Knd Au - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Codename: kids next door!

Numbuh bg 3.5 (Bubblegum 3.5) reporting for duty!

And encase anyone finds the name weird please remember the fact there is numbuh $1.50 an hour, numbuh million b.c, numbuh T, and many more wacky an neat names!

Would anyone wanna do a codename: kids next door roleplay?

Codename: Kids Next Door!

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2 years ago

Omg lol šŸ˜‚ bro you scared a cute little dog

Poor Bruce, You Must Learn Not To Get In Trouble (waitit Was Just An Dog XD)

Poor Bruce, you must learn not to get in trouble (waitā€¦it was just an dog Xā€™D)

Sometimes he has a hard time controlling his half delightful part.

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2 years ago
New Destiny Au Part 1-???

New destiny au part 1-???

itā€™s the first time I draw a knd au

Operation : D.E.S.T.I.N.Y ( sorry I donā€™t have a good name of this operation )

dorky enemy savage tear is nonsense yelling

Main Story : DCFDTL try to destroy knd but Bruce and Lenny have a little mistake and then they escape and DCFDTL have yelling with Bruce and Lenny Then Bruce said ā€œ thatā€™s enough a hate all for you Lenny let go out of this stupid house. ā€ then Alessandra and father attack Bruce and father said ā€œ Bruce you so naughty and Iā€™m gonna punish you. ā€ then alessandra try to shot a laser to Bruce and Bruce dodge and said ā€œ your attack your own son your own brother and your own friends. ā€ then dcfdtl (not Lenny) said Iā€™m not your friend your such a f***ing b**** . Bruce is cried and said f*** all of you we out of here. Bruce and Lenny leave the dcfdtl. 1 hours later itā€™s rainy Bruce said to Lenny ā€œ Lenny I think you should have your own destiny and new life I think you should go. ā€ Lenny said okay Bruce weā€™re have something to do with a new destiny. Then they went out to have their own dream. Bruce go to the cloth store and he said I want a new dress please. And Bruce went to the store and have a new weapon to destroy has friend. And he see a poster of dcfdtl wanted Bruce ļæ¼destroy a poster and said f*** you delightful children and especially you sister you all break my heart and Iā€™m gonna break you. ļæ¼ and then he hit on Wally and Wally said watch out dork hey who are you and I like your style. And Bruce said his real and he tell Wally you donā€™t tell anyone about Iā€™m quite out a delightful children so please trust me and I want to tell you a long time Iā€™m want to your bestie and a better person. Wally said if you betray me and my friend Iā€™m going kick your A$$ deal. bruce have come to the tree house and said to sector v hey do you remenbe... Wally interrupted bruce and said this bruce he out of delightful dork for good now he want to be a better person so can you want him to be a new knd. So Nigel said bruce you have ļæ¼ļæ¼Second Chanceļæ¼ to have to lesson have to be a new knd and a good person but first can you clean all sector v bedroom. And Bruce has clean all sector v bedroom but Wally and kuki help. Nigel take Bruce to the moon base and then Rachel have a test to Bruce. R: First test you have to use a 2x4 technology to kick a villain A$$. B: easy peasy I can do it. And then he see All knd enemies itā€™s have a delightful dork and father Bruce is smiling then he use 2x4 technology and kicks all the villain A$$ especially dorklightful children and S###head father. All knd was gasp especially sector v and Rachel. R: how can you do it? B: because itā€™s ez. N: why do you smiling want you attack DCFDTL and father B: because they are f###ing A##H*** when all knd hear it they was laughing. A: why do you say that. B: okay Iā€™m gonna tell the truth to everyone I and Lenny have a problem ļæ¼want father and dcfdtl so Iā€™m and Lenny leave the dcfdtl and have a new life now but I donā€™t know where go Iā€™m gonna do it once in my life with my last breath Iā€™m gonna defend all knd. All knd was applause šŸ‘ R and N: Bruce welcome to knd member.

