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Lola Meet's The Good Hair Crew~ Andi Mack
Chapter Seven
⚠️ trigger Warning!! Some Slur Words will be used in this Chapter If That bother's You please skip to where the Mark is when they stop. Thanks ⚠️
*Lola's POV*
It was the end of school so I decided to work on my drawing. I walked down to the park and decided to sit on the beach. A few moments passed when all of a sudden I heard..
"Well, well, well if it isn't the Trany Freak." Reed said. "What do you want Reed?" I asked. "I want you to tell your friend Cyrus to stay away from Tj." Reed said. "And why would I do that?" I asked. "You'll keep him away or the whole school will know that you are a Trany." Reed said. "You know Reed, how can I gay guy bully another person who is in the LGBT community and feel good about it?" I asked "Trans people aren't real." Reed said. "Oh really, because I'm real and you're talking to me." I said. Just then Tj walked over. "You're just a freak!" Reed yelled. "Um, what did you just say to my cousin?" Tj asked. Reed was shocked.
*End of warning*
"Tj babe.." Reed said. "Don't you babe me!" Tj yelled. "Tj.." Reed said. "We are done!" Tj yelled. I never want to see you again! Tj said as he pulled me away. "Tj.. are you ok?" I asked. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you when we were younger.. I should have never have dated that guy." Tj said. "If it makes you feel any better I do know someone who has a major crush on you." I said. "Thanks but I don't think I'll be able to date for a while. Tj replied. "I understand Tj." I told him. "By the way.. I think I know who you are talking about." Tj said. "And I like him too, I guess maybe I was looking for a way to break up with Reed and this just made it easier.. not that it's still not bad, how he treated you." Tj said. "Well you know what I say, God always has a reason for everything." I said. Tj started laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked. "Oh nothing, I just got to thinking about if me and him did start to date how one would be a Christian and the other Jewish." Tj said. I started laughing. "God works in mysterious ways." Tj said. "You can say that again." I replied.
Lola Meet's The Good Hair Crew~ Andi Mack
Chapter Eight
*At The Spoon*
*Jonah's POV*
"I can't believe you're mom did that." Andi said. "Andi that's the 49th time you have said that, can't you let it go?" Buffy said. I wasn't really paying attention to the conversion. I was looking at Lola who was at another table with Tj and her brother. "I'll be right back." I said as I walked over to Lola's table. "Hey Lola, Marty and Tj." I said "Hey." they replied. "Where's Cyrus?" Tj asked. "He's running a little late." I replied. "Oh, ok." Tj said. "I think I'm going to go say hey to Buffy." Marty said as he got up from the table. "I should get going to work anyway." Tj said as he got up to leave. "Say hey to Cyrus for me." Tj said as he walked out the door. "So um Lola.." I start to say. "Yeah?" She asks. "I like your YouTube videos." I say. "Thanks." Lola replied. "Jonah, did you ask her yet?" Buffy asked. "Not yet." I replied. "Ask me what?" Lola replied. "Morp is coming up.. and I was wondering..." I started to say then I felt a panic attack coming on so I hurried to the restroom.
*Lola's POV*
"Is he ok?" I asked Andi and Buffy. They shrugged. "I'll go see if he's ok." I said. As I got closer to the restroom's I saw Jonah outside bent over out of breath. "Jonah.." I said. I opened the kitchen door and asked Amber to get me a glass of water. Then I went out the back door. "Jonah, are you ok?" I asked. "I-I didn't want you to see." He said. "Jonah, I completely understand what you're doing through." I said as I put my hand on his shoulder. "You do?" He asked. "I used to get them too." I said. "What made them stop?" He asked me. "They never really did.. I still get one from time to time but it's been a while." I replied. Just then Amber came out with the glass of water. "Thanks." I said as she walked back inside. "The important thing is they do end.." I said to Jonah. "Cyrus said the same thing." He replied. "And Jonah.." I said. "Yeah?" He asked. "I'd love to go to Morp with you." I said.
