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3 years ago
Who Is Eli Kittim & What Does He Believe?

Who Is Eli Kittim & What Does He Believe?

By Award-Winning Author Eli Kittim šŸŽ“


Why Do I Write Under the Pseudonym of Eli of Kittim?

For the record, ā€œEli of Kittimā€ is my pen name, not my real name. I chose this name because it points directly to Jesus Christ himself. The name ā€œEli of Kittimā€ is a cryptic reference to Jesus, and it really means, ā€œThe God of Greece.ā€ The idea that the Messiahā€™s name is Eli is mentioned in many passages of the Old and New Testaments. For instance, Matthew 27.46 defines the name ā€œEliā€ as God. It reads: ā€œEli, Eli ... that is, My God, my God.ā€ Similarly, Daniel 12.1 refers to ā€œthe great [messianic] princeā€ named, ā€œMichaelā€ (Mika-el). Michael means ā€œWho is like God?ā€ But if you break-up the word, the prefix ā€œMikaā€ means ā€œwho is like,ā€ while ā€œel,ā€ the suffix, refers to God himself. The same holds in Matthew 1.23 where the author informs us that Jesusā€™ name is ā€œEmmanuel," which means, "God is with us." Once again, the prefix is based on the root (im) ע֓ם, which means ā€œwith,ā€ while the root-suffix (el) אֵל means ā€œGodā€ (cf. Isaiah 7.14). This is probably why God says in Malachi 4.5 (DRB), ā€œBehold I will send you Elias the prophet, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.ā€ So, the common denominator in all these Biblical verses is that the Messiah is called Eli.

Moreover, Kittim is a repeated Old Testament Biblical name that represents the island of Cyprus, which was inhabited by Greeks since ancient times, and thus represents the Greeks. In Genesis 10.4 we are told that the Kittim are among the sons of Javan (Yavan), meaning Greece (see Josephus ā€œAntiquitiesā€ I, 6). Even the War Scroll, found among the Dead Sea Scrolls, foretells the end-time battle that will take place between Belial and the King of the Kittim. This is all in my book, chapter 9. So, accordingly, Eli of Kittim roughly means, ā€œThe God of Greece.ā€ Thatā€™s the nameā€™s cryptic significance. And since the name Eli of Kittim represents the main argument of my book, I use it as my pen name!



Iā€™ve been involved in the study of serious Bible scholarship for over 30 years. Iā€™m what you might call a Bible maven! I hold an MA degree in psychology from the New School for Social Research in New York City, and Iā€™m also a graduate of the John W. Rawlings School of Divinity and of the Koinonia (Bible) Institute. Iā€™ve also studied Biblical criticism at both Queens College and The New School (Eugene Lang). Iā€™m fluent in Koine Greek, and Iā€™m also a native Greek speaker. I also read Biblical Hebrew. I read the New Testament in the original languages. Currently, Iā€™m a Bible researcher, published writer, and an award-winning Goodreads book-author. My book is called ā€œThe Little Book of Revelation: The First Coming of Jesus at the End of Days.ā€ I advise all my readers to also read my *blog* because it furnishes *additional information* that usually answers most of their FAQs. I highly recommend that you read at least a few *related-articles* which flesh out certain ideas that are sometimes sparely developed in the book. It acts as a companion study-guide to ā€œThe Little Book of Revelation.ā€ See Tumblr:

Eli of Kittim
Eli Kittim is a Biblical Researcher and an Award-Winning Author of the Christian-Nonfiction Book,...

I have also contributed academic articles to numerous journals and magazines, such as ā€œRapture Ready,ā€ the ā€œJournal of Higher Criticism,ā€ ā€œThe American Journal of Psychoanalysis,ā€ and the ā€œAegean Reviewā€ (which has published works by Jorge Luis Borges, Lawrence Durrell, Truman Capote, Alice Bloom), among others.


Rethinking Christianity: An Einsteinian Revolution of Theology

Just like Paulā€™s doctrineā€”ā€”which ā€œis not of human origin; for ā€¦ [he] did not receive it from a human source, ā€¦ but ā€¦ [he] received it through a revelationā€ (Gal. 1.11-12)ā€”ā€”my doctrine was received in the exact same way! Mine is an Einsteinian revolution of theology. No one will do theology the same. I made 2 electrifying discoveries that turn historical Christianity on its head:

A) What if the crucifixion of Christ is a

future event?

B) What if Christ is Greek?

Both of these concepts were communicated to me via special revelation! Hermeneutically speaking, they involve an absolutely groundbreaking paradigm shift! Mine is the only view that appropriately combines the end-time messianic expectations of the Jews with Christian scripture! And most of the Biblical data, both academic and otherwise, actually supports my conclusions. The fact that itā€™s new doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not true. This new hermeneutic is worthy of serious consideration. No one has ever said that before. This can only be revealed by the spirit!

