Lad Boxman - Tumblr Posts
Lad & Logic Remember when a younger Boxman was explaining his initial evil scheme to Logic? His whiteboard depicts Foxtail, Laserblast, and Greyman. I see a few things wrong with this. First, consider the time period. At the time, Mr. Gar (and by extension Carol) have left P.O.I.N.T., possibly a couple years before if Gar's hair is any indication. The fact that neither are present on the board indicates that Boxman somehow knows this. Then again, Rippy Roo isn't there either, so he might just know about the big shots. But Laserblast is still on the board, even after time has passed with (probably) no activity from him. Second, look at step 3 of the plan, on the right of the board. Greyman's hat is there, but... is that just me, or is that Boxman getting attacked (and with two normal eyes, to boot)? Considering his apparent hatred of P.O.I.N.T., it's possible that he's an ex-member bent on revenge due to a terrible accident causing permanent damage to his face. Still, why is Greyman the one missing from the scene? Just some things to consider.
The other half of ok ko doodles I did at 1 am