Lee Sohee Smut - Tumblr Posts
Hi!! (this is the same anon that praised the magnificent work that was Picture Perfect.) i would like to make one itty bitty baby request. (now walk with me) imagine best friend!Sohee that's like low-key (🤫high-key) obsessed with you. he begrudgingly listens to you gush about the dates some guy (Seunghan, maybe? 👀) has taken you on. he constantly nitpicks the dates and points out anything remotely negative. until one day (dramatic pause), you casually tell him that you and that same guy (SEUNGHAN) had sex after your most recent date. a switch flips in Sohee and he's sooo pissed and yelling a lil bit. you're like "what the fuck?" and "hold on, Sohee's kinda… bites finger" at the same time. you guys end up having sex and it's FILTY (both physically and verbally.) flesh this out however you see fit. this literally came to me in a hazy vision (and only you can make it sound good 🙏🏾.)
What a spicy prompt. Never run out of ideas for me, please. I hope you like and so sorry for the wait <33

𝐁𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬

Summary: He just doesn't deserve to be the goofy best friend. It's not fair.
Warnings: Language, Roommates!AU, Best Friends To Lovers, Obsession, Perv!Sohee,Cheating Implications, Slight Angst, Jealousy, Smut +18 (Minors DNI), Masturbation, Panty stealing, Handjobs, Blowjobs, Needy!Sohee, Grinding, Humping, Nipple Play, Spitting, Degradation Kink, Praise Kink
This is unedited because it's 1am. We die like hot girls here. If this is bad and incoherent don't mention it I beg...

If there is ever a time, Sohee wishes the ground would open up and swallow him whole. It would be now. Anything to get him away from here and the horrible fucking situation he has stumbled into.
Sohee had walked into your shared living room comfortably, almost nonchalantly, with his head bowed and his voice as characterically cheerful as ever. The packaged videogame is still clenched in his palms.
"This was the last one!” he burst into the living room, voice charged with enthusiasm, “I had to sell my soul to get it but-" Sohee did not anticipate walking in on you and Seunghan sitting so cosily on the couch, nor did he feel even remotely comfortable with the sight.
Your eyes widen slightly as you push off a reluctant Seunghan who had been nuzzling in between your neck.
Sohee, who already wore his entire bleeding heart on his sleeve, allowed his smile to dim dismally.
"Oh-I,” Your mouth hung open in apparent shock, “Sohee!"
His mood plummets at the sight of you hurriedly pulling to fix the button of your oversized flannel. "I didn't think you'd be home so early," You're scrambling to pull your bra strap up. At least you had the gall to appear somewhat flustered and somewhat uncomfortable. Seunghan on the other hand, ever the quiet brood, keeps his hand on your exposed thigh, with his lips pursed tight.
"I-I'm sorry for interrupting-'' Sohee isn't sure why the apology even tumbles out of his lips but it does and it causes a very deep, scorching heat to wash across his features. "It's just..." Sohee twiddles the video game cover in hands, evading all eye contact as he begins, "I-I thought we said we'd be playing today. I rented the game and everything…" Sohee doesn't dare exchange a single glance with Seunghan as he swallows thickly, "And that's why you said I should get off work earlier."
The way your eyes expand and your hands fly to cup your mouth makes Sohee feel marginally better.
"That was today? Fuck! I'm so sorry, Hee,"
"No! Don't even stress! I should've found out if you had other plans- I'm sorry."
"Jesus, Sohee don't apologise!” You look thoroughly displeased with yourself, nothing at all like the unbothered expression on Seunghan's face as he leans his head against your shoulder, still splaying mindless kisses against your skin as if Sohee wasn't even there.
It is then that Sohee decides, with blistering conviction and a beating heart, that Seunghan just doesn't deserve you.
"You shouldn't be the one apologising." You say, beginning to push yourself up off the couch, "Here, I'll turn on the tv-"
"Do that and we'll end up missing the concert." Seunghan finally pipes up beside you, "They're front row seats, babe… c'mon"
Sohee is forced to watch as you visibly melt from another man's gaze alone. The way Seymour slithers his hand around your waist, pulling your gaze towards him while you comply like a good little girl.
Sohee tastes the bile rising in the back of his throat and swallows.
