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2 years ago

Nick’s Boots YES!! And YES!!

New Nicks. 13 Wide.

New Nick’s. 13 wide.

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11 months ago
Old Lineman Boots
Old Lineman Boots

Old Lineman Boots

They’ve seen everything

Tags :
5 years ago



Word Count: 4413 

WARNINGS: smut, language and drugs 

If you wanted to be tagged please let me know. :))

"Baze pass me the joint!" I admit, I'm pretty drunk and I'll start to lose my shit any minute from now. My cousin Baze tag me along tonight, its suppose to be a boy's night out but nah I don't mind they can have their fun. I'm no stranger to them. We're in Andrei's house. These guys are my childhood friend, wrong they are my brothers and we're reunited after 4 years? I think. I've been in Ireland for too long and now I'm back to my roots. "Yo Y/N! Are Irish girls hot?" Slim asked and everyone starts laughing. I flip him off and chug down the vodka in my cup. I smoked the joint Baze handed me. Ah I miss these. Chill night with the gang. "Yo seriously. You look like them. What made you color your hair red? You look like a fuuucking idiot." Then Slim laughed sounding like a goat in labor. "Shut up fucker." My only response. I know they missed me that's why I'm their target tonight. And Slim is the leader of the pack. "Kells is on his way here." Rook said while looking at his phone. "Who's Kells?" Everyone fell silent as if I said something wrong. "What? Did I say something wrong?" Slim look at me in disbelief and laughed like a goat again. This dude is high I'm sure of that. "Really? You don't know who's Kells? Dang girl it's Colson." The fuck? Colson? Since when did he become Kells? Rook must have read my confusion.  "It' his screen name Machine Gun Kelly. Kells for short." I don't know if it's the alcohol or the shroom but I laugh so hard. "What the---- hahahaha as in Colson Baker is Machine Gun Kelly?" They look at me weirdly, like I'm some kind of alien. "Dude you don't know? He's famous." I shut up. Colson really made it. He is successful now. "What did Ireland do to you?" I just shook my head. I can't think of any comeback cause my head is somewhere in space and everything looks sharp. I guess the shroom is having it's effect on me. "What's up fuckers!" That deep voice vibrated all over the room. Colson. "Ayo man. Finally." The boys did their handshake until his eyes landed on me. "Y/N? What the fuck?! Dude you're here!" I got up from the couch and he embrace me in a tight bear hug. "Dude I fuckin miss you." I felt dizzy when he let go of me so I hold on to his arm. "You okay?" He holds my wrist and look at me. I nodded as a response. "Yeah." I sat down on the couch again, eyes felt heavy and mind flying somewhere. They converse about work, which I could not relate so I just listen and nods whenever they ask me something. "Yeah, why don't we talk about our Irish lady here." All eyes are on me again. "Seriously dude. We missed you. The good shit and such when you are here."

Back when we were bunch of idiots we used to hang at Ashleigh's place. She's the only one who has a decent home to stay and live in, and her mom was kind enough to let us stay especially Colson. "Yeah I missed you too." I drink from my cup and my gaze landed on Colson who is looking at me too. "What?" I asked, my brow raising. "Nothing. I'm just appreciating the changes." I shrug. My hair is red for a year and I'm planning to dye it black. "Whatever Colson."  I rolled my eyes while giggling. It was unintentional though.