Lola Meet's The Good Hair Crew~ Andi Mack
Chapter Nine
*The Next Day*
*Tj's POV*
I saw Reed picking on Lola again so I decided to walk over there but Lola had thrown a left hook at Reed and he fell to the ground. "You can do whatever you want, I don't care if people Know." I heard Lola say. "If they bother me I'll do the same thing I did to you!" She continued. Reed ran away. "Lola that was amazing!" I said. "Thanks." She replied. "Reminds me of something Buffy would do." I said. We both laughed. Then I saw Cyrus sitting on a swing. "Mind if I talk to you later?" I asked. "No, it's fine.. Go get your man." Lola said. "He's not my man." I replied. "Not yet." She said. As I made my way over to Cyrus I didn't know what I was going to say. Then I noticed that Andi and Jonah were walking over to him. "I don't want to be rude." I thought to myself. So I stayed where I was hoping that they would leave soon so I could talk to Cyrus. I know that I've thanked him for showing my cousin's around but I wanted to do something more to show him how greatful I was. Just then I saw the three of them get up and walk in the direction of The Spoon. "Oh well guess I blew that chance." I said to myself as I walked over to the swing. And sat down on the same one that Cyrus had been on just moment's before. Just then my phone started ringing, I got it out of my pocket and saw that it was Amber. "What do you need Sis?" I asked. "Can you come talk to me after work there's something I need to ask you." Amber replied. "Can't you just ask me now?" I asked. "I need to ask you this in person." Amber replied. "Ok see you in a few." I said as I hanged up the phone.
Lola Meet's The Good Hair Crew~Andi Mack Chapter Ten
*At The Swan House*
3rd person POV
"Lola it's your turn to feed Kit!" Marty called from downstairs. "Can't you do it? I'm working on homework." Lola replied. "Mom left me in charge while she went looking for a place to rent to reopen her bakery so, you have to do it." Marty replied back. "Fine just stay out of my room." Lola said as she walked downstairs. "No promises there." Marty muttered to himself as he walked up the stairs and into Lola's room. He looked around her room and said. "She really has a typical girls room." Pink wall paper, a canopy bed, pick fuzzy carpet, unicorn and mermaid figurines out on display. Marty walked over to Lola's desk hoping to get a glimpse of her homework to make sure she was actually doing it. Instead what he found was a note book filled with heart's and J+L, Lola Beck, Jonah + Lola Beck. "What the heck do you think you are doing?" Lola yelled from the doorway. "Sis, Calm down ok, I was just checking to see if you were doing your homework and well I found your notebook." Marty replied. "Please don't tell Jonah." Lola said. "Why, not? He seems like a nice guy." Marty replied. "Don't you remember Jeremy? I thought he was a nice guy too.. till he found out." Lola replied back. "That's true.. ok I won't tell Jonah." Marty replied back.
Lola's Meet's The Good Hair Crew~Andi Mack Chapter Twelve
*At The Movies*
3rd person POV
"Lola I'm going to get the pop corn." Marty said. "Ok me and Mom will save you a seat." Lola Replied. "Ok." Marty replied back. "Marty?" Tj asked. "Oh hey, cousin funny meeting you here." Marty replied. "How are you?" Tj asked. "I'm good." Marty said as he got the popcorn off the counter. "What movie are you going to see?" Tj asked. "Aladdin." Marty replied. "Oh cool, that's the movie I'm going to as well." Tj said. "Hey Teeeej!" Cyrus said as he walked over to him. "Hey Underdog.. you look amazing as always." Tj replied. "Ok... Well I'm going to go." Marty said as he walked to the theater. "Oh boy don't tell me we are all going to see the same movie." Jonah said as he walked closer to Cyrus." Tj looked upset but then saw that Jonah was with Amber. "Are you dating my sister again?" Tj asked. "Nope we are just going as friends." Amber replied. "Oh ok." Tj said. As they entered the movie theater Jonah saw Lola sitting with her brother and who he assumed was their mother. "Oh no Lola's here..." Jonah wispered. "Dude what's the big deal.. she already said yes to going to Morp with you." Cyrus said. "Umm. Have you noticed that I'm with Amber... What if she gets the wrong idea?!?. Jonah said as he started to panic. "Tj find us a seat I'll be there in a minute." Cyrus said. "Ok Underdog." Tj said. "Jonah you need