"Sohee's not gonna mind," Seunghan continues, before turning to finally spare Sohee a single diginifying gaze, "Right little man?"
Sohee could hardly even begin to exclaim that he was hardly little but instead, he swallows down his words, as he is so used to doing, and he quietly says, "If you don't go, I'll kill you myself,"
The conflicted expression across your face melts away like glaciers in the summertime and you're immediately engulfing your best friend in the most suffocating hug. He never dares move away. He doesn't even dare wrap his arms around you, because your front is pressed flush against his and the blood is already beginning to rush to his cock.
You were the very object of his every desire.
Having you so close was far too dangerous.
Sohee's eyes flutter open to see Seunghan's sharp, cat-like smile over your shoulder, immediately snapping him out of his trance, until he's detangling his limbs from yours.

Sohee spends that night, as has become custom of most of his nights; with his hand down his pants, his head thrown back against the headboard, and his eyes squeezed painfully shut.
He ruts mindlessly against his own hand; vyour panties wrapped around his aching shaft and he thinks back on hours before, when you had your arms wrapped around him. How secure he felt being held there. How right it felt having you locked against him like a puzzle piece.
"You're so pretty," he mewls into the empty open air, "You're just so pretty- fuck, you feel so good " His voice is hoarse and his limbs are shaking with the knowledge that your bedroom was right next door. Empty. Absolutely void of the warmth of your presence. "Can't help it, can't help it, can't help it,"
He doesn't dare imagine what you and Seunghan might have accomplished were he not to storm in on you. He doesn't even let the thought take any sort of shape in the chambers of his mind because that space was reserved for you and him alone and soon, Sohee is moaning into the open air, forcing his eyes open so he could watch his cum spurt onto your panties and for all of 10 euphoric seconds, he is in utter bliss.

"Did you hear anything I even said?"
"What?" He most certainly didn't hear anything you said. Far too caught up in stealing intermittent glances at your breasts practically spilling out of the bust of your sundress.
"I need to start charging your mom double," You narrow your eyes, "She pays me to hang out with you,"
Sohee pushes you sideways, nearly toppling you to the other side of the couch as he continues skating his fingers over the controller.
Through the open blinds, the night is deep and a gentle heavenly breeze flows over the little gaming den you and Sohee created since the peroration of your evening together. What was supposed to be a 'study session' quickly morphed into Sohee challenging you and your incredibly arduous pride to multiple rounds of a new videogame. You're not very good at the games but Sohee is more than comfortable withholding any unnecessary skill.
Just to make you feel like you're winning.
He'd do just about anything you wanted him to.
"I didn't even see how late it's gotten, fuck- Seunghan's gonna kill me."
The time has quite literally slipped past you both, and Sohee's stomach growls in stark affirmation. He ignores it though, pausing the game to inquire, "Who?"
"Seunghan," you say, pushing yourself up from the couch. Sohee could sense a stark impression of history repeating itself and he'll be damned if he lets it happen again.
"I forgot he invited me to go watch the fireworks.” You continue obliviously, “The show starts at midnight so I should be able to make it if I-"
"You're going out with some random guy that late at night?" The smile on Sohee's face is permanent but you can sense the apprehension in his voice. It causes you to stop your movements.
You're standing adjacent to him, with your hand hanging limply from your open bag, "He's not just some random guy, though," you hope the chuckle at the end of your sentence might alleviate what little bit of tension is beginning to stir in the air.
Sohee is quiet which is very unlike him. You have your eyes narrowed with scepticism which is very unlike you.
The entire world feels like it's about to be tipped on its axis.
"He's my boyfriend."
"Who else is going to be there?" Sohee's vicious line of questioning overlaps with your defence.
"I don't think that's any of your business..."
Sohee shrugs, with his permanent smile still etched on his face as he leans forward, elbows on his knees "Humor me,"
"Seunghan wanted me to meet his friends," You're not sure why you tell him but you do.
"Isn't it a little too soon to be meeting his friends?"
Your eyebrows immediately furrow as you advance in on him, "Sohee-"
He sits back and gazes up at you from his spot on the couch. "You haven't even had sex yet and you wanna meet his friends-"
"Actually we did sleep together." The lie tumbles out of your mouth faster than you can catch it and once the words are out there, taking it back is like putting toothpaste back into the bottle. Utterly impossible.