We are all catching up. Especially me, since they missed the 4 years of my life and me missing the 4 hollywood glamour of their lives too. It's all sex drugs and rock and roll. I'm just hoping it won't get the best of them. "Daaaamn. We're really getting old. Next thing we knew Casie's walking down the aisle while Colson's crying." Colson almost choke on his drink after Baze said that. "Not happening Baze. No boys for my baby girl until I said so." Oh yeah Casie. Colson's daughter. That girl is turning to a lady and that will make Colson grow 10 years because of headache. The kid is beautiful and for sure boys will be chasing her. I wish she could spend more time with us whenever she's in Ireland. "Of course. Look at Y/N, we're so protective of her that 'til now she's single." I want to kick Dubo's shin for blurting out to everyone that I'm still single. "You're still single?" Colson asks. I can't help but blush, nothing's wrong about being single but talking about my romantic life with these idiots is like telling them that I shit in my pants and the teasing will never stop after that. "Well, it's our fault. We never let a guy come near you before. " Slim confessed. It didn't shock me though cause the guys who wanta to date me before told me that these idiots scared them or bribe them. Atleast I knew that they aren't men enough to be scared by my friends. "I don't mind though. I suck at dates." Through my peripheral, I see Colson smirked. I rolled my eyes at him. "And you have a bad taste when it comes to men." He added. I scoffed. If he only knew. Indeed I have bad taste.

We continue chatting and some of the guys are already drunk or high. I too is drunk. I stood up to went to the bathroom but everything seems spinning. With my high and drunken state I look for the bathroom. I found  it in a hallway to the kitchen but when I opened the door Baze is in there doing some porno. "Fuck. I'm sorry, don't mind me so proceed." I didn't wait for their answer and close the door. Damn I have to see that. I can't help but giggle, ironic I did that before too. I search for another available bathroom upstairs and I trip in every step. My body felt heavy so I crawled until I ended up in a room. Guest room I think? "Damn it." My vision is blurry but I managed to reach the bathroom and puked my brains out. "Fucking vodka." I wipe my mouth before puking again. Oh god, I never puke before. I felt a hand massaging my back and I turn to see who it is. Colson. "Alcohol is a bitch."


"Fuck. Y/N saw me fucking in the bathroom." Baze came from god knows where while zipping his pants a girl clinging on his arm. Mod Sun laughed. "That cousin of yours is hot." Baze threw his cup at Mod. "You're not hitting her." Y/N changed a lot, physically. I mean it's good maybe I'm not just used to since we haven't seen each other for 4 years.

