Like What If She Was Like I Really Like Long Hair On Guys And Kunikida Was Like Alright I'll Grow It Out For You - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

kunikida head canons that i came up with at 4am

(never said i was a writer lmao these are dumb and not detailed)

Kunikida Head Canons That I Came Up With At 4am

- he went through a phase in highschool in which he just stopped talking to people for no fucking reason

-spends time browsing those like mom country living health blogs (idk what i meant)

-sits with his legs crossed very often

-has a whole little basket in his bathroom of anything and everything you could need

-would definitely buy an apple watch

-heavily dislikes slides (shoe) . i can’t elaborate

-had a girlfriend in highschool and was student council president. all perfect and shit till.. well idrk

-practices his handwriting when bored

-definitely was a camp counselor at some point in hs

-watches asmr to fall asleep

-can never find a hairbrush he actually likes (idk how i came up with that)

-this man adores a good sale

-he likes tall women?? idk just a thought??

-has definitely fallen for those ai facebook posts before and sent them to Dazai only to get bullied

-took Kyouka/Kenji/Atsushi out for lunch multiple times just cause

-really enjoys ikea

-has a spice rack that he’s very proud of

-secretly enjoyed when he was forced to do just dance at an agency party

ok that’s all i’ve rambled now :D

pls talk to me about your headcanons for him this is so silly to me

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