Lalo Salamanca X Reader - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Y Tu, Mamá? - Yandere!Lalo Salamanca x reader

summary: your plans with your daughter change when you recognize someone from your old life and make a snap decision that will change everything.

warnings: kidnapping, manipulation, pregnancy, birthing, blood, crying/screaming, being restrained, mentioned drugging with chloroform rag, isolation, rape. 18+ readers only! this is sad & dark so beware.

Y Tu, Mam? - Yandere!Lalo Salamanca X Reader

“Por favor, mamá? Fruta?” your daughter begged, jumping in front of you.

“Ah ah ah, sweetie. In English, too,” you said, cocking your head to the side and raising your eyebrows.

“Please, mama? The fruit?”

“Of course, here you go Leticia. You know I just want you to use both mommy and daddy’s languages, right? It’ll be helpful when you get older,” you said, ruffling her hair.

As your daughter brought the bowl of fruit to the table, you brought over the rest.

“There you are, my beautiful girls!” Lalo exclaimed, entering the room and making a big gesture of kissing your forehead and your baby bump.

“Papá!” Lettie squealed, running up to your husband and wrapping her arms around his leg tightly.

You watched as he scooped her up and her legs wrapped around his midsection. She was five, still small enough to be held.

“Huevos rancheros? You spoil me, cariño,” Lalo exclaimed, placing Lettie in her chair and sitting down at the table next to her.

At seven months pregnant, you just didn’t have the energy to hate Lalo anymore. He was a good father, and he provided for your growing family. You tried to forget everything he had done to you.

And as much as you loved your daughter, she just looked so much like him. That playful smile, the dark eyes. When you gave birth to her in the bathtub just over five years ago, you were in so much pain. There was so much blood that it turned the clear water red. But when Lalo lifted Leticia up and put her on your breast, everything changed. She was your priority.

“Can we go to the zoo today?”

“Ask your mamá, I have work to do,” Lalo responded, glancing over at you. You were lost in your thoughts again, he could tell.

You were thinking about his work. It was always him and his work: hunting someone down, disappearing down to Mexico, fraternizing with the dealers.

When you found out you were pregnant with Lettie, Lalo wanted to move you all down to his house in Chihuahua, but you put your foot down. You would not leave New Mexico or America, it was your home. And, surprisingly, he agreed. He could conduct his business here just fine.

When you had gone down to Mexico on small trips with Lalo, Lettie always seemed to enjoy herself. Abuelita always spoiled the hell out of her, and she loved playing with the animals outside and practicing her spanish with her relatives. You, however always felt like you were on the outs. The family knew Lalo had kidnapped you and they looked the other way. Abuelita, the twins and Hector never even spoke to you. You were like the scum on their shoes.

“What do you say, amor? Can I trust you to take Lettie to the zoo?” he asked, giving you a half-glare that your daughter couldn’t see.

“Yes, Lalo. We’ll go after breakfast,” you sighed, forcing a smile.

You were certain that Lalo put the binoculars back in the closet. As you dug around in the dark, your hand brushed against a small shoebox. It felt empty, so you lifted it up. Tiny light-up sneakers: Lettie’s.

The box contained only a small, rectangular business card. Saul Goodman: Speedy Justice For You! There was an address and phone number on the back. Without thinking, you shoved the card in your pocket and continued looking for the binoculars.

You drove towards the BioPark, drumming your fingers to whatever pop tune was on the radio. Lettie sat quietly in her carseat behind you, playing with one of her toys.

You pulled up to a red light, your gaze unconsciously drifting to the car on your right. Your eyes narrowed and your back stiffened. The woman looked familiar. Suddenly, it clicked. It was your mother.

All you had wanted through your entire pregnancy was your mother. To speak to her, hear her voice, feel the warmth of her touch, anything. It was what you thought of when Lalo tied you down to the bed, when he stuffed your mouth with socks to quiet your screaming, and when you sat alone, numb with only your thoughts and the sensation of a body growing within yours.