to calm down... Amber take my cup, dump out the soda and get some water." Cyrus said. "Ok." Amber said as she took Cyrus's cup. "Jonah you need to beath... Everything will be alright.. I'm here." Cyrus said trying to calm Jonah down. Just then Lola walked around the corner. "Jonah, are you having another panic attack?" Lola asked. Jonah nodded as Lola walked closer. "Jonah remember this will end.. they always do." Lola said. Just then Amber came back with the water. "Here Jonah... this will help." Amber said as she gave Jonah the cup. After a while Jonah's panic attack was over. "Thanks guys but now we missed most of the movie." Jonah said. "Actually we haven't... We just missed the preview's." Amber said. "Oh good! I gotta get back to my date." Cyrus said as he walked over to Tj. "So.. you're Lola." Amber said. "Yep that's me." Lola replied. "I just remembered I have to work at the spoon in a few minutes." Amber said. "Lola can you sit with Jonah?" Amber asked. "I'm actually here with.." but before Lola could finish Amber had left. "It's ok you don't have to sit with me." Jonah said. "Who said I didn't want you to sit with me?" Lola asked. "Really?" Jonah asked back. "Really.. besides... I think my mom wants to know the friend who is taking me to Morp." Lola said. The word Friend wounded Jonah... He never knew that just being called a friend could hurt. "Yeah Friend." Jonah said under his breath.
Lola Meet's The Good Hair Crew~Andi Mack Chapter Thirteen
*The Week Before Morp*
3rd Person POV
Lola, Andi and Buffy went Dress Shopping while Jonah and Cyrus went looking as suits. "This is the one." Andi said as she twirled in a long pink dress. "You have said that about that last ten dresses." Buffy replied as she walked out of the dressing room wearing a Green dress with gold trimming. "Wow, Buffy... You look amazing." Andi said. "Thanks." Buffy replied back. "Hey Lola, when are you going to show us your dresses?" Andi asked. Lola was sitting in the Dressing room starring at herself in the mirror. "I look horrible." Lola said. "Hey don't say that." Buffy replied. "It's true.. I could never pull off a dress." Lola replied back through the dressing room door. "Lola, open the door.... Please." Andi said. Lola took a deep breath and opened the door. She was wearing a long sky blue dress with a Navy blue shaw. "Lola you look stunning.." Buffy said. "Totally." Andi said in agreement. "You guy's really think so?" Lola asked as she turned around to look at herself in the mirror. Andi and Buffy both nodded their heads. "Jonah won't know what hit him." Buffy said. Lola Turned back around in shock. "Oh come on girl, it's odovous that you like him." Andi said. "Yeah.. but I can't be his girlfriend." Lola replied. "Why not?" Asked Buffy. "I just can't." Lola said as she looked to the ground. "Are you afraid he won't ask you?" Andi asked. "No." Lola replied. "Then what's the problem?" Asked Andi. "Andi, it's clear she doesn't want to talk about it." Buffy said. "I'm just saying that it's clear that Jonah likes her back." Andi said. "He does?" Lola asked with a surprised look on her face. "Are you kidding? Cyrus told me that Jonah never stops talking about you." Andi said.
"He does?" Lola asked. "Are you kidding? Brittney said that Jeremy never stops talking about you. Rachel said.
*End of Flashback*
"No, he doesn't.. you're making that up." Lola said. "Lola, Andi would never make something like that up." Buffy said. "You found out didn't you?" Lola asked. "Found out what?" Andi asked. "I should have known better than to trust you." Lola said as she stormed off. "What was that about?" Andi asked. "We must have said something that upset her." Buffy said.
*The Swan House*
Lola locked herself in her room.
"Lola are you ok?" Marty asked. "Go away!" Lola yelled. "Andi and Buffy are downstairs." Marty said. "You told them.. didn't you?" Lola asked. "What are you talking about?" Marty asked. "You trusted the wrong people all over again." Lola replied. Just then Marty realized what was going on. "Lola, I didn't tell anyone. I promise. I wanted you to have a fresh start here." Marty replied. "You promise that you didn't tell anyone?" Lola asked. "Yes, you're my sister. And after what happened at our last school I vowed to keep you safe." Marty replied. Lola opened the door. "Then in that case, I own Andi and Buffy an apology." Lola said as she walked downstairs.