I don't know why she left, everything was okay back then. But I guess it's better that we separate ways, look at us I made it to Hollywood, she's fine and we're all good. "Yo Colson! You're awfully quiet today." Actually I'm high already. Not drunk but high. I smoked two in the studio before getting here. "Nah. I'm good. Where's Y/N?" I search the room if there's any sign of Y/N. "Maybe she went into another bathroom, one with no one fucking." Everyone laughed even Baze at Drei's statement. "Seriously tho, you and Y/N are good?" This is the question I've been dreading. Me and Y/N are good but awkard so I'm avoiding their attention by remaining silent. "You know what. Stop dicking around and tell her what you feel." I was taken aback. How the hell did Slim knew when I didn't tell anyone about it. It's so hard to act cool whenever she's around. So I didn't tell anyone and it's better if it remains tgat way and I won't lose her.  "Tell her what?" Acting as if I don't know something will do me no good. Action speaks louder than words. "Go on Colson. Deny it, next thing you knew she already have someone who's not scared to admit his feelings." I clenched my jaw at the thought that Y/N is with someone who's not me, us. "Hell yeah, we got you bro." Rook taps my shoulder. I stood up from my seat and look for Y/N. I went upstairs and search each room for her and I found her on the left wing puking her guts out in a bathroom. I immediately attended her and rubs her back. When she's done she turns around and look at me with droopy eyes. "Alcohol is a bitch." She wipes her mouth and leans on the wall. "Goddamn I need a bed." Y/N close her eyes. The alcohol and weed must have hit on her. "Hey hey, stay with me, I'll put you to bed." I held her arm but she flinch. "Don't fucking touch me Colson. I wanna fucking beat you right now." Since she's drunk I didn't mind what she said. I grab her arm again but Y/N clung on my neck and buried her face on my chest. "I thought you wanna beat me?" I held her waist to support her weight cause she looks like she's about to melt. "Shut up. I hate you." Maybe it's just her drunk self hating me. Everyone's her enemy whenever she's drunk. "Why do you hate me?" I decided to ride along with her craziness. "Cause you're a fucking asshole?" She mumbled almost hakf asleep. "And you love this asshole?" I couldn't hide my smirk. She probably won't remember this tomorrow. "Of course I love you..........and Rookie, and Slim, and Baze, and Casie.....I love EST fam." She look up to me with a smirk. Damn, she played well. "How about me? I mean only me?" She freed herself and sat on the counter, I moved forward a bit so I can be in between her legs. Y/N leans her head on my chest again. "I hate you. But I hate that I don't hate you at all. I wish you would meet Chase." Who the fuck is Chase? Is he her boyfriend? Am I too late? The fuck the boys were right, I should've told her earlier. "Who's Chase?" I rub Y/N's back, soothing her. "He's.........I love him. But I wish you would love him too." My heart began to race and I am now confuse. I held her face and look at her straight in the eye. "Y/N, tell me who's Chase?" Her eyes are all droopy and red but managed to return the look I gave her. "He's your fucking son. Happy?" Suddenly I am the one whose high. Everything around blurred and Y/N's word echoes. He's your fucking son. I have another kid. I have another kid, with her. I had a fucking kid with her and I didn't knew. I didn't even knew something happened between us. "H-how? We didn't even....." A lot of questions are running in my head but  that's the only thing came out. I am loss for words right now. "Of course you don't remember. You were so doped up with drugs that you almost raped a fan but being the good friend I am I came to the rescue and....." I think I knew what happened next. "I had sex with you instead." I finish her sentence. "I can't fucking blame you because I was the one who's sober. And God..... why did I let it happened." I didn't expect my night to be like this especially she just got back from overseas. And her confession infuriates me. "Why did you not tell me?" I want to punch myself for doing that to her. I blow every fucking chance. I took a good thing and fuck it all up in one fucking night. "I fucking loved you asshole! We were both a fucking mess. I was with you during your worst, sex drugs, rock and roll, fame is getting on you then you got me pregnant, I wasn't ready and......How can we raise a child if we're like that?! One of us has to sober up so that we won't end up hurting ourselves and the child. Funny how one night can change life forever." Y/N broke down into tears. She fucking love me. She said she fucking love me. I wish she's sober right now cause I'm not believing what's happening. She went through all this alone and I hate myself for that. I was dicking around when she was suffering alone in that goddamn country. "I'm sorry Y/N.....I -I didn't knew." I wipe her tears and rubs her back while kissing her head. "It's my fault. I never told you." I hushed her, but tears still streaming down her face. I am so angry right now, to myself, to what happened. I feel like shit for being a dick. Now I have a son whose growing up not knowing his father. It's an awful situation cause I grew up without a mother too. I may be an asshole but I won't let a kid running around not knowing me especially if it's mine. "Let's get you to bed. You're drunk." I carried her out and brought her to my room. I laid Y/N on my bed and undress her after. As if I've never seen her naked before. I dress her with one of my shirts then cover her with a blanket. Kissing her head I left the room and went back downstairs. Everyone seems to chill now. "Yo dude. Is Y/N okay?" Baze asks. He was caught off guard when I lounge him and held the collar of his shirt. "Why the fuck you didn't tell me?!" Slim, Rook and Drei went to the rescue to ease the tension. "Ayo, Kells chill. What the fuck is going on?" Slim held me back while Drei is pulling Baze from my grasp. "Man. It was her decision, and I won't intervene on whatever's going on between you two. I didn't know how did you even got her pregnant when you were busy fucking around." My blood boils and Baze's words fuelled my anger. I was about to attack him again but Slim blocked me. "What the fuck Kells? You had a child? With Y/N?!" Everyone fell silent. "Yeah." Rook was the first one to speak. "No shit. How old is the child?" I don't want my son to estranged me, it was hard before when I had Casie. "Probably 3. Who else fucking knew? Could've told me I had another kid." I glared at Baze. "Ashleigh fucking knew." Baze answered. Damn it Ashleigh. "But she just found out when Y/N called before going back here." Didn't they even thought that it was my child who's growing up not knowing his father?! "Yeah. Whatever. Thanks for the info. Gotta go."

