Lo And Behold - Tumblr Posts
Me watching X-Men (2000), anytime Mystique fights someone with her feet: Alright, whose poorly disguised fetish is this? Whedon! Is that you?
Heaven Studio - Vs. Eve (aka Vs. Stepswitcher) [WIP]
(Original RHRE Version)
- Bossa Nova
- Love Lab
+ Clap Trap
This mix has very few changes between it and the RHRE version since most of the games I originally used happened to be in Heaven Studio. There are a few games that are retimed, but the two games that were lost weren't that essential to the mix when other duo/love themed games are already in it. (Although, since I'm now able to visualize the game, I was able to fix my Lockstep segments and actually have the off-beat stepping be on the off-beat.)
I will say though that the Heaven Studio savvy among you will probably note that I took out Love Lab despite it also being in the nightly build. Unlike Freeze Frame, it isn't "buggy" per se, it's just a real pain in the ass to deal with. Something about how it works is just so unintuitive to me that I'd rather just cut it than bang my head against the wall trying to figure it out. (I promise you I tried, but I just couldn't do it U_U).
That aside, due to the tempo of this mix being significantly slower than most of the others, this one is actually playable for human beings (though there are a couple of segments that I'll need to lock the controls for so folks don't f*ck up when transitioning out of Lockstep).
surely the conses wont quence

allergic to sitting still (02.01.24)