LET'S GET SPOOKY - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

All of the above please.

Sabrina The Teenage Witch (1996 2003)
Sabrina The Teenage Witch (1996 2003)
Sabrina The Teenage Witch (1996 2003)
Sabrina The Teenage Witch (1996 2003)

Sabrina the Teenage Witch (1996 β€” 2003)

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3 years ago

Concept: yandere fucks you on the graves of the family members they killed

tw - noncon, imprisonment, implied kidnapping, obsessive behavior, this was supposed to be short but i got so carried away so quickly.

No, because I know this is such a clichΓ© topic, but,,, just imagine your captor lover telling you that they're going to take you outside, today, after months of keeping you stowed away in a deep, dark basement, where stone walls keep you separated from sunlight and fresh air and all the friends and family and loved ones they don't let you talk about, anymore. Just imagine how excited you'll feel as they give you actual, substantial, real clothes, more than just scraps of silk and lace, and how hard it'll be to sit still while they blindfold you, taking slow, agonizing minutes to help you walk up to the main floor, how impossible it'll be not to grin and laugh and act as giddy as you really are when you finally make it to their car, when you finally feel the sun on your skin and the wind in your hear and you know you're surrounded by something that isn't them, even if you're still at a distance from it, for now. You know you shouldn't be so eager, but you can't help it. You not going to be locked up, or chained down, or restrained at all, even if it'll only be for a few hours. You're being rewarded, and this time, it might be a reward you can actually enjoy.

And, with that in mind, just imagine the way your heart will drop when they let you take the blindfold off, when you realize that you're not at a mall, or a park, or anywhere big and open and public, but an empty plot of land, just barely on the outskirts of town, surrounded by a forest so thick and so dark, it blocks out the sky just as effectively as the walls of your makeshift-prison. Just imagine the knot that'll form in your throat as they take your hand and guide you past the dilapidated iron gates, how dizzy you'll feel when the cemetery comes into view, row after row of gravesites, some fresher than others. Just imagine the way they'll coo in your ear as they bring you to a headstone, a newer one, giving you just enough time to catch part of a name, a birthday you recognize, before they press themself against your back, slipping a hand under the shirt you'd nearly cried over less than an hour ago, muttering sweet nothings about devotion, about how cute you look when you're upset, about how much they love you and how excited they are to show you everything they've been working on, since they brought you home.

And, just imagine how cold you'll feel as you're dragged to your knees, allowed to cling to the headstone of your last partner, of the partner you never wanted to leave for stability while their nails dig into your hips and their lips ghost over your neck and they force you to cum and scream and moan their name on top of the final resting place of the 'rival' they killed because something in their twisted, fucked-up mind made them think they'd never truly have you until they got rid of everyone else who's ever put their hands on you. If you cry, they might make a half-hearted effort to console you, kissing your cheek, asking if they should've brought something softer to fuck you into than grass and soil, but they won't stop smiling, not until you're bruised and sobbing and they're willing to acknowledge that you might be just a little upset, that all of this might've been just a little too much for you. It's alright, though. They'll give you as much time as you need to pull yourself together, as much time as you want to take to process all of this, everything that they're willing to do to be with you.

They're sure, by the time you see the second grave, or the third, or the fourth, you'll find it in yourself to be a little more grateful.

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6 years ago
Even Though We Don't Celebrate Halloween In My Country, I Had To Get This Out Of My System.

Even though we don't celebrate Halloween in my country, I had to get this out of my system.

(literally, I couldn't concentrate on anything else)

I may color it someday, what do you think?

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6 years ago


(Part 2/2)

I don't like tricks, so here's your treat ;3 πŸ’•

Given that I failed Inktober miserably (how many days I managed to do? 5?), what can I do except waving goodbye with a lil comic?

At least I have a mark to beat next year XD

@toddy-kun I'm pretty sure you'll like this one

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