Arthur Schopenhauer once wrote:

All truth goes through three stages:

At first it is ridiculed.

In the second, it is violently rejected

In the third, it is accepted as self-evident.

I would suggest that readers do their due diligence by investigating my extensive writings in order to examine what my view is all about and on what grounds it is established.


Kittimā€™s Systematic Theology

I have written about my systematic theology many times before, but only vis-Ć -vis my evidence (i.e. in trying to prove it). But Iā€™ve never tried to clarify its foundations. In systematic theology, a theologian seeks to establish a coherent theoretical framework that connects all the diverse doctrines within a tradition, such as Bibliology, Soteriology, Eschatology, and the like. However, one of the major problems involved in such a study is the theological bias of the researcher who might ā€œforceā€ the data to fit the theory in an attempt to maintain coherence and consistency.

So, where does my systematic theology come from? Iā€™m neither Protestant, nor Catholic, nor Eastern Orthodox (though I used to be Greek-Orthodox). I donā€™t belong to any particular church or denomination. Nor am I trying to create one. Iā€™m rather selective, but I donā€™t identify with the various denominations of whose views I sometimes embrace. The reason is thatā€”ā€”although I may agree with certain theological positions, neverthelessā€”ā€”I do not necessarily agree with their overall systems.

Unlike most other systematic theologies that are based on probabilities and guesswork, the starting point of my system is based on ā€œspecial revelationā€! This revelation, or rather these revelations (for Iā€™ve had a number of them through the years) do not add any new content to the canon of scripture, but they do clarify it, especially in terms of chronology or the timing and sequence of certain prophetic events. So they donā€™t add anything new to the Biblical canon per se. The only thing they do change is *our interpretation* of the text. Incidentally, this revelation has been multiply-attested and unanimously confirmed by innumerable people. Due to time constraints, I canā€™t go into all the details. Suffice it to say that a great multitude of people have received the exact same revelation! Essentially, this is my spiritual navigation system. But I never force it on the text. I always approach the text with impartiality in order to ā€œtest the spirits,ā€ as it were. The last thing I want to do is to engage in confirmation bias.

And my views fit all the evidence. For example, I agree with Biblical scholarship that most of the Old Testament is not historical. I fully agree that many of the Patriarchs did not exist. I concur that the same holds true for the New Testament, but not to the same degree. What is more, Iā€™m in full agreement that the gospels are anonymously written, and that theyā€™re nonhistorical accounts that contain many legendary elements. I further concur that the gospel writers were not eyewitnesses. I also agree with many credible Bible scholars who question the historicity of Jesus, such as Robert M. Price and Kurt Aland. I admit that some of the New Testament texts involve historical fiction. And I donā€™t believe that in order to have a high view of scripture one has to necessarily accept the historicity of the Bible, or of Christianity for that matter. Rudolf Bultmann was right: the Bible sometimes mythologizes the word of God!


The High Quality of My Work

The truth is, I demand of my work nothing less than the highest possible quality so that it is able to withstand the rigors of modern scholarship! To that end, a solution to a particular problem must be multiply-attested and unanimously confirmed by all parts of Scripture, thus eliminating the possibility of error in establishing its legitimacy. Iā€™m very comprehensive in my work and I use a very similar quasi-scientific method when interpreting the text. In order to avoid the possibility of misinterpretation during the exegetical process, I observe exactly *what* the text says, exactly *how* it says it, without entertaining any speculations, preconceptions, or presuppositions, and without any theological agendas. This eliminates any personal predispositions toward the text while preserving the hermeneutical integrity of the method.

And then I translate it into English with the assistance of scholarly dictionaries and lexicons. After that, I cross-reference information to check for parallels and/or verbal agreements. Thus, the translation of the original biblical languages becomes the starting point of my exegesis. This type of approach is unheard of. Almost everyone comes to the text with certain theological preconceptions. Iā€™ve been heavily influenced by my academic and scientific backgrounds in this respect, and thatā€™s why Iā€™m very demanding and always strive to achieve the highest possible quality of work! I take a lot of pride in my work! And it is only after this laborious process has been completed that I finally check it against my original ā€œblueprintsā€ā€”ā€”namely, my revelationsā€”ā€”to see if they match. Itā€™s an airtight case because itā€™s not guided by speculation and conjecture, as most theologies seem to be.

The best explanation of my views comes from the following work. This is the pdf of my articleā€”ā€”published in the Journal of Higher Criticism, volume 13, number 3 (Fall 2018)ā€”ā€”entitled, ā€œThe Birth, Death, and Resurrection of Christ According to the Greek New Testament Epistlesā€:
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