Kny X Y/n - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

"What's that?" you asked, tilting your head curiously, looking at the boy sitting in front of you.

muichiro didn't say anything, hand outstretched and eyes looking at you expectingly.

you glanced down at his hand, resting in his palm was a small (f/c) paper crane. "for you." he said once you reached out to collect the crane.

"It's so cute!" you gushed, holding the paper crane up. A small smile graced muichiro's face as he watched you admire the paper crane.

you leaned forward, placing a small kiss on his cheek, "thank you," you said bashfully, watching muichiro's face turn surprised, red dusting his cheeks.

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8 months ago

"what are you doing?" sleepy teal eyes peered at you from your lap. you hummed not saying anything.

your fingers continued to maneuver his hair, a braid slowly forming.

muichiro watched you. There was a serene look on your face as your fingers glided through his strands.

once the braid was finished you reached into a basket next to you and pulled out a flower.

Carefully you weaved the flower into the braid.

Once you finishes you pulled out another flower and repeat the process until the singular braid was full of different colored flowers.

"There, pretty flowers for a pretty boy." you smiled down at the boy in your lap.

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8 months ago

Intertwined souls ✿

soulmate au mini series

multiple x female!reader


Status: on going / HIATUS

Intertwined Souls

Tanjiro x Color Blind

↳in a world where nobody can see color until they meet their soulmate, tanjiro is devastated thinking he will never meet his soulmate with demons still alive. That's until quick eye contact with a village girl.

Kanao x Red String

↳as long as kanao could remember, a small red string was tied to her pinky finger. A string only she could see, but a string of hope.

Giyuu x thoughts

↳Giyuu was used to hearing the million different thoughts racing through his mind at every hour. That was until it suddenly went dead silent.

Shinobu x Physical Sensation

↳random sharp pains and pinches became a normal part of shinobu's daily life for as long as she could remember. Who knew they were caused by the cute and clumsy demon slayer who was in and out of her clinic.

Sanemi x Hot/Cold

↳sanemi was used to feeling icy cold, it was a normal feeling ever since he was a child. Now he has to deal with being scorching hot after saving a mere village girl.

Rengoku x Countdown

↳the clock was supposed to keep going down, why is it not going down?

Mitsuri x Dreams

↳time to sleep was one of mitsuri's favorite things. Once she slipped out of the real world and into the safety of sleep, waiting for her would be her lover, waiting with open arms.

Muichiro x Matching Symbols

↳a small dot, no bigger than a small pebble, was place on muichiro's wrist. He knew what it was, his father explained it to him as a young child that would be how he met his soulmate, look for the matching symbol and placement.

Obanai x Heterochromia

↳obanai had unique eyes, one yellow and one (e/c). Now he's staring at the colors of the same mismatched eyes.

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8 months ago

Everything is dark ✿

an installment of the intertwined souls mini series

Tanjiro x female!reader

in a world where nobody can see color until they meet their soulmate, tanjiro is devastated thinking he will never meet his soulmate with demons still alive. That's until quick eye contact with a village girl.

not edited, was too excited to start the series so here's the first installation 😼

Everything Is Dark

Ever since he was a small child, Tanjiro knew the importance of finding his soulmate, his lost other half. His mother would bundle him and his sister up in her lap, explaining the many different types of soulmates in the world.

Tanjiro had a unique soulmate connection. He couldn't see color. He listened to the many stories of the 'colorful' world around him, yet everything appeared to be an array of grays. He asked his father what it meant, to which he smiled and patted the boys head.

"You, my son, are a special case. A very rare connection. When you meet your soulmate, look in their eyes and your world will become colorful."


You were born as the only child to your father. Your mother had passed shortly after you were born. The village chased your father out, claiming you killed your mother as a cursed child.However, you were not cursed, simply born with total blindness.

It was extremely rare, and completely unheard of in your small village to be born completely blind. The villagers, fearing the safety of their homes resorted to the belief you were cursed and that you killed your mother.

Your father, a poor farmer, took you and ran. He traveled many days until he found an abandoned house by the edge of a forest. Your father loved you more than anything, he did not believe you to be cursed, only that you did not have the luck of the gods.