I grabbed my keys and left. I need to fucking think.


I woke up with wave of nausea. My head hurt like it was hit by a ton of bricks. I opened my eyes just tk realized I'm not in Baze's house and I'm not wearing my clothes. I couldn't even remember what happened last night. The last thing I remember was Colson helping me threw up. Guess this is his clothes I'm wearing base on it's size.

I look at the clock and it's 2 in the afternoon. Damn I was that passed out? I opened the closet searching for a sweatpants or short. Fuck that 6'4 height of his. I look like a sack. Blame my 5'8 height. I settled on his shorts because it's the only bottom I look human. I don't want parading around the house with only my panties on. I went downstairs to see if someone's here. Slim is in the kitchen looking like a bitch. Looks like he hadn't sleep yet. "Slim where is everyone?" Slim jumped a little, surprised by my presence. I giggled and I sat down to one of the chairs in the counter. He served me a plate of pasta which I heavenly feasted. "Out. With Colson." Had they sleep yet? "Where are they going?" I munch all in the plate while listening to Slim. "Out, having some quality time with his son." I choked on my food. I coughed, It feels like the pasta stucked in my throat and wants to go out in my nose. Slim handed me a water. "T-thanks. What do you mean son?" My heart started to hammer. "Oh? I thought Colson's the one who didn't knew he had a child. Seems like you forgot." I feel like all the Colors in my face drained. Impossible. I have blurted out everything last night! Stupid! Colson already knew. I won't get away this time. Slim taps my shoulder. "You know we're here for you Y/N."  Slim said sincerely. I sighed feeling guilty. I feel like a bitch for not telling Colson, he deserves to know, it's his right. "I was just so scared Slim. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't ready and I don't know how to raise a child." A tear fell. It's all out now. "You two should talk." Just in time the living room is filled with noise. They're here. Anxiety building up inside me, Colson is here and I don't know how to act. I heard the small giggles and that little voice of a child approaching. "Look who's hereeee..." Chase's blue orbs widened when he saw me. But I almost cry at the sight because Colson is carrying him. "Mumm..." Chase wiggled and Colson put him down. He ran towards me. "Baby......mommy missed you." I held Chase, embracing him in a tight hug while I gave him kisses. "Ash! Can you get Chase here first. Y/N and I, need to talk."

A shiver went down to my spine. This is it. And by the looks of it Colson is not happy, he keeps a neutral face except when he holds Chase. Ash went to here in the kitchen and took Chase. I gave her a reassuring smile and went back to the living room.

"In my room now." He didn't let me answer and immediately went to his room upstairs. I followed him. I got into his room and locked the door.

"Colson I'm so sorry I didn't tell you---" Colson turned to face me and his eyes is at it's darkest shade of blue.