So badly you wanted to cry out to her, to roll the window down and scream and weep and say anything, anything. But instead, you did not. Your voice caught in your throat and your mouth wrinkled at the corners and the light turned green and she drove off, never once looking your way.

You fought against tears as you made the split second decision to pull into a gas station and thumb out some change for the pay phone.

“I’ll be right back, sweetie,” you reassured, rolling down the window for your daughter.

Your fingers prodded the buttons shakily. “You have reached the law offices of Saul Goodman, my name is Francesca. How can I help you?” a voice spoke through the other line.

“I need an appointment with Saul Goodman as soon as possible, it’s an emergency. In fact, it’s a matter of life and death,” you urged.

“O-okay, uhm, He can fit you in at eleven thirty, that’s in half an hour. Does that work?”

“Got anything sooner?”

“When can you be here?”

“I’ll be there in fifteen. Make sure he’s ready,” you said, then slammed the phone down.

Driving east down Lomas, you could only think of one thing. How selfish you were. Because if you cared about what was best for your daughter and unborn child, it would be staying put with Lalo. You never wanted Lettie to find out that her father was a monster. No. You should be okay with playing house for the rest of your life, but you weren’t. You couldn’t do it any longer, knowing your family and the people you loved might still miss you. That’s why you had to do this.

You lifted your daughter from her carseat swiftly and held her around your waist.

“Mama, where are we?”

“It’s gonna be okay, Lettie. Don’t worry, mama’s got you,” you assured.

The waiting room was full of loud, filthy people, so you opted to head right for the next door in front of you.

“Could you please at least sign—“ Slam.

As you closed the door behind you, you almost laughed at how… American the office was.

“Are you Lalo’s lawyer?” you seethed.

“Mama, I’m scared,” Lettie cried.

“Well, attorney-client privileges state that—“

“Do you have any headphones?”

“What? What is going on here?” he laughed.

“Give them to my daughter now.”

“Okay, okay,” Saul sighed, shuffling through his drawers and coming across a Hello Kitty iphone and some knotted earbuds. He un-knotted them and plugged them in.

“This should have some teeny bopper music. Here, little girl.”

Lettie cautiously took them and you carried her away from Saul’s desk, setting her on the couch.

“Sit here and be good for mama, okay? We’ll be done in a second,” you promised, and she nodded. You put the earbuds in her ears.

“Alright, now back to the main attraction. What do you want with this alleged “Lalo” person?” Saul asked, sitting down. You cautiously sat in the chair behind you as well.

“Six years ago, Lalo Salamanca kidnapped me from my job at Los Pollos Hermanos. I was working the closing shift and everyone else had left. He grabbed me as I was leaving and shoved a wet rag in my mouth. I woke up in the condo we’ve been living in for six years. He threatened my family if I ever left. But I… I saw my mother today, at a stoplight. And now I’m here.”

“Look, I don’t want to ruffle your feathers too much, mama bird, but when it comes to Lalo, I usually lay down and take it up the ass, uh so to speak.”

“Are you saying after all this, after I find your business card in a dark closet and call your number, that Mr. Speedy Justice can’t help me?”

He laughed nervously, glancing around the room. His eyes stopped on Lettie.

“Is… is she…?”

“He raped me. Over and over, for months until he was sure I was pregnant. And now I’m pregnant again,” you stated, blinking back tears. If this man couldn’t help you, you were out of time. Lalo would punish you. Maybe even hurt your family. You were so close to seeing them again, you could feel it.

“Let me give my girlfriend a call. She works at a big firm and I’m sure she’ll take your case pro-bono. Now, I’m not a big fan of the coppers but I think it would be best to call APD and have them assigned to your family members in case word gets back to Papa Lalo.”

“I don’t have a phone.”

“Here,” he tossed you a black burner phone.

As Saul called his girlfriend, you typed in 911 and hoped to god that you weren’t making the biggest mistake of your life.