As you aged, your father taught you the basics to farming and how to navigate without your eyesight. He also began to explain soulmates to you. He explained to you the many different types of soulmates in the world, even his own with your mother. There was no countdown on your wrist, you didn't hear anyone else's thoughts, you were never freezing, and nobody appeared in your dreams.

Maybe you really were cursed. An unlucky child, even the gods didn't bless you with an eternal lover. That was what you always believed until...


"Are you alright?!"

Foolishly, you decided to wonder outside of your home late at night. Your father wasn't home, he left for a nearby village to pick up some things, leaving you alone.

"-iss! Miss?" an unfamiliar male voice called out snapping you back into reality.

"Huh?" you blinked rapidly suddenly able to feel the rush of freezing water around you. Oh, right, you had been startled causing you to trip and land in the stream you were attempting to cross.

You began to move your hands around in the water, attempting to figure out your surroundings after being disorientated. "Here, take my hand." the boy, who sounded no older than you, must have extended his hand out for you.

Picking your hand up out of the water, you extended your hand and attempted to grasp the boys hand. Your hand completely missed his, beginning to fall back towards the water, a hand grasped your wrist.

"Are you alright?" the boy asked again, more concern lacing his tone. Embarrassment began to creep up in you, the boy's hands sliding from your wrist to your hand and pulled you up.

once you regained your balance, you clasped your hands together in thanks. "I thank you for helping me! I cannot see and your assistance was very helpful!" you lifted your head, in what you assumed, was the boys direction.

Weirdly, there was silence. "Sir...?" you called out cautiously. Did he leaves already? No, that was unlikely he was just there-

Warm hands suddenly engulfed your own causing you to jump at the sudden contact. "We're soulmates!" now you were confused, how could he know for sure?

You tilted your head. "Did you not hear me..? I cannot see.. There's no chance we are soulmates."

"My name is Kamado Tanjiro! Before I could not see any color but now that I have looked at your eyes, I can now see color! We have to be soulmates!" Tanjiro exclaimed.

You shook your head, "impossible."

Tanjiro's hands moved from your own to cup your cheeks, forcing you to look in his general direction. "Focus."

You did as told. Now that you mention it, there was a new warmth creeping up in your chest. "Can you feel it?" he asked. You nodded in response, tears pricking your eyes.

"Wait - don't cry!" sobs began to wrack your body, you threw your arms around Tanjiro's shoulders.

"We are soulmates. I didn't think it was possible without my vision. I am believed to be cursed but it seems not to be true!"

Tanjiro simply held you until your sobs died down, "let's get you inside and we can take it from there, alright?" you simply nodded, letting the boy, your fated lover, lead you back inside your home.

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7 months ago

Well I was gonna wait until my laptop I bought came in before posting another intertwined souls and it was supposed to come in today but got delayed so looks like I'm still gonna write on my phone for my next one lol

Anyways which do y'all want next because I can't decide and go look at the masterlist if you want to see the descriptions for each fic


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7 months ago

Muichiro is such a cute lover.

He gets a little jealous when you interact with the kakushi or slayers. He doesn't like your attention being divided or solely on someone who isn't him.

He adores you deeply, a little shy, but enjoys your company as his fellow hashira.

He likes to ask you to join him in different activities when you both have free time. He grabs your hand a gently pulls you along as he decides if he wants to fly paper planes or watch the clouds drift.

He folds planes just for you that match your favorite color and pattern. Honestly, he doesn't make them to fly but rather for you to keep. He'll make two of the same planes, one to fly and one to keep.

cloud watching is definitely more of a relaxing activity. One to wind down after missions. The clouds drift across the sky slowly, occasionally forming things that one of you would point out to the other.

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7 months ago

To warm the soul ✿

An installment of the intertwined souls mini series

Sanemi x female!reader

sanemi was used to feeling icy cold, it was a normal feeling ever since he was a child. Now he has to deal with being scorching hot after saving a mere village girl.

