Lil Lilith - Tumblr Posts
*scurrys away*
Nooo come back! I wanted to give hugs!!!!
Hehe, thank you, Lilith!
Nope! I have a family member who's allergic as well, so I bake them without coloring, just regular cookie ingredients. So if you'd still like some, you can still have some!
You want cookies, Lilith?

Are any of them unnaturally colored purple
*making spaghetti and just watching*
Get his ass Kay! WOOOOOO!!!!!
After you're done, everyone(except this twerp) can come eat some spaghetti, I separated the sauce incase some people don't like it and have some Italian sausage and or meatballs if you all wanna add them. :]

this is Kinger when he's hiding from everyone in the candy canyon kingdom
Get the fuck off my page
Let's lighten the mood a bit
Hello it is I, random anon who does not know you and has never interacted with you before, what is your opinion of your mutuals?
I know it's you Byxell, but anyways
One of my first mutuals and friends here! Their kind, sweet, and very understanding. Don't let them catch you awake at 3 am though. Very fun to hang out with and just ramble with. Would give hugs, my emotional support void.
Very silly, kind, and fun to chill with. He always got some animal pictures on deck to make your day better. Is a goober! Would give head pats
One of my other first mutuals, very nice, is funny, underrated asf. They make me laugh with their art, super cool! Would give a high five or a hug(don't talk a lot with them but would like too)
Funny as shit, super good at art(especially writing), always there to give me courage. Super sweet, makes me giggle too much. Is a sister to me. Would give a high five or a hug
Super kind, sweet, underrated, cool, outgoing. Would give a hug or a high five (we don't talk too much but when we do, they are very fun)
Sneaky little shit, funny, is like a sibling to me(we "argue/fight" like siblings) Can't focus for shit, super nice, underrated. Would give a hug and/or high five
Very sweet, a lovely person, cool. Underrated, kind, would give a hug (we've only talk maybe once or twice but I'd love to talk to her more)
Funny, kind, blunt(in a good way) Cool, acts tough but has a soft spot for certain people, don't let him catch you being depressed (aggressively affectionate) would give a hug or high five
Newest mutual, fucking funny, sweet, cool, how the fuck do you draw so fast!??!?! Actual raccoon, makes me laugh to much, kind. Would give a hug or high five
If you'd like me to not @ you please tell me! I know my words are repetitive, but I couldn't think of too many words TvT
These are people who've I've gotten to know a little more than others.
(Idk why yall are friends with me. You are all too cool :])
Ah shit not this kid again. Sorry you gotta deal with his ass. I hope he gets off tumblr and gets a life instead of being a troll. I wish you luck with him, sorry, I don't know how to help in this situation. If you need anything, don't be afraid to dm me. Even if it's just to chat about something silly. You're amazing! Don't forget that you're cared about!
Hey Lilith! Sorry I haven't checked up on you in a while. How are you? I hope you're doing alright. I hope you know ow that you're amazing, like srsly. I think a lot of people are super cool, and I will say you're one of them. You're a great person, and we care about you, don't forget that!
This Randy kid is pissin me off.
VOTE YES VOTE YES PLEASE, I loved your mafia sona and I hope you bring it back Lilith :]
Do you have a mafia vefsion of your sona?
I had one at one point but I deleted her a while back.
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better!
Awwwwwww Thanks Lilith!!! Tho for the second part I don't really feel comfortable doing that sorry. All of my mutuals/friends/acquaintances make me happy! But thanks again for sending this, I really needed that.