Lee!jax - Tumblr Posts
꒦꒷ boo♡︎booth day ꒦꒷
day : 1

🇮🇹:oh hu penzo che caine pomni kinger bubble ragatha zooble jax and gangle sono andati in una trapolla adesso dovranno essere solleticati con tortura fino a ce sarrano rossi con le lacrime~7//7
🇺🇸:Oh hu i think caine pomni kinget bubble ragtha zooble jax and gangle are get in a trap now they have to be tickled with torture until they r fluttered w tears~ 7//7

꒦꒷ boo♡︎booth day ꒦꒷
Day : 2

🇮🇹:oh poveri carini abbiamo iniziato bene si stanno tratenendo le loro risate vero~ -//-💕
🇺🇸:Poor cuties we did start good they r holding theyt giggles true~ -//-💕

꒦꒷ boo♡︎booth day ꒦꒷
Day : 4

🇮🇹:che piedini e guancie carini~ -//-💕
🇺🇸:What a cute feets n cheeks~ -//-💕

꒦꒷ boo♡︎booth day ꒦꒷
day : 6

🇮🇹:awww che carini si stanno arrossendo~ -//-💕
🇺🇸:awww how cute they r flutered~ -//-💕

꒦꒷ boo♡︎booth day ꒦꒷
Day : 7

🇮🇹:aww i carini dell circo penzavano che era un succo di fragola? No scioccini e una pozione di solletico~^//^💕
🇺🇸:aww the cuties of the circus tought that it was an a strawberry juice? No silly it's an a tickle potion~ ^//^💕

꒦꒷ boo♡︎booth day ꒦꒷
Day : 9

🇮🇹:ecco un attaco di rangi! ^//^ speriamo che nn mordano ಠ_ಠ
🇺🇸:Here an a spider attack! ^//^ i hope they wouldn't bite ಠ_ಠ

day 6: ✨ pet names ✨

UUUGGHHH this is so good! 😭❤️
First off, LOVE the idea of Ragatha being a mean Ler. Especially when it come to Jax, who deserves that shit more than anyone else there 😂
I may or may not have squealed a bit at the thumping part 😂 I have a bunny myself, and the little rage thumps are the cutest things in the world. Favorite part.
Loved that Gangle was low key going along with it too. 10/10 🐰🤍❤️
Maybe I did, Maybe I didn’t.
Welcome! To my first Digital Circus Fanfic! This one took wayyyy longer than expected cause I had to basically rewrite Jax after episode two. \O-0/
Please enjoy, and let me know if you want more of these goobers. I’d be happy to write for them again.

