heavier than normal from use so shortly after waking.Instead of giving him an answer, she shushed him, watching their bedroom door, breath held in anticipation. Not quite knowing what she was so bothered by, Kisame obeyed, listening for anything out of place. It didn’t take long till he heard it. A faint scratching outside the door. Shifting out from under the covers, he went to investigate.Despite all of the fixing up the two of them had managed to do on his old house, it was still quite drafty, and the slightly water warped floors were cold on his bare feet. With careful precision, he avoided the squeaking planks that were sure to protest and alert whoever, or whatever was intruding upon his home. Making his way to the door, he soundlessly wrapped his hand around the doorknob. He waited, just a moment, listening for any more sounds that would hint as to where the source of the noise currently was. A faint rustling was his only clue. Not enough to suss out any more information. Stealing his resolve, he turned the handle and swung open the door. The hinges were as unforgiving as the floorboards, and rang out in shrill protest, scaring the little thief that had been plopped a foot away from their room, torn open bag of crackers forgotten, as the animal scurried down the hallway.Kisame sighed, at least he didn’t have to worry about an ambush from some enemy shinobi in the dead of night. “What the heck was that?” Came the cautiously quiet voice of his lover, who still sat in bed, wringing the bed sheets tightly in her anxiousness. Turning to look over his shoulder calmly, he watched as she visibly relaxed, mimicking him.“We have a raccoon,” he said, his voice sounding more awake. Kisame was thankful for his exceptional night-vision when he could see the small details of her expression even with the dim lighting that filtered in through the gap in their curtained windows. Her excitement was almost infectious, but he couldn’t help but dread the task of tracking a raccoon from hiding and wrangling it back outdoors where it belonged when it was still clearly late at night. Leaving the room, he followed after the thing. He had been caught off guard by the lack of an actual threat and lost sight of it, but he could still hear the not-so-subtle scuttling of its nails against the floor. Cornering the poor thing in the living room took little time, and with little hesitation, he had the bugger by the scruff. Protesting the whole way to the front door, it wriggled and writhed with determination, but was tossed outside without managing to break the skin on Kisame’s hand.Watching from a safe distance away, she voiced her worries for the small animal. “Be gentle! It’s so small!” She scolded, scandalized by his rough treatment.“It’s fine, Babe, lil’ guy’s tough enough to break into the house, I’m sure it can handle getting kicked out,” he reasoned, watching as the raccoon hissed at them and scurried back into the bush, “see? It’s fine.” Arms crossed and face doubtful, she looked away from the last spot it had been and turned her expression on him. Too tired to try and convince her further, he spun her by the shoulders and guided her back to their bed. One thing was still bugging him. “How did it get in?” Kisame grumbled to himself, and if he wasn’t paying attention, he would have toppled the both of them over when she suddenly jolted to a stop. Still recovering, his gentle hold on her was shaken off when she bolted away from him. Kisame watched with growing realization as she ran to the kitchen and closed a window that he hadn’t realized was open. At least she had the sense to look guilty when she turned around to face him. “Seriously?” He deadpanned, glaring down at her. Shrinking under his

gaze, she fidgeted, stuttering out her excuse. Kisame sighed, it was too late for this.Approaching her, she seemed just the slightest bit wary, and he could see her flinch when he reached for her, but when his touch was nothing but a reprise of its earlier role, leading her back to their room, she forced away her worries and allowed him to bring her to bed. Kisame eyed the mess of crumbs and ripped plastic as they passed and silently decided that her punishment would be cleaning the mess in the morning. Crossing the floor again the realization of why it had been so cold struck him. Shaking his head, he climbed back into bed, sinking under the covers and soaking up the residual body heat still left. On the opposite of the bed, she did the same, but she kept her distance. With a huff, he wrapped a strong arm around her, pulling her to his chest, curling around her, and leeching off of her warmth.“You forgot to close a window, it's not that big a deal, I’m not gonna bite yer head off,” he grumbled into the quiet of the room. He felt the relieved puff of air she let out against his chest, as she deflated into his hold.“You’re really not mad about all of this? I let in a raccoon…” She mumbled into his skin, her hands clenching at the fabric of her pajama top. Kisame chuckled quietly. “I hope it doesn't happen again, and you’re gonna be the one to clean up the mess tomorrow, but it’s dealt with. The only casualties were the crackers and our sleep schedules,” he said, feeling the weight of his eyelids grow heavier as he warmed up and the energy he had faded with the need for sleep.She groaned at that but promised she would, shifting to press a kiss to his throat and mutter one last apology before they both fell back asleep.

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