Lola Meet's The Good Hair Crew~Andi Mack Chapter Fourteen
*Flashback to a few weeks ago.*
Amber's POV
I saw Tj talking to Cyrus. Not going to lie, it's cute seeing them together. When it looked like he was about to finish I waved him back. "Pick you up at Seven." I heard Tj say. As soon as Tj entered the kitchen I pulled him to the back corner. "Tj, I wanted to ask you.. how you knew." I said. "Knew what?" Tj replied. "That you are gay." I said in a wisper. "Oh.. I just sorta figured it out." Tj said. "Oh.." I replied. "Why do you like a girl?" Tj asked
*End of Flashback*
*Night of Morp*
3red person POV
Amber saw Andi sitting by herself in a corner. "Hey.." Amber said as she walked up to Andi. "Hey yourself." Andi replied. "How are you?" Amber asked. "I'm good thanks." Andi replied. "You look lovely tonight." Amber said blushing. "Thanks so do you." Andi replied. "So.. um.. do you want to dance?" Amber asked. "I'd love too." Andi said as she took Amber's hand.
"Underdog, why aren't you dancing?" Tj asked as he walked up to Cyrus who was standing by the punch bowl. "Probably because no guy has asked me." Cyrus said before realizing what he said. "I'm sorry what was that?" Tj asked. "I'm gay, Tj." Cyrus replied. "Oh cool, same." Tj said with a smile on his face. "So it was a date." Cyrus said. "What?" Tj asked. "The Movie.." Cyrus replied. "Oh that.. well I.. um... That is..." Tj started to say. "What is it Tj?" Cyrus asked. "Don't get me wrong Cy, I do like you it's just that I just got out of a relationship so I'm not really looking to date anyone right now." Tj explained. "Oh, I completely understand." Cyrus said. "But I still wouldn't mind a dance with the most handsome guy in the school." Tj said. "Your going to dance with yourself?" Cyrus asked. "No silly... Wait did you just call me handsome?." Tj replied "Maybe." Cyrus said. "Slik move Cy, now come on and dance with me." Tj said.
*Meanwhile Outside*
"Jonah this has been the most perfect evening." Lola said. "I couldn't agree more." Jonah said as he looked into Lola's eyes. "Jonah.." Lola said. "Yes?" Jonah asked. "When I moved here and you asked if we had met.." Lola began to say. "We figured that out remember... I recanized you from your YouTube videos." Jonah said. "Jonah exactly how far back did you watch?" Lola asked. "Just this past year why?" Jonah asked. "Because you're on my channel." Lola said. "How can that be?" Jonah asked. "You really don't remember... Do you?" Lola replied. "Remember what?" Jonah asked looking confused. "I lived here before Jonah." Lola said. "That's impossible, I think I would have remembered meeting you." Jonah replied. "Don't you remember meeting Marty?" Lola asked. Jonah thought back to his childhood. "Now that you mention it... But Marty had a bother... Named Alex.." Jonah said. "Yes.. well you see I was Alex." Lola said. Just as Lola said that Andi, Buffy, Cyrus and The we're walking up to them. "Alex?" Andi asked. Lola turned around. "Is that really you?" Buffy asked. "I'm finally me.. the real me." Lola said as she turned back to Jonah. "Please don't be mad at me.. I wanted to tell you all sooner.. but.." Lola said then paused for a moment. "She was scared." Marty said as he walked over. "Why were you scared?" Jonah asked. "Yeah didn't you trust us?" Asked Andi. "We were friends years ago and still are." Buffy said. "I wanted to.. but so many years have passed that I didn't know if you were the same." Lola said. " It's my fault her walls were up." Marty said. "No don't do that to yourself Marty..." Lola said. "It's true tho... If I hadn't had told my friend's that you were Trans the bullying would have never started." Marty replied. "The bullying started way before then Marty.." Lola replied back. "But it got so much worse after I outted you." Marty stated. "I'm sure you didn't mean for that to happen." Jonah said. "I didn't... But I still blame myself.." Marty replied. "It's not your fault... Sure.. I also blamed you... But now I realize that it's the bully's fault not yours." Lola said. "But.." Marty started to say. "No butt's, Lola's right." Buffy said. "Yeah and Morp isn't over yet so I say we all get back on the dance floor." Cyrus said. Andi, Buffy, Marty and Cyrus all started to head back inside. As Lola turned around to walk inside Jonah grabbed her hand. "Lola.." Jonah said. She turned around to face him. "Just so you know this doesn't change anything... I've still fallen for you." Jonah said. Lola blushed and said "I've fallen for you too." "Really?" Jonah asked. Lola leaned in and kissed him. "Does that answer your question?" She asked. Then Jonah leaned in and gave Lola a Kiss. "Yes it does." He said.