So… without further a-due!
“A-Alright Crybaby get off will ya?” Jax sighed as he stumbled around attempting to untangle himself from Gangle’s ribbons.
“I uh… I-I-I’m sorry! I just… I didn’t!” Gangle stuttered in a panic.
“Yeah yeah… *SQUAK*-ing whatever! Just- Get off of me!” Jax groaned over as his leg got caught.
“Um.. O-Ok…I’ll try……” Gangle mumbled fidgeting and squirming as she tried to unwrap herself from around Jax…
A few minutes passed with no luck and Jax was getting impatient.
“Whats the hold up?” Jax asked straining his neck to look back at Gangle.
“I-I I’m trying! I can’t- Jax, I think I’m stuck!” Gangle gasped as she pulled at her ribbons beginning to panic.
“Oh you have gotta be *BLOOP*-ing kidding me!” Jax groaned angrily. Jax sighed in annoyance squirming around where he stood trying to untangle himself while Gangle tried to tug and pull.
“Ow! Jax! Th-That hurts!-“
“Stop squirming!”
“Ugggh! Just- let me try to…
“GYAAAH! AHH! Watch the tail! Watch the tail!” Jax yelped stumbling back - clumsily tripping over his own two feet falling to the circus floor with a loud thud.
“Jax! Oh my gosh! Are you ok?!” Gangle gasped as uncovering her eyes to see a rather annoyed rabbit. Jax let out a huff of annoyance. “Ok, this isn’t working…”
“Sh-Should we go find Caine?… He might know what to do…”
“Weren’t ya listening this morning? He said he’s busy all day and won’t be around, something about working on a new project or something…” Jax reminded the ribbony circus member.
“O-Oh… r-right… um… what about Zooble?”
“Oh *SPLAT* no! They’ll never let me live this down!” Jax refused as he struggled to sit up. “And before you ask, Kinger is out of the question… he’ll just make it worse.” Jax continued.
“Well then who do you suggest?”
Ragatha sleepily rolled over in her warm bed snuggling deeper under the covers. It was a day off from all of Caine’s crazy adventures so why not sleep in?
The doll sighed in content as she began to doze off again but jumped out of her relaxed state when she suddenly heard frantic knocking on her bedroom door. She slowly and sluggishly climbed off her bed and made her way to the door.
“I swear if this is Jax with another bug I am going to abstract…” She sighed rubbing her eyes as she opened the door.
As the light form the hallway filled her room she was greeted with a sight she was definitely not expecting…Jax with a rather unamused look on his face had one arm pinned to his chest and the other to his side from Gangle’s signature red shiny ribbons wrapped tightly around his torso. To say Jax and Gangle were in a tight spot… was an understatement.
“Jax!? W-What did you do?!” Ragatha asked with an cross expression.
“This isn’t what is looks like Rags! Just-“ Jax began but was quickly interupted by Gangle.
“Ragatha! Help! I-I’m stuck!” While Ragatha was worried for her friends, well… Gangle at least. She couldn’t help the amused smile coming on her face I mean… it was a little funny.
“Shut it Dollface.” Jax snapped awkwardly pointing a gloved finger at her… well, as best he could in his current position.
“I didn’t say anything.” She chuckled looking at the two of them up and down. “Do I… even wanna know how this happened?” Ragatha questioned gesturing to the two’s current predicament. She honestly was somewhat eager to hear what Jax did this time to cause this mess.
“Look, all I did was scare crybaby and she wrapped herself around me in a panic.” Jax explained in an annoyed tone. There it was.
“Well serves you right Jax… How many times have I told you NOT to scare her!” Ragatha sighed pointing an angry plush finger at the rabbit. Jax just rolled his eyes at her scolding.
“So… I’m assuming you two need my help?” Ragatha asked leaning against the door frame.
“Ugh, fine just- I swear Rags if you tell ANYONE about this, I’ll fill your pillows with centipedes!” Jax threatened as Ragatha welcomed the two into her room.
“I wouldn’t be making threats right now if I were you mister...” Ragatha smirked as she closed the door and flicked on the room light.
“Tsk- Whatever.” Jax grumbled sitting down criss cross on the plush rug. Ragathe inspected how badly Gangle had tangled herself around the prankster. She circled her friends in search of where to start…
“Wow, you two really are stuck huh?” She stated settling on a knot behind Jax’s back. She kneeled down and began fiddling with the knot.
“Alright, I think I can get you free… just stay still you two…” Ragatha reassured her friends, trailing her finger along the length of the ribbons around Jax’s back closely checking the grooves and knots to find a place that might give. She saw Jax’s fur stand up slightly as she started undoing the knots
“You alright Jax?” Ragatha askes.
“Uh y-yeah, just-“ Jax felt Gangle’s ribbons begin to shake and squirm against him. “Huh? Gangle! Quit squirmin’ you’ll make it worse!” Jax deadpanned as her grip tightened around him.
“S-Sorry, R-Ragathat that tihickles a little…” Gangle whined as the doll fiddled with her ribbons.
“Oh you have got to be kiddin’ me…” Jax rolled his eyes.
“Heheh, sorry Gangle…” Ragatha smiled with endearment as the she continued to quietly snicker nuzzling her face into Jax’s chest trying to muffle her giggling.
“What the- Hey!” Jax grumbled.
“Hmmm ok.. lets try this knot…” Ragatha chuckled as Gangle’s giggles died down.
“Geez Crybaby, never woulda guessed you would be so ticklish… might have to tell the rest of the crew about this after all~” Jax teased with his usual cheeky smirk.
“Nooooo! Jaaaax!” Gangle whined burying her face even deeper into his chest, making the rabbit laugh. Gangle was always so easy to tease it was hilarious…
“Jax, don’t be mean.” Ragatha frowned as she managed to get another knot undone allowing Jax a little more wiggle room.
“There we go… does that feel any better??” Ragatha asked.
“Y-Yeah…” Gangle mumbled. Ragatha took that as confirmation to keep going and she scooted over to Jax’s side.
“How are you doing Jax?” The doll asked.
“Just peachy Dollface…” Jax replied with a huff.
“Hmmm… ok give me a second…” Ragatha’s finger glided along the ribbons against his side trying to follow the trail to find the source of the knots. Jax stiffined at the touch, and reflexively jerked away a little from the doll’s hand. Ragatha looked at Jax with a raised brow.