"Take off your shirt now." My jaw dropped. I am confused, we are in a serious situation and he wants my shirt off? I followed his orders and take off my shirt exposing my bust in lacy bra. "I don't know what this is bu---" he didn't let me finish my sentence again. "Strip all your clothes." My eyes widened this time. "Colson what the fuck are you up to?!" Is he insane? "Are you going to do it? Or let me do the honor?" I gulp. He is serious. I strip all the remaining clothes leaving my underwears. Damn good thing I have everything lasered. "Do you know how frustrating all this is?" He moves forward. I move backward. I am so scared of him right now, excited at the same time I don't knkw if he's high or what. "Leaving without saying goodbye, showing up again after years and told me that we had a son." I keep moving backwards until I hit the wall, Colson trapping me with both arms. "You know how frustrating it is you left me hanging?" His fingers ran through my sides giving me shiver. He hooked one of his fingers to the strap of bra. He lowered his head on my ear. "You know how frustrating it is when I am fucking someone but it's your face I see." He whispered. I bit my lip from the sensation. "You are not getting away this time Y/N." He licks my ear and kisses my jaw reaching my lips. I respond to his kisses but Colson suddenly pulled away. What the fuck. "I don't forgive easily babe." He unbuckled his belt with one hand while the other was holding both of my wrist already. I was so drown in his charms that he already held my wrists.  He tied the belt around and held both of my hands up. "My rules." Colson dipped his head on my neck sucking it making sure it will leave marks after. I bit my lip hard, holding myself back not to let out a moan. "I am so angry that I want to fuck you so bad. So dirty." I clung both my arms to his neck initiating the kiss rubbing myself against him, being the fucktard he is he pulled away again. I can feel his boner poking to my stomach, that's it go hard for me asshole. "A-ah, what did I say? My rules. Now behave." Colson slammed me to the wall and kiss me hungrily, it wasn't gentle at all, seems like he's venting out all his anger. My lips will be swollen after this. I kissed him back with the same enthusiasm, it's my inner dominant self taking over. He grabs my ass lifting me and I gladly wrap my legs around his waist. "Bad huh. " He smacks my ass throwing me to his bed. "You're all talk Colson. Just fuck me." I don't know where my confidence came from but that made him smirk, grabbing my legs and pull me to the edge of the bed. I know I hit his ego and now he's more aggressive. I pulled him towards me, clinging on to his neck, kissing him passionately and less angry than earlier. He ripped my panties off and throw it god knows where the same aith my bra. "What the fuck! That was la perla!" He insert 2 of his finger making me gasp. "I can fucking buy you a hundred pair of those. Now moan." Biting my lip didn't help at all, I let out a slutty moan feeling his fingers inside me. "Damn look at that so wet for me." He trailed kisses from my thighs to my belly button adding speed to his pace. I rolled my eyes back from the sensation fuck his fingers feels good, I want them in all day. "God dammit you're mine." He kisses me again and lowering it to the valley of my breasts. "Did you feel like this when we did it Y/N?" He added another finger causing me to moan louder. "I----fuck it." He remove all his fingers. "Fuck give it to me Colson!" The bastard just smirked unbuttoning his pants and taking off his shirt. "Say it, or you won't getting this." He took off his pants leaving his ethika boxers, his XXX tattoo and boner peeking. I have the same tatto on my belly button. "Yes you fuck so good!" His eyes turned darker, taking off his boxers his dick sprang out in it's fullest hard form. My eyes glued to God's gift to women not believing it fit inside me years ago. "Give me a head sweetheart." I don't know but his words are like spells that makes me follow him. Colson moved forward, I grab his dick running my hands up ad down. I lick the tip of his dick which earned him a groan, falling his head back. I started to bob my head up and down, taking him all within my reach.  He grabs my hair guiding my head. "Fuck. You're doing good baby." Colson breaths heavily, he couldn't take it anymore he pulls me up and lay me down to bed placing himself above me. He kissed my head before kissing my lips feeling him entered me. I gasped. It was painful, it feels like giving birth. A tear rolled down my cheek but Colson was quick to kiss it away. "I got you baby." He let me adjust to his size before moving slowly. I moaned, not feeling pain but pleasure instead, making me scratch hard his back while my other hand grips his hair. Colson groaned speeding up his pace and my moans are getting louder. "Colson......oh my god. Don't stop." I arch my back and wrap my thighs around his waist tightly giving him more access. "Fuck Y/N you're so tight." Colson pulled out and I swear I wan't to cut his balls. He flip me off, now my ass is facing him. He entered me again without warning and it feels damn good in this position. I moaned out loud not giving a damn if somebody hears me. Colson gripped my waist tight continue slamming himself. We're both panting as our bodies slapped against each other, sweats dripping, and lust feeding us both. Colson knows what he's hitting and it made me see the heavens and galaxies. "Colson I'm c-cumming." I said through heavy breaths. He lowered himself and bit my earlobe. "Come for me baby." My walls clenched around him, tension building from my stomach until my orgasm hits. Colson didn't stop he speeds up instead and moments later he came, spilling his essence inside me. "Fuck." He lets out a groan while still inside me riding out his orgasm. We stayed in that position for a minute and laid beside me after. I moved and laid on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "I'm sorry." I pressed a soft kiss of his jaw before kissing him on the lips. "I love you." I jolted up from the bed covering myself with a blanket. He just blurted out those 3 words. "Shit. Don't freak out." He also got up from the bed but only on the edge. "Fuck Y/N! I fucking love you okay? Since the day we stole a weed from your dad." I couldn't help but cry. I straddled Colson's lap and kissed him hard. "You asshole." Colson kissed me again his hands on my waist. "Round 2?" The bastard grins wiggling his eyebrows. "I fucking love you asshole even though you're the worst."

