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In Every Single One of Them, I Choose You
"I believe in the existence of other universes. The idea of only one universe existing, the one where we live in, is too underwhelming for me to believe. It's hard to look at the sky at night, seeing the moon shines so far beyond my reach yet still bright as ever, and force myself to believe that this is the only place where beings like us exist."
"I do too," she responds simply, chuckling at his random remark.
A dreadful pause haunts both of them before he finishes what he previously couldn't, "I also believe that there's other me, and maybe other you."
At this, she can't bring herself to say anything. It was ages ago when their affection for each other had ceased, when their red string of fate had broken, and no matter how hard they try to tie the loose ends, it had been futile. When he sees her lack of words and detect more of it, he muses on, "I also think that that wasn't the end, this is not the end."
The world suddenly feels more dimmed, with the only light shining to illuminate this intimate moment are the stars and the moon. Her chest constricts from the rush of old memories coming back, and her throat feels tight as she holds in the sudden urge to cry.
"I will choose you, over and over again. I know I will. Maybe I don't know about other me. But if they exist, I know they will choose you too. Hopefully, at least one of other you chooses me again."
Eyes glistening with tears threatening to cascade down his cheeks, he stares at her watery ones, akin to his. His warm palm cupping her face, his voice breaks, "I'm sorry."
Memories of the moment where he knew he had screwed everything up; he realized that there was no going back; or that he had lost the right to say that they belong to each other, he begins to replay every single one of them and she can see it in his eyes. All the longing and regret.
"I'm sorry if you don't believe me, but frankly, I don't really care if you don't, I just want you to know that I mean it that when I say here and everywhere; in the past, present, the future, and other lifetimes and worlds. I love you."
All that's left is a wish he knows that this universe cannot give him, he can only hope one of them is merciful enough to reunite them along with the promise of a happy ending.