Lola Meet's The Good Hair Crew~Andi Mack The End
Thanks for reading this version of how Lola met the good hair crew. Hopefully you all enjoyed it. If anyone wants to add Lola to any of your Fanfic's please contact me and let me know what you want to do with the character. Thanks again for reading this story and please stay tuned for more story's that I have planned. Who knows we might not have seen the last of Lola.

Working on a story from Jonah's POV. It will tie into my Lola Meet's The Good Hair Crew~Andi Mack Fanfic.
Love Like This~Andi Mack
Chapter One
Hey, My name is Jonah Beck. I'm a member of the good hair crew. If you're wondering what that is Cyrus came up with the name. He's one of my best friend's. Anyway I heard that Tj's cousin's moved to Town but so far I haven't seen anyone new around. Not that it's a surprise, this is a big school after all. The day was going normally and before I knew it Lunch time was here. So I went to my locker and got my lunch that my dad made for me and headed down to the lunch Room, That's when I saw two new people sitting with my friend's "Hey guys what's up?" I asked as I took a seat next to Cyrus. "Nothing much except showing Tj's cousin's around school." Cyrus said. "Cool.." I said as I looked at the new girl. "I'm Marty." Marty said. "Hey.." I said still not taking my eyes off of the new girl. "Um Jonah..." Cyrus said. "Ok, cool." I replied not really knowing what he said. Cyrus looked at Buffy and Andi. They gave Cyrus a knowing look. "I'm sorry but you look familiar.. have we met?" I asked the new girl. "Not that I'm aware of... My name is Lola." Lola replied. "It's nice to meet you." I replied back.
Love Like This~Andi Mack
Chapter Two
*At The Spoon*
"No denying it Jonah.. you like her." Andi said . "I do not." I replied. "Please you couldn't keep you're eyes off of her at lunch today." Buffy said. "You're in Love Jonah." Cyrus said. "No I'm not, I just thought she looked familiar." I replied. "Well she does have a YouTube channel.." Andi said. "She's very talented.. although I skip the videos with the paranormal." Cyrus responded. "I wonder if that's where I've seen her from then.." I said as the door of the Spoon opened. Cyrus looked up "Um, I gotta go." Cyrus said as he ran out the backway. "What was that all about?" I asked. "Did you not just see who walked in?" Andi asked. Buffy and I turned around just in time to see Tj kiss Reed. "It's Tj..." I said. "And he's on a date." Buffy replied.
*Time Skip*
"And so that's the end of this video.. so please subscribe to my channel so you don't miss another video." Lola said. "Why couldn't I just tell her that I'm a fan of her YouTube channel?" I asked himself. Cyrus was right she was very talented. Still I felt that I knew her from somewhere I just couldn't place it. I watched videos of her talking about how her Father was from Puerto Rico and how she was upset when he passed away leaving her mother Lilly to rase her and her brother Marty by herself. I started crying when Lola spoke about that part of her life. She had been through a lot but she was brave through it all.