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MGK Imagine

Not Just a Shoulder to Cry On (NOT A CONTINUATION OF IMAGINE #1 and #2) Kinky/ NSFW

~You are MGK’s assistant manager. You, him, and his crew had just been partying at a club. Your boyfriend, Alex, was just supposed to run to the bathroom but you noticed him stop on the way and kiss another girl on the lips while whispering in her ear. They seemed to know each other and were very handsy. Everyone noticed but let you handle it. You confronted him and ended it, but stayed at the club with the gang. You hadn’t been dating that long anyway and it wasn’t serious. You were still hurt but didn’t want to stop everyone else from having fun to comfort you. MGK and the guys left the club to head back to the hotel while you and your girl-friend stayed for a couple more drinks while you explained what happened. Once you were finished you both caught an Uber. You got dropped off at the hotel everyone was staying at while she went home. You went to your room so ready to fall into bed and cry after the nights events. You already had the key but when you walked in you never expected what you would see.~


Tears flowing uncontrollably from your eyes, you try to wipe your face.

The hotel suite door opens up revealing Kells. His blonde hair is messed up and he squints his eyes as they adjust to the light in the hallway. His baggy sweatpants hung low on his hips, leaving his underwear band showing completely. He had been sleeping. 

He sees you crying and his eyes widen. “Hey what’s wrong, come in,” he says concerned as he opens his arm and waves you inside. 

You follow him, still sobbing. He flips on the lamp between the two beds and rubs his eyes. 

Through your sobs and uncontrollable breaths you get out, “I’m sorry, I went to my room and Alex was there with that girl and they were fucking on my bed and my stuff is in there and I just didn’t know where else to go”, your crying becomes louder as you struggle to get out all the words.

“He took your room?”

“Yeah, we were supposed to stay together but I didn’t think he would come back after I broke up with him but he still had the other key and she’s there”. Your talking becomes faster and more frantic as you’re forced to relive what you saw. 

Kells pulls you into him. He’s so tall next to you. Your head rests perfectly into his warm chest. His arms wrap around your back and he squeezes you. Softly he says, “calm down, he’s not worth crying over.”

“I’m sorry, I know I woke you up”, you say into his chest as the tears stop flowing and you try to catch your breath. 

His arms release you and you pull your head away from him. “it’s okay I just fell asleep”, he says as he steps towards the other bed in the room that is still made. “I have two beds you can stay here”, he adds as he pulls back the covers. 

You turn around towards the mirror behind you and start to wipe your running makeup from under your eyes. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, it’s not a big deal.” he says reassuringly. 

You slide your jacket off, revealing the silver velvet tube top you were wearing. You sit on the bed to unstrap your black heels then turn to climb in to the bed. Kells rummages through his suitcase and throws one of his t-shirts to you. “Here,” he said. He must’ve realized that your skinny jeans were a little tight and probably uncomfortable to sleep in. You grab the shirt and scoot off the bed and head to the bathroom. Once you’re changed into just his t-shirt and a thong, you walk out and pile your clothes onto the couch across the room. The shirt is too big on you and long enough to just barely cover your butt. Kells is already in his bed but still awake. You climb into your bed again and reach over to the lamp between the beds. Reaching that far, pulls the shirt up over your butt a little bit. You can feel the air wash over your revealed cheeks and quickly look over to Kells. He’s looking right at your ass. This wouldn’t be the first time you’ve caught him staring at your body, he’s a guy, but normally you’re fully clothed when he does. This is the most exposed he’s seen you. You shut the light off quickly, turn towards the wall so your back is to him and pull the covers over you. 

