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2 years ago

Lelouch Vi Britannia X Black.FemReader


Lelouch Vi Britannia X Black.FemReader
Lelouch Vi Britannia X Black.FemReader
Lelouch Vi Britannia X Black.FemReader

🤍 Genre: Romance, Strangers to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Fluff.

🤍 Warnings: Form of Manipulation, Forgetfulness, Spoilers for R2, potential spelling errors. (If more, let me know.)

🤍 A/n: So, in this Code Geass Scenario, You possess a geass that manipulates plants. You and Lelouch at this time had your memories erased. Lelouch's soon gaining his memories back attempts to bring you, his best friend back as well.

🤍 Another A/n: Ugh! This was so fun to write! I love me some Lulu, there might be a Part 2! Once again! SPOILER WARNINGS ⚠️

🤍 Wordcount: 2,580k

The classroom was quiet with slight scribble noises. You all were testing, your shared desk was with a student you hadn't seen for a while. Her name..you couldn't remember it. You two had been good friends up until now. She had red hair, and was known to not be at school for a while due to her illness. She was such a quiet girl, looked fragile like a piece of glass.

The school bell rang signaling that the testing was now over and the classes were dismissed. Of course, You packed your things and get ready to leave. Not the school just yet, you loved to just sit atop of the school. You tended to love the fresh air you could get especially from high up.

As you stood up from your chair, you'd made your way to the door. In the process accidentally running into..him. Something felt like you knew him for a while, didn't help that you two had interactions lately. "I apologize, I should've been careful where I was looking." He bowed at you, which made you a bit nervous. You grabbed him by the shoulders to pull him back standing up straight. "Please, There's no need for that. It was an accident." He scratched the back of his neck, thinking of his next set of words.

Just a few desks away, a pair of eyes observed the two of you. He didn't like what was happening, the two of you were separated for a reason, though seemed like fate keeps bringing you two back together. The king would not like to hear about this one bit! The last few words exchanged between you and the boy who'd just bumped into you. He waved at you, exiting the classroom. Leaving you with your Friend, Suzaku Kururugi.

"Y/n." Your name was called in a stern voice. Turning around to see your friend with a semi-serious face. Though, he still wanted to keep the atmosphere nice and light.

You walked over to him,"Did you need something?"

He nodded,"Just- couldn't help but notice something. Do you mind meeting me on the roof?" You told him you've got plenty of time and that you didn't mind at all! "Thats good, meet me there in a few minutes. I have something to do really quickly."

On your way up to the roof, something seemed..off. Like your reality was deforming or disoriented. Your vision was starting to blurr. Did someone drug me? You thought to yourself. Until your thoughts were interrupted by a giggle. "No, Y/n.

Suddenly the roof doors opened with a gust of wind rushing through. You covered your face with your arms, protecting your eyes from the dirt and debris which flew through the door. Once the wind calmed down, you peaked past your wrists. The sunlight burning your eyes just a bit but not too much to where you couldn't make out a figure standing in front of you.

This girl- she looked like a being from another world. She wore a white suit, looks similar to a straitjacket. Her Lime green hair trailed down her back stopping at her tail bone. "Don't you wish to come back home? Y/n?"

"W-Who are you?" She looked a little remorseful, her green eyes dulled with sadness. So you really were gone? Your memories were not present. She remained silent, extending her hand out to you waiting for you to take it. Something about her- did you know this woman? She couldn't have been much older than you, she looked so young.

Regardless, your hand seemed to have a mind of its own. Slowly pulling itself to this girls hand. At first it was Like something was forcing your hand to complement hers. Then you were hesitant and as your hand almost meeting hers, you were interrupted-

"Y/n!" You gasped hearing a familiar voice, then you remembered Suzaku asked you to meet him at the roof top! Turning around you watched Suzaku make his way up the stairs. A little conflicted about whether to show Suzaku the girl or not you turned back to look at the doors. She was gone.

Suzaku caught up to you,"Hey! Everything alright Y/n?" You nodded,"Yes, Of course-" He must have not seen her? How strange and where on earth could she have disappeared to in such a short amout of time? Was she hiding from Suzaku? Why did she just disappear like that? You were asking questions, about the recent even that had just taken place in your head.

You were brought back to by Suzaku taking your hand and guiding you to a bench nearby. "Um Suzaku?" His hands slid a little far back behind him, he used them as support for the way he was sitting. He looked at you, something a bit off in his eyes. Like you were in trouble?