There's still 10 hours on the poll but Mr. Nemi is winning and I just had to finalize this before posting it so I'll post the second most popular vote next. This is also the first time I've written only sanemi by himself so be easy on me 😭🙏

To Warm The Soul

Sanemi was used to being deathly cold since he was a child. It started one morning after he woke up, he went from being cozy and warm to ice cold and freezing.

Fearing he might be sick he went to tell his mother, who only smiled and patted his head. "My dear, that is your soulmate connection. The closer you are to them the warmer you will feel, but the farther you go the colder you will be."

The comfort didn't last long before it turned into a nuisance. As he aged he cared less and less about finding his soulmate, more focused on eradicating demons. Winter quickly began his least favorite time of year, the cold of the snow and the cold of his body hindered him slightly which pissed him off to no end.


Sanemi's feet pounded on the snow as he ran through the thick forest. The demon he had been chasing somehow kept evading him everytime he got close. The snow flurries caused by the wind and the thick layers of snow building up did not help the situation at all, instead angering him even more.

A scream in the distance caught his attention. God dammit. He turned in the direction of the scream and pushed himself to run faster, the possibility of the demon attacking a civilian fueled his rage as he tightened his grip on his sword. Breaking through the tree line he now was in a large clearing.

A few feet ahead of him the demon he had been tracking had a young woman pinned in the snow. You tried kicking and shoving the demon off of you but the immense strength of it you were able to move at all. Sanemi readied his blade in his hand and lunged. The demon above you was flung away by the sheer strength of the blow. You hadn't even realized someone else was there.

Sanemi glared at the body of the demon as it disintegrated, it's hands wildly waving at where it's head once was. Once the body was entirely gone he turned his gaze to you, who he now was looming over. You still laid in the snow shocked and looking at the man. He was beautiful in a unique way, you though. You had never seen someone with so many scars.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" his low voice broke you out of your thoughts. "Why are you in a forest in the middle of a snow storm?"

you glared back at him. "Why are you in a forest in the middle of a snow storm?"

"I have a reason to be."

"So do I!"

"Playing in the snow like a child is not a reason." you gasped taking a handful of snow and throwing it at him.

"I am not a child! And I'm not playing in the snow!" you both glared at each other for a few moments before he sighed and his shoulders dropped.

"Give me your hand."

"What?" he glared at you with a I'm not repeating myself look.

"I know you can feel it too," he held out his hand, "now give me your hand." now that you thought about it, you did feel boiling hot. Neither of you had felt it in the heat of the moment but now that it was all done, your skin felt like it was boiling off, the snow actually felt nice.

"And if I don't want to?" you crossed your arms.

"Then I'll leave you here."

"No you won't." his eyes narrowed, turning on his heel he began to walk away.

"Wha- wait-! Don't leave me here!" you sprung up from the snow attempting to chase after him but your foot got lodged in the snow tripping you. Arms looped your wait effectively catching you, but now you were chest to chest with Sanemi. Your face warmed at the proximity.

"You live in the village near by, don't you?" you shyly nodded at his question. "Then let's go. I'll take you home."

"Will you tell me your name?" you asked.

"Only if you earn it, so be good."

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7 months ago

working on a request and the next au installment so take this in the mean time

inspired by newjeans super shy


Zenitsu is shy when it comes to genuine affection. He's not used to it.

He's a very passionate and easily jealous lover, along with a side of cute clinginess.

He's had bad experiences in the past with relationships so he's a little skeptical about genuine affection at first.

His favorite is definitely small kisses and cuddling. He likes being wrapped in your arms, but also like wrapping you in his arms.

He's a little insecure and gets jealous of others giving you attention sometimes. All you have to to do is gently reassure him and he gets over it pretty quickly (most of the time anyways, minus the one time he chased tanjiro around for giving you a hug)

He may come off strong but he really is a good lover, and a sweet boy.

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7 months ago

Thinking about biker!sanemi

☆ the kind to wear just a biker jacket no shirt showing off the dozens of tattoos and scars that litter his chest and arms. He shivers under your fingers tracing all different lines on his chest.

☆ the kind to show up late at night to take you on a late night drive.

