5 months ago

A "little" story

In 3rd Life, Tango gets 8th place and Impulse gets 5th, Joel places 11th and Ren places 7th

In Last Life, Tango eliminates himself, Scott eliminates Impulse and Joel, Ren is eliminated by a zombie while fighting Scott, and Scott wins. Scott also eliminates Martyn and Grian. Cleo gets 8th, Joel gets 5th, Grian gets 7th, and Tango gets 11th.

In Double Life, Joel is killed by a lava trap, and Cleo is eliminated by Pearl, who wins. Grian and Tango are both eliminated by mobs. Pearl also eliminates both Impulse and Martyn. Etho gets 8th, Impulse gets 5th, Joel gets 7th, BigB gets 11th.

In Limited Life, Scott eliminates Joel and BigB, Martyn wins and eliminates Etho and Impulse. Cleo gets 8th, Etho gets 5th, BigB gets 7th, and Bdubs gets 11th.

In Secret Life, Scott eliminates BigB, Bdubs, and Joel, and helps Gem eliminate Grian. Scar eliminates Etho, Cleo, and Impulse, and wins. Grian gets 8th, Joel gets 5th, Martyn gets 11th, and Impulse gets 7th.

In other words: 5th place in 3L, DL, and LimL was eliminated by the winner the next season, and 8th place in all seasons after 3L was eliminated by the winner the next season

11th and 7th place have always been eliminated by Scott in the next season, except for DL, when they were both eliminated by mobs

Impulse has been eliminated by the winner of that season four times, and Martyn has been eliminated by the winner twice, won once, and was eliminated by Scar in 3L and Grian in SL

Joel and Grian have been eliminated by a player a total of 6 times, and 4 of those times (67%), Scott eliminated them

In SL, Joel placed 5th, Grian placed 8th, Martyn placed 11th and Impulse placed 7th

If we pretend this means something and isn't random chance:

Scott is likely to eliminate Joel, Grian, Martyn, and Impulse

The person who eliminates Joel, Grian, Martyn, or Impulse is likely to win

A "little" Story

(I know the numbers aren't in order; I didn't really feel like changing it)

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