"You… what?" Sohee's sunshine smile begins to falter and it's only then that you think you might have made a very grave mistake.
"What are you talking about?" A gasp so small but so incredibly audible wrenches itself from your throat when he bolts up from the couch. Never did you think your best friend could ever exhibit any emotions besides a near constant state of joy. Seeing him so disturbed has you feeling disturbed and perhaps you wanted to step back, but his hand is locked firmly around your wrist.
"You let him..." Sohee breaks eye contact. The boy looks like his entire world is being flipped over, "No, you wouldn't..." he shakes his head. "He probably forced himself on you, didn't he?" Your eyes widen as you watch the boy you knew begin to spiral further and further. Deeper and deeper. "Fuck, I saw how pushy he was with you the other day and I didn't do anything-"
"Sohee. Seunghan didn't-"
His hands leave your wrist to cup the sides of your face, bringing your words to a startling halt in the back of your throat. His gaze is so intense, it's as if his big eyes have the power to break you apart.
"Tell me he did it." Sohee's voice is raising and your nerves are shot to hell, "You wanna tell me the only way you had sex with Seunghan was because he made you do it… but if that's not the case-" His voice comes down from his high crescendo as he says, "Then you were being a slut all on your own."
This was not the time for you to be having even the vaguest of obscene thoughts, but your best friend of endless years has just called you a slut with such genuine conviction and his words had travelled straight to your clit. A deep warmth descends over your face, perhaps from being scolded by him so cruelly. By someone you wouldn't think even has the capabilities of speaking up in a dense crowd.
Your legs nearly give out under you, and when Sohee does a very daring thing, when he lowers his face in between your neck just as he'd seen Seunghan do, you nearly topple all the way to the ground.
"Tell me you didn't do anything," he pouts as his lips skim against your sensitive skin. You have no idea what to do with your hands, your arms, your face or your feet and so you let him nuzzle his nose into you, while your heart beats erratically.
"Tell me you weren't being a little slut-"
"F-Fuck Sohee," the moan that's slips past your lips surprises you both. And Sohee is quick to pull away from you as if your skin caught fire. His eyes are wide and they only grow wider when they meet your heavy lidded gaze. Completely overturned with lust.
What the hell did he just do?
"F-Fuck, I'm s-sorry, I-" But you're already pressing your lips against his, your arms finding purchase over his shoulders and pulling him impossibly closer. Sohee immediately whimpers against your lips while his hands sink into the softness of your curves. It's a rabid, fierce kiss that has Sohee pushing his tongue in prematurely. You find yourself not minding all that much. In fact, his eagerness only succeeds in getting you even wetter than you already were.
"Fuck, I need you so bad-" The words flowing from your mouth are music to his very ears. When you pull away, Sohee's face is bathed in red.
"You can't say stuff like that," he whispers before reattaching his lips to the side of your mouth. Now that he had you, he'd be damned if he let you get away. He'd be damned if he didn't mark up every single bit of skin available to him.
"Don't stop," your hands find purchase in his short, dyed hair before mindlessly pushing the boy back onto the couch.
He watches with swollen, open lips as you crawl up into his lap, your sundress gathering at your hips as you straddle him.
Sohee looks down and catches the faintest glimpse of your lace underwear before immediately looking back up, as if he were looking at something he was not supposed to see. Beside his naivete being so incredibly cute, it awakens a burning warmth in the pit of your stomach that only makes you needier for him.
"Look at me, Sohee," You whisper as you splay gentle kisses across his collarbone. "You need to look at me," hesitantly, Sohee's eyes drag their way to you, just in time to watch you lift the dress up over your head. His lungs are vacuumed shut and Sohee's fingers sink painfully into your ample thigh straddling his hips as you discard the dress and your bra over your shoulder.
"This can't be real," Sohee whispers when you lift his hand to place it gently against your breasts and their puckered nipples. He immediately readjusts himself underneath you. A deeply embarrassing attempt at hiding the way his hips buck up against your core.
His neediness spurs on your arousal.