“Uh… heheh- G-Gettin’ a little handsy there aren’t ya Rags?…” Jax chuckled trying to take focus off of himself. He smirked when he saw Ragatha’s face flush in annoyance.
“No! I- Ugh, as If! I swear you’re so immature Jax…” Ragatha rolled her eyes making Jax smile brighter. Jax jumped a little with a strained gasp when Ragatha placed her hand back at his side gently gliding along the purple fur.
Jax shivered biting his lip as Ragatha’s fingers traveled upwards to his neck. Jax’s usual smile grew wobbly as he felt Ragatha’s fingers dance across the sensitive area.
“Jax? Are you sure you’re ok? You’re all squirmy…” Gangle asked looking up at the rabbit. While Jax may not remember everything from his human life… like his face or name… he definitely remembers how sensitive he is and always has been… his sides being a particularly bad spot. Which explains why he jolted as if being electrocuted as Ragatha wiggled her finger under a ribbon on his ribs, trying to loosen it. He turned his body away from her hand.
“Jax?” Ragatha asked noticing how tense and squirmy the rabbit had gotten all of the sudden.
“Its n-nothing! I-I’m fine!…” Jax snapped. There was a pause between the two of them, both refusing to speak before the other. Jax sighed as his ears drooped slightly.
“Look… I got a lot of stuff to do today so just- GAAEEE!” Jax suddenly screeched - his ears shooting up straight as he clamped his arm down over top of Ragatha’s fingers, which were now under his arm. His own cheeks flushed, glancing at Ragatha before he turned his gaze away.
“Well well, looks like Gangle isn’t the only ticklish one here hm?” Ragatha teased, making Gangle giggle. Seeing the smirk on her face Jax couldn’t bring himself to snap back at the doll. All he gave as a response was a huff of annoyance, as he continued to look in the opposite direction.
“Heheh, not denying it?” Ragatha smirked poking his cheek making Jax groan.
“Tsk, W-Whatever Rags… Just- Just watch it will ya!?” Jax growled refusing to look at her. He wasn’t even aware tickling was a thing in this digital world… until about five minutes ago that is…let alone it’s accuracy to the real thing… This wasn’t even his real body! So why did it feel so real…? He was drawn out of his thoughts by Ragatha’s small chuckle at his embarrassment. He eyed her closely as she reached for his side again but Jax flinched away. “What? Don’t trust me?~” Ragatha teased wiggling her fingers tauntingly. The purple rabbit’s cheeks grew darker as he squirmed away from the hands that where drawing closer, his nerves sending anticipatory ticklish shocks up his spine.
“Greaah! H-Hey!” Jax squeaked bending his torso away from her approaching hand. Gangle and Ragatha both giggled at his reaction. Jax could feel their eyes on him as he glanced away once again.
“Geez- How sensitive are you?” Ragatha teased putting her hands in her hips.
“N-None of yohour business!” Jax snapped through a few giggles.
“Ohok ok, I’ll stop.” Ragatha smiled. Jax let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding as she went back to her original task. A few minutes went by and Ragatha saw Jax beginning to relax again while she worked on a knot on his shoulder.
“Ok… almost got it…” Ragatha smiled fiddling with the small knot. Jax made a small hum in acknowledgement and sighed - relieved this would all be over soon.
“So, what have we learned from this experience?” Ragatha spoke looking at Jax, who was still gazing over at the wall…
“Jax…” Ragatha pressed with a warning tone moving so she was in his field of view. Jax only looked the other way refusing to make eye contact…
“Awww whats the matter? Why won’t you look at me?“ She teased, still no response from her rabbit counterpart aside from an irritated huff.
“Is someone a little embarrassed?~” She pressed booping his nose making the rabbit groan.
“Come on Jax~ What did we learn?” Ragatha giggled threateningly wiggling her plush fingers at him making the purple rabbit tense.
“D-Dollface!- cut it out! ! I-I’m warning you!” Jax stuttered his arms closley pinning to his body as his usual grin grew to a far more nervous one.
“And what will you do Jax? You’re not exactly in prime condition to fight back or even stop me for that matter…” She smirked playfully resting her hands on his sides not moving them yet just to fluster him further.
Jax felt his cheeks burn once again, for once he was grateful for his purple fur as it covered the embarrassingly warm hue that tinted his cheeks. He wasn’t used to being so flustered… He’s the one thats supposed to milk reactions out of others! Not the other way around! Jax squirmed as he used his feet to push himself back and away from the doll. If he wasn’t all tangled up by Gangle he would have just booked it but that obviously wasn’t an option, so the next best thing? Threatening of course… right?
“R-Rags! *SPLAT* Dohon’t do this! I’ll uh… I’ll- I’ll tell Kinger you stole his bug collection!” Ragatha smirked as she got closer. She’d never admit it, but seeing such a panicked and childish expression on the prankster rabbit’s face was quite amusing.
“Like I said before Jax, I wouldn’t be making threats while in your position.” Ragatha smiled gently squeezing his furry sides just below his ribs.
“Ah! *BONK* Gaahaa! No wahait!” Jax shrieked curling in on himself best he could in his current situation.
“Aw whats the matter Jax? Is the cocky bunny boy a little ticklish?~” The doll snickered.
“C-Cohome ohon Dollface! Th-This isn’t fuhunny!!” Jax giggled trying and failing to push her hands away.
“Hmmm, well I’m not the one laughing here am I, Giggles?” Ragatha teased letting her fingers explore up and down his sensitive sides eventually settling under his arms.
Jax’s laugh was different from how she expected. It was nothing like his usual sinister chuckle or evil cackle he released almost on a daily basis. This laugh sounded far more innocent, childlike even. It was almost endearing… almost.
“*BONK!* nohohoho! D-Dohohon’t cahall me thahat!!” Jax shrieked lowering his head trying to hide his face.