"Are you friends with..L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶?"

"Who?" Suzaku's eyes squinted, as he glared at you. He was so sure that you knew who he was talking about.

"Oh surly you know, Tall, slender..shoulder-Lelouch brown hair? Purple eyes..."


Suzaku smiled,"Yeah!". Though inside he was thinking about what to do about this. They had torn you two apart from another Only for your forgotten identities to now befriend eachother! What now!? You reached into your bag to get your bento out,"Ah! Is that what his name is?"

Suzaku nodded,"L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶ L̶a̶m̶p̶e̶r̶o̶u̶g̶e̶."

"Mm..what an interesting name, is he foreign?" Seems like everything is okay, memory wise. Well for you in anyway. He hadn't checked on L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶'s memories.

"He's sweet."

"You mean-"

"Yes, he helped me with the books I had to carry to the Library this morning. We had a little chat then, but It wasn't anything important."

Suzaku's face showed joy, deep down he was still a bit suspicious. Yes L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶ knew it was risky, Though he needed to get close to you to see exactly where your memories had left off due to being erased. Seeing that now Suzaku was your best friend, it wasnt going to be easy to be around you.

"Yes, Yes. L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶ Is a gentleman. Though thats something I wanted to talk to you about-" You grabbed a rice ball before taking a bite, your ears were open to what Suzu was soon going to say. "L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶...Hes a little- off."

"Off? How so?"

"Knowing him for some time now. He's a bit strange, unhinged... Yes he has friends but they dont know this."

"How are you able to get this info?"

"Because Of my position as a Knight of Seven." You chuckled, realizing what a ridiculous question that was.

"Ahah..Yes, that does make sense you have access to these things."

Suzaku chuckles,"Yes of course, I also know that he-" Suzaku's phone rings, notifying him that he had to leave. Suzu picks up the phone answering with a few; 'Mhm' 'Yeah' 'Alright'. He stood up taking your hand,"My apologies- Y/n..Duty calls."

He brought your hand up to his lips, placing a kiss upon it. Looking up at you with his emerald eyes. You weren't gonna lie- he kinda gave you butterflies. "Just..Be careful around L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶. He's not fully in his right mind."

Suzaku bowed before taking off. "Hm..Crazy to think, that sweet person is actually not as he seems.." 'He's not fully in his right mind' You wondered how? In what way. You finished with your lunch, packing your things in your bag you made your way down the roof. In the process you'd run into Rolo. "Afternoon Y/n",he says in a monotoned voice. Looked like he was rather annoyed, he didn't want to run into but at the same time had a message to give you.

"That damn woman wants something of you and my brother." Rolo grimaced, he took off.. "W-Wait! Rolo!" You sighed, whats with him? 'Does he have some sort of problem with me?' You thought to yourself, for the short amout of time you've known Rolo, he gives you some annoyed look. Especially when you were around...Him.

The second you stepped out those doors, your eyes locked with her..

"You- how did you."

The air seemed to slow down, time stopped and everything was silent. What is this? Why does it feel like you've been here before, in some sort of void?

"I apologize for our short lived meeting, but now-",she slowly began to take large strides in your direction. Her green eyes began to glow with red rings around them. "Let me bring you back." Your body had a mind of its own now. You attempted to move back and away her only for you to be fighting against some invisible force. "Come back home..Y/n."

"W-wait... S-stop." Her hands latch onto yours, caressing your tanned skin. Her slim fingers tickle small arm hairs you have as they slide their way up your arm and grasp your shoulders. Now that your body was in her grasp, there was no getting put of this..Force. Still though; there was a resistance within you. "Y/n, Stop fighting it. You're still fighting."

There was another voice- your eyes looked past the woman to see him. "L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶..", She called out to him. The strange woman. He watched the both of you with a look of uncertainty. She whispered somethings, so quietly it was unaudible. That was when she leaned in- the mark on her head revealing itself as a gust of wind brushes her bangs out of her face. Red hue of the mark began to glow brightly almost blinding you!

She pulled back, leaving a tingling feeling on your forehead. Finally being able to move your body you push past her. Wiping your forhead, you scowled,"Ugh! Who the hell do you think you are! Do you realize I can report you C2!" Your fists ball up as you quickly rush away flustered. A trail of vegetation following you as you walked- The two gasped, surprised at what you just said. "C2?! You remember her name?"