Love Like This~Andi Mack
Chapter Two
*At The Spoon*
"No denying it Jonah.. you like her." Andi said . "I do not." I replied. "Please you couldn't keep you're eyes off of her at lunch today." Buffy said. "You're in Love Jonah." Cyrus said. "No I'm not, I just thought she looked familiar." I replied. "Well she does have a YouTube channel.." Andi said. "She's very talented.. although I skip the videos with the paranormal." Cyrus responded. "I wonder if that's where I've seen her from then.." I said as the door of the Spoon opened. Cyrus looked up "Um, I gotta go." Cyrus said as he ran out the backway. "What was that all about?" I asked. "Did you not just see who walked in?" Andi asked. Buffy and I turned around just in time to see Tj kiss Reed. "It's Tj..." I said. "And he's on a date." Buffy replied.
*Time Skip*
"And so that's the end of this video.. so please subscribe to my channel so you don't miss another video." Lola said. "Why couldn't I just tell her that I'm a fan of her YouTube channel?" I asked himself. Cyrus was right she was very talented. Still I felt that I knew her from somewhere I just couldn't place it. I watched videos of her talking about how her Father was from Puerto Rico and how she was upset when he passed away leaving her mother Lilly to rase her and her brother Marty by herself. I started crying when Lola spoke about that part of her life. She had been through a lot but she was brave through it all.
Love Like This~Andi Mack
Chapter Three
All day Long Andi has been telling about how my mother stood up for Lola because of her disability. "Yeah I get it Andi, my mom's a teacher.. that's just part of her job." I thought to myself. "I can't believe you're mom did that." Andi said. "Andi that's the 49th time you have said that, can't you let it go?" Buffy said. I wasn't really paying attention to the conversion. I was looking at Lola who was at another table with Tj and her brother. "I'll be right back." I said as I walked over to Lola's table. "Hey Lola, Marty and Tj." I said "Hey." they replied. "Where's Cyrus?" Tj asked. "He's running a little late." I replied. "Oh, ok." Tj said. "I think I'm going to go say hey to Buffy." Marty said as he got up from the table. "I should get going to work anyway." Tj said as he got up to leave. "Say hey to Cyrus for me." Tj said as he walked out the door. "So um Lola.." I start to say. "Yeah?" She asks. "I like your YouTube videos." I say. "Thanks." Lola replied. "Jonah, did you ask her yet?" Buffy asked. "Not yet." I replied. "Ask me what?" Lola replied. "Morp is coming up.. and I was wondering..." I started to say then I felt a panic attack coming on so I hurried to the restroom. Then I thought about what would happen if someone came in so I ran out the back door instead. A few moments later Lola came running out the door. "Jonah, are you ok?" She asked. "I-I didn't want you to see." I said. "Jonah, I completely understand what you're doing through." She replied as she put her hand on my shoulder. "You do?" I asked. "I used to get them too." She said. "What made them stop?" I asked her. "They never really did.. I still get one from time to time but it's been a while." She replied. Just then Amber came out with a glass of water. I'm assuming Lola asked for the water. "Thanks." Lola said as Amber walked back inside. She handed me the water "The important thing is they do end.." she told me. "Cyrus said the same thing." I replied. "And Jonah.." she said. "Yeah?" I asked. "I'd love to go to Morp with you." She said.
Love Like This~Andi Mack
Chapter Five
I was sitting alone at home. Wondering when would be the perfect time to ask Lola Swan to be my girlfriend when I got a phone call from Amber asking me if I wanted to go see movie with her seeing as Tj was out on a date and she didn't want to be home alone. I couldn't say no because we are friends and I wanted to get out of the house myself.