His laughter began to grow more frantic as she found a little sweet spot right at the base of his inner arm.
“Ahh! *BOING* Nononohohohoho! Rahags cohome on!” The rabbit shrieked arching his back in attempts to escape the unbearable sensation.
“Aww why not~ Don’t like that name? How about Gigglebug, or Chucklehead? Hmmm oh! What about Snickers?” Ragatha smirked pinching up and down his ribs.
“Eeheheha! F-F*Boing* Yohohou!! GyaAHAAH Nohohoho! Nohot the neck nohot the neheheck!!” Jax squealed scrunching his shoulders up as his laughter grew higher in pitch. Ragatha brought her plush hands up against the soft fur of the rabbit’s neck searching for a spot that would make his squeal.
“But Jax, Your fur is just so soft here, How can I not? Just look how fluffy!” The doll smiled using both her hands to gently scritch under his chin and at the sides of his neck. God out of everyone in the circus Ragatha was one of the last people Jax would think to be so ruthless! He hasn’t been teased this relentlessly since he was a child. Even though he couldn’t remember their faces, he remembers the many times he was tickled by his family back in the real world while growing up, mostly for being a little *Splat*.
Ragatha smirked fluttering her plush fingers under his chin excruciatingly light. Jax’s laughter died down to little squeals and giggles as he tossed his head from side to side, his ears flopping about. Ragatha laughed as she saw Jax’s foot begin to thump against the floor as his laughter began to grow more panicked and squeaky the higher her fingers went.
“Haha! I know! I’ll call you Thumper! How does that sound?” She snickered.
“N-nohoho!! F-*Boing* YOHOU! A-and F-*Squish* yohohour nihicknAHAHAMES!!” Jax screeched as his squirming intensified when her fingers found his ears.
“Gyaaahaahaa!! Rags- Wait wait wahahahait! Ahaha! Sh-*boing*! Th-Thahat feheheels sohoho wehEHEHEIRD!!” Jax snorted.
“Pfft! D-Did you just snort Jax?” gangle giggled as Ragatha’s fingers continued to lightly dance along the base of his ears.
“N-NohohohOHOHO!?” Jax denied as small tears of mirth began to appear at the corners of his eyes.
“Stahahap wihith the ehehears alreadyhyhy!!” Jax begged instinctively bringing his shoulders up higher, though it did nothing to ease the ticklish feeling.
“Heheh ok I’ll be nice… hmmm, where should I try instead? Any ideas Jax?” She cooed giving the rabbit a break.
“I-I’m gonna kihill you Rags…” Jax deadpanned through heaves of air.
“Oh! How about I get this fluffly little tummy of your! Hows that sound?“ Ragatha smirked in a teasing tone, her playful big sister side coming into full fruition as she darted her fingers to his belly. Despite the barrier of fabric that lay between his sensitive skin and her tickling fingers, the sensation and the reaction it produced was nothing short of overwhelming.
“N-NohohohOAHAHAHAH! Sh*Sploink*! NAHAHT THEHERE!” Jax laughed tossing his head back against the wall as he melted to the floor like butter.
“Heheh… awww look at you laugh! Isn’t this just the cutest thing?” The doll complimented only making his ears tint pink.
“SHUHUHUHUT UHUHUHUP!” The purple character wheezed kicking and squirming his body as she gently poked and prodded at the sensitive area.
“Hehe! I think you found his tickle spot.” Gangle giggled as the Rabbits’s laughter evolved into belly laughs when Ragatha dug her plush fingers into the rabbit’s tummy vibrating them against the fluff. Jax wheezed kicking his legs. Ragatha smiled, she sometimes forgot how young Jax actually was. He was only 22, still a young adult really… he barely had any time to really experience being grown up before being thrown into such a hellish place, and while he was immature… she couldn’t really blame him… His laughter only further proved how young he was, full of voice cracks and squeals.
“OHOHOK! Ohohok! I GIHIVE! I’m sohorry Gangle! I- I wohon’t scahare yohohou anymohore AHAHA!” Jax cackled rolling on his side trying to protect himself. That was all Ragatha needed to hear. So she lifted her fingers off of the rabbit and Jax’s laughter died back down to giggles as he began attempting to regain his composure.
Jax opened one of his eyes to glare at her but Jax could sense the playfulness and lack of ill intent, annoyance, or even frustration with him… on her face and that somehow stopped him?… and as mad as he tried to make it seem he was… Ragatha could tell he had fun.
“Heh… You’re ticklish everywhere huh?” The doll smiled. Jax slumped down against the wall taking in deep breaths of air.
After a minute or two Jax’s breathing began to return to normal and he finally fully looked up at Ragatha with a flushed face.
“W-What?!” Jax asked as she continued to stare at him.
“Heh, nothing… you’re just cute.”
“Ugh ew! Don’t start with that now!” Jax groaned still regaining his breath pushing her back with his foot.
“Hehey! Look no hard feelings, I had to take this opportunity didn’t I? When else would I have gotten the chance to get some revenge for all your pranks huh?” Ragatha smirked crossing her arms.
“And don’t even try telling me you wouldn’t do the exact same to me if the roles were reversed.” The doll smirked poking his nose.
“Grrrr… Ok… th-thats fair I guess…” Jax lamented in defeat he honestly didn’t have the energy to fight back right now...
“I will have my revenge Rags, don’t you worry…” Jax threatened.
“Yeah yeah, I’m sure you will… Now I think its about time we untangle this mess.” Ragatha smiled gently grabbing a loose end of Gangles ribbon and gently pulling on it sending the two circus members rolling across the floor as Gangle unravelled from around Jax in one long motion.
“There we go, all done, you two ok?” Ragatha asked with a sympathetic smile.
“Wha-?! How did?! Oh you slippery little *Boing*! You knew how to untangle us all along didn’t you?!” Jax accused pointing a finger at the doll.
“Maybe I did, Maybe I didn’t…” She smirked getting up off the floor and dusting herself off. “Heheh. Wait here, I’ll go get you some water.” She smiled and left her two friends on the floor.
“We never speak of this again, understood Crybaby?” Jax warned pointing a finger at the ribbon circus member.