Still flustered at the heat of the moment you turned to them,"Why would I not know your name? Of course I know who you are! What is with you two?!" C2 and L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶ looked at one another then back at you. "You- remember her? Who am I?" "L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶ L̶a̶m̶p̶e̶r̶o̶u̶g̶e̶, my classmate." C2 gains L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶'s attention, pointing to the beautiful vegetation that had been on your trail. Thats when they knew, there was hope. You weren't completely gone.

"It hasn't worked completely, you need to do your part L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶."

Oh no, you didn't like the sound of that. You quickly turned and marched off,"Whatever you two are doing I dont want to be apart of. Especially You L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶, You damn Britannian. Stay away from me." A sharp pain plunged through the boy's heart. You didn't care where L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶ was from, what ethnicity, what his background was. You loved him for him, but they both knew you weren't completely there. You were reprogrammed by...his bastard father and the one who sold L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶ out- who had betrayed him.

Currently, you were well...In a deep sleep waiting to be woken up. And that was the plan, to awaken you. You could hear subtle yet loud footsteps behind you.

"Stop Y/n." A hand tightly latches onto your wrist forcing you to spin, facing him.

"Don't touch me!"

"Y/n hear me out-"

"No!",you exclaimed, attempting to pull away. That didn't work, you even tried to rip his tiny fingers off your wrist one by one. What you didn't pay attention to was you were being backed up into a tree.

"Suzaku..He was right- You are crazy. Let me go right now." He thought to himself holding you there..maybe- maybe there was something off with him. Why has he felt this way about someone, everyone until now was just a pawn in his game and now.. You had to come along and ruin everything. Though, he knew what he wanted. For you to remember, to come back to him, to feel loved, to experience it with you.

Not only that but he felt like he was in debt to you. Getting you involved in all this Black Knights revolution. It wasn't fair to you. His purple eyes looked down on you, with your wrists in his hands, all he could do was chuckle.. "Yeah, maybe I am crazy-" A red hue began to absorb the purple within his eyes showing a strange symbol,"I'm crazy about you, Y/n."

So much to think about, everything comes piling back to you like a rushing train. Your wrists were now released as they cup this man's face. The tree you were temporarily against was no longer behind you, rather you two were falling. So slowly what seemed like. What is because you were remembering everything? What was it..this man. You remembered! His name. What used to be so foreign to you was now so familiar.


Thats what it was! My best friend! Your back finally hitting a bed of flowers as Lelouch pulls away. Your face deeply flushed with a beautiful rouge color similar to red wine. The vines of the flowers wrapped around one another creating hearts as you stared up at the man on top of you. "L-Lelouch?!"

His brown hair flowing softly in the wind, as he looked down upon your form. That dazed expressed like youd just woken up, the flowers in your curly hair, your eyes a bright purple with your geass code shining through. The vegetation was a dead give away you were completely back. Lelouch smiled, with slightly watery eyes. "Good morning, My princess."

Your vision began to blurr, remembering what happened. "I- said those bad things..a while ago-" Lelouch interrupts you with a finger placed to your lips. "It's not your fault Y/n, you were being manipulated." Your hands find themselves cupping his face, then on his shoulders. Your vines created from your geass, cause flowers to bloom out of control.

How embarrassing..this isn't something friends usually would do. Rest on top of one another while the one below clings to the one on top. "Lelouch, Thank you." "Please, don't thank me. You shouldn't thank me." Lelouch's hand clasps onto yours, dragging it towards his lips. Mumbling against your palm.

"I should be apologizing, for getting you involved in my affairs." He kissed your delicate skin before pulling away.

The vines were growing at a tremendous rate, Popping up everywhere, showing how flustered you were. More hearts created from the tangles of the vines. Lelouch eyes shift to the cute shapes being formed by your powers. He smiles, he loves it- just like you.

"No, I knew the consequences. I was fully aware-",you chuckled as your cheeks hurt from being flustered,"I just didn't expect my memories to get erased.."

"I'm glad I could bring you back, Y/n."

"Me too..So glad." You two, hypnotized by another. For a while, you just needed to look at him. You look around, no one in sight,"Lelouch..Ah I think we should..probably um." Lelouch still on top of you,"Oh ahaha..Right, my apologies." Lelouch stands up lending a hand to you.

"Y/n, go home, I left you a special phone. I should warn you I am being monitored and you as well."


"We don't have much time. Rolo's ability should be stopping anytime soon. I'll give you the details."

Good news, Your memories had returned. Bad news..You were in need of recent events.

Written December 15th

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