*Time Skip*
*At The Movies*
I saw Tj and Cyrus standing my the Theater entrance for Aladdin. "Oh boy don't tell me we are all going to see the same movie." I said as I walked closer to Cyrus." Tj looked upset but then saw that I was with Amber. "Are you dating my sister again?" Tj asked. "Nope we are just going as friends." Amber replied. "Oh ok." Tj said. As we entered the movie theater I saw Lola sitting with her brother and who I assumed was their mother. "Oh no Lola's here..." I wispered. "Dude what's the big deal.. she already said yes to going to Morp with you." Cyrus said. "Umm. Have you noticed that I'm with Amber... What if she gets the wrong idea?!?. I said as I started to panic. "Tj find us a seat I'll be there in a minute." Cyrus said. "Ok Underdog." Tj said. "Jonah you need to calm down... Amber take my cup, dump out the soda and get some water." Cyrus said. "Ok." Amber said as she took Cyrus's cup. "Jonah you need to beath... Everything will be alright.. I'm here." Cyrus said trying to calm me down. Just then Lola walked around the corner. "Jonah, are you having another panic attack?" Lola asked. I nodded as Lola walked closer. "Jonah remember this will end.. they always do." Lola said. Just then Amber came back with the water. "Here Jonah... this will help." Amber said as she gave me the cup. After a while my panic attack was over. "Thanks guys but now we missed most of the movie." I said. "Actually we haven't... We just missed the preview's." Amber said. "Oh good! I gotta get back to my date." Cyrus said as he walked over to Tj. "So.. you're Lola." Amber said. "Yep that's me." Lola replied. "I just remembered I have to work at the spoon in a few minutes." Amber said. "Lola can you sit with Jonah?" Amber asked. "I'm actually here with.." but before Lola could finish Amber had left. "It's ok you don't have to sit with me." I said. "Who said I didn't want you to sit with me?" Lola asked. "Really?" I asked back. "Really.. besides... I think my mom wants to know the friend who is taking me to Morp." Lola said. The word Friend wounded me... I never knew that just being called a friend could hurt. "Yeah Friend." I said under my breath.
Love Like This~ Andi Mack
Chapter Seven
*Morp Night*
I saw Amber Dancing with Andi and I saw Tj talking to Cyrus. "Where is Lola?" I asked myself. Just then I saw Lola walk through the gym door and everyone stopped Dancing and looked at her. "Sorry I'm late." Lola said. "That's my cousin, always know's how to make an entrance." Tj said. I walked over to Lola and said "You look beautiful tonight." She smiled and said "Thanks." I smiled back. "Plus we are matching.." I said pointing to our outfits. She laughed and said "We didn't even plan to wear the same shade of blue." I laughed then the music started up again. "May I have this dance." I asked holding out my hand. "Yes." Lola said as she placed her hand in mine. We danced the night away. Then at midnight my mom took the stage. "Can I have your attention please, it's time to announce this year's Morp King and Queen." She said. "And this year's King is.." she said as she pulled a sheet out of an envelope. "Oh boy... It's my handsome little man... Jonah Beck." She finished as she motioned me to the stage. "Now the King will read off who his Queen is." My mom said as she handed me the envelope. I felt myself starting to panic and apparently Lola could tell because she kept telling me to breathe. I listened to her and took a deep breath and in and out feeling myself relax. "My Queen is.." I said as I pulled the name out of the envelope. "Lola Swan." I said smiling. "Me?" Lola asked in shock. "You.." I said as I pulled her onto the stage. My mother gave us our crowns and then said "It's time for our King and Queen to have there first dance." I led Lola to the dance floor. "So I wanted to ask you..." I started to say as I gave Lola a twirl. "Yes?" Lola asked. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked as I pulled her back into my arms. "I- I gotta go." Lola said as she ran out the door. Cyrus and The stopped dancing and so did Andi and Amber. "What are you waiting for?" Tj asked. "Go after her." They all said together. So that's what I did, I ran after her. I saw her standing in front of the school. "Lola what's wrong? I asked. "Oh Jonah.." Lola started to say before she paused for a moment, took a deep breath then turned around to face me and continued.
