Lemon Story - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

“Make Me” Alien/Reader

Sentence Prompts #1: “Come over here and make me.” Thanks to @good-girl-gone-exo for sending in the prompt. Huge thanks to @hufflesmonsters for encouraging me through the writing process (without you I would have flailed) and @elizabethtarington for helping me edit and also brainstorming with me. 

Make Me Alien/Reader

Characters: Male Alien/Female Reader Content: Lemon/NSFW, oral sex, PIV sex, Aliens scenting their mates, Word Count: ~5100

Make Me Alien/Reader

You’ve been working on a Qasallian starliner for a month, and you’re ready to go home. Still, you’ve got a job to do, learning about the large, bat-like Qasallians, even if they’re not making your job easy.

You’ve got datapads full of notes on what they look like. They’re humanoid in some ways; their bodies are basically human-shaped, with two legs,  and two arms. They have six fingers, and four large, clawed toes with a dew-claw type appendage at the back of each foot though. Their head is also human-like, though they’ve got oversized, bat-like ears, which can swivel to pick up sounds. Their eyes seem large in their faces, and apparently they change color with their moods. You haven’t seen this phenomenon yourself.

The two most remarkable differences between a Qasallian and a human are their wings and their tails. Their wings are membranes which match the color of their skin, and which most closely resemble bat wings. Their tails are a few feet long, with a small tuft of fur at the end.

If your job was writing about their appearance, you’d be done by now. But it’s not. You’re supposed to be writing about their culture, and there’s the problem. None of them will talk to you.

It would be much easier to do your job, you think, if the Captain hadn’t decided from your first day on the ship that he hated you. As soon as you’d set foot in the hangar where you’d been set to make introductions, he’d stiffened, and begun to glare at you. You didn’t know what you’d done, but it must have been egregious, because none of the crew would come near you. Offending the Captain of a spaceship was a surefire way to get ostracized.

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