You try to fall asleep but Alex and the mystery girl keep running through your head. You shut your eyes, trying to block it out. You’re immediately awoken by a light at the end of your bed, it’s your phone. You reach down to get it and see that Alex is calling you. You ignore it and the screen goes away only to reveal that he’s been texting you since you came to Kells’ room. Of course he tried to explain that it’s not what it seems and that he’s sorry. Tears start to well in your eyes. You leave his messages on read and put your phone on the ground face down. This is not the first time you’ve been cheated on, you’re not stupid, you know that he’s lying and has probably been hiding this girl from you for a while. Almost every one of your relationships has ended this way and your vulnerable state causes the tears to flow faster. You try to be quiet and keep your breaths steady, but your sniffles seem to get Kells’ attention. 

You’re so busy crying into your pillow that you don’t notice Kells slowly get out of his bed. He picks up your covers and slides in behind you. You can feel his weight on the bed and the pressure of his body move against you. He wraps his right arm around your upper body and pulls your hands from your face. His hand moves down to your waist and across your stomach. Your crying slows until you stop. His presence so close to you calms you enough to start drifting to sleep. 

A crack of light shines through a small opening between the curtains and wakes you up. Kells lying on his back, your head laying on his chest, and his arm around you is how you both adjusted during the night. You glance over to the alarm clock, 6:07. You’ve only been sleeping for a few hours but you already want to get up. You move Kells’ arm from around you slowly and inch away from him. He doesn’t even budge. You enter the bathroom, close the door behind you, and turn the water on in the bathtub. 

When you changed in the bathroom last night you noticed that the tub was huge and had jets. Obviously an awesome way to relieve some of your hangover. The tub starts to fill with hot water as you pour in the bottle of soap sitting on the ledge. The foam starts to pile up as you slip your thong off and pull his shirt over your head. You step into the warm water and the smell of flowers fills your nose. The mixture of foam and water sits just above your chest. You lay your head back as you try to relax. The water and the jets put you into a light sleep.

The bathroom door opens slowly and Kells walks in, joint in hand. He sees you in the tub, head leaned back and eyes still closed. The thick foam hides your body underneath the water so he moves in closer. You look so small in the big tub by yourself. He sets his joint on the bathroom counter. He pulls off his sweatpants and kicks them to the side. He slides his briefs to the ground, steps one foot into the water and as the other follows your head pops up and you see him standing above you. He sits down into the water across from you. His legs are almost long enough to straighten out but he keeps them bent, his knees protruding from the water. 

“What are you doing? You scared me..” you say with a gasp. 

“The water looked nice”.

You crack a smile, “seriously?” 

“This nice ass tub ain’t going to waste”, he says as he blows foam at your face.

Your legs intertwined suddenly makes you realize you are completely naked and even more exposed than you were last night. You can’t help but bring your arms up to cover your breasts, even though they are hidden under the foam. You start to explain, “last night was--”, your eyes meet, “thank you, really, but I’m not looking for anything right now.” Your mind starts to run and replay Alex’s betrayal over and over. Tears start to well in your eyes and one escapes down your cheek. Kells leans forward and wipes away your tear with his wet soapy hand. It makes you laugh through your blurry eyes. “That didn’t really do much” you say as you wipe away the foam hanging off your face. 

“Last night felt good Y/N.” he says. 

You don’t know what to say and you look away. 

“It’s nice to just have somebody and lay next to someone you know cares about you.” he explains. 

“I care about you but,” you pause, “my emotions were running high and I was really vulnerable. I appreciate it but I’m not ready.” 

For the first time since he got in the tub with you, he breaks eye contact and looks away from you. “I’m sorry.”