Attention Seeker
A/N: First TADC tk fic! lmk if you have any suggestions/prompts cause my brain is about fried atp.
Summany: Ragatha's ignoring Jax for being a prick. It's only after he brings Pomni into their little spat that she decides to do something about it.
Characters: Ler!Ragatha, Switch!Pomni, Switch!Jax
Word Count: 2004
Warnings: This is a tickle fic! Scroll if that's not your thing.
"Raaaags! Ragathaaaaa! Rags, talk to meeeeeee!" The rabbit whined pathetically as he flopped face first to the floor to add to his dramatics.
Ragatha crossed her arms and stared blankly in front of her. She'd be damned if she gave into his theatrics after the stunt he pulled yesterday.
Pomni tip-toed her way over to the doll, careful to gauge her mood before speaking up.
"You're- uh- still not talking to Jax, huh?" The jester tried.
To no one's surprise, Jax pulled some underhanded shit during yesterday's game. Thankfully, that game was more tame than the usual as Caine decided to make all of them play a rather distorted version of 'capture the flag', only the playing field was covered in thick black tar-like substance, which made the game slower and over all less fun but Caine did say he was experimenting with ideas.
Long story short, Ragatha had gotten the other team's flag and was about to win before Jax thought it'd be clever to use poor Gangle as a lasso and trip Ragatha by her ankle. Causing her to fall face first into the gooey substance.
So yeah, Ragatha understandably ignored the purple prick for the rest of the day and supposedly the silent treatment carried onto this morning.
Ragatha scoffed at the question. "I have nothing to say to that jerk. Whatever Caine has planned for us to do today, I'm not saying a word to him." She said making direct eye contact with said jerk. Pomni swore she saw his ears go down a bit.
They both knew that wouldn't last. If there's one thing anyone knew about Jax, is that he can't survive without attention. And Lord, was he the biggest attention seeker Pomni's ever seen. Jax would just dedicate the entire day to pushing Ragatha's buttons until she snapped, earning everyone's attention as well as winning whatever sick game he'd imagined in his head.
Caine appeared not two minutes later and the cast proceeded with their little theme song as usual and afterwards, the ringmaster explained the rules of today's little adventure.
Another safe one, thank God. Pomni thought. Perhaps the man was starting to notice how strung out everyone had become and decided to cut them some slack.
Today's game was a timed scavenger hunt throughout the circus, with two separate teams taking turns in the main room to find the mising items as quick as possible while the other team waited in the hallway for their turn. They were split up into two teams. Ragatha instantly grabbed Pomni's hand and not even a split second later, Jax flung himself at the doll and screamed for Caine to team them up together.
Gangle, Kinger, and Zooble's team went first, which meant the other three were poofed into a random hallway away from the action.
Pomni fidgeted due to the tense atmosphere. Jax of course, took his chance to bug the shit out of the other girl. First trying to make conversation, then teasing her, then poking, shaking, singing, yelling, joking, flopping round again, but nothing seemed to break the doll's focus. Ragatha rolled her eyes at his theatrics before shooting them over to Pomni.
"Sheesh, these games have been real tame and non life-threatening lately right, Pomni? Seems like Caine's finally decided to cut us all a break!" She forced a laugh as she nudged the other girl.
Pomni looked rather taken aback by the sudden conversations but decided to play along nonetheless. "O-oh. Right. I-uh, really enjoy not being in danger for once, yknow?" She laughed nervously.
The rabbit shot up as the two continued their bland conversation, annoyed that he was being ignored completely.
Pomni felt rather proud of herself when Ragatha laughed at one of her jokes, her victory was short-lived however, letting out a yelp as she was suddenly yanked in the air by her underarms.
"HEY!-" She panicked and squirmed, having to force down a rather embarrassing noise that threatened to come out of her throat.
"Whatcha two ladies talkin' about?"Jax had that stupid smug grin on he always wore when he thought he was being smart. Ragatha, obviously, was not amused but threw in the towel anyways as it wasn't fair to Pomni to get her any more involved with their little spat any more than she already was.
"Put her down, Jax." The doll demanded.
Pomni tried to grab at the rabbit's gloved hands as she kicked her feet in the air. "Whaaaaaat? We’re just having a little fun is all! Ain’t that right, Pomni?”
The jester grunted and allowed her limbs to go limp, it was obvious she wasn’t gonna get free by herself and didn’t want to risk entertaining the rabbit any further.
“This is not fun for me. Please put me doWN!!!-“
Pomni’s entire body went rigid as soon as that prick started wriggling his fingers under her arms.
She was able to keep her laughter in for all of maybe half a second before exploding in hysterical laughter. The awful sensation causing her to thrash almost twice as hard now.
“Why laugh if you’re not having any fun, Bug Eyes?” Jax laughed along with her, pleased with the strong reaction.
Ragatha was still stone-faced, however, sighing as she moved to release the other girl.
“Jeez you really can’t go five minutes without bullying someone can you?” The doll grunted as she wrestled with the rabbits long ass arms. Jumping in the air a few times when he decided to hold Pomni straight over his head.
Ragatha was getting increasingly annoyed, Pomni was getting more hysterical by the minute, and of course Jax looked like he was having the time of his life.
But you know what? Two can play at that game.
“Gohohod! You two are hilarious. Say Rags, this almost reminds me of the time Caine had you screaming in the air for saying- OOMF!”