"Jonah this has been the most perfect evening." Lola said. "I couldn't agree more." I said as I looked into Lola's eyes. "Jonah.." Lola said as she looked to the ground. "Yes?" I asked. "When I moved here and you asked if we had met.." Lola began to say. "We figured that out remember... I recanized you from your YouTube videos." I replied. "Jonah exactly how far back did you watch?" Lola asked. "Just this past year why?" I asked. "Because you're on my channel." Lola said. "How can that be?" I asked in shock. "You really don't remember... Do you?" Lola replied. "Remember what?" I asked looking confused. "I lived here before Jonah." Lola said. "That's impossible, I think I would have remembered meeting you." I replied. "Don't you remember meeting Marty?" Lola asked. I thought back to my childhood. "Now that you mention it... But Marty had a bother... named Alex.." I said. "Yes.. well you see I was Alex." Lola said. Just as Lola said that Andi, Buffy, Cyrus and The we're walking up to them. "Alex?" Andi asked in shock. Lola turned around. "Is that really you?" Buffy asked. "I'm finally me.. the real me." Lola said as she turned back to face me. "Please don't be mad at me.. I wanted to tell you all sooner.. but.." Lola said then paused for a moment. "She was scared." Marty said as he walked over. "Why were you scared?" I asked. "Yeah didn't you trust us?" Asked Andi. "We were friends years ago and still are." Buffy said. "I wanted to.. but so many years have passed that I didn't know if you were the same." Lola said. " It's my fault her walls were up." Marty said. "No don't do that to yourself Marty..." Lola replied. "It's true tho... If I hadn't had told my friend's that you were Trans the bullying would have never started." Marty replied. "The bullying started way before then Marty.." Lola replied back. "But it got so much worse after I outted you." Marty stated. "I'm sure you didn't mean for that to happen." I said. "I didn't... But I still blame myself.." Marty replied. "It's not your fault... Sure.. I also blamed you... But now I realize that it's the bully's fault not yours." Lola replied. "But.." Marty started to say. "No butt's, Lola's right." Buffy said. "Yeah and Morp isn't over yet so I say we all get back on the dance floor." Cyrus said. Andi, Buffy, Marty and Cyrus all started to head back inside. As Lola turned around to walk inside I grabbed her hand. "Lola.." I said. She turned around to face me. "Just so you know this doesn't change anything... I've still fallen for you." I said blushing. Lola blushed and said "I've fallen for you too." "Really?" I asked. Lola leaned in and kissed me. "Does that answer your question?" She asked. Then I leaned in and gave Lola a Kiss. "Yes it does." I replied.
As of right now Love Like This~Andi Mack is over unless you all want me to continue the story. It was originally just supposed to be Jonah's POV from Lola Meet's The Good Hair Crew~Andi Mack Fanfic and fill in some blank's that I forgot to add to that story. If you want me to continue please comment what you would like to see happen next and if you want it to stay in Jonah's POV.
Making a Jonah Beck Spiderman Fanfic with Lola Swan being his next door neighbor.

Jonah Beck has a secret..but will his girlfriend figure it out?
SPIDERMAN~ Jola The Spider Bite
My Name Is Jonah Beck I have Green eyes and brown hair. I have a Latina Girlfriend Named Lola Swan. She has Brown eyes and Brown hair But, she recently changed her hair color to Red. Today we have a class trip to a Science Lab so I'm hoping I get to sit with Lola on the bus. "Jonah are you excited for our class trip today?" Cyrus asked. "Yeah I am Cy." I replied back. "Underdog! Come sit by me!" Tj yelled to Cyrus. Cyrus ran over to Tj. "So Jonah, what are you looking forward to seeing on the trip?" Lola asked as she took a seat next to me. "Um.. I don't really know.. but I'll be taking pictures for the school paper." I replied. "I'm wondering if they have any flying vehicles." Andi said as she sat down in front of me. "Andi, I don't think that's possible." Buffy said as she sat down by Andi. "Why not? It's 2019.. anything is possible." Lola said. "That's true." Buffy replied.
*Time Skip*
This place was amazing. "Hey, Lola can I get a few pics of you by the spider's?" I asked. "Sure, to bad they aren't big.. like the ones in Harry Potter.. that would be cool." Lola replied. I started taking her picture. "Um.. Jonah.." Lola said. "Yes babe.." I replied as I took a few more pics. "You got a Spid-." Lola started to say before I let out a scream. Then I looked down at my had to see a spider was biting me so I killed it with my hand. "Are you ok?" Lola asked with a worried look on her face. "I think so.." I replied. "Come let's find an ice pack to put on that." As she grabbed my hand and took me to the teacher and explained what happened.