"C'mon pretty," he purred patting the empty seat

"I have to study, nemi." you shook your head crossing you arms, staring unamused at your boyfriend.

"You've been studying for days, time to give that pretty head a rest." you sighed and gave in. "There ya go." he smirked.

☆ the kind to pick you up from class, leaning against his bike looking intimidating while waiting. Girls all around whispering to each other wondering who was getting picked up by the hot biker which turns to jealous glares as you rush over.

"What are you doing?!" you hissed.

"What? Can't I pick up my pretty girl from class?" he knew what he was doing.

"People are staring!"

He shrugs, "let them stare."

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6 months ago

Hi there! if requests are open can i request a Sanemi x Hashira! reader (If you don’t do that then that’s alright! just normal Y/N will be fine).

Where sanemi comes back from a mission or just being out to find the reader in a blind rage. like everyone in the house has like fully just left. She throwing things, breaking things, but by the time he gets to her she’s just falling to her knees and sobbing. like she’s just done, she’s so overwhelmed and just so tired and done.

I’m in the mood for some fluff and comfort and i’m just having a really hard time rn i guess. (we love depression ❤️)

Have a nice day :)

Exhausted ✿

Sanemi x female hashira!reader

Sorry for this being so late and probably low quality, I've been sick and went to a Yung gravy concert so I've been resting a lot. I hope you still enjoy, and I completely understand the struggle of depression and breaking down from exhaustion :(( <3

Hi There! If Requests Are Open Can I Request A Sanemi X Hashira! Reader (If You Dont Do That Then Thats

Sanemi was exhausted, he just returned from a week-long mission and just wanted to go home and lay with you in bed. he trekked slowly along the path toward his estate, the usually short walk feeling long. Everything seemed normal at the estate from a distance, leaving him oblivious to the disaster inside the estate.

inside the estate, the entire interior was wrecked. broken glass and random tidbits strewn around everywhere. As Sanemi was getting ready to enter the estate gardens he heard a glass shatter, which made him slightly concerned. the shattering glass was followed by momentary silence before another glass shattered.

Now Sanemi was very concerned, his pace picking up and throwing the door open on high alert. he was ready for anything, his hand readied on his blade in case a demon somehow made it into the estate. his eyes flicked around the room before landing on your slumped form. you leaned against the wall heavy sobs wrecking your body. the entire room was a mess, with glass everywhere and dirt from the plants you cared for in your free time.

"what the hell happened?" sanemi wasn't worried about the mess in the room, more concerned for your mental state. you didn't look good at all, with messy hair, a tear-stained face, the scratch marks on your face from where he could tell you tugged at your hair and dragged your nails down your face. you finally noticed his presence after a moment, he stepped forward and caught you as you leaned towards him, carefully maneuvering both of your bodies to the floor.

"I'm so tired," you sobbed, "I'm overwhelmed from all the missions from the demon attacks increase. I'm so tired." sanemi didn't say anything, just listened and stroked your hair. he may be rough around the edges, but he really was a soft man. soon your sobs died down, you had cried all the tears in your body, now just leaning against Sanemi's chest.

"Let us go lay down," you nodded tiredly, sanemi lifted you up bridal style and carefully stepped around the mess on the floor, he would be worried about that later. carrying you to the bedroom he carefully helped you change into comfier sleepwear and laid down on the bed with you. you snuggled into his chest and quickly fell asleep.

sanemi's fingers slowly dragged down your face, gently moving hair from your face and watching your peaceful expression. seeing you so distraught hurt sanemi's heart. he would talk to the master later and see if you would be able to get a temporary break to be able to rest and recover.

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4 months ago

"When I get older, I'll marry you."

you were only 13 at the time.

"Do you promise?" you held up your pinky, staring expectedly at the boy in front of you.

"I promise. I promise I'll make you the happiest wife in the world!" he linked his pinky with yours, rosy cheeks and a shy smile.

what your 13 year old self didn't know, was that the promise he made to you would never come true.

Giyuu sat in front of your grave, an abnormally blank expression on his face. This had become his norm for the last several years.

Your death date would come before your wedding date.