“I just don’t know what you want. I know you Kells, you don’t get with a girl unless she knows you’re gonna play around on her. So tell me. Do you want like a cuddle buddy?” you ask starting to sound annoyed and tears started welling in your eyes again. Kells looks back at you. “It felt fucking amazing but I can’t have you hurt me like he did and I know you will.” you say as you wipe away some falling tears. 

“I don’t wanna hurt you. You’ve gone through hell with me, you’ve taken care of me. You’re not just a piece of ass to me. You’re fucking gorgeous and it took so much for me to not be all over you last night. I honestly didn’t know where last night was gonna lead but i’m glad as hell that you came to me.”

You both lock eyes and neither one of you speaks for what feels like minutes, but was only moments. Under the water his hands start to stroke your legs and feet. He’s too far away to reach your thighs but the soft stroking feels so good. 

“One chance,” you say softly. “You have one chance to prove me wrong, and if you don’t, that’s it.” 

He leans forward, his hands moving higher and higher up your legs. You sit up higher and move onto your knees. Your long wet hair hangs over your sudsy breasts, but as you move forward on your knees, your hair moves to the side exposing your breasts completely. Kells sits back waiting for you to crawl on top of him. He grabs you by the waist and pulls you close to him. His mouth reaches your breasts and he gently starts sucking at your nipples. As you straddle above him, you let your legs relax and you sit on his already hard boner. Your breathing becomes heavier and you put your arms around the back of his head. You run your fingers through his hair and you pull his face up from your breasts to your mouth. 

His tongue enters your mouth as it overpowers yours. Butterflies dance in your stomach as you taste him for the first time. Slow kisses become big sloppy kisses, which turn you on even more. Kells’ arms are still wrapped around your waist but start to slide down. His big hands, filled with big flashy rings, grab your ass, squishing it and rubbing it which makes you let out a moan. You start to grind against his boner, causing the water to splash out the sides of the tub. He moves his right hand off of your butt and slides it to the front of your body and down your stomach. He inserts his long fingers inside of you. You let out another loud moan. He starts pumping his fingers, you moan into his ear with every pump. You look into his eyes and can see how how much he enjoys making you feel so good. 

His pulls out his fingers, grabs his boner, and slowly pushes himself inside of you. A high, loud moan escapes your mouth as your nails dig into his back. He let's out a low groan. With his hands grabbing your ass you ride him, trying to come up for air from his kisses. He bites your bottom lip, when he let's go you move your attention to his neck, sucking behind his ear. His face buried in your chest, he kisses your round tits and moves on to sucking your neck.

He feels so good inside you and you can feel yourself coming close. Both of you moaning between each love bite, you can tell he's close too. A few more pumps and you're body enters intense euphoria. Your toes cramp up and your legs fall limp while a screamlike moan escapes your mouth. Kells' mouth drops open and a loud moan comes from him as you can feel him soften inside you.

Still intertwined in each other's limbs, you both stay sweaty and soaked holding on to each other. Both of you breathing heavy, he grabs your face to give you another long kiss. Once your lips seperate, you're both stuck there looking into each other's eyes.

Finally you pull your body off of Kells' and sit back in the tub. He stands up and climbs out of the tub, reaching for the towels on the rack. He throws one to you as you slowly stand up. You wrap it quickly around your body as you step out. After wrapping his towel around his waist be lights up the joint he sat on the counter. You try to walk past him out the door but he puts out his arm to stop you. You stop and he pulls you close by grabbing your face towards him. You hold your towel closed tight, like he hasn't already seen all of you and he seems to notice. His hand slides down from your face to your chest where he opens up your towel. You let him. He scans your body and pulls you into him by your waist.

"You're beautiful", he says as he takes a drag, blows it out and kisses you through your smile.

You turn from him, close your towel but catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror before you leave the bathroom.

"Holy shit Kells!" You say leaning closer into the mirror, "look at these hickeys.."

He laughs with his big white teeth and you can't help but not be mad. "Well you're mine now".

You smile back at him and with a wink you say, "we'll see".

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