Liam Wilhelmina - Tumblr Posts
Okay, so I'm currently watching (and catching up on) the newest season of Dimension 20, you know, " A Crown Of Candy" and it's just SO GOOD.
I have just finished watching episode 5 (although I know spoilers from the next episode).
The political machinations, the badass political chess moves, the absolute plot twists, the danger.... it seriously leaves me more astonished and breathless than even the first seasons of Game Of Thrones, it's so good.
And also I finally picked my favourite character, and I am sorry for myself to say that it is Lapin (though Liam is a close second and I love them all).
I am just constantly forgetting how weird it should be that all of these characters are Candy People, gummybear guards, whole walking loafs of bread or pieces of broccoli, because they are all such political masterminds and absolute fighting badasses.
My favourite character is an old priest chocolate bunny, for f*cks sake.

It's been 3 years, and I still think about the Deep Bleu Sea fight.

A Seed Guy and a War Guy for commission.
Thinking about that first sweet young Liam being the one who goes around saying stuff like "I wanna slam you down big style" is very funny to me

I fear for Peppermint Preston
So... Liam Wilhelmina ... a ranger.... just lost his best friend and beast companion in trying to help a chocolate bunny man who liam is convinced hates him, get advantage on his DEATH SAVING THROWS.
Ally. Ally I'm crying.
as someone who literally dies for protective father characters this new episode of acoc is messing me right the heck up…amethar tossing Jet as far away from the fight as he could????? Then commanding Theo to get the kids and go???? Theo taking blows for Jet, flying around and scooping up Liam and Ruby and taking them to safety???? Amethar and Theo literally throwing themselves into the stone, tossing Ruby out the window, just to get them all out alive?????? Lapin standing between Keradin and Liam, with 7 hit points left, saving his life, and dying because of it?????? right????????????? right???????

ahhhhh i’ve finally done everyone!!!!
[Emily] [Zac] [Murph] [Siobhan] [Lou]

I love one (1) peppermint lad and one (1) milk bottle duchess
hi liam becoming a warlock of lapin gives me so much brainrot. god, just the whole trio becoming champions of lapin, the hero who sacrificed himself for House Rocks. it’s so,,,it’s such a fun idea. and with how Brenan allows like? level playing around? liam potentially having enough levels to cast revivify (if that's allowed???? probably not but the thought lives in my head regardless).
to add to warlock! liam like,,,pact of the chain? liam getting to see preston again (even if it’s not the real preston? it’s his buddy!!) lapin working so hard to try and find a way for liam to see preston again and it’s just,,,it makes my heart hurt

the sugar plum fairy, celestial patron of lapin cadbury
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Just a chocolate bunny, desperately trying to hide the fact he is a warlock
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I'm happy that Jet could find a use for Thad
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For the bulb. (And @cloudmancy)