I'M BACK AFTER LIKE A MONTH OF BEING GONE 😭 this was supposed to be a full fic but I got lazy whoops

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1 year ago
% Yoriichi Tsugikuni & Fem!reader ] 527

% — yoriichi tsugikuni & fem!reader ] — 527

❝ sexual content # creampie # breeding # mentions of fertilization # marking # praise # petnames # fluff # unprotected sex # dom!yoriichi x sub!reader ❞

% Yoriichi Tsugikuni & Fem!reader ] 527

“i can tell you’re liking this baby . . . a whole bunch.” yoriichi moaned as he harshly thrusted up into you, molding your walls into the shape of his cock for future sexual moments like this one, branding your pussy as his own. both of his arms were wrapped around your waist and his feet were planted into the mattress, leaving a slight dent in the mattress itself. 

his heavy balls were being slapped against your ass at an outstanding speed as he drilled his cock into you. his pace never faltered, but he did lack the sight of your face. his own was buried into the crook of your neck, leaving love bites all over the soft platform in order to mark you as his. 

his hips created a rhythm that was suitable for you both. your juices dripped down from the base of his cock and slithered down to his balls, creating more slick and rendering it more convenient for him to slide in and out of you. 

yoriichi’s long locks were being tugged by your dainty hands, finding something to ground yourself to escape from his ruthless thrusts. “you’re so p-perfect . . . y’know that? hmm pretty girl?” he inquired during his thrusts, making them more rougher after his question. 

it was hard for you to respond to his praise, you knew yoriichi was never the one for degradation or making you feel bad about yourself. he was always about praise and making you feel more high about yourself. he knows how self conscious you can be and he wants to adjust to that lifestyle, especially with you. he wants to live out his lifetime with you, but in order for him to do that, he must adjust to your doings first. 

he must understand your likes and dislikes during soft moments and intimate ones. he must understand you as a human being and not just an everyday object. he must treat you like an absolute goddess and not some worn down object waiting to be fixed, and to its dismay, broken down again. in his eyes you are his, he must treat you with absolute respect. he must treat you like a goddess. 

that’s why when he stills himself inside of you and cums deep inside to the point where his sperm is spreading into your womb, swimming its way to your unfertilized egg, you don’t tell him to stop. it’s not because you’re too tired or anything, or you’re worn out from all the ruthless fucking you’ve been doing for the past who knows how many hours. it’s because you love him, and he knows that. that’s why he came inside of you. he knows that you wanted to be bred by him sooner or later. he knows this had been boiling inside of both you and him for quite some while. 

yoriichi knows everything about you, because he treats you so well. he listens to your every request. he listens to everything, even when you think he’s not listening. yoriichi tsugikuni swears to himself that he will treat you like an absolute goddess. he swears on his life he will. on his own, precious life.

% Yoriichi Tsugikuni & Fem!reader ] 527

originally wrote and posted by @kentofication

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1 year ago
% Kokushibo & Fem!reader ] 0.7k+
% Kokushibo & Fem!reader ] 0.7k+

% — kokushibo & fem!reader ] — 0.7k+

❝ explicit content # cockdrunk!reader # petnames # unprotected sex # riding # aftercare # dom!kokushibo x sub!reader ❞

% Kokushibo & Fem!reader ] 0.7k+

“that’s it love, just like that . . .” he muttered under his breath as you rode him to your heart’s content. you had been in this position ever since he came home. he appeared to be in a bad mood, but once you made eye contact with him, his expression was lustful. there you were, with your hands placed on his shoulders to give a little bit of extra strength every time you sunk and rose on his cock. you looked down to see your juices flowing under you, sliding down his dick, onto his balls, and onto the sheets. you knew that you would have to wash those after you were finished.

you didn’t know how much more of this you could take. he had already ripped five orgasms out of you—at least you think so—and you felt a sixth one making its appearance. all of his eyes were slanted, some of them appeared closed as he watched your breast bounce up and down everytime you sunk down his length.