End transmission

Part 2

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2 years ago
New Destiny AU Part 2-??? Are Coming Soon

New destiny AU Part 2-??? Are coming soon

Operation D.A.N.C.E

delightful and ninja coward enemy

Main story : After bruce have join knd member

Rachel have a first mission to bruce

R: bruce i have a mission to you you to go party teen with wally , abby and kuki

B: wh.. wh.. wh.. what ???

R: itā€™s a first mission to you

B: ā€œokay I can do itā€ Rachel Iā€™m in.

W,A,K: what? Okay.

R: okay you have to disguise

All ( bruce,wally,abby,kuki ) :Weā€™re in.

1 hour later

They have to go to DMFDTL

B: HOLY S### i have to go to this F***ing place

DCFDTL: why hello there kids next dumb you gonna ruined your party arenā€™t

Bruce try but wally interrupt

W: no we want to F***ing dance what you f***ing dork challenge.

DCFDTL: Okay, weā€™re challenge is what you all have to do is have a gay and lesbian dance.

All (B,W,A,K): *gasp* huh

Abby: dorklightful WTF are this challenge.

DCFDTL: *laugh* challenge is a challenge if you donā€™t teen ninja gonna destroy a knd mansion.

B: okay fine deal

All: what???


B: donā€™t say it they care gonna no my identity

W: okay itā€™s a deal delightful dork

DCFDTL: So dance now

B: okay wallabee can I..I danced you šŸ˜–

W: okay šŸ˜’

K: so abby can I dance

A: okay my kuki

B: um wally this is kinda awkward

W: heck yeah it very dumb but we have dance okay

B: *blushing* uh..uh okay

W: Iā€™m gonna tell you the truth your very cool

B: *blushing&smile* thank you Wally

K: Is look fun no.5

A: yeah your right kuki

DCFDTL: *laugh* now the real party can start.

And then all a teen ninja army arrest al a kids

B: so what the plain wally

W: okay i have a secret plan, hey F###ing teenager ļæ¼take this

Wally use a mustard gun shoot a teenager and let everyone escape

CL : hello baby next door

All : Cree !!!

CL: I have a some bnd to fight witch Chad

All: What the

CD: hello dork next door want to with a F###ing two shorty-blondie

B: hey who you calling shorty

CD: ha ha ha it time to fight

W: no.3 no.5 escape now!!!

Then Kuki and abby escape

DCFDTL: Ahhhh they f***ing escape this isnā€™t over yetļæ¼ kids next dumb weā€™re gonna destroy you all

And they f***ing leaving

CD: gotcha blue eyes blondie boy Iā€™m gonna kill you

W: hey stay away from my boyfriend

Wally punch chad then bruce&wally escape from DMFDTL

B: yeah-ha today itā€™s was fun

Wally look at bruce and said um..bruce shall we dance

Bruce blushing and said okay

Then two shorty-blondie are dancing

End tranmission

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1 year ago

Me, playing cult of the lamb and theorizing KND/GKND stuff: *lil clacks on Nintendo*

Me, doing a doc and checking out the pentagram:ā€¦wait a god damn minute.

Me, finally realizing that Sector V is pentagram related: WHAT THE FU-




Kuki: Possesions

Wally:Law & Order

Abigale:Work & Worship


So whoā€™s up for Cult of The Lamb AU and theoryā€™s?

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1 year ago


Wich wally!?


Teens And Kids Meet, How Will It Go? (not Good For Wally But Anyway)
Teens And Kids Meet, How Will It Go? (not Good For Wally But Anyway)
Teens And Kids Meet, How Will It Go? (not Good For Wally But Anyway)
Teens And Kids Meet, How Will It Go? (not Good For Wally But Anyway)
Teens And Kids Meet, How Will It Go? (not Good For Wally But Anyway)

Teens and kids meet, how will it go? (not good for Wally but anyway)

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