The wind knocked out of Jax’s throat as he was full-on tackled to the floor.
Thankfully, this gave Pomni the chance to escape but was still on top of the rabbit’s hands as she tried to compose herself.
“What the &!$@%# Rags?! I was just messing around, there’s no reason to get all pis-“
“Hold his wrists, Pomni.”
That was all the warning they got before the doll’s hands latched onto Jax’s hips and began tickling him mercilessly.
The high pitch scream that tore from his throat probably would’ve made the jester fall into another fit of laughter if she weren’t so taken aback by it herself.
Thankfully she caught up to speed in time to get a hold of the rabbit’s hands that were desperately trying to free themselves.
Oh my God he’s &!$@%# losing it. Pomni thought as she observed the poor guys reactions.
It was quite a sight to see fucking Jax of all people go berserk over something as simple as tickling. It was a little unnerving to be honest.
What was even scarier was Ragatha’s face hadn’t changed from the ice cold scowl she’s had on since Jax started all this shit.
She looked kinda angry.
“pleheheheAHAHAHA!!-“ Jax wheezed. “You cahAHAHAHAN’T- You cahahahahan’t just- BWAHAHAHAHAAA!!!-“
“Oh so it’s only fair for you to pick on people huh?” Ragatha spat. “Y'know I think everyone here’s had about enough of your &!$@%#, Jax. You wanted attention that bad? Well here you go! Let’s see how you like being bullied for once.”
Her hands migrated down to his upper thighs, the doll now settling her weight on his calves. Giving the rabbit just enough leeway to twist and buck his hips like crazy.
Though he seemed to be breathing a bit easier with the change in spots, didn’t mean he still wasn’t absolutely losing his mind here.
“ahh…ahahaHAHAHAHehe- ohkahahay! Okay! I’m sohohorry! Is that what you guys wanna hear?! I’ll bahahahack ohohoff. Juhuhust- JUST!!-“
“You sure all this is okay? He’s starting to seem a bit lightheaded.” Pomni asked, more than a little concerned at the guy’s state despite what he’d pulled earlier. She knew they didn’t technically need to breathe but that only means this situation must be really messing with him.
Ragatha looked up and stilled her hands before withdrawing them completely.
“Trust me, he’s fine. We’ve put his sorry ass through a lot worse. And he would’ve kept tormenting you until Caine came in to stop him so he deserves everything he gets.” She explained as she got up from her spot on Jax’s legs and made her way over to where Pomni was stationed over their victim’s head.
The brief intermission allowed Jax to gather his bearings and a bit of his audacity too it seemed like.
“Yohohou…*huff*… You two are going to regret this. D-Dohohohon’t think for a second that you won anything. After all there’s plenty of centipedes for me to-AAAAA!!!!”
That ungodly shriek was almost worse than the first one. The jerk didn’t even get to finish his little vow for revenge before Ragatha dropped back down to scribble, squeeze, and prob rapidly over her victim’s belly.
“I know you can’t fathom the feeling, Jax, but I was going to be nice and call it quits there. But you just don’t know when to. Shut. Your. TRAP!!”
Pomni couldn’t help herself from laughing this time. With nothing pinning the poor guy’s legs down, they were flying through the air in every direction while he screamed like a little girl.
Seriously, Pomni doubted even she could reach that kind of pitch.
The whole things was just ridiculous to watch. She was sure her ears were bleeding by now but she couldn’t help the full on belly laughter that forced its way out of her.
Ragatha looked over at her friend as she doubled over in laughter. It was at that point, Ragatha truly realized how ridiculous this entire situation was and that scowl she had permanently plastered on her face finally bloomed into a smile as she too began to laugh.
Another ear-piercing screech and they were both done.
The two of them simultaneously lost their hold on their victim as they fell to the floor, rolling and clutching their stomachs as bouts of laughter poured out of them.
Jax layed there for a while, absolutely mortified at this entire ordeal. He began plotting his revenge almost immediately, if only to keep himself sane while hearing those two &!$@%# laugh at him.
Okay, maybe he wasn’t fond of all the attention he received.
Just as the girl’s laughter was starting to die down, a voice boomed through the hallway.
“Terribly sorry for the wait, friends! It appears that there’s been a rather embarrassing oversight on my part! You see, I told the others that I’ve hidden five items but instead only hid four! The fifth one was in my POCKET!-“
Caine explained as he pulled a rubber duck out of his pocket. Stopping himself abruptly seeing the state his other three guests were in.
Was it that funny? The ringmaster asked himself at hearing the two girl’s laughter finally dying down. That was before he saw Jax, still sprawled out on the floor and decided he didn’t really want to know.
“Does this mean we forfeit?” Jax slurred lazily.
“Nonsense!” Caine announced, deciding to ignore the his guest’s disappointed groans. “This just means we have to start a new game! You all seemed to LOVE playing ‘Capture the Flag’ yesterday! So I thought, why not give it another GO-“
Ragatha threw her shoe at the ringmaster before he even finished his statement. Of course, this prompted another bout of laughter from both Pomni and Jax this time.
Unfortunately, Caine took all of that as enthusiasm and prepared their little field from yesterday.
Pomni wasn’t certain if those two were gonna bring their bad energy back on the field, not to mention Jax was no doubt itching for payback right about now.
One thing was for certain, though. Pomni was staying the &!$@%# out of it this time.
A short drabble because this show is imprinted in my brain..
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Lee: Jax
Ler: Gloink