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2 years ago

Yandere Lalo Salamanca Headcanons

a/n: sorry these are so long but i cannot help but be a slut for this man

warnings: gun mention, breeding kink, sex, general nsfw content

Yandere Lalo Salamanca Headcanons


- your first mistake was simply walking into El Michoacáno

- this beautiful, sadistic man had set his eyes on you from the moment you swung that door open

- your friendly laugh and eager smile captivated him

- he truly never believed in love at first sight and all that crap until he met you

- he struck up small talk with you just to learn more about who you were

- after finding out you were a broke college student, he handed over an application at lightning speed

- even though they really didn’t need any extra workers since it’s basically a front for the cartel

- but you were none the wiser, so you eagerly took the application and brought it back a week later

- you decided you couldn’t resist the mysterious, charming man that was Lalo Salamanca

- and besides, how harmful could a family man and chef with those eyes be?

- as it turns out, very.

- on your second day, you discovered that your new workplace was the location of various drug deals

- as the only waitress, your hands shook as you smiled and brought food to the men with guns

- Lalo promised that he would always protect you, though, and you believed him

- after you had worked at El Michoacáno for about a week, you’d let it slip to Lalo that you took the bus

- he didn’t ever want you taking the “filthy, dirty public transit” and started taking you back and forth from work in his 1970 Chevrolet Monte Carlo

- one time, the windows were down and a guy in another car whistled at you

- Lalo pulled out his gun and aimed it at the man’s head as he drove away in fright

- moments like this scared you but also majorly turned you on

- it isn’t long before you’re officially dating

- some people at school start to look at you different, as you sometimes bring Lalo around just to hang out

- you start seeing Lalo’s dark side, it doesn’t raise many red flags at first

- but after he establishes rules for you, makes you quit your El Michoacáno job to keep you safe and moves you in with him, it’s already too late

- he barely ever got physical with you, but the first time was when he saw you walking with your lab partner

- he waited for the guy to leave his dorm later and killed him

- then, he came home, still bloody, and slapped you across the face

- he wants you to know that you’re only only person he gets this defensive over, you’re the only one he loves

- he even tries to make you drop out of school at one point, just so you could be with him more

- you vehemently disagree, wishing to finish your degree

- but you are still indebted to him, as he now pays for your schooling, living under his roof, and anything else you could want or need

- he never means to scare or intimidate you, he just can’t control it sometimes

- you find out he’s in the cartel after about two months

- it suddenly made sense: the men with guns at your old job, the piles of money he seemed to have, him leaving randomly in the night sometimes

- he loves seeing you wear his button-downs, even just over a tank top or your pajamas

- it just turns his possessive streak on

- he has your name tattooed over his heart <3

- if you aren’t physically with him, either he is watching you from afar or he has two of his men watching you at all times

- he is very territorial with you and pretty much everyone in Albuquerque down to Mexico knows that

- his house in Albuquerque, though nowhere near as big as his house in Chihuahua, is huge

- it’s a sprawling four-bedroom with a huge pool and the perfect view of the Sandia Mountains

- “If you think this is beautiful, wait until you see the home in Mexico we’ll raise our family in,” he tells you

- he makes it very clear to you that you will give him many little Salamanca’s, and he will make sure you enjoy the process


- B R E E D I N G K I N K

- Lalo has a huge family and wants lots of children to carry on the family name

- he also loves your body when pregnant, how both of you know that your body is hard at work growing his offspring inside of you

- his favorite trick is getting you off with his hands, works every time

- he will pin you down and have his way with you literally anytime

- he fucks you so good that there isn’t even a thought left in your head by the time he’s done

- whenever he eats you out (which is a lot, he’s a giver) he loves watching you writhe and moan beneath him

- and his mustache feels so good down there

- he can sometimes get out of control with spanking you, choking you, etc.

- but you just have to tell him and he’ll stop. he doesn’t want to hurt you unless it’s for a punishment

- but the BDE… is true. it’s all true. he’s big but the perfect size. like not too big yk? he works that cock like magic

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