Klex Rambles - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago


I might end up regretting this, haha.


I deleted everything on this blog, because I wanted to change my primary blog to one without baggage. My old url klexenia (which is the name I go by here) ended up feeling too personal as an url. The main reason is, however, that I feel like I can’t fill my main with the content it had for the previous 2.2k posts. I haven’t been able to do so for some time now, and it bothered me a lot. I needed to get rid of this pressure.

Sadly tumblr doesn’t allow you to switch your primary and secondary blogs, so I had to make do with the a heavy-hearted alternative: Reblog what needed to be saved, and delete everything else. It’s drastic, I know, and I apologize for the inconvenience.

spot-a-splotch is my new primary url, the url that was formerly klexenia

it will be a blog including mostly art/writings, fandom related or not.

If you were following me for random things, feel free to unfollow me. I will start a new random/multifandom blog over at thats-klexish.tumblr.com

Twocentsonepiece will stay as it was. No change there. well it would be silly since that one was partly meant to be an archive anyway

IMPORTANT: Everything One Piece OC-related will be posted first and foremost on stumbling-to-sea.tumblr.com

If you’re having trouble adjusting …. I will probably be mucking up a few times too, haha. I’m really sorry.

nice way to celebrate almost getting 100 followers

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9 years ago

the-dork-master replied to your post “hey u.s.-people, how lucrative is it to study four months at the...”

I don't know much about Uni of Florida, but in general, uni is really competitive and stressful. Money is a big issue too cause education is so expensive. Not saying that you shouldn't go, but i know life has been really stressful for you

Also considering that you're going to a foreign land, it might make things harder, even for 4 months. But do what makes you feel right.

I can calm some of your concerns, I stayed a school year abroad before (ireland) and that was nine months, so I’ll manage. And don’t worry, I know what University is like! I also have only like two courses that I have to substitute/make up for, so I don’t think that will be a problem. Moreover, I really WANT a university where I can profit from the programms/projects they do, I’m not going abroad for language (my english’s pretty good) but for opportunity & culture. I’ll be going abroad either way because if I don’t, I missed a huge opportunity to go with little time and money lost as compared to “later”.

Also it’s for this time next year, we have to apply now if we want to receive a grant, that’s why I have to deal with this in my current stressful circumstances ... 

flambasta replied to your post “hey u.s.-people, how lucrative is it to study four months at the...”

Supposedly the U of Florida is one of the best schools in the state :) almost went there. It's maybe two or three hours from where I live tho. You'd prolly do really well there <3

That sounds promising, with state I gather state of florida? The U.S. is so humongously large xD You wouldn’t happen to know more about their rep regarding arts/design?

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9 years ago

also which famous person reblogged my canon inktober holy shit

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9 years ago

now and then I get a follow on one of my fics in my inbox and I always want to cry and hide in shame

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9 years ago

(psst, you can watch my descend into ladybug-hell at spottysplotch.tumblr.com)

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4 years ago

(friendly reminder that if you’re following me for oc fandom stuff, @stumbling-to-sea is the blog to watch!)

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