"Guhuhuys? Ihihihi don't lihihike thihihis!" Jax said.
Said bunny was lying on the floor, trying desperately to get a Gloink off of him. Worst part of it all, was that the tickly sensations that the Gloink was giving Jax quickly made him weak, so his feeble attempts at getting the shape off of him was a doozy.
"What? It's just a Gloink playing with your ears, Jax. Besides, you did this upon yourself." Ragatha said, enjoying the revenge for all those times he wanted to be rude and unfair with everyone in the digital circus. He somehow was rude to Caine too! Not that it was a surprise, I mean.. It's Jax, what do you expect?
But that wasn't the reason why he was getting attacked by a Gloink. It was because he said a curse word, and the Gloink heard it, unfortunately. Not that they were really proned to attack others who curse in the digital world. It's mainly just for fun, but it was also for things like what Jax put himself through.
"Shuhut uhuhup! Ihihi didn't do anything to these things!" Jax tried to pry off the culprit, but it was no use. That Gloink was not going anywhere!
"Hehehelp mehe get this ohohof! The feheheling is unbeheharable!" Jax said. He tilted his head closer to the floor on instinct, trying to do everything in his power to get it off his sensitive ears.
"I don't know Jax.. That one seems pretty determined to stay where it is." Ragatha said, crossing her arms dramatically.
"GYAhahah! Youohou jeeheherk! OHOHO MIHIihihiy GohoHOHOhohd! AAH!-"
Welp.. Today was going to be a long day for Jax..
The Almighty Gloinks
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I'm just going to stop predicting that I will go with what I post because I don't think this is going to be a drabble. :)
eh, more for us TADC fans, am I right?
Literally though, I can't hold in the urge to make a fanfic of TADC any longer. I need to make an actual fanfic of this episode or it's gonna drive me insane. 🥲
Also, for those who don't know, the usage of (~) which is called a Tilde- (pronunciation: [Till-D-Aye] - is to drag out a word. I learned that's what it was for, and now I'm taking advantage of that knew bound knowledge. 🤓📋
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based on this -> drabble I did but way longer, and probably more humorized. (Disclaimer, my humor SUCKS)
Lee: Jax
Ler: Gloinks
Mentions: Pomni, Ragatha, and Zooble

