Linked Universe Juniper - Tumblr Posts
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! I on;y just saw this, but oh my god oh my god oh my god!!!!!!!! They’re so cute together!!!! Thank you so damn much!!!!
Hiya! I absolutely adore your art style - I thought I was following you but apparently not, so that’s been fixed lol.
I saw your art requests were open and you allowed OCs, so I thought I might ask if you’d wanna draw my OC Juniper (with Wild or Legend?)?
Thanks in advance, and I hope you have a wonderful day!
Thank you so much!! You're so sweet <3

I absolutely loved reading about her !!

Art trade with @four-eyed-nerd
I drew their OC Juniper making fun of Legend's new pink hair!!
They besties your honor
Oh my god!!! Thank you so much!!! I so wasn’t expecting you to do all three of them and oh my god I am going to cry!! They all look so cute!!!!!
Congrats on 800 followers!!!! That’s amazing!!! Also, the art you did for it is super duper cute!!!!
I hope you’re having an amazing day so far!
As for a request, if you’re happy to do OCs, maybe my oc Juniper? (Shameless LU OC and my favourite 🤣🤣)
If not, then the best two LU boys, Legend and Wild?

Thank you so much sug! I really appreciate it, I wanted it to be something quick and zelda related so I went with my boys. My day is going great btw and I'm happy you decide to follow me. I hope you enjoy the request~
P.S. your LU/ Zelda OC is so adorable shameless or not lmaoooo💕
HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT!!!!!! READ THIS!!!!! I LOVE IT SO DAMN MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! All the interactions are so accurate and the fucking carvings of wars slipping on a banana are comedy gold!!!!! Please go read it!!!
For a Follower [Raffle Winner]
This was supposed to be a little drabble for four-eyed-nerd, who was chosen randomly during the Follower Raffle. But I'm a liar. So it's a whole damned oneshot instead. So much for promises.
Characters: Juniper (OC created by four-eyed-nerd, Warriors, Wild
Disclaimer: Don't own The Legend of Zelda franchise. Linked Universe is the fan creation of jojo56830.
Things have been strange with Wars lately. Ever since they'd found out about Juniper's ancestry (and his unusually prevalent place within it), he'd been the most infuriating toss up of awkward avoidance and brooding cucco and Juniper was just about done with it. She respected him, truly she did, but for being so intelligent he sure had a way of putting his foot in his mouth.
Just because he was her grandfather (and wasn't that something) doesn't mean she wants to be his apprentice or some nonsense. He had his strengths and she had hers, and no amount of nitpicking or corrections was going to change that. She wasn't him.
At the time though, she hadn't known how to brooch the topic. Usually so willing to voice her grievances and set boundaries (her gerudo blood, perhaps? her hero's spirit?), it had caught herself off guard just how much his opinion mattered to her. Partially because of their revelation, yes, but also because of just how much she admired him.
He was just-
He was just so confident. Self-assured in a way she struggled to be, elegant and cultured too. Intelligent and frighteningly strong, well spoken and educated. Handsome and connected. Respected by the group (though he often bickered with Legend and Twilight). He even had Time's ear.
There was just so much to admire. So much to live up to, and she just-
She couldn't be him, no matter what he expected of her. The shoe didn't fit and she doubted it ever would. He might have been her grandfather, but they were not woven from the same cloth.
So here she was (fresh out of a tense argument with that very man) hiding behind some outcropping of boulders with Wild (like some sulking teenager) while Time talked Wars down. Scratching pictures and anxiety fueled nonsense into the aged stone only did so much though, so she began picking at her split ends with dust covered fingers instead.
A hand grabbed at her wrist, pulling it away from her now tangled, dirty hair. She yanked her wrist out of their grasp without thought.
"For fuck's sake! It's just damn hair!" Juniper snapped in frustration, turning to the interloper with a tense frown.
Wild just leveled her with an unimpressed stare as he pulled his hand away from where it'd been hoovering, but the downward angle of his ears gave away his hurt. As did the slight tensing of his shoulders.
She immediately felt regret for her loss of patience. All the progress they've made, and this is what starts the backwards slide.
Hell no.
"Look, Wild. I'm sorry. I'm just really fucking tense. I didn't mean to snap at you like that." Juniper apologized, struggling to keep eye contact while he looked so- betrayed.
At her words though he softened, nodding in acceptance before pointing at her doodles. The curious upward flick of his ears was like a balm on her heart.
"It's Wars...slipping on a banana." Wild snorted, eyes alight with mischief (and promise). "Hey! I was mad, okay? It's not like I actually want him to fall on his ass."
"Not even a little, huh?" A familiar voice spoke from behind them, startling the pair. Wild had nearly reached for a weapon, but thankfully caught himself.
Juniper looked up at Wars, wanting to fade away into the rocks behind her but also too upset still to think of backing down. Though she also wanted things to be okay between them, and less awkward. Honestly, she was just a mess right now.
