Life Path 3 - Tumblr Posts
Hey, hope you're having a great day! I was wondering if you do a chart reading for and tell me anything stands out
![Hey, Hope You're Having A Great Day! I Was Wondering If You Do A Chart Reading For And Tell Me Anything](
Hi there! @dweepika
Right off the bat: the majority of your placements are within Air and Fire houses, which work to externalize the physical and metaphysical through the power of YANG expression. It shows that your life purpose relies on your ability to share and communicate your beliefs with the world around you.
What I find interesting about your chart is the Stellium of planets within your 9th house. The house of higher-knowledge, and pathways to self-enlightenment. While natural ruler of the 9th house, Jupiter, sits in your 6th. As a life path 3, you could consider that Jupiter is the planet who rules over your major life lessons. While the Stellium is highlighting the area (9th house) where you attract the most important lessons for your growth!
The life path 3 is all about a culmination of momentum. So people with this life path have a natural inertia that they were born with, for instance the stories surrounding your family's migration which somehow carries a strong association to a specific industry. It denotes abundance in a qualitative sense rather than quantitively, you see. People can be rich in ideas, secrets, diseases. But your life path has to do with realizing fulfillment, so you can enjoy the value of abundance.
Although Saturn is directly across that cluster of planets in your 9th-- as the planet of soul accountability, she will not necessarily be available to you until you overcome specific attachments in this life. Many people seem to recognize Saturn's impact for what it is: impactful... except she's not often revered for what she's capable of, and rather people fear her. Or worse, they consider her a masculine planet.
The outer planets are generally not worth mentioning when talking about personalities and compatibility... simply because they're worth more than that.
They work in higher dimensions, so that's why they introduce intense energies into our lives. Most of us are usually too preoccupied with worldly problems to keep up with them.
For instance Jupiter is an androgynous planet, seeking (masc) to be fulfilled (fem), and in your case he wants to get energy through the self-transformation of your lifestyle! My instinct is that he is very blessed to work with you. However you won't necessarily feel supported by him, not until you overcome those attachments I implied earlier.
The first six houses within our chart reveals our soul-wavelength. Which is important to understand in order to connect with our life-purpose in the first place. It's all about the 3rd dimensional consciousness and how we personally express humanity-- emotional intelligence, mental health, sexual wellbeing. Throughout our journey in life, that is all literally subject to change.
The outer planets don't wait for us to be ready! All they know is manifesting.
Within your chart I see that you are learning self-expression of your communication, in order to experience contribution of your higher-self within this life. Saturn, or Jupiter for that matter, cannot co-create with you unless you know the boundaries of your beliefs. The 3rd house deals heavily with how we're socialized, how we internalize behaviors and perpetuate the unspoken policies of our tribe. It can be as tangible to you as your native language, or as illusive as an inherited illness.
At large, the attachments you struggle with can be dispelled by the diligence of your 6th house. I see that you can connect with Mars to process the density of mundane life... I get the sense that you're a subdued person who appreciates focus. Maybe you find anxiety conducive to your productivity? That sense of urgency might've been what liberated a lot of people in your situation, such as your own ancestors.
If you are fortunate enough to connect with your family history, I think that would be a great source of inspiration, to help you realize a life purpose. Your 9th house planets: of conscious information, unconscious personality, higher potential, and also the point of magnetism (Chiron) are all involved in developing your relationship with story-- the narrative of your life matters a lot to you, because you need to fulfill a sense of connection with the past.
Mercury is the natural ruler of the third house, seeing how it's in your 9th house while Saturn occupies the 3rd, I imagine that someone in your family loved storytelling a lot and you inherited that dream in some form.
Lastly, I would guess the nature of your attachments has to do with a Third-Eye blockage. I would be interested to hear you talk about how you view success, and how people close to you achieve that (family, loved ones etc.) because that could shed light on your unconscious desires.
Let me know if I could help clarify anything ok!