You tip your head back when you pull Sohee's head against your breasts. His lips latch onto your nipples and a dazzling, choked moan runs out of your throat. The most beautiful fucking sound he's ever heard.
"Sohee-oh my God," You're grinding mindlessly against his stiff bulge while he sucks fervently, caught in the throes of your own pleasure.
"Oh-God, you're gonna make me cum-" Your quiet moans only spur him on, and Sohee brings his other hand up to tweak your other nipple as he continues to suck while you rut against him. His cock is leaking precum and his limbs are shaking from trying by all means to stop himself from cumming before you do. When you slip into your orgasm you scream his name. Not Seunghan's, or anyone else's...
He couldn't even begin to describe it. Watching you come down from you high, flushed and chest rising and falling, felt like a fucking priveledge.
"I lied," you slip out, "I didn't have sex with Seunghan." You crawl up off his lap slowly and Seunghan's narrowed eyes follow you with scepticism. "I know- it was stupid and I just felt like you were judging me and-"
"Oh my fucking God, don't ever do that again!" Sohee places a hand on his heart as he physically deflates. Unbeknownst to him, the sneakiest smile flits it's away across your face.
"It's almost like you were jealous or something?" Between the teasing tone in your voice and the fact that you were kneeling right in front of him, rubbing against his sweater clad thigh, Sohee did not know where to place his focus. He felt himself slipping into that very needy state right before your eyes, and you were all too pleased to watch it happen.
"I wasn't..." his words ebb away into a wavering exhale when you bring your hand to the waistband of his sweats, politely urging them down just enough to place your hand over the rock hard bulge in his pants. He still hasn't cum yet and he's all too aware of it now.
"I wasn't-"
"What was that?" You're kneeling in front of him now. Dipping your head down as if you would dare let your mouth make contact.
"I wasnt jealous- F-FUCK,"
You had done quick work of pulling his cock out, letting Sohee roll his head back, careful to still keep his half lidded eyes on you.
He watches with bated breath and a helplessly pained expression as you bow your head over his shaft and spit.
"Oh my God," the second your spit connects your mouth to the head of his cock he's absolutely done for; rolling his hips up intermittently, hoping for at least the faintest bit of friction again.
"Please, please, please-" His voice breaks in between his begging and your smile only widens, "I've w-waited for so long?"
"You've thought about me like this?" You cock your head to the side as you begin to pump Sohee's cock ever so slowly. "You've been having bad thoughts about me, Sohee?"
"F-Fu- c-could you just-" He attempts to lift his hips up, guiding his glistening cock through the palm of your hand but you don't budge.
"So you were jealous then?" Sohee visibly deflates at the egotistical conviction in your voice.
You wanted to make him say it.
"Just admit that-"
"I was jealous, Okay! Fuck- I thought you could already tell!" He whines, motioning down at his aching cock leaking precum. His head rolls backwards when you resume your stroking and pick up the pace. "G-God, I've wanted you f-or so long," he can barely keep his words in his mouth and the words that do slip out, are sloppy and messy.
Sohee runs his hand through his hair as he watches you bow your head over his lap. He is utterly transfixed. So transfixed he doesn't even register that his mouth is hanging open, his tongue lolling out slightly. "D-Dont-"
His cock twitches the second your mouth encloses around the head of his cock and he's pushing you down by your head, eliciting a surprising yelp from you. "m'Sorry! m'so, so sorry, you just feel so good," Sohee clenches his teeth as he rams his cock into your mouth, and you take all of him. You take him so fucking well.
"Where can I cum?!" He manages to ask in a strained, tense voice and you lift your head like lightning, still furiously stroking his cock.
"Wherever you want."
His eyes shoot to the back of your skull and Sohee only manages to quickly reply, "O-On your tits," before you're pressing your boobs together, allowing him to shoot his load all over your chest. He tries to keep his eyes open, he really does. But the little he's able to see before the pleasure takes over him completely is enough for Sohee to replay in his mind for decades.
"O-h my God," he exhales, before finally slumping back in his seat, "F-Fuck,"
You stare down at the mess he's made all over your chest, quickly promoting Sohee to do the same...
"Uh- I'm sorry-"
"Apologise one last time and you won't get to cum next time."
Sohee swallows thickly. Those two words ring louder in his ear than anything else you said: Next time.