his eyes were filled with lust, an ongoing lust as he forced your chest against his face. you were shocked by the sudden repositioning, as you wrapped your arms around kokushibo’s neck. you halted your movements for a second, but a slap on your ass brought you back to reality. “keep riding, slut.” he commanded in a harsh tone, taking your nipple into his mouth. he began to swirl his tongue around the erect bud as he sucked on it like a suction cup until it was rock hard. he gave it a little tug using his teeth as he felt your body jerk back because of the ministration. he did the same to the other nipple as he received the same reaction from when he did the previous one.

some drool started to seep out of your mouth, making its way down your chin and onto your chest. kokushibo took it as a sign that your brain was turning into mush. you were too dumb to even have the decency to suck the spit back into your mouth. he chuckled as he decided to tear a last orgasm out of you. he wrapped his arms around your waist as he dug his feet into the mattress. you took notice of this formation as you buried your head into the crook of his neck quickly.

kokushibo began his onslaught of your pussy to his own pleasure. his balls were meeting your ass at an insane speed as he felt your walls constrict around his hardened length. kokushibo couldn’t help but chuckle when he felt you biting on his shoulder due to the immense pleasure. he kissed away your tears as he continued to thrust in and out of your wet heat. 

he started to breathe a bit heavier now, sweat trickling down his forehead and down his face. this was a sign that he was also near his end. his thrusts started to grow sloppier and more needier. his lustful expression slowly started to fade away as it turned into a possessive one. kokushibo produced one more thrust before he emptied himself inside of you, painting your walls with his fertile seed. 

you both were panting with exhaustion—you a little bit more than him—as you started to fall asleep on his chest. kokushibo felt you lose consciousness and he slowly slid from underneath you in order to go run a hot bath in order to soothe your sore body. he carried you bridal style into the bathroom as he gently put your body under the warm, soapy water. he began taking a rag and wiping off all the sweat and bruises you endured. 

you slowly started to gain consciousness as you planted a kiss on kokushibo’s cheek. his face started to heat up from your affection—even though he blamed it on the bathroom being too warm. “i love you so much. you know that?” you asked, placing another kiss on his cheek. kokushibo let out a deep chuckle, “of course i know that. what kind of man would i be if i didn’t?” you both laughed as it came to a halt with a deep kiss. a kiss filled with love for each other. a kiss that would never be shared with another besides you two. you started to drift back to sleep again with the help of the hot water soothing your body. kokushibo planted a kiss on your forehead. “i love you more than i love myself, dearest.” 

% Kokushibo & Fem!reader ] 0.7k+

originally wrote and published by @kentofication

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1 year ago

Language barrier

Pairing: Rengoku x gn! y/n

Context: fluff, modern au, Kyojuro is bilingual

Language Barrier

A/n: Hello, this is my first time writing something so I hope you’ll like it <3

Thank you @meowzfordayz @neiptune for being the first readers. I’m also tagging @thebomb-thebird-andtheburntbitch because the 3 of you are my biggest inspo and why I wrote this🌸


Kyojuro yawned and rubbed his eyes. The book he was holding on to threatened to fall from his hands as he realised it was getting late. The clock showed that it was almost midnight, and he took it as his cue to finally go to sleep. As he was about to turn off the lights, he noticed the figure in bed beside him suddenly stir, and he couldn’t help but crack a smile.

He looked over, but much to his surprise the love of his life was not asleep yet. He quirked a brow in amusement.

You laid silently with one hand on your stomach and the other hovering in the air. Your eyes were closed, but your index finger was moving, slicing into nothing. It looked as if you were drawing something as your finger stroked the air, or perhaps conducting an orchestra. You stopped mid-stroke and muttered under your breath, a curse perhaps. Kyojuro only watched for a solid minute before he shifted and laid closer to you.

“My love? What are you doing? I thought you were asleep.”

“Something bothered me, and I can’t seem to get a grasp on it.”

“Oh?” He kept quiet, urging you to continue as he watched your index finger move up and down in one swift motion. Judging from your tone of voice, you hadn’t been asleep at all.

Your head turned towards him, eyes fluttering open to meet a pair of his bright coloured irises. “I can’t seem to memorise the ‘ha’ column.”