War's eyes flickered to Wild's for a moment, assessing. Surprisingly, he seemed to find what he needed in the way Wild frowned, dug his boots into the grass below and crossed his arms impatiently. Protective as always.
"No need to get testy, Wild. I'm not going to ask you to leave." Wild snorted, as though amused Wars thought he'd have abided by the order even if it had been given.
"Wild." Juniper said, grateful for her friend's unflinching support, but also not wanting to be the cause of bad blood between the men. Wild was just too damned loyal sometimes.
Wild side-eyed his red haired friend unhappily, but backed down, leaning against the boulders behind them. Still watching like a silent predator, but willing to take the support role for this one.
An awkward moment of silence.
"I wanted-"
"What do you-"
Silence again. Warriors cleared his throat, readjusting his scarf in a practiced motion, body language far too relaxed for the way his eyes wavered with uncertainty.
Even his fidgiting was smooth and elegant. It was so unfair.
"I wanted to apologize for my behavior recently." He began, face very carefully passive. "I have been- unfairly strict with you, Juniper."
Juniper felt almost- shocked maybe? Validated? She wasn't sure, but her heart ached as Wars continued.
"I- I know I wasn't there in your life. You have no reason to listen to me, and I know I've overstepped my place as your comman- comrade multiple times now. I know that, and I'll make no excuses for myself. It was my own selfishness that led to where we are now." He paused, pointedly not looking at Wild who was watching him like a coiled snake.
"I'm sorry, Juniper. You're your own person and I have no right to criticize you for who you've become." Juniper felt her heart flutter, relieved and touched and suddenly, unexpectantly, sad. "I'll do my utmost to remember that."
Silence once more. Awkward as it's ever been between the both of them. Wild's eyes flicked between the two, just as awkward in this stilted atmosphere.
Wars nodded his head, suddenly looking unsure now but trying to hide it with pleasantries. "That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for your time." Then he turned to leave, ears red and lower face tucked into his scarf.
"Wars. Wait." The red haired woman said, voice fighting passed the swell of her throat.
The man paused midstep, turning back to her. He was composed now, quick on the recovery as ever.
Wild looked to her too, curious and confused.
"I'm sorry too." The unreadable passivity of War's face was unnerving (it always had been), but Juniper pushed through. "Not everything you've tried to teach me has been unreasonable. Actually, most of it has been damned helpful." Juniper went for her hair again, but remembered how Wild disliked when she damaged it.
The woman took a moment to gather herself, and Warriors was kind enough to let her. Even if now he still looked a little lost. Maybe a little hopeful too. "I don't want you to stop teaching me things." That was the last thing Juniper wanted. "I just- don't want to constantly feel like I've failed you." She looked down, unsure of how to continue.
Arms were around her then, warm and strong but also so incredibly tender. It was almost enough to pull a sob from her.
"You've never failed me, Juniper." Wars said, with such strong conviction in his voice it made the woman's eyes sting. "I'm sorry I made you feel that way." She lost the fight to maintain her composure, hiding her face in his scarf.
"I'm proud of who you've become." She sobbed harder and he held her tighter, speaking into her hair. "I'm glad you were born. I'm so blessed to have met you."
Wild quietly slipped away then, certain now that things would be alright between them. Eventually.
They just needed time.
I must now return to the shadows to rest again.
I love these two cuties so so so much! Peace (on the left) belongs to @awildsilver and he is such a sweetheart, like damn. I just wanna hug him, so that's why Juniper is! Best way WildSilver and I can explain their relationship is like, sorta father-figure-y? Juniper tends to latch on to any positive role models, so when the two met? Just, cuddles all 'round.

I love Eevee's face so damn much, she looks absolutely enamoured by the Eevee in her arms - She has found the secrets of the universe in that singular Eevee.
And Legend's expression!!! Look at Mr Grumpy Pants!!! ANd He has a SYLVEON!!!!!
And then Juniper in the middle is just chill, petting her lil Eevee buddy.

This is me right now ^
Saw you wanted art requests!
I have two ideas, so pick whichever lol;
Eevee either with an Eevee from Pokemon? Or just Eevee in general would be cute, I love her so much.
Or something of Juniper? (Adding link cuz I don’t think I posted her updated Ref on here yet ) Maybe with one of the LU boys or one of your characters?
Thank you so much for the opportunity, and I hope you have an amazing day!!!!!
HMMMMMMM good choices.
Whichever shall I choose?
Hhhhhhm, yeah okay. I got it.

(Fun fact: Sylveon only evolves with great love and attention. :3c)
Pokemon ft. Shiny People. Too good to not!
I've seen art with your lady with Legend, so I may as well keep the train going. Thanks for the ask, this was fun!!

saw this post and had to do it
Juniper is owned by @four-eyed-nerd!!
Peace is my own ratty creation
Legend and Warriors are from Linked Universe!