Lee's 500 Follower Q&a - Tumblr Posts
lee's 500 follower q&a event!

hi guys!! i'm absolutely flabbergasted that over 500 people are following my silly little blog, and i love each and every one of you with my entire being.
now, i am in absolutely no place to be doing an event that involves taking on more fics (hides in shame from fics from my 300 follower event that was in april). so i thought it would be fun to get a little get to know you q and a event!
basically you can ask me anything (within reason people just use common sense) and i'll answer it! i'd also love it if some of you guys sent in fun facts about yourselves so i could get to know you guys better too!
this will be open until the end of october!! of course, you guys are allowed to pop in my inbox and ask questions whenever!

question ideas/starters!!
ask me questions about sports (i'll give you a hint and say gymnastics), anime, books, music, my boyfriend, me, hobbies, tv shows, characters, self-ships, food, and anything else!
tell me anything you want to! give me anime/book/song recs, tell me about yourselves, or just come and chat!
wheee here for the q&a 500 celebration, not that anything stops me from popping in your inbox now and then anyway. but now i'm asking these in a ~festive mood lmao
what are your favorite foods, foods you love/are confident making, and foods you want to learn to make?
how would you describe your best friend/your friendship?
i think we touched on a leather jackets yap sesh early on. pls tell me about this collection. actually that leads me to...
pls tell me about your collections! I love seeing what people love and accumulate. it's so fun and endearing to see how they talk about it too!
omg thank you so much for dropping by! honestly this little "event" is just me trying to encourage people to come and yap with me lmao. okay. now down to business *cracks knuckles*
1. i really enjoy ice cream, pastries, pretty much any korean food but especially sundubu jjigae, any type of soup (especially tomato, french onion, korean, or any type of soup with a light flavorful broth).
i'm confident making pretty much anything as long as i have a recipe, but i can make a lot of korean food from memory which is nice.
i would like to get better at making omelettes though. i never got the hang of flipping them 😅
2. okay so me and my best friend are both very intelligent people but when we're just hanging out together we're dumb and dumber, sharing a brain cell. our interactions mostly include gossip, ranting about obsessions, and cracking each other up. oh and me yelling at her for her HORRIBLE taste in men. i still love her sm 🥹
3. okay so for leather jackets i currently have one, and it is literally my pride and joy. i think i found it at a nordstroms sophomore year of high school and i have not parted with it since. it's thick enough to be warm, but it doesn't look bulky which i love
however i do have a minor obsession with jackets and hoodies, so i also have a cropped black jean jacket from forever 21 i got in high school (listen i haven't changed my wardrobe much in the last three or four years), a black cardigan which is the comfiest thing i own, a black and gold track jacket from simone biles's gold over america tour, and an oversized black hoodie.
basically if it's black and i can wear it over something else i love it
4. i wouldn't say i'm necessarily someone who has true collections, but i do have certain things i have saved and trinkets i love. actually that's a lie. i'm a book collector of sorts, in the sense that my favorite gift to receive and my favorite thing to buy is books. so i own more than 500 books. i love the way books feel, the way they smell, how crisp they are when they're new, and how soft and worn they get when they've been well loved and read again and again. in particular, i really love used books. especially ones that were obviously read again and again. i like that they have a story behind them, and the pages i'm reading were once read by someone who fell in love with the plot and characters again and again.
lee's 500 follower q&a!!
Congrats on 500 followers Lee😭❤️🌸, you deserve it! I wanna suggest an anime too you, something lighthearted, short and sweet (the calm before the chaos😈) it's called "After the Rain"
I hope you'll love it, you can watch it on Hianime...after the calm you are free to begin the chaos

omg hi hi thank you so much!!! i'm so excited to start it once i get the chance (hopefully this weekend?). i really need a fluffy cute anime right now 😮💨. i'm a little nervous for the chaos, but as my username suggests i'm well adjusted to it so i'll wait for it 😉
lee's 500 follower q&a!!