Kyojuro’s smile widened, and his heart feels full. You had been trying to learn his native language for a week now. Although he had told you he did not mind the fact that you don’t speak Japanese, your insistence on learning his mother tongue made his heart soar.

You practiced with him every day, memorising the stroke orders of most common kanji characters and tried to have small conversations with him. He is a wonderful teacher. Despite your lack of knowledge and poor memorisation skills, he was patient and loving and kind through it all. Tonight, when you tried to recap your lessons for today, a column of hiragana characters became scrambled. It had nagged on you and kept you awake.

“Well, that should be easy enough!” His volume rose a bit in excitement. Moving his hand, he interlocked it with yours, the back of your hand facing the both of you.

With the other free hand, his index finger stroked the back of your hand gently.

It formed the character “ は“

“How do you pronounce that?” He questioned, smiling at you.

“ ‘Ha-‘ right?”


He scribbled on your hand again. This time forming the character “へ“


“Good job!”

His touch was gentle and comforting, making your eyes droop from relaxation. You decide to close them and let your sense of touch guide you.

This time his scribbling formed the character “ふ”

“fu?” You answered much quieter

“Yes, great job my love.” His volume dropped, sensing the tiredness in your pitch. “What about this?” He wrote down the character “れ“

Your brows furrowed and your eyes opened half-lidded at him.

“That’s not in the ‘ha’ column.”

He chuckled, happy that you remembered what he taught you. “But do you know what it is?”

“It’s ‘re’ like the start of your family name.” You heard a prideful gasp came out of him.

“Wonderful, that’s amazing you remembered.” You could feel him squeezing your hand a bit, warm and gentle, making you feel sleepy once again. You feel like drifting off but kept yourself awake enough as he wrote down the next one. You bit your lip. You know it’s in the ‘ha’ column but you don’t know how it sounded.

“Can you do that again?”

“Of course.”

His index finger traced the back of your hand again, this time much slower and gentler, as If he’s trying to coax you back into relaxing.

“I don’t…know that one.”

“That one is pronounced ho”


The character “ほ” popped up in your mind, and you kept quiet trying to combat the drowsiness and memorise the stroke order you felt.

He went silent for a while. His lack of commentary stirred you awake.


“Ahh..I thought you went to sleep?” You laughed. “No, not yet, but you writing on my hand is making me sleepy.” He only responded with a thoughtful “hmm”

“Alright, let’s test your kanji.” You sighed, not prepared for the sudden quiz.

“Oh no…I’m going to suck at this.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll use the ones you’ve been learning so far.”

“Alright then...”

His finger moved in skilful motions, stroking right, down, right, right, with precision. He was going slow so you could catch up and make sense of the stroke order. It was difficult but with some concentration you made out that he had written the kanji “描く“ on the back of your hand.

“Ega- ku, -to paint something.”

“Yoku dekita!”

You laughed at his response.

He scribbled another kanji down, and you immediately recognised it because you’ve been practising on how to write it almost every day.

“Well now you’re just trying to write your own name.” You quipped, with a small smirk.

“I’m not even done yet, and I am both impressed and flattered you remembered!” You chuckled lightly at him, and it sounded like music to his ears.

His name was not that complicated, but he continued anyway, caressing your skin gently just to reinforce your brain into remembering the stroke order. He went slowly, his touch causing you to drift off more and more with every stroke. By the time he had finished the “郎” from ” 杏寿郎” you had already gone to sleep.

Seeing that you were finally dead to the world, he pulled on your hand and kissed it gently. Your silent reply was all he needed to confirm that his mission was successful. Pulling back, he decided to write down one final kanji before retiring for the night. He wrote more of a sentence really, and his eyes widened in excitement when he realised he hadn’t taught you this yet.


Smiling, he turned off the lights, wrapped his arms around you and went to sleep.

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1 year ago

Some nsfw under the cut

Haha this existed since last year but I never posted it on tumblr because i’m a pussy

Some Nsfw Under The Cut
Some Nsfw Under The Cut

Hey if i’m being honest feel free to imagine your y/n underneath there cause i’m not gonna judge, it’s free real estate

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