Leo Fanfic - Tumblr Posts

Gender Neutral Reader
Bro cannot exist without having at LEAST five belts/buckles on their clothes
Anyways, Leo is a pretty independent person but all that shit eroded away when they met you
Now they’re like that one person who can’t go to the bathroom alone
Everything they do you do together and vice versa(except spelunking)
Well that’s not entirely true I could see Leo taking you to a cave that they’re sure is absolutely safe
Like beginner level or smth like that
Leo LOVES coffee but look at them and tell me they can make a decent cup of coffee
So, Leo would appreciate if you made coffee for them
The dear truth-seeker is always gettin in some shit
Whether you guys are sneaking on trains for some info or trying out a free day of goat yoga it’s always a tad bit fun
Despite being a bit quiet and anxious Leo can get pretty damn snarky
Especially if you guys are watching a show or movie Leo will make dramatic and sarcastic comments
Leo is very catlike
They sleep in the WEIRDEST positions so either you’ll hold onto them for dear life or they’re on the VERY EDGE of the bed breaking their bones into different positions
Look at them. Flawless skin and if you asked they’d let you know all about their skin routine
Because of Leo’s many cave explorations they tend to take a long time with cleaning/prepping
Leo loves coffee so if you wanted to try out a new café they’ll happily go along with you
Leo has naturally very cold hands and will unknowingly freeze you when they’re just trying to be affectionate
Seeing as Leo has lost both of their parents they’ll be ecstatic about meeting your family/close friends
Leo is happy to help with any troubles you have
Studying for an assessment? They’ll help!
Can’t paint your other hand? Leo will do it!
Can’t see the back of your hair to dye it? Leo can!
Leo is a very giving person and will do anything within their power to keep you


Gender Neutral Reader
Leo lays STIFF in their sleep
No kicking no nothing
Almost corpse-like
No need to worry about them taking the blanket
Back on the position note
Leo is only STIFF by themself
They’ll cling to you for dear life when you sleep together
Doesn’t care much if you want them to hold you or you to hold them
And if you don’t have a preference like them! You’ll switch every so often
Leo has a couple steps before bed
Brushing teeth and hair
Nice lil face wash
Face mask, all the works
Has basic pajamas either silk ones or plain colour cotton ones
Definitely admires their cave findings with you before bed
May or may not read before bed as well
They aren’t BOOK OBSESSED but a dappling reader
If there’s no reading involved they’ll go straight to bed with you
Or alone if you aren’t comfortable/aren’t that close yet
Light snores but nothing to keep you up at night