Lance's Team - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Lance's team

Team- LVDR (Lavender)

Lance- You already read the bio



Lance's Team

Race: Human


Weapon : Axe with fire dust.

Bio: Kind and easy going, Valrie is the glue of the team and she keeps the gang level headed and motivated, despite her size she's very zen and occasionally acts as second in command if Lance isn't nearby or if he's unable to act. Similar to a positive instructor she always keeps the team upbeat and can come in with motivating speeches. She can come off as kinda dumb but she's just a woman with tons of heart and positivity.

Semblance: Double team- Able to make an aura construct that looks like her that can mimic her movements, thus if she slashes at a fore she'll attack twice, she can minorly direct it as long as it's not too far away from the host.



Lance's Team

Race: Bull faunus


Weapon : Large sword/tuning fork

Bio: Dahlia's the more brash and bold of the team, she speaks her mind, though she's not harsh to those close to her, she's not above telling off others for dangerous mistakes. She can come off as a bit cocky, but she loves to fight and rarely loses due to her powers, though she treats herself as the team wall, and protects them all to her best abilities, she thinks that Lance and Roselyn should beef up but also has a soft spot for twinks.

Semblance: Clap back, similar to Yang's Dahlia's semblance allows her to pile up damage through a shield like energy and send it back when the time comes- unlike yang's , hers evolved to be a complete wall and explosion kind of power, which makes hers more dangerous due to how indiscriminate the power can hurt her own allies.



Lance's Team

Race: Scorpion faunus


Weapon : Double chakrams with gravity dust to return to her.

Bio: Similar to Lance Roselyn from atlas is quiet and reserved, only speaking when she needs to, most would see her at a glance and say she's stoic, but she's not above looking silly or participating in silly things. She loves animals and children and is softer to those and her team. She also is good at gathering intel because of her steel trap mind and photographic memory. When she isn't working she's reading or tending to the team's weapons.

Semblance: Speed semblance, with a snap of her fingers everything goes to a crawl to her and she's able to cross vast distances, deal lots of damage and even turn attacks on other people by manipulating friction. After it times out she's tired and unable to use it for 20 minutes.

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