"Uhm~.. Guys? Didn't Caine make sure that those guys wouldn't come back?" Ragatha pointed at the many different shapes and colors bouncing around the stage.
Pomni, Zooble, and Jax, who were also there to see the scene unfold between many different Gloinks, appeared on the stage in clusters.
Jax then clicked his tounge, and smirked at the array of shapes. "Well, that's a shame. You guys have fun though! I'm going to my dor- HEY! Watch out you pesky little-*censor*" He had stopped within his tracks from the shapes that had prevented him to move any further. About five Gloinks were in the way, and their faces twisted and turned upon hearing the digital cast member curse.. Not that their duty was to punish those who curse within the digital circus, but because they abide to the rules of which the ringmaster had set in place.
"I don't think you should have said that Jax.. You know what had happened to Zooble." Pomni warned, realizing that the Gloinks were getting closer and closer.
"Hey, it's not my fault that these things wanted to be in my way- AH! Get off me!" Jax felt all five of them pounce on him at once, making him fumble to the ground with a loud thud.
"Gah! Do you things even know any sort of decency?! Because this is not it!" Jax struggled underneath the chaos that the Gloinks were causing. They were not in any way bigger in size, but they still had a powerful weight to them that they self awarengly grown to know. So Jax was in a bit of trouble to say the most. Not least, MOST.
"Uhm.. Guys? A little help here?! These things have a ton of weight to them and they're starting to feel uncomfortable on top of me." Jax said with a strained voice. He tried to twist and turn to somehow dislodge the determined little beasts, but it became no use fairly quick. He decided to resign his escape and to just lay there in hopes that his friends, or acquaintances to him, will bud in and help the poor dickhead dude.
"Guys, we should help!" Ragatha chimed in. she started to walk towards Jax until she heard Zooble clear their throat. She assumed that Zooble was getting ready to say something, so she collectively turned around.
"Or~! We stand here and watch to see what happens. Caine said he took care of the Gloinks. And I might have over heard him talk to Kinger about setting a rule for "Queen Gloink" or whatever, that they are of no harm." Zooble said. And apparently they were then holding up a clipboard with makeshift glasses on.
The rest looked at Zooble, and then turned around in unison to take a look at Jax who had a concerning look on his face that read, 'you guys really aren't going to leave me here with these guys, are you?' and then one more look back at Zooble who didn't have the glasses and clipboard anymore. What ever happened to them, I wonder??
"HEY! GIVE THAT BACK!!" Zooble yelled at Bubble, Caine's assistant, floating away from the group with Zooble's things.
Bubble didn't say a single word, they just popped out of existence once they flew up too high.
"Well that was something." Ragatha said confused.
"There goes my only happiness and escape from this digital he-" Zooble slowly approached their gaze to the Gloinks who all looked at zooble. "Heli..helo~..helico..ugh! I give up on these stupid Gloinks." Zooble waved them off, looking away from the shapes who were still on top of Jax.
"Air is kinda needed for my body to be able to be alive~ right now!!" Jax said Breathlessly. When will this day end?? Jax will never know.
"I don't know Jax.. You've been awfully rude to us ever since Pomni became apart of the digital world." Zooble said. They stared at Jax, having one of their hands on their hip.
"Zooble, please. This is the one tihime I'm-! Behehegging you?!.. Whahat the hell?!" Jax looked at where the Gloinks were peacefully chilling on Jax only to find out that they have started to grow bored of just standing on him, so they resulted to shaking their blocky bodies in order for Jax to feel a tingly sensation through out his torso and back.
"Uhm~ Why are they shaking, and why are you laughing? I thought you wanted our help, not to make fun of us for just standing here refusing to help?" Pomni said. She knew what was happening, but was wanting to gain the upper hand for once now that Jax has been getting his long awaited karma.
"Ihihi don't knohohow.. Gehehet them ohoff of mehe! They're behehing weird!" Jax responded, banging his fist on the ground from how unbearable the feeling was getting to him so quickly.
"Eh, it's not like they're harming you, you'll be fine!" Zooble then started to walk away from the scene, assuming that their job of being an annoyance to Jax was enough said than done.
"WAIT! Zohohoble please! These things have dohone enouohoOHOHOGH! AAH! OHOHohoho mihihihihy gohohod, staHAHAhap!" Jax all of a sudden felt another Gloink pop into the mess and started to go for his ears. You could say this was a melt spot.. Unfortunately for him.
"HAHA! your reaction was PRICELESS!" Zooble said stopping in their tracks to wipe a fake tear. They were honestly amused by the scene infront of them. They have been waiting for someone or something to stop Jax from being an asshole all the time. They just wished that they could take a picture of this very moment right about-
Everyone turned their heads to where that noise came from. And from everyone's shocked expressions, but a very not surprised audience, they all saw Caine with a big polariod camera in front of his face. The picture he had just took came out of the frame slot veeeeeery slowly.
"Aaaaand, we have a winner! Thanks Jax! This is JUST what I needed for today's show! Everyone is going to love the wall I have of all of you!" Caine said while snatching up the photo to wave around.
"Cahahaine, Ihihi wihill huhuhnt yohohou DOWN ihihif you don't geehet rihihid of that phohohoto right NOHOohohow!!" Jax tried to sound intimidating, but he couldn't with the Gloinks still tickling him.
"Hold on.. You have a picture wall of every single ONE OF US?!" Zooble yelled. They were starting to become annoyed.
"What do you mean a~.. Picture wall?" Pomni chimed in finally.
"Don't tell me you have me all glitched in pain too.." Ragatha said worried.
"Now now kiddos, this picture wall isn't all that bad.. There's only going to be about one thousand artificial intelligent people who get to see it with their very own eyes!" Caine announced. He then stuffed the photo in his pocket, looked at the crew, and then fleed out of the circus tent that had them in this predicament.
Everyone was silent.
Well.. All except for Jax, of course.
"PLehehease! Ihihihi Wohohon't be a *censor* fohohor the rehest of THEHEHE DAHAY- AAH! STOHOHOP, IHIHI'Mhm sohoHOHORRY!!" Jax fell right into that one, unfortunately for him. The gloinks started to shake faster than before, causing Jax's laughter to go up an octave.
"Ugh! Oh my god, you guys deal with his obnoxious behavior. I'm going to my room." Zooble said, cleary beckming annoyed by Jax's laughter.
"I wouldn't call it obnoxious.. More so, it's new." Ragatha chimed in, walking up to Jax to try and get a gloink off of him, finally.
"Whahahat doho you mehean by nehehew, dohollfacehe?!" Jax managed to say a nickname, earning an annoyed expression on Ragatha's face.
"I mean that, you know.. We've never heard you let loose and laugh." Ragatha said, yanking a gloink off of Jax's back.
Pomni then walked up to Jax and tried to get a gloink off of him herself now.
"Yeah, I never knew that you were ticklish. I know this is my first week here, but it's endearing to know that the most stoic person can also let loose like this." Pomni decided to join in on the conversation, successfully pulling a gloink off of Jax's side. Only three more to go.
"Ahahand ihi wanted ihit to stahahy like thahat!" Jax argued.
"Well, not everything can work out how people wanted these to go. It's all part of life anyway." Ragatha said, trying to pull off a gloink that was attacking one of his ears.
"Wehell, thihihis is a digihital wohohorld, crazy things ahahare bound toho happen."
"The bunny giving life advise while in this predicament. How surprising." pomni added, taking a gloink off of Jax's other side. She then got up to go for the last gloink that was at Jax's other ear while Ragatha was still trying to get the other one.
"Cahan yohohou speed thihis uhuhup? Thehey are sohoho annoying." Jax complained, Lifting his head up the best that he could and covered up his face from slight embarrassment. Not that he needed to do that anyway, he was already facing the ground.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. They are hard to pull off." Ragatha said, finally getting the gloink off of him.
"Ragatha, I need help with this one." Pomni said. The gloink was pretty tough to dislodge, unfortunately.
"Yeah, I got it!" She walked on the other side of where pomni was, and was about to reach for the gloink until it surprisingly jumped away from the grabby hands and onto Jax's neck. Interesting landing choice, but not so surprising that it started to shake again.
"AAHAhaha! Whahahat thehehe-! Gehehet ihihit ohohoff!!" Jax went slightly red at the sudden touch, and started to scrunch up his shoulders.
"Aha, this one is a trickster gloink like you, Jax! How cute." Ragatha said, finally grabbing the last gloink and taking it off of his neck quite easily this time.
Jax turned over finally, and had still covered his face from the longing embarrassment that still crept at his face. He took long and rewarding breathes.
"Welp, our job here is done, so I'm gonna go to my dorm." Ragatha said, leaving Jax and pomni with the aftermath.
"Wehe are to nehever speak of this toho the two most mehentally stable people, ohokay, Pomni?" Jax said, peaking out of his hands to give her an intimidating glare like she was the one who tickled him to death.
"U-uhm..sure, Jax.." Pomni said, getting up to leave Jax there alone until she pumped into Kinger and Gangle.
"W-w-what did w-we miss?" Gangle said with a confused look.
"Why is Jax on the floor and covering his face?" Kinger gave a confusing look on his own.
"A jester never tells what they see!" Pomni said, running away from them two before Jax saw her with them.
"W-w-well that was s-something.." Gangle said, looking up at Kinger who was still looking at Jax.
He slowly avoided his gaze to look down at gangle.
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The ending was rushed but, oh well!

Jax the lanky purple bunny man is amazing and gives off major ler! vibes (I want lee!jax content tho)
Also new comfort character yay
I am craving lee!jax headcanons
If you're still wanting lee!Jax
Have we got a show for you
His ears are not only a death spot, but a melt spot.
Fun fact ✨ rabbits' ears are the most sensitive parts on their body do to them needing to hear so precisely.
Based on another bunny fact
Only very specific people are allowed to tickle his stomach. (Probably like- ragatha and gangle lol/platonic) if anyone else even tries, he will hold a grudge.